847 resultados para Child and teen audiences


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Tendo em consideração a importância da identificação das necessidades das famílias para organizar os recursos e os apoios no âmbito da intervenção centrada na família (Dunst, Trivette & Deal, 1994), o presente estudo tem como objetivos identificar e diferenciar as necessidades e prioridades das famílias de crianças com PEA apoiadas pela Intervenção Precoce. A amostra era constituída por 123 casais e respetivos filhos (116 do género masculino e 17 do género feminino) com PEA, PRC ou Síndrome de Asperger, e idades compreendidas entre os 3 e os 6 anos. As famílias eram oriundas de quatro zonas diferentes de Portugal. Foi utilizado o Inventário sobre as Necessidades e Prioridades da Família, a partir do qual nos foi possível verificar que existem diferenças entre as necessidades das famílias quanto às necessidades referentes à criança e quanto às referentes aos recursos existentes na comunidade. Também foram encontradas diferenças quando se compararam os pais e as mães, com estas a manifestarem maiores necessidades, e quando se compararam idades dos pais, com os mais novos a manifestarem maiores dificuldades. No que se refere à comparação entre níveis socioeconómicos e entre regiões geográficas de residência, os resultados não são tão conclusivos. O inventário parece, assim, ser adequado para identificar as necessidades e prioridades das famílias de crianças com PEA, facilitando a organização dos recursos e dos apoios.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo examinar um dos meios de prova oral do processo civil, que é o depoimento da criança. Diante da existência de uma certa resistência quanto à utilização e validade deste meio de prova, foram destacados argumentos de direito probatório favoráveis à tomada do depoimento infantil, como o direito à prova no sistema da prova livre e na vertente do direito de ação e defesa, além da necessária comparação com o processo penal e o destaque aos princípios da proteção integral e do superior interesse da criança, os quais foram reforçados por outros de natureza médico-psicológica, que visaram a destacar a capacidade cognitiva da criança em recordar fatos e relatá-los. Após a desconstrução do modelo de exclusão prévia do depoimento infantil, a dissertação abordou os modelos de proteção para a audição judicial da criança, para se evitar a vitimização secundária da criança e exposição desnecessária às partes, advogados e juízes. Neste particular, foram revisados os modelos inglês do closed-circuit television - CCTV e argentino da Câmara de Gesell como paradigmas para vários outros países, inclusive o Brasil que tem incentivado o depoimento sem dano. Em derradeiro, foi examinada a valoração desse depoimento da criança, tomando-se por base a justificação lógico-racional da prova consubstanciada nos módulos de constatação, ocasião em que foi possível sublinhar que a utilização dos modelos e métodos de inquirição protetivos culminam em maior credibilidade ao depoimento da criança no processo civil e proporcionam a descoberta de falsidade voluntária ou não. Também no tópico da valoração da prova, o conteúdo do depoimento infantil vai trazer maior confiança quando conjugado com elementos intrínsecos, como a coerência do discurso e a ausência de contradições, e extrínsecos, realizado na modalidade protetiva.


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The physical-activity and sporting at the child and the teenager is probably, in these years 2000, in full change. In a paradoxical way, extremely sporting children or teenagers are living beside extremely sedentary school-boys, neglecting the majority of the physical-activities and preferring a home-lifestyle. In the evaluation of overload sporting lesion of at teenager, it is thus imperative to take into account not only the individual characteristics of the child: its sex, its age, its stage of growth, its psychology, the presence or not of preexistent pathologies or anatomical disorders. It is naturally necessary to wonder about the training methods of the activity, but it appears fundamental to me to evaluate the child from a sensitivo-motor point of view and this can be carried out by assessments physio-therapeutic or aptitude tests carried out by doctors of the sport.


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Little is known about the risks associated with Trypanosoma cruzi infection in non-pregnant and pregnant women. From a limited number of studies it appears that in rural areas, parasite rates and rates of serological positivity are similar in both sexes. Abnormal ECG tracings are consistently more frequent in men suggesting that immunity to T. cruzi may be different in females. Complications arising from Chagas' disease in pregnancy are only infrequently reported. Evidence for increased risk of abortion or prematurity is inconclusive except in cases of congenital infection. Most cases of congenital Chagas' disease have been reported from non-endemic areas and there is a suggestion that parasitemic episodes during pregnancy may influence pregnancy outcome. Preliminary evidence indicates that chronic infection can result in in-utero sensitization via passively acquired maternal antibodies. The review concludes that maternal T. cruzi infection carries risks for the child and these warrant systematic research because of their public health significance.


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During the past twenty years, various instruments have been developed for the assessment of substance use in adolescents, mainly in the United States. However, few of them have been adapted to, and validated in, French-speaking populations. Consequently, although increasing alcohol and drug use among teenagers has become a major concern, the various health and social programs developed in response to this specific problem have received little attention with regard to follow-up and outcome assessment. A standardized multidimensional assessment instrument adapted for adolescents is needed to assess the individual needs of adolescents and assign them to the most appropriate treatment setting, to provide a single measurement within and across health and social systems, and to conduct treatment outcome evaluations. Moreover, having an available instrument makes it possible to develop longitudinal and transcultural research studies. For this reason, a French version of the Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis (ADAD) was developed and validated at the University Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic in Lausanne, Switzerland. This article aims to discuss the methodological issues that we faced when using the ADAD instrument in a 4-year longitudinal study including adolescent substance users. Methodological aspects relating to the content and format of the instrument, the assessment administration and the statistical analyses are discussed.


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Key Indicators of PSS for NI (2002)


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  Click here to download PDF 222KB Please scroll down for related documents   Related Documents: HSE National and Regional Progress Reports HSE – Key Deliverables 2009 – Report PDF 55KB HSE – National Report PDF 363KB HSE – Regional Report – Dublin Mid Leinster PDF 82KB HSE – Regional Report – Dublin North East PDF 89KB HSE – Regional Report – West PDF 91KB HSE – Regional Report -South PDF 152KB HSE Local Area Progress Reports HSE – Tipperay South PDF 395KB HSE – Tipperary North PDF 367KB HSE Sligo/Leitrim and West Cavan PDF 359KB HSE – Roscommon PDF 352KB HSE – Mayo PDF 338KB HSE – Louth/Meath PDF 525KB HSE – Limerick PDF 395KB HSE – Laois/Offaly PDF 366KB HSE – Kildare/West Wicklow PDF 317KB HSE – Galway West PDF 297KB HSE – Galway/Mayo and Roscommon Child and Adolescent PDF 59KB HSE – Galway East PDF 400KB HSE – Dun Laoghaire PDF 262KB HSE – Dublin West South West PDF 346KB HSE – Dublin South City PDF 361KB HSE – Dublin North PDF 371KB HSE – Dublin North West PDF 432KB HSE – Dublin North – Dublin Central & part of NW Dublin – Child and Adolescent PDF 53KB HSE – Dublin North Central PDF 341KB HSE – Donegal PDF 485KB HSE – Cork West PDF 424KB HSE – Cork South Lee PDF 469KB HSE – Cork North PDF 423KB HSE – Cavan/Monaghan PDF 371KB HSE – Carlow/Kilkenny PDF 451KB Progress Reports from Government Departments Department of Community Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs PDF 20KB Department of Education and Science PDF 121KB Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment PDF 25KB Department of Environment Heritage and Local Government PDF 47KB Department of Health and Children PDF 50KB Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform PDF 19KB Department of Social and Family Affairs PDF 27KB Submissions Received by the IMG Amnesty International Ireland submission PDF 87KB Association of Occupational Therapists submission PDF 81KB College of Psychiatry of Ireland submission PDF 21KB Disability Federation of Ireland submission PDF 81KB Health Research Board submission PDF 24KB Inclusion Ireland submission PDF 18KB Independent Mental Health Sevice Providers submission PDF 82KB Irish Association of Consultants in Psychiatry of Old Age submission PDF 37KB Irish College of General Practitioners submission PDF 25KB Irish Hospital Consultancts Association submission PDF 155KB Irish Medical Organisation submission PDF 63KB Irish Mental Health Coalition submission PDF 90KB Mental Health Commission submission PDF 64KB Mental Health Nurse Managers submission PDF 206KB National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery submission PDF 67KB National Disability Authority submission PDF 49KB National Service Users Executive submission PDF 28KB Neurobehaviour Clinic – National Rehabilitation Hospital submission PDF 24KB Neurological Alliance of Ireland submission PDF 20KB


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Sixth Annual Report of the Independent Monitoring Group for A Vision for Change – the Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy – July 2012 This is the 6th Annual Report of the Independent Monitoring Group for A Vision for Change (IMG) and the final report of the Second Group. It is clear to the IMG that the implementation of A Vision for Change (AVFC) to date including 2011 has been slow and inconsistent. There is a continued absence of a National Mental Health Service Directorate with authority and control of resources. Such a body has the potential to give strong corporate leadership and act as a catalyst for change. Click here to download HSE National and Regional Progress ReportsHSE – 6th Annual Report HSE – National and Regional Progress Report Progress Reports from Government DepartmentsDepartment of Children and Youth AffairsDepartment of Education and SkillsDepartment of Health Department of Justice and Equality Department of Social ProtectionDepartment of Environment, Community & Local Government National Mental Health Programme Plan Consultation Document What We Heard Submissions Received by the IMGAmnesty International Ireland submission Association of Occupational Therapists submission College of Psychiatry of Ireland submissionCollege of Psychiatry of Ireland – Press Release regarding Social Psychiatry and Recovery Conference College of Psychiatry of Ireland – regarding Psychotherapy Training for Psychiatric TraineesCollege of Psychiatry of Ireland – regarding relationship with Pharmaceutical Industry College of Psychiatry of Ireland – Mental Health in Primary CareDisability Federation of IrelandHealth Research Board submission Irish Association of Social Workers – Adult Mental Health Irish Association of Social Workers – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Irish College of General PractitionersMental Health CommissionMental Health ReformPharmaceutical Society of IrelandIrish Advocacy Network Childrens Mental Health CoalitionNational Disability AuthorityNational Service Users ExecutiveNational Service Users Executive – Second Opinions ReportNational Federation of Voluntary BodiesHeadstrong  


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From May to August 1999, we evaluated 401 patients from a pediatric hospital of Havana City. One group was composed of 113 patients with diarrhea admitted to the Gastroenterology ward and a second consisted of 288 patients without diarrhea, admitted for other reasons, and hospitalized within the same time period. Three stool samples were collected from each child and were examined using three parasitological techniques. When we compared the frequency of parasite species between both groups, we found Cryptosporidium spp. and Cyclospora cayetanensis, only in the group of children with diarrhea (P < 0.01). However, no significant differences were found in the occurrence of the other intestinal parasites (P > 0.05). In addition, in those children infected with Cryptosporidium, the diarrhea had a more prolonged duration (P < 0.01), while those infected with Cyclospora, the abdominal cramps or pain, and acute diarrhea were more frequently detected (P < 0.01). Our results showed that emerging intestinal coccidia are pathogens strongly associated in this group of children with diarrhea.


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An independent and detailed expert analysis of a decade of reforms (published 25 February) takes up the challenge made by Peter Mandelson in 1997 to “judge us after ten years of success in office. For one of the fruits of that success will be that Britain has become a more equal society.����”Commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the study, by a team led by LSE’s Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, shows sharp contrasts between different policy areas. Notable success stories include reductions in child and pensioner poverty, improved education outcomes for the poorest children and schools, and narrowing economic and other divides between deprived and other areas.But health inequalities continued to widen, gaps in incomes between the very top and very bottom grew, and poverty increased for working-age people without children.����In several policy areas there was a marked contrast between the first half of the New Labour period and the second half, when progress has slowed or even stalled.John Hills, one of the leaders of study, said, “Whether Britain has moved towards becoming a ‘more equal society’ depends on what you look at, and when. Where clear initiatives were taken, results followed. But as the growth of living standards slowed, even well before the recession, and public finances tightened, momentum seems to have been lost in several key areas.”Kitty Stewart added, “The government can take heart from achievements such as the reduction in child poverty up to 2004.����Recent data show that by then, child well-being in the UK had begun to move up the European league table from its dismal showing at the start of the decade that formed the basis of UNICEF’s damning 2007 report. But even with improved figures, Britain was still left with one of the highest rates of child poverty out of the 15 original EU members, and the latest figures show it had increased again by 2006/7.”����The study concludes that the decade from 1997 was favourable to an egalitarian agenda in several ways: the economy grew continuously; the government had large majorities and aspired to create more equality; and public attitudes surveys suggested pent-up demand for more public expenditure. But that environment now looks very uncertain, not just in the near future, but also in the longer term.����Fiscal pressures from an ageing society could further constrain resources available for redistribution, and public attitudes towards the benefit system have hardened while support for redistribution has declined.Hills added, “The 1980s and 1990s showed that hoping that rapid growth in living standards at the top would ‘trickle down’ to those at the bottom did not work.����The period since 1997 has shown that gains are possible through determined interventions, but they require intensive and continuous effort to be sustained.”JRF Chief Executive Julia Unwin added, “We know the potential impact the deepening recession will have on those already living in poverty. This book provides an important, timely and comprehensive assessment of where we are and what remains to be done.”


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School Attendance / Truancy Report. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland. Schools are obliged to keep a register of the students attending the school. They must also maintain attendance records for all students and inform the Child and Family Agency's educational welfare services if a child is absent for more than 20 days in a school year.


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The skeletal remains of 17 people buried in the Eaton Ferry Cemetery in northern North Carolina provide a means of examining health and infectious disease experience in the XIX century South. The cemetery appears to contain the remains of African Americans enslaved on the Eaton family estate from approximately 1830-1850, and thus offers a window into the biological impacts of North American slavery in the years preceding the Civil War. The sample includes the remains of six infants, one child, and one young and nine mature adults (five men, four women, and one unknown). Skeletal indices used to characterize health and disease in the Eaton Ferry sample include dental caries, antemortem tooth loss, enamel hypoplasia, porotic hyperostosis, periosteal lesions, lytic lesions, and stature. These indicators reveal a cumulative picture of compromised health, including high rates of dental disease, childhood growth disruption, and infectious disease. Specific diseases identified in the sample include tuberculosis and congenital syphilis. Findings support previous research on the health impacts of slavery, which has shown that infants and children were the most negatively impacted segment of the enslaved African American population.


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During the past twenty years, various instruments have been developed for the assessment of substance use in adolescents, mainly in the United States. However, few of them have been adapted to, and validated in, French-speaking populations. Consequently, although increasing alcohol and drug use among teenagers has become a major concern, the various health and social programs developed in response to this specific problem have received little attention with regard to follow-up and outcome assessment. A standardized multidimensional assessment instrument adapted for adolescents is needed to assess the individual needs of adolescents and assign them to the most appropriate treatment setting, to provide a single measurement within and across health and social systems, and to conduct treatment outcome evaluations. Moreover, having an available instrument makes it possible to develop longitudinal and trans-cultural research studies. For this reason, a French version of the Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis (ADAD) was developed and validated at the University Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic in Lausanne, Switzerland. This paper aims to discuss the methodological issues that we faced when using the ADAD instrument in a 4-year longitudinal study including adolescent substance users. Methodological aspects relating to the content and format of the instrument, the assessment administration and the statistical analyses are discussed.


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Els objectius d'aquest treball es concreten en les aportacions que es poden fer des de la psicopedagogia per a definir els criteris que han de guiar el procés d'elaboració del currículum de les TIC en l'ensenyament obligatori i en la manera com el psicopedagog col·labora en aquesta tasca amb altres professionals (tècnics i docents). Així, concretant més les meves intencions, la tasca per a aquest pràcticum consistirà en la revisió de diferents models curriculars sobre les TIC (models d'altres països i propostes parcials dels PCC d'alguns centres d'educació primària de Catalunya), analitzant-los des del punt de vista psicopedagògic i segons un model constructivista de l'ensenyament i de l'aprenentatge, per tal d'arribar a la proposta d'un model propi emmarcat en els principis del currículum prescriptiu marcat per la LOGSE, referits a educació infantil i primària.