977 resultados para CELLS IN-VITRO


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A parede celular de Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) é constituída por 60% de lipídios, impedindo a passagem de uma grande quantidade de substâncias, além de desempenhar um importante papel na imunopatogênese. A apresentação desses antígenos aos linfócitos se dá por meio de moléculas do tipo CD1.Por sua vez a Apolipoproteína-E (ApoE), glicoproteína amplamente distribuída nos tecidos, pode facilitar a apresentação de lipídios pelo CD1. A ApoE possui três principais alelos ApoE- 2, 3 e 4, que codificam três isoformas de proteínas, tipos 2, 3 e 4, que possuem diferentes estruturas e funções. A presença de determinadas isoformas da ApoE está associada a doenças infecciosas, como herpes labial, dano hepático severo causado pelo vírus da hepatite C, diarréia infantil e tuberculose pulmonar. Neste contexto, avaliamos a participação da ApoE na atividade microbicida in vitro frente ao Mtb. Para tanto, foram arrolados 13 indivíduos PPD-, 17 indivíduos PPD+ e 4 indivíduos com tuberculose pulmonar ativa. O uso de plasma humano depletado de ApoE nos experimentos de atividade microbicida in vitro mostraram um aumento significante (p=0,02) no número de micobactérias (431.5 ± 81.92 UFC) quando comparado ao grupo controle (313.0 ± 74.61 UFC). Esses resultados foram confirmados por um modelo experimental utilizando esplenócitos de camundongos de camundongos C57BL/6 (815.9 ± 76.32 UFC) e animais APOE nocaute (1133 ± 86.85 UFC) (p = 0.021). Quanto à produção de IL-10, no grupo PPD+, observamos que o grupo com depleção de ApoE (866.7 ± 447.8) apresentou uma produção menor desta citocina com relação ao controle infectado (1089 ± 481.3) (p=0,023). Já em relação ao IFN-, em ambos os grupos observou-se, após 72 horas, uma tendência à diminuição da produção dessa citocina no grupo com depleção, com relação ao grupo controle. Esses dados sugerem que a ApoE tem papel distinto na ativação da resposta imune e sua ausência pode prejudicar a resposta imune frente à tuberculose


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Chitosan biocompatibility and biodegradability properties make this biopolymer promising for the development of advanced internal fixation devices for orthopedic applications. This work presents a detailed study on the production and characterization of three dimensional (3D) dense, non-porous, chitosan-based structures, with the ability to be processed in different shapes, and also with high strength and stiffness. Such features are crucial for the application of such 3D structures as bioabsorbable implantable devices. The influence of chitosan's molecular weight and the addition of one plasticizer (glycerol) on 3D dense chitosan-based products' biomechanical properties were explored. Several specimens were produced and in vitro studies were performed in order to assess the cytotoxicity of these specimens and their physical behavior throughout the enzymatic degradation experiments. The results point out that glycerol does not impact on cytotoxicity and has a high impact in improving mechanical properties, both elasticity and compressive strength. In addition, human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) were used as an ex-vivo model to study cell adhesion and proliferation on these structures, showing promising results with fold increase values in total cell number similar to the ones obtained in standard cell culture flasks. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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The injection of cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni into the peritoneal cavity of naive mice induces cell adhesion to these larvae, and this adherence sharply decreases when the infecting larva changes to schistosomule. This procedure was used to detect differences between schistosomules obtained in vivo and in vitro. Reinoculation of schistosomules obtained in vivo into the peritoneal cavity of mice did not trigger cell adhesion. In contrast, adherent cells were found in 4 and 24-hour-in vitro schistosomules. Our data on schistosomules obtained in vitro indicate that more than 24 hours are needed for complete remotion of molecules involved in the phenomenon of cell adhesion.


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The fungicidal action of sodium hypochlorite (0.3, 1, 2.5, 5 and 10%); formaldehyde (2, 5, and 10%); and ethyl alcohol (70%) on yeast forms of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb 18 and a newly-isolated Goiana strain was described. Contact between the fungus and the disinfectants was maintained for 1, 2, 24, 48 and 72 hours at room temperature. Viability was evaluated by the fluorescein diacetate-ethidium bromide treatment, culture in solid and liquid media (36ºC and 26ºC); yeast to mycelial germination at room temperature; and radiometric study of metabolic activity. All concentrations of disinfectants were found to be effective in inactivating Pb 18 and Goiana strains, except for the 1-hour contact with 2% formaldehyde, in which fluorescein diacetate-ethidium bromide treatment was found to reveal 40 and 27% of viable cells, respectively. The yeast to mycelial germination method was considered to reveal faster and similar results as compared to culture in solid and liquid media.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Staphylococcus aureus binds Immunoglobulin G (IgG) on its external surface due to the presence of specific receptors for the Fc domain of this immunoglobulin. This mechanism represents a kind of camouflage against phagocytic cells. In order to confirm that possibility an in vitro evaluation of the phagocytic activity of leukocytes polymorpho-nuclear (PMN) against strains of Staphylococcus aureus was done, comparing 18 strains isolated from clinical samples and 16 from healthy individuals. The presence of Fc receptors was evaluated by haemagglutination (HA) with erythrocytes group A after incubation of the strains with IgG anti blood group A. Phagocytosis of S. aureus was carried out by mixing live bacteria with a suspension of human PMN and incubating at 37 °C for 1 h; survivors were counted as colony forming units by plating. The strains from clinical specimens showed higher HA than those from healthy individuals (p = 0.01); but the former were killed more efficiently than the latter (80-90% and 40%, respectively). It is may be possible that S. aureus showed different behavior in vivo, where could express other virulence factors to prevent the action of phagocytes.


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The RID assay is one of the in vitro methods used for in-process control in the production of rabies vaccines for veterinary use. It has been shown to be very useful for determining antigen concentration in the final bulk product. The work presented in this paper, including the production and standardization of candidate standard reagents for use in the Radial Immunodiffusion Assay (RID) was carried out at the Pan American Institute for Food Protection and Zoonoses (INPPAZ/PAHO/WHO). The study was completed with the cooperation of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata (NULP), Argentina, where the validation of the proposed standards and the quality control of samples from 28 different batches of rabies vaccines produced with Pasteur strain rabies virus (PV) in BHK cells were performed. The activity of the vaccines was determined by in vivo (NIH) and in vitro (RID)assays. The results of the candidate reagents for the reagent standardization tests showed stability, sensitivity and reproducibility. The Relative Potency the 1.2 between the problem vaccines and the reference vaccine was estimated by variance and regression analysis. The results of our validation study show that the INPPAZ (PAHO/WHO) is capable of producing and distributing the above-mentioned standard reagents, as well as of providing support for the incorporation of the RID technique (sensitive, rapid and inexpensive) to the laboratories that manufacture rabies vaccines in Latin America and the Caribbean.


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Dissertation to obtain a Master Degree in Biotechnology


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Since there are no studies evaluating the participation of the complement system (CS) in Jorge Lobo's disease and its activity on the fungus Lacazia loboi, we carried out the present investigation. Fungal cells with a viability index of 48% were obtained from the footpads of BALB/c mice and incubated with a pool of inactivated serum from patients with the mycosis or with sterile saline for 30 min at 37 ºC. Next, the tubes were incubated for 2 h with a pool of noninactivated AB+ serum, inactivated serum, serum diluted in EGTA-MgCl2, and serum diluted in EDTA. The viability of L. loboi was evaluated and the fungal suspension was cytocentrifuged. The slides were submitted to immunofluorescence staining using human anti-C3 antibody. The results revealed that 98% of the fungi activated the CS by the alternative pathway and no significant difference in L. loboi viability was observed after CS activation. In parallel, frozen histological sections from 11 patients were analyzed regarding the presence of C3 and IgG by immunofluorescence staining. C3 and IgG deposits were observed in the fungal wall of 100% and 91% of the lesions evaluated, respectively. The results suggest that the CS and immunoglobulins may contribute to the defense mechanisms of the host against L. loboi.


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Dissertation to obtain a Master Degree in Biotechnology


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Thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies normally causes hyperthyroidism. However, they might have blocking activity causing hypothyroidism. A 11-year-old girl followed due to type 1 diabetes mellitus, celiac disease and euthyroid lymphocytic thyroiditis at diagnosis. Two years after the initial evaluation, thyroid-stimulating hormone was suppressed with normal free T4; nine months later, a biochemical evolution to hypothyroidism with thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies elevation was seen; the patient remained always asymptomatic. Chinese hamster ovary cells were transfected with the recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone -receptor, and then exposed to the patient's serum; it was estimated a 'moderate' blocking activity of these thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies, and concomitantly excluded stimulating action. In this case, the acknowledgment of the blocking activity of the serum thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies, supported the hypothesis of a multifactorial aetiology of the hypothyroidism, which in the absence of the in vitro tests, we would consider only as a consequence of the destructive process associated to lymphocytic thyroiditis.


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Dissertation to obtain a Master Degree in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine


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Peripheral blood leukocytes from different animals were isolated from whole blood and maintained in Dulbeco's medium containing homologous serum without antibiotics. After 72 hrs microscopic examination of these cells showed that most animals were infected with Ehrlichia. Observation of thin blood smears from the same animals showed that only two were positive for Ehrlichia. The results of this investigation show that leukocyte culture is superior to the traditional thin blood film method in the detection of Ehrlichia and that asymptomatic carriers are easily detected. The method is inexpensive and does not require specific cell lines although it is necessary to use sterile sera.