971 resultados para Cadmium nanocrystals


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There is an interest to create zinc/tin alloys to replace cadmium as a corrosion protective coating material. Existing aqueous electroplating systems for these alloys are commercially available but have several limitations. Dangerous and highly toxic complexing agents are uses e.g. cyanides. To overcome these problems, ionic liquids could provide a solution to obtain an alloy containing 20 to 30% of zinc. Ionic liquids (IL’s) often have wider electrochemical windows which allow the deposition of e.g. refractive metals that can not be deposited from aqueous solutions. In IL’s it is often not necessary to add complexing agents. The Zn/Sn alloy deposition from IL’s is therefore a promising application for the plating industry. Nevertheless, there are some issues with this alternative for aqueous systems. The degradation of the organic components, the control of the concentration of two metals and the risk of a two phase deposition instead of an alloy had to be overcome first. It is the main purpose of this thesis to obtain a Zn/Sn alloy with 20% zinc using IL’s as an electrolyte. First a separate study was performed on both the zinc and the tin deposition. Afterwards, an attempt to deposit a Zn/Sn alloy was made. An introduction to a study about the electrodeposition of refractive metals concludes this work. It initiated the research for oxygen-free IL’s to deposit molybdenum or tungsten. Several parameters (temperature, metal source and concentration, organic complexing agents,…) were optimized for both the zinc, tin and zinc/tin deposition. Experiments were performed both in a parallel plate cell and a Hull cell, so as to investigate the effect of current density as well. Ethaline200 was selected as electrolyte. As substrate, brass and iron were selected, while as anode a plate of the metal to deposit was chosen, tin for the alloy. The best efficiencies were always obtained on brass; however the iron substrate resulted in the best depositions. A concentration of 0.27M ZnCl2, 0.07M SnCl2 with 0.015M of K3-HEDTA as complexant resulted in a deposition containing the desired alloy with the amount of 20% zinc and 80% tin with good appearance. Refractory metals as molybdenum and tungsten cannot be electrodeposited from aqueous solutions without forming a co-deposition with Ni, Co or Fe. Here, IL’s could again provide a solution. A first requirement is the dissolution of a metal source. MoO3 could be suitable, however there are doubts about using oxides. Oxygen-free IL’s were sought for. A first attempt was the combination of ZnCl2 with chlormequat (CCC), which gave liquids below 150°C in molar ratios of 2 : 1 and 3 : 1. Unfortuna tely, MoO3 didn’t dissolve in these IL’s. Another route to design oxygen-free IL’s was the synthesis of quaternary ammonium salts. None of the methods used, proved viable as reaction time was long and resulted in very low yields. Therefore, no sufficient quantities were obtained to perform the possible electrochemical behavior of refractive metals.


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A água superficial para posterior consumo humano, tem de passar por diversas etapas de tratamento, de forma a dar cumprimento aos requisitos da legislação vigente, decreto-Lei n.º 306/2007 de 27 de Agosto. Como resultado do referido tratamento produzem-se resíduos, nomeadamente, as lamas de clarificação de água. De acordo com a estratégia da União Europeia, a deposição em aterro destas lamas apenas deverá ser efectuada em situações excepcionais ou temporárias. A procura de uma solução ambientalmente mais aceitável para o destino final a atribuir a estas lamas de clarificação de água deverá ser, um dos objectivos das empresas abastecedoras de água para consumo humano. Com o intuito de verificar a possibilidade de utilização das lamas produzidas nas Estações de Tratamento de Água (ETA) em solos agrícolas, realizaram-se testes ecotoxicológicos para avaliar a capacidade de germinação de sementes de alface (Lactuca sativa). Foram igualmente realizadas determinações de alguns metais nos lixiviados, por espectrofotometria de absorção atómica com atomização por chama e por Câmara de grafite. O cádmio e o chumbo por imposição da legislação aplicável aos géneros alimentícios, Regulamento (CE) 1881/2006 de 19 de Dezembro e o alumínio e o ferro por estarem presentes nos tratamentos de algumas das águas superficiais em estudo. As lamas estudadas eram provenientes de ETA com captação de água superficial em rios e albufeiras distintos do norte de Portugal, com utilização de tratamentos também diferentes. Os resultados obtidos com os lixiviados das lamas provenientes das ETA com captações dos rios Ferreira, Ferro e Vizela e Tâmega, evidenciaram inibição da germinação para algumas das diluições testadas. No entanto, não se observou qualquer efeito tóxico para as lamas das ETA com captações da albufeira do Alto Rabagão e dos rios Rabaçal, Douro e Paiva. Dos metais alumínio, cádmio, ferro e chumbo determinados nos lixiviados, apenas o alumínio estava acima do limite de detecção. No entanto, não foi possível estabelecer qualquer correlação entre o tratamento aplicado à água superficial nas várias ETA com a concentração do alumínio nem com os resultados dos ensaios ecotoxicológicos. Não obstante, parece haver relação entre a proximidade geográfica do local de captação de água e os resultados dos bioensaios.


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Actualmente tem-se verificado um grande aumento na procura e a utilização de produtos naturais contendo extractos de algas, com fins medicinais, sendo cada vez maior a diversidade de oferta desses produtos, vendidos em ervanária e afins. A bibliografia tem mostrado que as algas têm capacidade de acumulação de metais pesados. As algas, sendo organismos aquáticos, estão sujeitas a contaminações dos locais (não identificados) de onde provêm. O controlo e fiscalização para estes produtos é praticamente inexistente. O objectivo deste projecto foi o desenvolvimento de metodologias analíticas com vista à quantificação de metais em infusões de chás e ervas aromáticas. Foram analisadas 9 amostras: uma de chá verde, uma de chá preto, uma infusão de lima, uma de camomila, uma mistura de chá com ervas e quatro misturas contendo algas. A espectrofotometria de absorção atómica é o método de referência para a análise de metais. Neste trabalho foi utilizado um espectrofotómetro de absorção atómica com fonte de radiação contínua e monocromador de alta resolução. Sendo esta uma tecnologia inovadora foi necessário desenvolver metodologias para os métodos de análise. A atomização em chama foi a técnica utilizada para a quantificação do cálcio, potássio, magnésio, manganês e sódio. A atomização electrotérmica foi usada para o cádmio, cobalto, crómio, cobre, níquel e chumbo. Tendo em conta os limites legislados (Decreto-Lei Nº306/2007 de 27 de Agosto) obtiveram-se teores preocupantes para o níquel (iguais ou superiores ao limite legislado) em todas as amostras analisadas e para o manganês em duas das amostras (chá verde e chá preto). Todas as amostras contendo algas apresentaram teores de Ca, Mg e Na superiores aos das restantes. Para os restantes elementos não foi possível relacionar as concentrações com a composição das infusões, em particular a presença de algas.


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O impacto dos metais pesados em ambientes aquáticos, incluindo águas residuais, é vulgarmente determinado através de testes de toxicidade. A microalga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata é usada nos métodos de toxicidade recomendados por organismos Internacionais como a EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) e a OCDE (Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico). O presente trabalho teve como objectivo avaliar o impacto do cádmio e do zinco no crescimento, na autofluorescência e na actividade metabólica da alga P. subcapitata. Para tal, a alga, em fase exponencial de crescimento, foi inoculada no meio de cultura contendo Cd (150, 500 ou 700 nmol/l) ou Zn (300, 1800 ou 6000 nmol/l). A concentração mais baixa de Cd e Zn não provocou qualquer efeito inibitório. Para uma concentração intermédia de Cd e Zn, observou-se uma redução do crescimento, ao fim de 72 h, de 63 e 50 %, respectivamente. No caso da concentração mais elevada de Cd e de Zn, observou-se uma redução do crescimento, ao fim de 72 h, de 83 e 97 %, respectivamente. A perda de autofluorescência da alga, devido à presença de Cd e de Zn, seguiu um padrão similar ao efeito sobre o crescimento. Resultados preliminares mostraram que a exposição das células de P. subcapitata a 700 nmol/ de Cd, durante 1h, induziu uma inibição da actividade esterásica de 52 %, enquanto que a incubação com 6000 nmol/l de Zn, durante 6 h, provocou uma redução da actividade esterásica de ~ 50 %. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos mostram que o Cd é mais tóxico que o Zn para a alga P. subcapitata. A perda de autofluorescência, devido à exposição aos metais pesados em estudo, ocorreu segundo um padrão similar ao efeito inibitório sobre o crescimento. O Cd e Zn provocaram uma rápida perda (no espaço de 6 h) da actividade esterásica. Estes resultados sugerem que a avaliação da actividade esterásica da alga P. subcapitata poderá constituir um indicador sensível na avaliação da toxicidade.


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Concentrations of eleven trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Co, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Si) were measured in 39 (natural and flavoured) water samples. Determinations were performed using graphite furnace electrothermetry for almost all elements (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Co, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Si). For Se determination hydride generation was used, and cold vapour generation for Hg. These techniques were coupled to atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The trace element content of still or sparkling natural waters changed from brand to brand. Significant differences between natural still and natural sparkling waters (p<0.001) were only apparent for Mn. The Mann–Whitney U-test was used to search for significant differences between flavoured and natural waters. The concentration of each element was compared with the presence of flavours, preservatives, acidifying agents, fruit juice and/or sweeteners, according to the labelled composition. It was shown that flavoured waters generally increase the trace element content. The addition of preservatives and acidifying regulators had a significant influence on Mn, Co, As and Si contents (p<0.05). Fruit juice can also be correlated to the increase of Co and As. Sweeteners did not provide any significant difference in Mn, Co, Se and Si content.


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Specific marine macro algae species abundant at the Portuguese coast (Laminaria hyperborea, Bifurcaria bifurcata, Sargassum muticum and Fucus spiralis) were shown to be effective for removing toxic metals (Cd(II), Zn(II) and Pb(II)) from aqueous solutions. The initial metal concentrations in solution were about 75–100 mg L−1. The observed biosorption capacities for cadmium, zinc and lead ions were in the ranges of 23.9–39.5, 18.6–32.0 and 32.3–50.4 mg g−1, respectively. Kinetic studies revealed that the metal uptake rate was rather fast, with 75% of the total amount occurring in the first 10 min for all algal species. Experimental data were well fitted by a pseudo-second order rate equation. The contribution of internal diffusion mechanism was significant only to the initial biosorption stage. Results indicate that all the studied macro algae species can provide an efficient and cost-effective technology for eliminating heavy metals from industrial effluents.


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Agências Financiadoras: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - PTDC/FIS/102127/2008 e PTDC/FIS/102127/2008 e SFRH/BPD/78871/2011; Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion - FUNCOAT-CSD2008-00023-CONSOLIDER; Instituto Superior Técnico;


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In this work we isolated from soil and characterized several bacterial strains capable of either resisting high concentrations of heavy metals (Cd2+ or Hg2+ or Pb2+) or degrading the common soil and groundwater pollutants MTBE (methyl-tertbutyl ether) or TCE (trichloroethylene). We then used soil microcosms exposed to MTBE (50 mg/l) or TCE (50 mg/l) in the presence of one heavy metal (Cd 10 ppm or Hg 5 ppm or Pb 50 or 100 ppm) and two bacterial isolates at a time, a degrader plus a metalresistant strain. Some of these two-membered consortia showed degradation efficiencies well higher (49–182% higher) than those expected under the conditions employed, demonstrating the occurrence of a synergetic relationship between the strains used. Our results show the efficacy of the dual augmentation strategy for MTBE and TCE bioremediation in the presence of heavy metals.


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The characteristic topographical features (crystallite dimensions, surface morphology and roughness) of bioceramics may influence the adsorption of proteins relevant to bone regeneration. This work aims at analyzing the influence of two distinct nanophased hydroxyapatite (HA) ceramics, HA725 and HA1000 on fibronectin (FN) and osteonectin (ON) adsorption and MC3T3-E1 osteoblast adhesion and morphology. Both substrates were obtained using the same hydroxyapatite nanocrystals aggregates and applying the sintering temperatures of 725ºC and 1000ºC, respectively. The two proteins used in this work, FN as an adhesive glycoprotein and ON as a counter-adhesive protein, are known to be involved in the early stages of osteogenesis (cell adhesion, mobility and proliferation). The properties of the nanoHA substrates had an important role in the adsorption behavior of the two studied proteins and clearly affected the MC3T3- E1 morphology, distribution and metabolic activity. HA1000 surfaces presenting slightly larger grain size, higher root-mean-square roughness (Rq), lower surface area and porosity, allowed for higher amounts of both proteins adsorbed. These substrates also revealed increased number of exposed FN cell-binding domains as well as higher affinity for osteonectin. Regarding the osteoblast adhesion results, improved viability and cell number were found for HA1000 surfaces as compared to HA725 ones, independently of the presence or type of adsorbed protein. Therefore the osteoblast adhesion and metabolic activity seemed to be more sensitive to surfaces morphology and roughness than to the type of adsorbed proteins.


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Aquatic Toxicology 63 (2003) 307-318


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Two new metal- organic compounds {[Cu-3(mu(3)-4-(p)tz)(4)(mu(2)-N-3)(2)(DMF)(2)](DMF)(2)}(n) (1) and {[Cu(4ptz) (2)(H2O)(2)]}(n) (2) {4-ptz = 5-(4-pyridyl)tetrazolate} with 3D and 2D coordination networks, respectively, have been synthesized while studying the effect of reaction conditions on the coordination modes of 4-pytz by employing the [2 + 3] cycloaddition as a tool for generating in situ the 5-substituted tetrazole ligands from 4-pyridinecarbonitrile and NaN3 in the presence of a copper(II) salt. The obtained compounds have been structurally characterized and the topological analysis of 1 discloses a topologically unique trinodal 3,5,6-connected 3D network which, upon further simplification, results in a uninodal 8-connected underlying net with the bcu (body centred cubic) topology driven by the [Cu-3(mu(2)-N-3)(2)] cluster nodes and mu(3)-4-ptz linkers. In contrast, the 2D metal-organic network in 2 has been classified as a uninodal 4-connected underlying net with the sql [Shubnikov tetragonal plane net] topology assembled from the Cu nodes and mu(2)-4-ptz linkers. The catalytic investigations disclosed that 1 and 2 act as active catalyst precursors towards the microwave-assisted homogeneous oxidation of secondary alcohols (1-phenylethanol, cyclohexanol, 2-hexanol, 3-hexanol, 2-octanol and 3-octanol) with tert-butylhydroperoxide, leading to the yields of the corresponding ketones up to 86% (TOF = 430 h(-1)) and 58% (TOF = 290 h(-1)) in the oxidation of 1-phenylethanol and cyclohexanol, respectively, after 1 h under low power ( 10 W) microwave irradiation, and in the absence of any added solvent or additive.


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The existence of molecular mechanisms of response, repair and adaptation, many of which are greatly conserved across nature, gives to the cell with the plasticity it requires to adjust to its ever-changing environment, a homeostatic event that is termed the stress response. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae there is a particular family of transcription factors, the Yap family, which has been shown to have a relevant role in yeast adaptation to several stress conditions. In particular, Yap1 is the major regulator of the transcriptional response to oxidative stress and Yap2 and Yap8 play important roles upon cadmium and arsenic exposure, respectively.(...)


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Abstract Background: Nanotechnology has the potential to provide agriculture with new tools that may be used in the rapid detection and molecular treatment of diseases and enhancement of plant ability to absorb nutrients, among others. Data on nanoparticle toxicity in plants is largely heterogeneous with a diversity of physicochemical parameters reported, which difficult generalizations. Here a cell biology approach was used to evaluate the impact of Quantum Dots (QDs) nanocrystals on plant cells, including their effect on cell growth, cell viability, oxidative stress and ROS accumulation, besides their cytomobility. Results: A plant cell suspension culture of Medicago sativa was settled for the assessment of the impact of the addition of mercaptopropanoic acid coated CdSe/ZnS QDs. Cell growth was significantly reduced when 100 mM of mercaptopropanoic acid -QDs was added during the exponential growth phase, with less than 50% of the cells viable 72 hours after mercaptopropanoic acid -QDs addition. They were up taken by Medicago sativa cells and accumulated in the cytoplasm and nucleus as revealed by optical thin confocal imaging. As part of the cellular response to internalization, Medicago sativa cells were found to increase the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in a dose and time dependent manner. Using the fluorescent dye H2DCFDA it was observable that mercaptopropanoic acid-QDs concentrations between 5-180 nM led to a progressive and linear increase of ROS accumulation. Conclusions: Our results showed that the extent of mercaptopropanoic acid coated CdSe/ZnS QDs cytotoxicity in plant cells is dependent upon a number of factors including QDs properties, dose and the environmental conditions of administration and that, for Medicago sativa cells, a safe range of 1-5 nM should not be exceeded for biological applications.


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Cellulose acetate (CA)-silver (Ag) nanocomposite asymmetric membranes were prepared via the wet-phase inversion method by dispersing polyvinylpirrolydone-protected Ag nanoparticles in the membrane casting solutions of different compositions. Silver nanoparticles were synthesized ex situ and added to the casting solution as a concentrated aqueous colloidal dispersion. The effects of the dispersion addition on the structure and on the selective permeation properties of the membranes were studied by comparing the nanocomposites with the silver-free materials. The casting solution composition played an important role in the adequate dispersion of the silver nanoparticles in the membrane. Incorporation of nanoscale silver and the final silver content resulted in structural changes leading to an increase in the hydraulic permeability and molecular weight cut-off of the nanocomposite membranes. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015, 132, 41796.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia