989 resultados para Carr, Nicholas
Neuroticism is a moderately heritable personality trait considered to be a risk factor for developing major depression, anxiety disorders and dementia. We performed a genome-wide association study in 2,235 participants drawn from a population-based study of neuroticism, making this the largest association study for neuroticism to date. Neuroticism was measured by the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. After Quality Control, we analysed 430,000 autosomal SNPs together with an additional 1.2 million SNPs imputed with high quality from the Hap Map CEU samples. We found a very small effect of population stratification, corrected using one principal component, and some cryptic kinship that required no correction. NKAIN2 showed suggestive evidence of association with neuroticism as a main effect (p < 10(-6)) and GPC6 showed suggestive evidence for interaction with age (p approximately = 10(-7)). We found support for one previously-reported association (PDE4D), but failed to replicate other recent reports. These results suggest common SNP variation does not strongly influence neuroticism. Our study was powered to detect almost all SNPs explaining at least 2% of heritability, and so our results effectively exclude the existence of loci having a major effect on neuroticism.
Magnetization, heat capacity, and neutron diffraction experiments on the beta-phase of the dithiadiazolyl radical, p-NC.C6F4.CNSSN., provide conclusive evidence that this system exhibits noncollinear antiferromagnetism at 35.5 K, an unprecedented temperature for an organic radical. On the basis of magnetization and powder neutron diffraction results, coupled with theoretical calculations of the spin distribution within the molecule, a magnetic structure for this compound is proposed in which the interactions propagate through S . . .N contacts.
O artigo examina as disposições educacionais nas Leis Orgânicas dos 92 municípios fluminenses e constata que elas apresentam pouca originalidade, pois são principalmente cópias das Constituições Federal e Estadual do Rio de Janeiro e de modelos fornecidos por consultorias legislativas ou partidos políticos. Observa que a maioria contém as mesmas formulações e os mesmos equívocos das Constituições e que existem as que até copiam errado artigos dos textos base, o que provavelmente não ocorreria se os vereadores tivessem elaborado as leis de maneira autônoma. Algumas Leis Orgânicas apresentam, contudo, contribuições originais, tanto positivas (aumento do percentual mínimo da receita orçamentária municipal para a educação) quanto negativas (redução desse percentual através de emendas). O estudo mostra como é frágil o exercício concreto da autonomia municipal na elaboração dessas leis em uma perspectiva democrática e como é ilusória a ideia de muitos que no âmbito local o exercício da cidadania é mais fácil
O artigo analisa os procedimentos adotados pelo Tribunal de Contas de Minas Gerais para verificar as receitas e despesas vinculadas à educação, com base nas instruções normativas e relatórios sobre contas estaduais. Constataram-se equívocos, oscilação, omissão e falta de clareza na definição dessas receitas e despesas; pouca consistência e, portanto, falta de confiabilidade de dados de relatórios sobre contas estaduais. A análise da documentação permite concluir que a educação pública perdeu e, provavelmente, ainda perde muitos recursos legalmente devidos, embora a contabilização e fiscalização corretas pelo Tribunal também não garantam nada, pois os governos não parecem muito preocupados em cumprir as determinações.
Body fat distribution, particularly centralized obesity, is associated with metabolic risk above and beyond total adiposity. We performed genome-wide association of abdominal adipose depots quantified using computed tomography (CT) to uncover novel loci for body fat distribution among participants of European ancestry. Subcutaneous and visceral fat were quantified in 5,560 women and 4,997 men from 4 population-based studies. Genome-wide genotyping was performed using standard arrays and imputed to ~2.5 million Hapmap SNPs. Each study performed a genome-wide association analysis of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), visceral adipose tissue (VAT), VAT adjusted for body mass index, and VAT/SAT ratio (a metric of the propensity to store fat viscerally as compared to subcutaneously) in the overall sample and in women and men separately. A weighted z-score meta-analysis was conducted. For the VAT/SAT ratio, our most significant p-value was rs11118316 at LYPLAL1 gene (p = 3.1 × 10E-09), previously identified in association with waist-hip ratio. For SAT, the most significant SNP was in the FTO gene (p = 5.9 × 10E-08). Given the known gender differences in body fat distribution, we performed sex-specific analyses. Our most significant finding was for VAT in women, rs1659258 near THNSL2 (p = 1.6 × 10-08), but not men (p = 0.75). Validation of this SNP in the GIANT consortium data demonstrated a similar sex-specific pattern, with observed significance in women (p = 0.006) but not men (p = 0.24) for BMI and waist circumference (p = 0.04 [women], p = 0.49 [men]). Finally, we interrogated our data for the 14 recently published loci for body fat distribution (measured by waist-hip ratio adjusted for BMI); associations were observed at 7 of these loci. In contrast, we observed associations at only 7/32 loci previously identified in association with BMI; the majority of overlap was observed with SAT. Genome-wide association for visceral and subcutaneous fat revealed a SNP for VAT in women. More refined phenotypes for body composition and fat distribution can detect new loci not previously uncovered in large-scale GWAS of anthropometric traits.
This study tested for the measurement equivalence of a four-factor measure of career indecision (Career Indecision Profile-65 [CIP-65]) between a U.S. sample and two international samples; one composed of French-speaking young adults from France and Switzerland and the other of Italian ado- lescents. Previous research had supported the four-factor structure of the CIP-65 in both the United States and Iceland but also showed that items on two of the four scales may be interpreted differently by young adults growing up in these two countries. This study extends previous research by testing whether the four CIP-65 factors are measured equivalently in two additional international samples. Results largely supported the configural and metric invariance of the CIP-65 in the United States and international samples, but several scales showed a lack of scalar invariance. Some explanations are offered for these findings along with suggestions for future research and implications for practice.
Background: Interventions designed to increase workplace physical activity may not automatically reduce high volumes of sitting, a behaviour independently linked to chronic diseases such as obesity and type II diabetes. This study compared the impact two different walking strategies had on step counts and reported sitting times. Methods: Participants were white-collar university employees (n = 179; age 41.3 ± 10.1 years; 141 women), who volunteered and undertook a standardised ten-week intervention at three sites. Preintervention step counts (Yamax SW-200) and self-reported sitting times were measured over five consecutive workdays. Using pre-intervention step counts, employees at each site were randomly allocated to a control group (n = 60; maintain normal behaviour), a route-based walking group (n = 60; at least 10 minutes sustained walking each workday) or an incidental walking group (n = 59; walking in workday tasks). Workday step counts and reported sitting times were re-assessed at the beginning, mid- and endpoint of intervention and group mean± SD steps/day and reported sitting times for pre-intervention and intervention measurement points compared using a mixed factorial ANOVA; paired sample-t-tests were used for follow-up, simple effect analyses. Results: A significant interactive effect (F = 3.5; p < 0.003) was found between group and step counts. Daily steps for controls decreased over the intervention period (-391 steps/day) and increased for route (968 steps/day; t = 3.9, p < 0.000) and incidental (699 steps/day; t = 2.5, p < 0.014) groups. There were no significant changes for reported sitting times, but average values did decrease relative to the control (routes group = 7 minutes/day; incidental group = 15 minutes/day). Reductions were most evident for the incidental group in the first week of intervention, where reported sitting decreased by an average of 21 minutes/day (t = 1.9; p < 0.057). Conclusion: Compared to controls, both route and incidental walking increased physical activity in white-collar employees. Our data suggests that workplace walking, particularly through incidental movement, also has the potential to decrease employee sitting times, but there is a need for on-going research using concurrent and objective measures of sitting, standing and walking.
Background: This paper aimed to use the Delphi technique to develop a consensus framework for a multinational, workplace walking intervention. Methods: Ideas were gathered and ranked from eight recognized and emerging experts in the fields of physical activity and health, from universities in Australia, Canada, England, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, and Spain. Members of the panel were asked to consider the key characteristics of a successful campus walking intervention. Consensus was reached by an inductive, content analytic approach, conducted through an anonymous, three-round, e-mail process. Results: The resulting framework consisted of three interlinking themes defined as “design, implementation, and evaluation.” Top-ranked subitems in these themes included the need to generate research capacity (design), to respond to group needs through different walking approaches (implementation), and to undertake physical activity assessment (evaluation). Themes were set within an underpinning domain, referred to as the “institution” and sites are currently engaging with subitems in this domain, to provide sustainable interventions that reflect the practicalities of local contexts and needs. Conclusions: Findings provide a unique framework for designing, implementing, and evaluating walking projects in universities and highlight the value of adopting the Delphi technique for planning international, multisite health initiatives.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características de carcaça, de cordeiros mantidos em pastagem de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) manejada em diferentes alturas (5, 10, 15 e 20 cm), sob lotação contínua com carga variável, no período de agosto a novembro de 1999. Utilizou-se um delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, e as variáveis estudadas foram submetidas à análise de regressão. Os pesos de abate, carcaça quente, filé mignon, paleta e costela diferiram entre os tratamentos e foram inferiores no tratamento relativo à altura de manejo de 5 cm, quando comparados aos tratamentos de 10, 15 e 20 cm, que não diferiram entre si. Não houve diferença entre tratamentos para os pesos de pernil e de carré. O rendimento de carcaça variou entre 42,8±0,29 e 44,1±0,32%. Todas as variáveis apresentaram relação quadrática com os tratamentos. O ganho médio diário influenciou diretamente o peso de abate que, por sua vez, correlacionou fortemente com o rendimento e o peso da carcaça. Os resultados mostram que os melhores rendimentos dos cortes comerciais de cordeiros são obtidos quando a pastagem de azevém é manejada no intervalo entre 12 e 14 cm de altura.
Summary SLAM (signalling lymphocyte activation molecule, CD150) serves as a cellular receptor for different morbiliviruses, including measles virus and canine distemper virus. Laboratory cell lines that do not express dog SLAM are therefore quite refractory to infection by wildtype CDV. SLAM expression is not only required for CDV virion attachment, but also for the establishment of cytolytic infection characterized by syncytia formation. In order to determine if SLAM has a direct influence on CDV replication, we compared wild-type and mutated SLAM variants for their capacity to influence viral polymerase activity and syncytia formation. Deletion of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based signalling motif (ITSM) in the cytoplasmic tail of SLAM did not seem to influence viral replication, viral polymerase activity or cell-to cell fusion. Instead, it was the level of cell surface expression of SLAM, which was important. Additional experiments corroborated the importance of SLAM for efficient cell-to cell fusion: Both SLAM, as well as viral fusion (F) and attachment (H) glycoproteins, were found to be required for efficient cell-to-cell fusion, which, in turn, enhanced the activity of the viral polymerase and, viral replication. Wild-type A75/17 canine distemper virus (CDV) strain is known to induce a persistent infection in the central nervous system and in dog footpad keratinocytes in vivo. Recently, it has been shown that the A75/17 virus could also infect canine footpad keratinocytes (CFKs) in vitro. CFK infection with A75/17 was initially inefficient and produced very little virus progeny, however, after only three passages the adapted virus produced more progeny and induced limited syncytia formation. Sequence comparison between the A75/17 and the CFKadapted A75/17-K virus revealed three amino acid differences, one in the phosphoprotein (P), one in the matrix protein (M) and one in the H protein. In order to identify viral determinants of A75/17-K adaptation, recombinant viruses containing one, two or three nucleotides substitutions were analyzed. The amino acid substitution in the M protein was without effect on viral particle formation. In contrast, the amino acid substitution in the cytoplasmic tail of H protein was clearly important for syncytia formation. Concerning the mutation in the P protein, it led to an increase in viral replication. However, we cannot rule out that the observed effect is due to the amino acid substitutions in the overlapping accessory proteins C and V, also affected by the P mutation. The adaptation of wild-type CDV strains to cell culture almost always involves modifications of M protein. In order to understand the influence of these modifications, we tested recombinant A75/17 viruses bearing different M proteins. Preliminary results demonstrated that the M protein from the Vero-adapted strain reduced syncytia formation. Future studies will focus on the M mRNA and protein stability, its expression level, localisation and its effect on viral particles formation and on the phenotype of infection. Résumé La protéine SLAM (signalling lymphocyte activation molecule ou CD150) est utilisée comme récepteur cellulaire par les morbillivirus parmi lesquels on trouve le virus de la rougeole (VR) ainsi que le virus de la maladie de Carré (CDV). Les lignées cellulaires qui n'expriment pas la protéine SLAM du chien à leur surface sont réfractaires à l'infection par les souches sauvages de CDV. Le récepteur SLAM n'est pas seulement requis pour l'attachement du virion à la surface de la cellule, mais il participe également de façon active à l'établissement d'une infection cytolytique à travers la formation de syncytia. Afin de déterminer si la protéine SLAM exerce une influence directe sur la réplication virale du virus de la maladie de Carré, nous avons généré différentes protéines tronquées de SLAM et comparé leurs capacités à influencer l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que la formation de syncytia. Nos résultas ont montré que la réplication virale, l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que la fusion cellulaire ne semblent pas être influencées par les délétions dans les régions cytoplasmiques du récepteur SLAM. Cependant, ces délétions agissent sur l'expression de la protéine SLAM à la surface des cellules. Les expériences additionnelles ont permis de souligner l'importance de la protéine SLAM dans le phénomène de fusion entre cellules. En effet, la protéine SLAM ainsi que les deux glycoprotéines virales F et H sont requises pour la formation de syncytia, laquelle induit une augmentation de l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que de la réplication virale. La souche virulente A75/17 du virus, de la Maladie de Carré est connue pour induire une infection persistante au niveau du système nerveux central ainsi que dans les kératinocytes de pattes chez le chien. Des études récentes ont montré que des cultures primaires de kératinocytes de chien pouvaient aussi êtres infectées par la souche A75/17 de CDV. En effet, le virus induit une infection persistante en produisant très peu de progéniture. Cependant, trois passages du virus sauvage A75/17 dans ces cultures aboutissent à la sélection d'un virus produisant plus de progéniture et favorisant la formation limitée de syncytia. La comparaison des séquences génomique entre la souche A75/17 et la souche adaptée A75/17-K montre une différence de trois nucléotides. La première mutation, située dans le gène P, modifie la phosphoprotéine (P) ainsi que les protéines V et C. La deuxième se situe dans le gène de la protéine matricielle (M) et la dernière dans celui de la protéine d'attachement (H). Afin de déterminer les facteurs viraux impliqués lors de l'adaptation virale dans la culture primaire de kératinocytes, des virus recombinants contenant une, deux ou trois de ces mutations ont été analysés. La substitution d'un acide aminé dans la protéine M reste sans effet sur la production de particules virales. En revanche, la substitution d'un acide aminé dans la queue cytoplasmique de la protéine H s'avère clairement importante pour la formation de syncytia. Quant à la mutation dans le gène P, elle permet une augmentation de la réplication virale. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas écarter l'hypothèse que l'augmentation de la réplication virale soit due aux substitutions d'un acide aminé dans les protéines accessoires V et C qui sont, elles aussi, affectées par la mutation dans le gène P. L'adaptation des souches sauvages de CDV aux cultures de cellules induit presque toujours des modifications de la protéine matricielle M. Afin de comprendre l'influence de ces modifications, nous avons testé 'des virus A75/17 recombinants contenant différentes protéines M. Les résultats préliminaires ont démontré que la protéine M de la souche adaptée aux cellules Vero réduisait la formation de syncytia. Les études futures seront axées sur la stabilité de l'ARN messager, celle de la protéine M, de son niveau d'expression, de sa localisation cellulaire et de son effet sur la formation de particules virale ainsi que sur le phénotype de l'infection.