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Plasmids encoding various external guide sequences (EGSs) were constructed and inserted into Escherichia coli. In strains harboring the appropriate plasmids, the expression of fully induced beta-galactosidase and alkaline phosphatase activity was reduced by more than 50%, while no reduction in such activity was observed in strains with non-specific EGSs. The inhibition of gene expression was virtually abolished at restrictive temperatures in strains that were temperature-sensitive for RNase P (EC Northern blot analysis showed that the steady-state copy number of EGS RNAs was several hundred per cell in vivo. A plasmid that contained a gene for M1 RNA covalently linked to a specific EGS reduced the level of expression of a suppressor tRNA that was encoded by a separate plasmid. Similar methods can be used to regulate gene expression in E. coli and to mimic the properties of cold-sensitive mutants.
Several families of putative transposable elements (TrEs) in both solanaceous plants and Caenorhabditis elegans have been identified by screening the DNA data base for inverted repeated domains present in multiple copies in the genome. The elements are localized within intron and flanking regions of many genes. These elements consist of two inverted repeats flanking sequences ranging from 5 bp to > 500 bp. Identification of multiple elements in which sequence conservation includes both the flanking and internal regions implies that these TrEs are capable of duplicative transposition. Two of the elements were identified in promoter regions of the tomato (Lycoperiscon esculentum) polygalacturonase and potato (Solanum tuberosum) Win1 genes. The element in the polygalacturonase promoter spans a known regulatory region. In both cases, ancestral DNA sequences, which represent potential recombination target sequences prior to insertion of the elements, have been cloned from related species. The sequences of the inverted repeated domains in plants and C. elegans show a high degree of phylogenetic conservation. While frequency of the different elements is variable, some are present in very high copy number. A member of a single C. elegans TrE family is observed approximately once every 20 kb in the genome. The abundance of the described TrEs suggests utility in the genomic analysis of these and related organisms.
We describe here a simple and easily manipulatable Escherichia coli-based genetic system that permits us to identify bacterial gene products that modulate the sensitivity of bacteria to tumoricidal agents, such as DMP 840, a bisnaphthalimide drug. To the extent that the action of these agents is conserved, these studies may expand our understanding agents is conserved, these studies may expand our understanding of how the agents work in mammalian cells. The approach briefly is to use a library of E. coli genes that are overexpressed in a high copy number vector to select bacterial clones that are resistant to the cytotoxic effects of drugs. AtolC bacterial mutant is used to maximize permeability of cells to hydrophobic organic molecules. By using DMP 840 to model the system, we have identified two genes, designated mdaA and mdaB, that impart resistance to DMP 840 when they are expressed at elevated levels. mdaB maps to E. coli map coordinate 66, is located between the parE and parC genes, and encodes a protein of 22 kDa. mdaA maps to E. coli map coordinate 18, is located adjacent to the glutaredoxin (grx) gene, and encodes a protein of 24 kDa. Specific and regulatable overproduction of both of these proteins correlates with DMP 840 resistance. Overproduction of the MdaB protein also imparts resistance to two mammalian topoisomerase inhibitors, Adriamycin and etoposide. In contrast, overproduction of the MdaA protein produces resistance only to Adriamycin. Based on its drug-resistance properties and its location between genes that encode the two subunits of the bacterial topoisomerase IV, we suggest that mdaB acts by modulating topoisomerase IV activity. The location of the mdaA gene adjacent to grx suggests it acts by a drug detoxification mechanism.
To provide tools for functional molecular genetics of the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, we investigated the use of the prokaryotic neomycin phosphotransferase (NEO) gene as a selectable marker for the transfection of the parasite. An Escherichia coli-derived plasmid vector was constructed (pA5'A3'NEO) containing the NEO coding region flanked by untranslated 5' and 3' sequences of an Ent. histolytica actin gene. Preceding experiments had revealed that amoebae are highly sensitive to the neomycin analogue G418 and do not survive in the presence of as little as 2 micrograms/ml. Transfection of circular pA5'A3'NEO via electroporation resulted in Ent. histolytica trophozoites resistant to G418 up to 100 micrograms/ml. DNA and RNA analyses of resistant cells indicated that (i) the transfected DNA was not integrated into the amoeba genome but was segregated episomally, (ii) in the amoebae, the plasmid replicated autonomously, (iii) the copy number of the plasmid and the expression of NEO-specific RNA were proportional to the amount of G418 used for selection, and (iv) under continuous selection, the plasmid was propagated over an observation period of 6 months. Moreover, the plasmid could be recloned into E. coli and was found to be unrearranged. To investigate the use of pA5'A3'NEO to coexpress other genes in Ent. histolytica, a second marker, the prokaryotic chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene under control of an Ent. histolytica lectin gene promoter was introduced into the plasmid. Transfection of the amoebae with this construct also conferred G418 resistance and, in addition, allowed continuous expression of CAT activity in quantities corresponding to the amount of G418 used for selection. When selection was discontinued, transfected plasmids were lost as indicated by an exponential decline of CAT activity in trophozoite extracts.
The human genome contains many repeated DNA sequences that vary in complexity of repeating unit from a single nucleotide to a whole gene. The repeat sequences can be widely dispersed or in simple tandem arrays. Arrays of up to 5 or 6 nt are known as simple tandem repeats, and these are widely dispersed and highly polymorphic. Members of one group of the simple tandem repeats, the trinucleotide repeats, can undergo an increase in copy number by a process of dynamic mutation. Dynamic mutations of the CCG trinucleotide give rise to one group of fragile sites on human chromosomes, the rare folate-sensitive group. One member of this group, the fragile X (FRAXA) is responsible for the most common familial form of mental retardation. Another member of the group FRAXE is responsible for a rarer mild form of mental retardation. Similar mutations of AGC repeats give rise to a number of neurological disorders. The expanded repeats are unstable between generations and somatically. The intergenerational instability gives rise to unusual patterns of inheritance--particularly anticipation, the increasing severity and/or earlier age of onset of the disorder in successive generations. Dynamic mutations have been found only in the human species, and possible reasons for this are considered. The mechanism of dynamic mutation is discussed, and a number of observations of simple tandem repeat mutation that could assist in understanding this phenomenon are commented on.
Plasmid-encoded addiction genes augment the apparent stability of various low copy number bacterial plasmids by selectively killing plasmid-free (cured) segregants or their progeny. The addiction module of plasmid prophage P1 consists of a pair of genes called phd and doc. Phd serves to prevent host death when the prophage is retained and, should retention mechanisms fail, Doc causes death on curing. Doc acts as a cell toxin to which Phd is an antidote. In this study we show that host mutants with defects in either subunit of the ClpXP protease survive the loss of a plasmid that contains a P1 addiction module. The small antidote protein Phd is fully stable in these two mutant hosts, whereas it is labile in a wild-type host. We conclude that the role of ClpXP in the addiction mechanism of P1 is to degrade the Phd protein. This conclusion situates P1 among plasmids that elicit severe withdrawal symptoms and are able to do so because they encode both a cell toxin and an actively degraded macromolecule that blocks the synthesis or function of the toxin.
Este estudo teve como objetivos (a) identificar mecanismos pelos quais rearranjos cromossômicos citogeneticamente equilibrados possam estar associados de maneira causal a determinados quadros clínicos e (b) contribuir para a compreensão dos mecanismos de formação desses rearranjos. Para isso, foram estudados 45 rearranjos cromossômicos citogeneticamente equilibrados (29 translocações, 10 inversões e seis rearranjos complexos), detectados em pacientes que apresentavam malformações congênitas, comprometimento do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor ou déficit intelectual. Foram 31 rearranjos cromossômicos esporádicos, três familiais que segregavam com o quadro clínico e mais 11 rearranjos cromossômicos herdados de genitores fenotipicamente normais. Inicialmente os pontos de quebra desses rearranjos foram mapeados por hibridação in situ fluorescente (FISH). A busca por microdeleções e duplicações genômicas foi realizada por a-CGH. A investigação dos pontos de quebra prosseguiu com a aplicação da técnica de Mate-Pair Sequencing (MPS), que permite localizar as quebras em segmentos de 100 pb - 1 kb, na maioria dos casos. Para obter os segmentos de junção das quebras no nível de pares de bases, os segmentos delimitados por MPS foram sequenciados pelo método de Sanger. A análise por aCGH revelou microdeleções ou microduplicações localizadas nos cromossomos rearranjados, em 12 dos 45 pacientes investigados (27%). A análise de 27 rearranjos por MPS permitiu a caracterização dos pontos de junção das quebras. MPS expandiu o número de pontos de quebra, detectados por análise do cariótipo ou aCGH, de 114 para 156 (em resolução < 2kb, na maioria dos casos). O número de pontos de quebra/rearranjo variou de 2 a 20. Os 156 pontos de quebra resultaram em 86 variantes estruturais equilibradas e outras 32 variantes não equilibradas. Perdas e ganhos de segmentos submiscroscópicos nos cromossomos rearranjados constituíram a principal causa ou, provavelmente, contribuíram para o quadro clínico de 12 dos 45 pacientes. Em cinco desses 12 rearranjos foram detectadas por MPS a interrupção de genes já relacionados à doença, ou provável alteração de sua região reguladora, contribundo para o quadro clínico. Em quatro dos 33 rearranjos não associados a perdas ou ganhos de segmentos, a análise por MPS revelou a interrupção de genes que já foram anteriormente relacionados a doenças, explicando-se, assim, as características clínicas dos portadores; outro rearranjo pode ter levando alteração da expressão gênica de gene sensível a dosagem e ao quadro clínico. Um rearranjo cromossômico familial, identificado na análise após bandamento G como uma translocação equilibrada, t(2;22)(p14;q12), segregava com quadro de atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e dificuldade de aprendizado associados a dismorfismos. A combinação das análises por FISH, aCGH e MPS revelou que se tratava, na verdade, de rearranjo complexo entre os cromossomos 2, 5 e 22, incluindo 10 quebras. A segregação de diferentes desequilíbrios submicroscópicos em indivíduos afetados e clinicamente normais permitiu a compreensão da variabilidade clínica observada na família. Rearranjos equilibrados detectados em indivíduos afetados, mas herdados de genitores clinicamente normais, são, em geral, considerados como não tendo relação com o quadro clínico, apesar da possibilidade de desequilíbrios cromossômicos gerados por permuta desigual na meiose do genitor portador do rearranjo. Neste trabalho, a investigação de 11 desses rearranjos por aCGH não revelou perdas ou ganhos de segmentos nos cromossomos rearranjados. No entanto, a análise por aCGH da portadora de um desses rearranjos - inv(12)mat - revelou deleção de 8,7 Mb no cromossomo 8, como causa de seu fenótipo clínico. Essa deleção estava relacionada com outro rearranjo equilibrado também presente em sua mãe, independente da inversão. Para compreender os mecanismos de formação de rearranjos citogeneticamente equilibrados, investigamos os segmentos de junção no nível de pares de base. A análise por MPS que levou, na maioria dos casos, ao mapeamento dos pontos de quebras em segmentos <1kb permitiu o sequenciamento pelo método de Sanger de 51 segmentos de junções de 17 rearranjos. A ocorrência de blunt fusions ou inserções e deleções <10 pb, e a ausência de homologia ou a presença de micro homologia de 2 pb a 4 pb de extensão indicaram o mecanismo de junção de extremidades não homólogas (non-homologous end joinging; NHEJ), na maioria das 51 junções caracterizadas. As características de três dos quatro rearranjos mais complexos, com 17-20 quebras, indicaram sua formação pelo mecanismo de chromothripsis. Este estudo mostra a importância da análise genômica de variações de número de cópias por microarray, juntamente com o mapeamento dos pontos de quebra por MPS, para determinar a estrutura de rearranjos cromossômicos citogeneticamente equilibrados e seu impacto clínico. O mapeamento dos segmentos de junção por MPS, permitindo o sequenciamento pelo método de Sanger, foi essencial para a compreensão de mecanismos de formação desses rearranjos
Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a frequent and complex neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by impairments in social communication and repetitive behaviors and with a high male to female ratio: ~4:1. Genetic factors, including rare Copy Number Variants (CNVs), have a substantial impact in ASD risk 1, and are associated with specific phenotypic manifestations 2. Recent studies reported that rare inherited CNVs are enriched in mothers of ASD children compared with mothers of controls and are preferentially transmitted from mothers to ASD children suggesting a sex bias in CNV transmission; further, the imbalanced transmission of small pathogenic CNVs from unaffected mothers to their sons with ASD has been described 3, 4. An increased prevalence of autism - like personality traits is found in unaffected relatives of ASD children, suggesting a genetic liability of a broader autism phenotype (BAP) 5. The BAP in parents of autistic children can be assessed by the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) 6 and Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire (BAPQ) 7 reports . The SRS is 65 - item questionnaire to identify sub - clinical social impairments and interpersonal behaviour in individuals . The BAPQ is a 36 - item questionnaire measures social aloofness, rigid personality, and pragmatic language deficits in both parents and children.
Genomic amplification of the caprine EDNRA locus might lead to a dose dependent loss of pigmentation
The South African Boer goat displays a characteristic white spotting phenotype, in which the pigment is limited to the head. Exploiting the existing phenotype variation within the breed, we mapped the locus causing this white spotting phenotype to chromosome 17 by genome wide association. Subsequent whole genome sequencing identified a 1 Mb copy number variant (CNV) harboring 5 genes including EDNRA. The analysis of 358 Boer goats revealed 3 alleles with one, two, and three copies of this CNV. The copy number is correlated with the degree of white spotting in goats. We propose a hypothesis that ectopic overexpression of a mutant EDNRA scavenges EDN3 required for EDNRB signaling and normal melanocyte development and thus likely lead to an absence of melanocytes in the non-pigmented body areas of Boer goats. Our findings demonstrate the value of domestic animals as reservoir of unique mutants and for identifying a precisely defined functional CNV.
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We report genetic characterization of isochromosome 18p using a combination of cytogenetic and molecular genetic methods, including multiplex fluorescent PCR. The patient was referred for chorionic villus sampling (CVS) due to advanced maternal age and maternal anxiety. The placental karyotype was 47,XX,+mar, with the marker having the appearance of a small supernumerary isochromosome. Because differentiating between isochromosomes and other structural rearrangements is normally very difficult, a variety of genetic tests including fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), PCR, and multiplex fluorescent PCR were undertaken to determine chromosomal origin and copy number and, thus, allow accurate diagnosis of the corresponding syndrome. FISH determined that the marker chromosome contained chromosome 18 material. PCR of a variety of short tandem repeats (STRs) confirmed that there was at least one extra copy of the maternal 18p material. However, neither FISH nor PCR could accurately determine copy number. Multiplex fluorescent PCR (MF-PCR) of STRs simultaneously determined that: (1) the marker included 18p material; (2) the marker was maternal in origin; (3) allele copy number indicated tetrasomy; and (4) contamination of the sample could be ruled out. Results were also rapid with accurate diagnosis of the syndrome tetrasomy 18p possible within 5 hours.
Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) has been the technique of choice over the last 10 years for mapping DNA copy number changes in human tumors. Here we review the literature to demonstrate how CGH has contributed to the comprehension of molecular aspects of breast tumorigenesis. At least two distinct molecular pathways of breast cancer have been characterized that show a strong correlation with histological grade. It seems that grade I invasive ductal carcinomas (IDCs) arise from well-differentiated ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), whereas grade III IDCs come from poorly differentiated DCIS. In addition, dedifferentiation from a low- to a high-grade breast cancer has proven an unlikely phenomenon. CGH has been instrumental in dissecting distinct molecular pathways toward breast malignancy and in establishing a direct relationship between genotype and clinical pathological features. (C) 2005 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.