890 resultados para Catholic charismatic renovation


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In this paper we present: 1. The available data on comparative gender inequality at themacroeconomic level and 2. Gender inequality measures at the microeconomic and case studylevel. We see that market openness has a significant effect on the narrowing of the human capitalgender gap. Globalization and market openness stand as factors that improve both the humancapital endowments of women and their economic position. But we also see that the effects ofculture and religious beliefs are very different. While Catholicism has a statistically significantinfluence on the improvement of the human capital gender gap, Muslim and Buddhist religiousbeliefs have the opposite effect and increase human capital gender differences.In the second global era, some Catholic Latin American countries benefited from market opennessin terms of the human capital and income gender gap, whereas we find the opposite impact inBuddhist and Muslim countries like China and South Korea where women s economic positionhas worsened in terms of human capital and wage inequality.


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Background: There is little information regarding risk perception and attitudes on morphine use in Switzerland. Objectives: We aimed at assessing such attitudes in a sample of health professionals in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Study design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: five non-university hospitals of the French-speaking canton of Valais, Switzerland. Methods: 431 nurses and 40 physicians (age range: 20-63). Risk perception and attitudes towards morphine use were assessed using a validated questionnaire. Results: Over half of participants showed a negative attitude regarding most adverse events related to morphine, while less than one third showed a similar attitude regarding other statements. On bivariate analyses, participants working in geriatrics showed a more negative attitude towards use of morphine than participants working in medicine and surgery. Non-Swiss participants also showed a more negative attitude than Swiss regarding use of morphine. Conversely, no differences were found between genders, profession (nurses or physicians), years of experience (<=14 and >14) and religion (catholic vs. others/no religion). These findings were further confirmed by multivariate adjustment. Limitations: possible selection bias due to responders only. Results limited to French speaking participants. Conclusion: Attitudes regarding morphine uses are mainly driven by its potential adverse effects and vary according to specialty and nationality. Educational measures directed at health professionals working in geriatrics or coming from abroad might reduce the high morphinophobia levels observed in these groups.


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The paper explores an efficiency hypothesis regarding the contractual process between large retailers, such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour, and their suppliers. The empirical evidence presented supports the idea that large retailers play a quasi-judicial role, acting as "courts of first instance" in their relationships with suppliers. In this role, large retailers adjust the terms of trade to on-going changes and sanction performance failures, sometimes delaying payments. A potential abuse of their position is limited by the need for re-contracting and preserving their reputations. Suppliers renew their confidence in their retailers on a yearly basis, through writing new contracts. This renovation contradicts the alternative hypothesis that suppliers are expropriated by large retailers as a consequence of specific investments.


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This document is intended to lay the foundation for resource reduction strategies in new construction, renovation and demolition. If you have an innovative idea or information that you believe should be included in future updates of this manual please email Shelly Codner at scodner@region12cog.org or Jan Loyson at Jan.Loyson@Iowalifechanging.com. Throughout this manual, we use the term “waste reduction” to define waste management initiatives that will result in less waste going to the landfill. In accordance with the waste management hierarchy these practices include reducing (waste prevention), reusing (deconstruction and salvage), recycling and renewing (making old things new again) - in that order. This manual will explain what these practices are and how to incorporate them into your projects.


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Objetivo del artículo es reflexionar sobre el llamado «escándalo del Putumayo» estallado en la primera década del siglo XX, en la región objeto de litigio fronterizo entre Perú y Colombia. La denuncia en la prensa internacional de la explotación de los indígenas amazónicos hecha por la empresa «Peruvian Amazon Company», de la que el principal accionista fue el cauchero Julio C. Arana, presentó la región como un nuevo «Congo peruano» y provocó la intervención de Gran Bretaña, Perú, el Vaticano, Colombia y el propio Arana. A partir de repositorios documentales de la cancillería peruana, de los archivos de la Santa Sede, de la folletística y bibliografía publicada por las partes involucradas se plantea una reflexión sobre el escándalo, incidiendo en los argumentos sostenidos por las partes, en particular la peruanización de la región, defendida por Arana y el gobierno peruano.


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The Department’s recommendation for closure and consolidation is based on an analysis of the existing programs, persons served, physical plant costs, expenses and renovation/infrastructure costs for relocation, and review of the draft report from the MHI Task Force. Further detail surrounding the analysis used to drive the recommendation is found under the Recommendations section, beginning on page 12 of this report. In response to the legislative requirement to recommend closure and consolidation of an MHI, the Department recommends the closure of the Mount Pleasant Mental Health Institute with consolidation of its programs and operational beds at the Independence Mental Health Institute. With this recommendation, Independence MHI will add beds to accommodate the 15 adult psychiatric beds, 14 dual diagnosis beds, and 50 substance abuse treatment beds now located at the Mount Pleasant MHI. This relocation will take an estimated six months from the time statutory authority and corresponding appropriations are received.


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"IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID", BUT CHARISMA MATTERS TOO: A DUAL PROCESS MODEL OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OUTCOMES. ABSTRACT Because charisma is assumed to be an important determinant of effective leadership, the extent to which a presidential nominee is more charismatic than his opponent should be an important determinant of voter choices. We computed a composite measure of the rhetorical richness of acceptances speeches given by U.S. presidential candidates at their national party convention. We added this marker of charisma to Ray C. Fair's presidential vote-share equation (1978; 2009). We theorized that voters decide using psychological attribution (i.e., due to macroeconomics and incumbency) as well as inferential processes (i.e., due to leader charismatic behavior) when voting. Controlling for the macro-level variables and incumbency in the Fair model, our results indicated that difference between nominees' charisma is a significant determinant of electoral success, particularly in close elections. This extended model significantly improves the precision of the Fair model and correctly predicts 23 out of the last 24 U.S. presidential elections. Paper 2: IT CEO LEADERSHIP, CORPORATE SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE. ABSTRACT We investigated whether CEO leadership predicted corporate financial performance (CFP) and corporate social performance (CSP). Using longitudinal data on 258 CEOs from 117 firms across 19 countries and 10 industry sectors, we found that determinants of CEO leadership (i.e., implicit motives) significantly predicted both CFP and CSP. As expected, the most consistent positive predictor was Responsibility Disposition when interacting with n (need for) Power. n Achievement and n Affiliation were generally negatively related or unrelated to outcomes. CSP was positively related to accounting measures of CFP. Our findings suggest that executive leader characteristics have important consequences for corporate level outcomes. Paper 3. PUNISHING THE POWERFUL: ATTRIBUTIONS OF BLAME AND LEADERSHIP ABSTRACT We propose that individuals are more lenient in attributing blame to leaders than to nonleaders. We advance a motivational explanation building on the perspective of punishment and on system justification theory. We conducted two scenario experiments which supported our proposition. In study 1, wrongdoer leader status was negatively related to blame and the perceived seriousness of the wrongdoing. In study 2, controlling for the Big-Five personality factor and individual differences in moral evaluation (i.e., moral foundations), wrongdoer leader status was negatively related with desired severity of punishment, and fair punishments were perceived as more just for non-leaders than for leaders.


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Le pentecôtisme a fait du miracle le coeur de sa théologie et l'élément central de ses activités d'évangélisation. Le catholicisme, par contre, a toujours voulu contrôler l'ensemble des déclarations de manifestations divines. Apparitions et guérisons miraculeuses ont donc systématiquement, et de plus en plus, été soumises à de lentes et rigoureuses procédures d'authentification. Les pentecôtistes voient Dieu comme un être extérieur qui surgit sur la terre pour chasser le mal qui l'envahit. Tous les convertis ont donc droit à la libération et personne ne doit accepter sagement la souffrance. Or, les pèlerins catholiques que nous avons étudiés ne partagent pas ces convictions pentecôtistes. Dieu agit de l'intérieur, non pas en les délivrant, mais en les soutenant dans leurs épreuves quotidiennes. Rare et peu recherchée, la guérison physique cède la place à la guérison spirituelle, accessible à tous. Il nous semble que ces deux types de représentations placent les fidèles dans des dispositions d'esprit très divergentes suscitant, dans un cas ou dans l'autre, des espoirs adaptés à la capacité du groupe à produire des miracles. Pentecostalism placed miracles at the centre of its theology as a key element of its evangelization activities. Catholicism, on the other hand, has always tried to control all declarations of divine demonstrations. Miraculous appearances and recoveries have been more and more systematically subjected to slow and rigorous procedures of verification. The Pentecostals see God as an external force which manifests itself on earth to drive out the evil which invades it. All believers have the right to be free from evil, and nobody should have to accept pain meekly. But the Catholic pilgrims we studied do not share these Pentecostal convictions. God acts from inside, not by delivering them but by supporting them in their daily tests. Physical recovery is rare and not very sought after so it takes second place to spiritual recovery which is accessible to everyone. It seems to us that these two types of representation place believers in very divergent frames of mind giving rise, in one group or the other, to hopes that correspond to the group's capacity to produce miracles.


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This study investigates the role of human agency in the gene flow and geographical distribution of the Australian baobab, Adansonia gregorii. The genus Adansonia is a charismatic tree endemic to Africa, Madagascar, and northwest Australia that has long been valued by humans for its multiple uses. The distribution of genetic variation in baobabs in Africa has been partially attributed to human-mediated dispersal over millennia, but this relationship has never been investigated for the Australian species. We combined genetic and linguistic data to analyse geographic patterns of gene flow and movement of word-forms for A. gregorii in the Aboriginal languages of northwest Australia. Comprehensive assessment of genetic diversity showed weak geographic structure and high gene flow. Of potential dispersal vectors, humans were identified as most likely to have enabled gene flow across biogeographic barriers in northwest Australia. Genetic-linguistic analysis demonstrated congruence of gene flow patterns and directional movement of Aboriginal loanwords for A. gregorii. These findings, along with previous archaeobotanical evidence from the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, suggest that ancient humans significantly influenced the geographic distribution of Adansonia in northwest Australia.


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Lorsqu'il est amené à témoigner de sa conversion, le membre d'une assemblée pentecôtiste insiste avant tout sur la dimension personnelle de son choix de vie et sur les manifestations divines qui l'ont encouragées et qui l'encouragent encore chaque jour dans cette voie. Avoir fait l'expérience personnelle de l'agir divin est un élément constitutif de tout récit de conversion. Cet article, basée sur des recherches doctorales menées auprès de deux assemblées pentecôtistes de l'Est de la France, cherche à mettre en évidence que cette relation personnelle et intime entre le fidèle et son créateur se construit dans le cadre communautaire : à travers l'harmonisation des récits de conversion et la structuration des réunions de prières assurant par les manifestations charismatiques la mise en présence de l'Esprit Saint au sein de la communauté des fidèles. C'est en effet sur une validation communautaire que reposent en partie les convictions individuelles. When he has to testify of his conversion, the member of a Pentecostal assembly insists above all on the personal dimension of his choice of life and on the divine intervention which has encouraged him and which will encourage him in his everyday life in this way. The personal experience of God's action is a constituent element of any narrative of conversion. This article, based on my PhD researches carried on with two Pentecostal assemblies located in the east of France, tries to highlight that this personal and intimate relation between the believer and his creator is built in the community framework : harmonization of the narratives of conversion, structuralization of the meetings of prayers and charismatic interventions of the Holy Spirit within the community of the believers. Individual convictions are partly based and validated by the community.


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This work is divided into two distinct sections which largely reflected my contributions to the First International Seminar Lima developed at the Pontifical Catholic University of Lima in August 2010.The first section summarizes the process of making the city that are the essence of so-called Barcelona model and have achieved, in terms of strategic planning, Barcelona to be ¿on the map¿ of international best practice in urban design and public art The second section develops the issue of citizen participation in the process of making the city, from the experiences that our research center has launched in the neighborhoods of La Mina and Baró de Viver.


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L'étude présentée dans cet ouvrage offre pour la première fois en Suisse une perspective sociologique empirique et générale sur les organisations religieuses locales. Vu sous cet angle, le fait religieux se manifeste d'abord, comme le précisaient déjà Weber ou Durkheim, par l'existence de communautés de tailles et de profils divers, tant dans l'espace rural qu'urbain. En Suisse, 5'734 paroisses et groupes religieux ont pu être dénombrés en 2008. Ce recensement permet de souligner la prégnance institutionnelle des Eglises historiques, mais également l'émergence d'une plus forte pluralité religieuse, particulièrement en milieu urbain. La sociologie des organisations que propose cette étude permet de jeter un éclairage nouveau sur les effets de la sécularisation (baisse des membres et de la pratique) et de la pluralisation (diversification des confessions et traditions religieuses). L'analyse des différences et des similitudes organisationnelles selon les traditions religieuses fait apparaître un positionnement social des groupes en fonction de statuts acquis au cours de l'histoire. Les théories classiques - par exemple à pro- pos des relations entre statuts sociaux des membres et groupes d'appartenance, des types d'autorités religieuses ou encore des différences entre Eglise et Secte - sont revisitées, précisées ou reformulées grâce à des données quantitatives originales et représentatives du champ religieux suisse. -- The study presented in this book for the first time in Switzerland offers a broad empirical and sociological perspective on local religious organizations. From this perspective, religion appears first, as already observed by Weber and Durkheim, through communities regardless of their various profiles. In Switzerland, 5,734 parishes and religious groups have been identified by a national census in 2008. The book underlines the institutional salience of historical churches (Reformed and Roman Catholic) but also the emerging religious plurality, particularly in urban areas. This study sheds a new light upon the effects of secularization (lower limbs and practice) and pluralisation (diversification of religious denominations and traditions) in the organizational field. The analysis of differences and similarities between religious traditions shows a social positioning of the local groups according to the statutes acquired in history. The classical theories − e.g. about the relationship between social status of members and membership groups, types of religious authorities or differences between Church and Sect − are revisited, clarified or reformulated based on an original and representative quantitative data of the Swiss religious field.


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ABSTRACT: The 26th annual meeting of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer took place in Bethesda on November 4 to 6, 2011 and was organized by Charles G. Drake (Johns Hopkins University) Dolores J. Schendel (Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen - German Research Center for Environmental Health Institute of Molecular Immunology), Jeffrey Schlom (National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health), and Jedd D. Wolchok (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center). It was an event marked by a number of extraordinary circumstances: it attracted a record attendance of 805 participants from 24 different countries. The gathering came in the wake of great as well as very sad news for the tumor immunology community. Good news included the approval of anti-CTLA-4 as a therapy for metastatic melanoma in April and the announcement in early October of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine awarded to pioneering studies in the field of immunology. Indeed, one part of the prize went to Dr. Bruce Beutler, Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA and Dr. Jules Hoffman, Institute for Molecular Cell Biology, Strasbourg, France, for their discoveries in innate immunity and the other part to Dr. Ralph Steinman, The Rockfeller University, New York, for his discovery of dendritic cells. Sad news was the losses of two giants in the field. Jürg Tschopp of the University of Lausanne in March and Ralph Steinman, who passed away just three days before his Nobel Prize announcement. The loss of these two charismatic scientific leaders was particularly sad for the Annual Meeting as both J. Tschopp and R. Steinman were confirmed speakers at this meeting: the former to deliver the keynote lecture and the latter as recipient of the Richard V. Smalley prize.


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Hibernia is mostly a memory today as is so many immigrant neighborhoods. However, there are several guideposts to the past that still witness to the history of years gone by, such as St. Patrick's Church, a beacon reflecting the Irish Catholic heritage. Murray Iron Works and the Embalming Burial Case Company and the worker's homes on the surrounding streets witness to the industrial/employee relationship of the past.