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Nowadays, the upwind three bladed horizontal axis wind turbine is the leading player on the market. It has been found to be the best industrial compromise in the range of different turbine constructions. The current wind industry innovation is conducted in the development of individual turbine components. The blade constitutes 20-25% of the overall turbine budget. Its optimal operation in particular local economic and wind conditions is worth investigating. The blade geometry, namely the chord, twist and airfoil type distributions along the span, responds to the output measures of the blade performance. Therefore, the optimal wind blade geometry can improve the overall turbine performance. The objectives of the dissertation are focused on the development of a methodology and specific tool for the investigation of possible existing wind blade geometry adjustments. The novelty of the methodology presented in the thesis is the multiobjective perspective on wind blade geometry optimization, particularly taking simultaneously into account the local wind conditions and the issue of aerodynamic noise emissions. The presented optimization objective approach has not been investigated previously for the implementation in wind blade design. The possibilities to use different theories for the analysis and search procedures are investigated and sufficient arguments derived for the usage of proposed theories. The tool is used for the test optimization of a particular wind turbine blade. The sensitivity analysis shows the dependence of the outputs on the provided inputs, as well as its relative and absolute divergences and instabilities. The pros and cons of the proposed technique are seen from the practical implementation, which is documented in the results, analysis and conclusion sections.
The Age of Speed:Automobility’s Gender in the 1920s Finland The aim of this study is to analyze the connections between automobility and gender in Finland in the 1920s. In this study it is argued that the 1920s was the significant era in the Finnish history of automobility when many of the long-lasting gendered notions and cultural understandings were constructed. This study combines cultural history of technology with gender analysis. As the previous research on gender and technology has recognized, technology is a significant site of gender negotiations. Both from the cultural historical perspective and a gender perspective it is important to understand both technology and gender as cultural constructions. They were linked together and constructed each other. In other words: technology shapes gender and gender shapes technology. Historians of technology like Nina Lerman, Ruth Oldenziel and Arwen Mohun have argued that both gender and technology are about power: social, cultural, economic and political. In this study automobility means technology that can be analyzed in layers of identity, structures, institutions and representations. The source material consists of various types of historical sources, magazines and journals, advertisements, archival material together with films and literature. In the previous studies of the history of automobility gender has often been neglected. The term “gender” has also quite often been misunderstood. Some studies in the field have only focused on the early female drivers. However, far too little attention has been paid to the question, why automobility was considered as masculine sphere only. This study aims to give new insights to the previous interpretations of the history of automobility. As in various other countries also in Finland, the decade of the 1920s is characterized as a period of “modern times.” It was also the era of the automobiles. Although the number of cars in Finland was still low compared to the other European countries and the USA, in press, films and literature, images of automobiles and new women – and men – on the wheel became as an emblem of a new era. The thesis consists of three main chapters. The first main chapter focuses on the conflicts between drivers and non-drivers. The study shows how in the debate of the automobility “a driver” was constantly referred as a man and “a pedestrian” accordingly a woman, even though in the reality there were as much men and women walking on the streets and the roads. Thus, the public debate constructed and reconstructed the gendered traffic system where men were playing the key role. The second main chapter of the study analyses the automobile clubs and the cultural representations. The chapter answers the question how the concept of a driver was gendered. The Automobile clubs and the organizations of professional drivers were in a significant role in developing the early history of traffic in Finland. The Finnish Automobile Club (Suomen Automobiili Klubi, founded in 1919) was the oldest and the most powerful of all automobile organizations. The Finnish Automobile Club accepted women as members from the very beginning. The membership was strictly limited to the upper class and the very first female members were wives and daughters of the male members. However, Doctor of medicine and surgery 316 Karolina Eskelin (1867-1936) the founding member of the Club was an exception to that convention. The male members of the Finnish Automobile Club attended official international meetings and consulted Finnish authorities in traffic and road questions, whereas, female members joined car trips, picnics and social gatherings arranged by the club. Few young female members of the club drove in races and gross-country-tours. The cultural representations of drivers in the Finnish media in the 1920s both deconstructed and reconstructed the concept of gender. In Finnish press in general, motoring was seen as male dominated area. Men were represented as the experts of the automobility. The drivers’ uniforms and the automobile clubs underlined professionalism and expertise which, thus, got masculine meaning. Women were beautiful accessories in the car ads, but they were also becoming a new consumer group in the market. The representations of the female and the male drivers influenced and shaped actively the understandings of femininity and masculinity. In the third main chapter the analysis focuses on the automobile as an artifact.The automobile was considered as an artifact that primarily belonged to the masculine domain. However, the representations of the automobiles were ambivalent. The automobile was both masculine and feminine depending on the context. The representations of the automobile were also used to construct the discourse of heteronormativity.
This study looks at negotiation of belonging and understandings of home among a generation of young Kurdish adults who were born in Iraq, Iran, and Turkey and who reached adulthood in Finland. The young Kurds taking part in the study belong to the generation of migrants who moved to Finland in their childhood and early teenage years from the region of Kurdistan and elsewhere in the Middle East, then grew to adulthood in Finland. In theoretical terms, the study draws broadly from three approaches: transnationalism, intersectionality, and narrativity. Transnationalism refers to individuals’ cross-border ties and interaction extending beyond nationstates’ borders. Young people of migrant background, it has been suggested, are raised in a transnational space that entails cross-border contacts, ties, and visits to the societies of departure. How identities and feelings of belonging become formed in relation to the transnational space is approached with an intersectional frame, for examination of individuals’ positionings in terms of their intersecting attributes of gender, age/generation, and ethnicity, among others. Focus on the narrative approach allows untangling how individuals make sense of their place in the social world and how they narrate their belonging in terms of various mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion, including institutional arrangements and discursive categorisation schemes. The empirical data for this qualitative study come from 25 semi-structured thematic interviews that were conducted with 23 young Kurdish adults living in Turku and Helsinki between 2009 and 2011. The interviewees were aged between 19 and 28 years at the time of interviewing. Interview themes involved topics such as school and working life, family relations and language-learning, political activism and citizenship, transnational ties and attachments, belonging and identification, and plans for the future and aspirations. Furthermore, data were collected from observations during political demonstrations and meetings, along with cultural get-togethers. The data were analysed via thematic analysis. The findings from the study suggest that young Kurds express a strong sense of ‘Kurdishness’ that is based partially on knowing the Kurdish language and is informed by a sense of cultural continuity in the diaspora setting. Collective Kurdish identity narratives, particularly related to the consciousness of being a marginalised ‘other’ in the context of the Middle East, are resonant in young interviewees’ narrations of ‘Kurdishness’. Thus, a sense of ‘Kurdishness’ is drawn from lived experiences indexed to a particular politico-historical context of the Kurdish diaspora movements but also from the current situation of Kurdish minorities in the Middle East. On the other hand, young Kurds construct a sense of belonging in terms of the discursive constructions of ‘Finnishness’ and ‘otherness’ in the Finnish context. The racialised boundaries of ‘Finnishness’ are echoed in young Kurds’ narrations and position them as the ‘other’ – namely, the ‘immigrant’, ‘refugee’, or ‘foreigner’ – on the basis of embodied signifiers (specifically, their darker complexions). This study also indicates that young Kurds navigate between gendered expectations and norms at home and outside the home environment. They negotiate their positionings through linguistic repertoires – for instance, through mastery of the Finnish language – and by adjusting their behaviour in light of the context. This suggests that young Kurds adopt various forms of agency to display and enact their belonging in a transnational diaspora space. Young Kurds’ narrations display both territorially-bounded and non-territorially-bounded elements with regard to the relationship between identity and locality. ‘Home’ is located in Finland, and the future and aspirations are planned in relation to it. In contrast, the region of Kurdistan is viewed as ‘homeland’ and as the place of origins and roots, where temporary stays and visits are a possibility. The emotional attachments are forged in relation to the country (Finland) and not so much relative to ‘Finnishness’, which the interviewees considered an exclusionary identity category. Furthermore, identification with one’s immediate place of residence (city) or, in some cases, with a religious identity as ‘Muslim’ provides a more flexible venue for identification than does identifying oneself with the (Finnish) nation.
In this report, information is published concerning Russian water and wastewater treatment plants. The information is based on a questionnaire sent to 70 water and wastewater treatment plants in 2012-2013. The questionnaire was prepared by the International Advanced Water Technologies Centre (IAWTC) and Lahti Development Company (LADEC). The questions dealt with an assessment of the present state, the need for changes, renovation, investments, and how to improve the efficiency of the operation by training and investments. A significant need to renew the old pipelines, constructions, and processes was clearly evident. The aggregated answers can be utilized in Russia as internal benchmarking in order to arrange training and plant visits, which were requested in many of the answers. Sharing this open report with the respondents can aid networking and awareness of HELCOM requirements which relate to waste water treatment plants discharging their waste water directly or indirectly into the Baltic Sea. The aim of this report is to provide information for Finnish small and medium size companies (SMEs) as regards possible water related exportation to different parts of Russia.
Kulttuurihistorian alaan kuuluva artikkeliväitöskirja edustaa populaarikulttuurin ja tarkemmin populaarimusiikin tutkimusta kiinnittyen ennen muuta audiovisuaalisen mediakulttuurin muutokseen 1960-luvulta tähän päivään. Väitöskirja käsittelee Pink Floydin, The Rolling Stonesin, U2:n ja Peter Gabrielin areenakonserttikiertueita ja kyseisten kiertueiden lavasuunnittelijoiden Mark Fisherin ja Robert Lepagen toimintaa. Tutkimus tarkastelee, miten jättiläismäiset mediaspektaakkelit saivat alkunsa, ammattimaistuivat ja globalisoituivat vuosien 1965–2013 välillä. Analyysin kohteena on se, miten ne rakentuivat ja toisaalta rakensivat areenatähteyttä sekä uudistivat audiovisuaalista kulttuuria. Konserttien avainkohtia ja populaarijulkisia aineistoja hermeneuttisesti tulkiten ja lähilukien sekä historiallisesti kontekstoiden tutkimus rakentaa kulttuurihistoriallisen kokonaistulkinnan viihdeteollisuuden mahtipontiseksi muotoutuneen ilmiön tuotannosta. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on populaarimusiikkitähden vaikutus 1900-luvun jälkipuoliskon ja 2000-luvun alun massamediassa ja kulttuurissa. Tarkastelemalla areenarockin mediaspektaakkeleiden kulttuurihistoriaa tutkimus ottaa kantaa niihin kaupallisiin, teknologisiin ja poliittisiin muutoksiin, jotka ovat viimeisen viidenkymmenen vuoden aikana mahdollistaneet tähteyden globaalia leviämistä. Tämän muutoksen seurauksena lähes kenestä tahansa voi tulla tähti ja lähes mistä tahansa kulttuuri-ilmiöstä voi tulla populaaria. Mutta vain jotkut tähdet ja yhtyeet esiintyvät täysille areenoille. Areenakonsertit ovatkin tähteysilmiön keskeisiä huipentumia, globaalin viihdekulttuurin äärimmäisiä manifestaatioita. Nykyiset areenoilla tapahtuvat mediaspektaakkelit ovat monimutkaista audiovisuaalista musiikkiteatteria, jossa kaikkien esityksen elementtien – teatraalisten ja audiovisuaalisten efektien – tulee olla mahdollisimman suuria ja taitavasti rytmitettyjä. Mediaspektaakkelien analyysissa tulee erityisesti kohdistaa huomio erilaisten medioiden suhteisiin sekä kysymykseen siitä, miten suuri osa audiovisuaalista konserttikokemusta itse asiassa on ennalta rakennettua ja nauhoitettua. Lavasuunnittelu yhdistää esiintyjän teatraaliset eleet ja esiintymisen laajempaan audiovisuaaliseen ja ennalta mietittyyn temaattiseen kokonaisuuteen. Tähän kuuluvat suurten konserttilavojen kertakäyttöarkkitehtuuri, valon ja pintojen yhdistäminen populaariin kuvastoon sekä itse teoksien audiovisuaalisen kerronnan historiallisiin ja nostalgisiin viitteisiin.
Interactions of viral proteins play an important role in the virus life cycle, especially in capsid assembly. Andean potato mottle comovirus (APMoV) is a plant RNA virus with a virion formed by two coat proteins (CP42 and CP22). Both APMoV coat protein open reading frames were cloned into pGBT9 and pGAD10, two-hybrid system vectors. HF7c yeast cells transformed with the p9CP42 construct grew on yeast dropout selection media lacking tryptophan and histidine. Clones also exhibited ß-galactosidase activity in both qualitative and quantitative assays. These results suggest that CP42 protein contains an amino acid motif able to activate transcription of His3 and lacZ reporter genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Several deletions of the CP42 gene were cloned into the pGBT9 vector to locate the region involved in this activation. CP42 constructions lacking 12 residues from the C-terminal region and another one with 267 residues deleted from the N-terminus are still able to activate transcription of reporter genes. However, transcription activation was not observed with construction p9CP42deltaC57, which does not contain the last 57 amino acid residues. These results demonstrate that a transcription activation domain is present at the C-terminus of CP42 between residues 267 and 374.
Distributed storage systems are studied. The interest in such system has become relatively wide due to the increasing amount of information needed to be stored in data centers or different kinds of cloud systems. There are many kinds of solutions for storing the information into distributed devices regarding the needs of the system designer. This thesis studies the questions of designing such storage systems and also fundamental limits of such systems. Namely, the subjects of interest of this thesis include heterogeneous distributed storage systems, distributed storage systems with the exact repair property, and locally repairable codes. For distributed storage systems with either functional or exact repair, capacity results are proved. In the case of locally repairable codes, the minimum distance is studied. Constructions for exact-repairing codes between minimum bandwidth regeneration (MBR) and minimum storage regeneration (MSR) points are given. These codes exceed the time-sharing line of the extremal points in many cases. Other properties of exact-regenerating codes are also studied. For the heterogeneous setup, the main result is that the capacity of such systems is always smaller than or equal to the capacity of a homogeneous system with symmetric repair with average node size and average repair bandwidth. A randomized construction for a locally repairable code with good minimum distance is given. It is shown that a random linear code of certain natural type has a good minimum distance with high probability. Other properties of locally repairable codes are also studied.
In recent times the packaging industry is finding means to maximize profit. Wood used to be the most advantageous and everyday material for packaging, worktables, counters, constructions, interiors, tools and as materials and utensils in the food companies in the world. The use of wood has declined vigorously, and other materials like plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, concrete, and aluminum have taken its place. One way that the industry could reduce its cost is by finding possibilities of using wood for primary packaging after which it can be safely recycled or burned as a carbon source for energy. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to investigate the possibility of press-forming a wood film into primary packaging. In order to achieve the stated objectives, discussion on major characteristics of wood in terms of structure, types and application were studied. Two different wood species, pine and birch were used for the experimental work. These were provided by a local carpentry workshop in Lappeenranta and a workshop in Ruokolahti supervised by Professor Timo Kärki. Laboratory tests were carried out at Lappeenranta University of Technology FMS workshop on Stenhøj EPS40 M hydraulic C-frame press coupled with National Instruments VI Logger and on the Adjustable packaging line machine at LUT Packaging laboratory. The tests succeeded better on the LUT packaging line than on the Stenhoj equipment due to the integrated heating system in the machine. However, there is much work to be done before the quality of a tray produced from the wood film is comparable to that of the wood plastic composite tray.
Ensikielen jälkeen opittavan kielen tutkimusta ja suomi toisena kielenä alaa sen osana ovat koko niiden olemassaolon ajan hallinneet samat peruskysymykset: millaista oppiminen on eri vaiheissa ja eri ympäristöissä, sekä mikä oppimisessa on yleistä ja toisaalta mikä riippuu opittavasta kielestä ja oppijoiden kielitaustasta. Sähköisten oppijankielen tutkimusaineistojen eli korpusten lisääntymisen myötä tutkijat voivat aiempaa helpommin tutkia näitä ilmiöitä määrällisesti ja tarkastella oppijankielen sisäistä vaihtelua ja sen suhdetta tyypilliseen ensikieliseen kielenkäyttöön kielen eri osa-alueilla käyttöpohjaisesti eli todelliseen kielenkäyttöön pohjautuen. Tekninen kehitys on tuonut mukanaan aineisto- eli korpusvetoisuuden kaltaisia uusia tapoja lähestyä tutkimusaineistoa, jolloin tyypillisiä tutkimuskysymyksiä ”Miksi?” ja ”Miten?” edeltää kysymys: ”Mikä?”. Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan edistyneiden suomenoppijoiden kirjoitettua akateemista kieltä ja suhteutetaan suomen oppimiselle ominaisia seikkoja käyttöpohjaisen mallin perusolettamuksiin. Aineisto on suomea toisena kielenä käyttävien opiskelijoiden tenttivastauksia, ja se on osa Edistyneiden suomenoppijoiden korpusta. Tutkimus on osin metodologinen, sillä väitöskirjassa esitellään ja siinä sovelletaan uutta korpusvetoista avainrakenneanalyysi-menetelmää, jonka avulla aineistoa lähestytään ilman hypoteeseja siitä, mitkä kielen ilmiöt ovat ominaisia edistyneelle oppijansuomelle. Tutkimus kuuluu kieliopin tutkimuksen piiriin, ja se nojaa kognitiivisen konstruktiokieliopin ajatukseen abstraktiudeltaan vaihtelevista konstruktioista kielijärjestelmän perusyksiköinä. Tulokset puoltavat menetelmän sovellettavuutta kielen oppimisen tutkimukseen, sillä sen avulla kyettiin tunnistamaan konstruktioita, jotka erottavat edistyneitä oppijoita ensikielisistä kirjoittajista (esim. modaaliset verbiketjut), eri ensikieliä puhuvia suomenoppijoita (esim. konjunktiot) sekä konstruktioita, joiden käyttö muuttuu ajan kuluessa (esim. preteriti ja preesens). Monet havaitut erot ovat akateemisen kirjoittamisen erityispiirteitä, mikä tukee ajatusta kielen käyttö- ja kontekstikohtaisesta oppimisesta. Tuloksia voidaan yhtäältä soveltaa akateemisen kielitaidon opetuksessa. Toisaalta menetelmää voidaan käyttää kielenoppimisen tutkimuksen ohella uusien näkökulmien kartoittamiseksi erilaisten tai eri-ikäisten tekstien tyypillisten ominaisuuksien ja erojen tutkimuksessa.
The construction of offshore structures, equipment and devices requires a high level of mechanical reliability in terms of strength, toughness and ductility. One major site for mechanical failure, the weld joint region, needs particularly careful examination, and weld joint quality has become a major focus of research in recent times. Underwater welding carried out offshore faces specific challenges affecting the mechanical reliability of constructions completed underwater. The focus of this thesis is on improvement of weld quality of underwater welding using control theory. This research work identifies ways of optimizing the welding process parameters of flux cored arc welding (FCAW) during underwater welding so as to achieve desired weld bead geometry when welding in a water environment. The weld bead geometry has no known linear relationship with the welding process parameters, which makes it difficult to determine a satisfactory weld quality. However, good weld bead geometry is achievable by controlling the welding process parameters. The doctoral dissertation comprises two sections. The first part introduces the topic of the research, discusses the mechanisms of underwater welding and examines the effect of the water environment on the weld quality of wet welding. The second part comprises four research papers examining different aspects of underwater wet welding and its control and optimization. Issues considered include the effects of welding process parameters on weld bead geometry, optimization of FCAW process parameters, and design of a control system for the purpose of achieving a desired bead geometry that can ensure a high level of mechanical reliability in welded joints of offshore structures. Artificial neural network systems and a fuzzy logic controller, which are incorporated in the control system design, and a hybrid of fuzzy and PID controllers are the major control dynamics used. This study contributes to knowledge of possible solutions for achieving similar high weld quality in underwater wet welding as found with welding in air. The study shows that carefully selected steels with very low carbon equivalent and proper control of the welding process parameters are essential in achieving good weld quality. The study provides a platform for further research in underwater welding. It promotes increased awareness of the need to improve the quality of underwater welding for offshore industries and thus minimize the risk of structural defects resulting from poor weld quality.
The aim of this thesis is to find and analyze different methods which reduce fluid bed boilers’ auxiliary power consumption. The objective is to examine the effects and feasibility of these methods. The literature part explains how fluid bed boilers work and what are the main sources of auxiliary power consumption. Designs and operation of these equipment are presented. The literature part also discusses the basics of auxiliary power consumption reduction and introduces four low pressure drop constructions. The experimental part inspects six different methods. Effects of these methods on the auxiliary power consumption are calculated and their impacts on the operation of the boiler are modeled. Calculations show that reasonable changes can reduce fluid bed boiler’s auxiliary power consumption by 2,1-10,2 %. Biggest reductions come from lower air coefficients, smaller bed a-level pressures and lower primary/secondary air –ratios. Models showed no problems with the smaller bed a-level pressures. With the lower air coefficients and smaller primary/secondary air –ratios the models showed a significant increase in the carbon monoxide levels.
Time Frames brings together a group of cultural historians studying several different periods and locations in the history of Western culture, to discuss the temporal structures which historical studies live by. How do we construct chronologies and temporal sequences? How should we approach the discontinuity and particularity of the past, and its periodization? Deploying ideas and frames from three contemporary conceptual debates - spatial organisation, constructions of experience, and the cultural embeddedness of individual agency - the writers of this book propose methods of historicizing and explore what cultural history is about today.
In Practices of Inclusion and Exclusion in Premodern Culture a group of Finnish cultural historians discuss the meanings of cultural belonging, experiences and practices of construing boundaries between cultures and their others. What were the motives behind these constructions of differences in Premodern cultures? Why and through what kind of practices were differences created in specific cultural contexts? This book deals with Premodern people having multiple ways of construing their relationship to others, simultaneously being active agents in their own lives. Practices of Inclusion and Exclusion in Premodern Culture is suitable for course book for Master's Degree studies of history.
Alumiiniseosten käyttö konstruktiomateriaalina lisääntyy johtuen sen lukuisista variaatioista lujuuden ja muovattavuuden suhteen. Alumiinin keveys on merkittävä kilpailuetu teräkseen nähden. Alumiiniseosten hitsattavuus on parantunut hitsausmenetelmien kehittyessä. Uusilla menetelmillä lämmöntuontia hallitaan paremmin, kuten myös alumiinin huokoisuutta sekä lujuuden laskua hitsauksen yhteydessä. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan alumiinin metallurgiaa, hitsausmenetelmiä, sekä alumiinin ja teräksen sekaliitoksen toteutusta. Tutkimuksella pyritään tekemään hitsatun alumiinirakenteen suunnittelua ymmärrettävämmäksi. SFS-EN standardit antavat perustuksen alumiinirakenteen suunnittelulle. Tässä diplomityössä tehdään suunnitteluesimerkki hitsatun alumiinirakenteen hitsien suunnittelusta. Suunnitteluesimerkissä tutkitaan alumiiniseoksen lujuuden laskua hitsattaessa, ja etsitään standardien antamia ratkaisuja toimivan hitsatun rakenteen toteuttamiseksi.