590 resultados para Campeonatos Evita


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O futebol é uma das modalidades mais praticadas no mundo. Atualmente, estima-se que se tenha cerca de 3,5 bilhões de praticantes desta modalidade, sejam eles de forma profissional, ou no âmbito do lazer. Por consequência, o futebol torna-se um grande influenciador do comportamento social de crianças e adolescentes, transmitindo elementos para interpretação do mundo, confrontando, muitas vezes, com a escola e a família na formação de valores. Através das mídias, o futebol é disseminado mundo afora, por meio de transmissão de jogos, cobertura de campeonatos, programas exclusivos de futebol e publicidade, em que são exploradas as imagens dos atletas para venda dos mais variados produtos. Sendo assim, o objetivo desse estudo se pautou num levantamento, em que foram analisadas propagandas publicitárias nacionais ocorridas nos meses de Junho, Julho e Agosto de 2014, em mídia impressa, buscando compreender o tipo de publicidade exercida e quais jogadores ficaram em evidência. Para isso, a metodologia deste estudo foi do tipo qualitativa e descritiva, em que realizou-se uma análise documental acerca dos principais referenciais da área investigada, como reportagens e propagandas em jornal (Folha de São Paulo) e revistas (IstoÉ e Veja). Os resultados obtidos culminaram em três categorias temáticas, sendo elas: atletas atuais x atletas antigos; atletas cobertos x desnudos: corpos que são vendidos?; e tamanho da publicidade e relação com o megaevento. Na primeira categoria, viu-se ambas as gerações tiveram suas imagens associadas a atletas campeões, como forma de incentivo à busca do hexacampeonato. Na segunda categoria, verificou-se que os corpos dos atletas vendiam mais que produtos, vendiam status, eram retratados como símbolos a serem alcançados. Por fim, na última categoria, foram encontradas evidências que tanto o tamanho quanto as características das publicidades foram distintas no decorrer da Copa do Mundo...


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Contexto: O impetigo é piodermite comum da criança, de tratamento fácil, porém de diagnóstico muitas vezes desafiador, principalmentena sua forma bolhosa, que faz diferencial com as doenças bolhosas da infância. Relato de caso: Relatam-se dois casos de impetigo bolhoso,que foram desafiadores em termos diagnósticos, exemplificando a dificuldade no diagnóstico e terapêutica desses pacientes. Discussão:Casos clínicos de impetigo de extensão corporal importante simulam outros diagnósticos diferenciais. A relevância deste relato é demonstrarque o diagnóstico preciso na fase inicial possibilita a terapêutica específica e evita complicações. Conclusão: O impetigo bolhoso deveser sempre lembrado pelo profissional médico que atende pacientes na faixa etária pré-escolar e escolar, apresentando bolhas e exulcera-ções com crostas pelo corpo. Este artigo objetiva atualização diagnóstica e terapêutica nesse contexto.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Studies on feeding ecology are important tools for the understanding of feeding strategies and niche dynamics. Information on the type of food consumed, how, and where it is acquired, enable the elucidation of species behavioral, evolutionary and ecological aspects. The diet study based on fecal material enables a low-cost, informative research and avoids the sacrifice of animals. The general aim of this study is to characterize the diet of Euphractus sexcinctus, the yellow-armadillo, based on fecal samples, to contribute with additional information on their feeding habits. The study was undertaken at the Nhumirim ranch, Pantanal da Nhecolândia, MS, during the months of February and March, 2014. The fecal material was collected during the manual capture of the animals and oven dried at 60°C. The food items found in the feces were sorted using a magnifying glass and separated in the following categories: plant matter, invertebrates and soil. Invertebrates were identified to the order level and the plant matter to the lowest taxonomic level possible. Aiming to evaluate the invertebrate availability in the soil, pitfall traps were installed next to the location where individuals were captured, during the months of April and May. We were able to estimate the frequency with which item was consumed during the studied period, and if there is a relationship between the frequency of consumed invertebrates and their availability environment. Among the analyzed samples, we could observe the frequency of occurrence (FO) of plant matter, invertebrates and soil in all the samples. The main invertebrate orders found in the samples were: Coleoptera, Orthoptera and Hymenoptera, with FO of 100%, 100% and 87,5%, respectively. Seeds were found in 100% of the samples. The FO of the Byrsonima orbignyana was high (62,5%), and evidences the potential of the yellow-armadillos as seed dispersers. The use of other techniques, such as the micro-histological...


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The modernization of the world made the speed, accuracy and reliability of all existing processes become increasingly necessary. For this evolution to occur every day, the evolution of the equipment was strategic, but not as much as needed. It is necessary for such equipment to ensure its function and, in case of failure, an early diagnosis to prevent loss. Therefore the evolution of maintainability and reliability in equipment is also paramount. Thus, the growth of forms of maintenance was driven by this scenario, forming maintenance philosophies. Among many, there is the RCM, which have its focus on the identification, parameters development and performance preview. One of those methodologies from this idea is the FMEA, process that has been studied and implemented this work, aiming the anticipation of failure modes and guidance for the use of a heat exchanger and a pump. This implementation has the aid of another process of RCM, the PHA, which was also shown and implemented, these results being used to start the FMEA process. The results show the activities with the highest chance of failure, presenting also the measures to be taken to avoid or minimize them. It is shown, in this paper, concern with the valves because they maintain control and system security, and its flaws related to accidents with possible danger to people and the whole system, emphasizing the priority of action


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Studies on feeding ecology are important tools for the understanding of feeding strategies and niche dynamics. Information on the type of food consumed, how, and where it is acquired, enable the elucidation of species behavioral, evolutionary and ecological aspects. The diet study based on fecal material enables a low-cost, informative research and avoids the sacrifice of animals. The general aim of this study is to characterize the diet of Euphractus sexcinctus, the yellow-armadillo, based on fecal samples, to contribute with additional information on their feeding habits. The study was undertaken at the Nhumirim ranch, Pantanal da Nhecolândia, MS, during the months of February and March, 2014. The fecal material was collected during the manual capture of the animals and oven dried at 60°C. The food items found in the feces were sorted using a magnifying glass and separated in the following categories: plant matter, invertebrates and soil. Invertebrates were identified to the order level and the plant matter to the lowest taxonomic level possible. Aiming to evaluate the invertebrate availability in the soil, pitfall traps were installed next to the location where individuals were captured, during the months of April and May. We were able to estimate the frequency with which item was consumed during the studied period, and if there is a relationship between the frequency of consumed invertebrates and their availability environment. Among the analyzed samples, we could observe the frequency of occurrence (FO) of plant matter, invertebrates and soil in all the samples. The main invertebrate orders found in the samples were: Coleoptera, Orthoptera and Hymenoptera, with FO of 100%, 100% and 87,5%, respectively. Seeds were found in 100% of the samples. The FO of the Byrsonima orbignyana was high (62,5%), and evidences the potential of the yellow-armadillos as seed dispersers. The use of other techniques, such as the micro-histological...


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The modernization of the world made the speed, accuracy and reliability of all existing processes become increasingly necessary. For this evolution to occur every day, the evolution of the equipment was strategic, but not as much as needed. It is necessary for such equipment to ensure its function and, in case of failure, an early diagnosis to prevent loss. Therefore the evolution of maintainability and reliability in equipment is also paramount. Thus, the growth of forms of maintenance was driven by this scenario, forming maintenance philosophies. Among many, there is the RCM, which have its focus on the identification, parameters development and performance preview. One of those methodologies from this idea is the FMEA, process that has been studied and implemented this work, aiming the anticipation of failure modes and guidance for the use of a heat exchanger and a pump. This implementation has the aid of another process of RCM, the PHA, which was also shown and implemented, these results being used to start the FMEA process. The results show the activities with the highest chance of failure, presenting also the measures to be taken to avoid or minimize them. It is shown, in this paper, concern with the valves because they maintain control and system security, and its flaws related to accidents with possible danger to people and the whole system, emphasizing the priority of action


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos da cor do ambiente sobre o crescimento e a atividade da enzima antioxidante catalase (CAT) e da lactato desidrogenase (LDH) em tilápias do Nilo (n=24; 36,2±3,6g). Oito exemplares foram mortos para determinação da atividade basal das enzimas e os demais permaneceram isolados durante 14 dias sob espectro de luz branca ou azul (n=8 peixes/tratamento). A seguir os peixes foram submetidos a um estresse diário de confinamento de 90 minutos (15° ao 28° dia) e pesados semanalmente para cálculo da taxa de crescimento específico (TCE). A TCE negativa confirmou que o confinamento provocou estresse nos peixes, independentemente da cor do ambiente. O aumento da atividade da LDH no músculo vermelho dos peixes mantidos sob luz branca ou azul indicou mudança do metabolismo aeróbio para anaeróbio. O estresse reduziu a atividade da CAT no músculo branco dos peixes mantidos sob a luz branca ou azul. Na musculatura vermelha, esta redução ocorreu apenas nos animais mantidos sob a luz branca. O confinamento aumenta os processos metabólicos anaeróbios e é adequado para estudos sobre os efeitos do estresse. O espectro de luz azul não evita a redução do crescimento e a demanda energética anaeróbia em situações de estresse, mas preserva a atividade da CAT, contribuindo para o bem-estar da tilápia.


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Background: The rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI) is the most widely used index within intensive care units as a predictor of the outcome of weaning, but differences in measurement techniques have generated doubts about its predictive value. Objective: To investigate the influence of low levels of pressure support (PS) on the RSBI value of ill patients. Method: Prospective study including 30 patients on mechanical ventilation (MV) for 72 hours or more, ready for extubation. Prior to extubation, the RSBI was measured with the patient connected to the ventilator (Drager (TM) Evita XL) and receiving pressure support ventilation (PSV) and 5 cmH(2)O of positive end expiratory pressure or PEEP (RSBI_MIN) and then disconnected from the VM and connected to a Wright spirometer in which respiratory rate and exhaled tidal volume were recorded for 1 min (RSBI_ESP). Patients were divided into groups according to the outcome: successful extubation group (SG) and failed extubation group (FG). Results: Of the 30 patients, 11 (37%) failed the extubation process. In the within-group comparison (RSBI_MIN versus RSBI_ESP), the values for RSBI_MIN were lower in both groups: SG (34.79 +/- 4.67 and 60.95 +/- 24.64) and FG (38.64 +/- 12.31 and 80.09 +/- 20.71; p<0.05). In the between-group comparison, there was no difference in RSBI_MIN (34.79 +/- 14.67 and 38.64 +/- 12.31), however RSBI_ESP was higher in patients with extubation failure: SG (60.95 +/- 24.64) and FG (80.09 +/- 20.71; p<0.05). Conclusion: In critically ill patients on MV for more than 72h, low levels of PS overestimate the RSBI, and the index needs to be measured with the patient breathing spontaneously without the aid of pressure support.


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Editorial: Atender a los estudiantes. Actualidad institucional: Nuevo título de Experto Universitario en Ortopedia. La ULPGC impartirá Enfermería en Fuerteventura. Concurso de emprendedores Universitarios. Reportaje: VICERRECTORADO DE ESTUDIANTES Y EXTENSIÓN UNIVERSITARIA: Un abanico de servicios para el estudiante. La ULPGC investiga: Investigación sobre caballos trotadores italianos en plena competición. Acto con motivo del Año Europeo de la Creatividad y la Innovación para destacar la I+D+i. Novedoso servicio de información para usuarios del transporte público. Comunidad universitaria: Universidad de Verano de Maspalomas. Reconocimiento a los ganadores de los Campeonatos Universitarios Españoles. Encuentro de Voluntarios Internacionales.


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[ES]En este proyecto la alumna ha desarrollado la demo jugable de un videojuego en 2D con perspectiva top-down. El juego transcurre en un zoológico, con un mono como protagonista, y el objetivo del mismo es lograr escapar al tiempo que se evita a los empleados del zoo. Para conseguir huir, el jugador tendrá que obtener algunos objetos y liberar a otros animales. En la propia demo se pueden consultar los controles y las distintas opciones disponibles. Para la creación del juego se ha utilizado el motor de juegos Unity 5 (edición personal) y recursos obtenidos de diversas fuentes de contenido gratuito.


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Im ersten Teil 'Analyse der Grundlagen' der Dissertation 'Aspekte der Modellbildung: Konzepte und Anwendung in der Atmungsphysiologie' werden die Grundlagen zur Verfügung gestellt. Ausgehend von der Definition der modularer dynamischer Systeme im Kapitel 1 werden Grundbegriffe zu Modellen, Simulation und Modellentwicklung (Kapitel 2) dargelegt und schließlich folgt ein Kapitel über Netzmodelle. Im zweiten Teil wird 'der Prozess der Operationalisierung' untersucht. Im Kapitel 4 wird mit 'dem Koordinatensystem der Modellbildung' ein allgemeiner Lebenszyklus zur Modellbildung vorgestellt. Das Kapitel 5 zur 'Modellentwicklung' steht im Zentrum der Arbeit, wo eine generische Struktur für modulare Level-Raten-Modelle entwickelt wird. Das Kapitel endet mit einem Konzept zur Kalibrierung von Modellen, das auf Data Mining von Modelldaten basiert. Der Prozess der Operationalisierung endet mit der Validierung im sechsten Kapitel. 'Die Validierung am Beispiel der Atmungsphysiologie' im dritten Teil stellt die Anwendung der in beiden Teilen zuvor entwickelten Theorie dar. Zunächst wird das Projekt 'Evita-Weaning-System' vorgestellt, in dem die Arbeit entstanden ist. Ferner werden die notwendigen medizinischen Grundlagen der Atmungsphysiologie analysiert (Kapitel 7). Eine detaillierte Beschreibung des Modells der Atmungsphysiologie und der dabei entwickelten Algorithmen folgt im achten Kapitel. Die Arbeit schließt mit einem Kapitel zur Validierung des physiologischen Modells.


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Esta tesis presenta un breve estado de la cuestión de la sociología y la ética del deporte como nueva disciplina académica, desde su origen hasta el presente. En segundo lugar pretende ver que aporta la perspectiva de la sociologia relacional al estudio del deporte. La primera contribución es la “trans-discipliniariedad” entre disciplinas como la sociología y la ética, evitando caer en una ética “sociologizzata” o en una sociología “eticizzata”. Gracias a la relacionalidad se obtiene la des-mercantilización de bienestar. La lógica relacional busca el desarrollo económico sin olvida que la sociedad está formada por personas, que son lo realmente importantes por encima de los interés económicos. Otra contribución es la distinción entre la “sociedad humana” y la “sociedad de lo humano” que evita muchos de los actuales problemas que trae consigo las nuevas tecnologías. Y finalmente aporta el esquema “AGIL” como “brújula relacional” que ayuda a relaizar los objetivos, medios y reglas éticas dentro de la práctica deportiva.


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La sostituzione di materie prime provenienti da risorse fossili con biomasse rinnovabili, utilizzando un processo a basso impatto ambientale, è una delle più importanti sfide della "Green Chemistry". Allo stesso tempo, la sintesi di resine epossidiche fornisce la chiave per la realizzazione di materiali ad alto valore aggiunto. Tuttavia, ad oggi, il 90% della produzione di resine epossidiche è basato sull'uso di bisfenolo A, che ha effetti di xenoestrogeno, ed epicloridrina, tossica e cancerogena. Su queste basi, è stata individuata una strategia sintetica per la sintesi di prepolimeri innovativi per resine epossidiche, che utilizza come substrato di reazione diidrossibenzeni di origine naturale ed evita l'uso di epicloridrina e altri reagenti tossici o pericolosi. La suddetta strategia sintetica è basata sulla sequenza: allilazione dei diidrossibenzeni - epossidazione dei doppi legami ottenuti. In questa procedura non vengono utilizzati drastiche condizioni di reazione e il solvente è acqua, con una catalisi di trasferimento di fase o, in aggiunte di acetonitrile, in un sistema bifasico. La resa complessiva dei due “step” dipende dalla posizione dei due ossidrili nei diidrossibenzeni. Il reagente che porta la resa massima è l’idrochinone (1,4 diidrossibenzene), che, come riportato in letteratura, permette la formazione di resine epossidiche con proprietà simili alle resine di epicloridrina e bisfenolo A. The substitution of raw materials from fossil fuels with renewable biomass using a low environmental impact process is one of the greatest challenges of the "Green Chemistry". At the same time, the synthesis of epoxy resins provides the key to the realization of high added value materials. However, 90% of the production of epoxy resins is based on the use of bisphenol A, a xenoestrogen, and epichlorohydrin, that is toxic and carcinogenic. On these bases, a synthetic strategy for the synthesis of innovative prepolymers of epoxy resins, that uses dihydroxybenzenes of natural origin as reaction substrates and avoids the use of epichlorohydrin and other toxic or dangerous reagents has been identified. The above synthetic strategy is based on the sequence: allylation of dihydroxybenzenes - epoxidation of the double bonds obtained. In this procedure, drastic reaction conditions are dismissed and the solvent used is water with a phase transfer catalysis or, in addition, acetonitrile in a biphasic system. The overall yield of the two steps depends on the position of the two hydroxyls of the dihydroxybenzenes. The reagent that leads to the highest yield is hydroquinone (1,4 dihydroxybenzene), which, as reported in literature, allows the formation of epoxy resins with similar properties to the resins from bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin.