929 resultados para By-environment Interaction
Understanding the genetic basis of traits involved in adaptation is a major challenge in evolutionary biology but remains poorly understood. Here, we use genome-wide association mapping using a custom 50 k single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array in a natural population of collared flycatchers to examine the genetic basis of clutch size, an important life-history trait in many animal species. We found evidence for an association on chromosome 18 where one SNP significant at the genome-wide level explained 3.9% of the phenotypic variance. We also detected two suggestive quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on chromosomes 9 and 26. Fitness differences among genotypes were generally weak and not significant, although there was some indication of a sex-by-genotype interaction for lifetime reproductive success at the suggestive QTL on chromosome 26. This implies that sexual antagonism may play a role in maintaining genetic variation at this QTL. Our findings provide candidate regions for a classic avian life-history trait that will be useful for future studies examining the molecular and cellular function of, as well as evolutionary mechanisms operating at, these loci.
The phenotypic effect of a gene is normally described by the mean-difference between alternative genotypes. A gene may, however, also influence the phenotype by causing a difference in variance between genotypes. Here, we reanalyze a publicly available Arabidopsis thaliana dataset [1] and show that genetic variance heterogeneity appears to be as common as normal additive effects on a genomewide scale. The study also develops theory to estimate the contributions of variance differences between genotypes to the phenotypic variance, and this is used to show that individual loci can explain more than 20% of the phenotypic variance. Two well-studied systems, cellular control of molybdenum level by the ion-transporter MOT1 and flowering-time regulation by the FRI-FLC expression network, and a novel association for Leaf serration are used to illustrate the contribution of major individual loci, expression pathways, and gene-by-environment interactions to the genetic variance heterogeneity.
Apresentamos neste trabalho um estudo sobre a processualidade das relações da escola pública com a comunidade, enfocando os agenciamentos que operam na constituição de diferentes modos de relação em uma instituição situada na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Sob os referenciais de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, procuramos pensar as relações como acontecimentos, efeitos de sentidos, agenciados coletivamente por instâncias heterogêneas que compõem o real social. Nosso problema se inscreve no âmbito do discurso e da subjetividade, partindo da hipótese de que é possível pensar as relações nas instituições, para além das representações individuais, para além das relações interpessoais, para além do pressuposto da reprodução social. Procuramos articular conhecimentos da Análise de Discurso na vertente Francesa com as discussões empreendidas por Deleuze e Guattari sobre uma Filosofia da Linguagem e uma Teoria da Subjetividade. Utilizamos o recurso cartográfico proposto por estes autores, trabalhando com os discursos produzidos no encontro da escola com a comunidade. Para tal acompanhamos as atividades de uma escola durante um ano, realizando entrevistas, observações, leitura de documentos, participando de reuniões e encontros festivos. Encontramos em nosso estudo algumas dobras das relações da escola com a comunidade, dobras que nos falam da sua complexidade, a qual temos deixado escapar, ao entendermos as relações, marcados pelo modo-indivíduo de subjetivação, que ganhou força desde a modernidade. Nossa cartografia registrou várias dobras, algumas um pouco mais intensas, como a dobra burocrática, a qual impede que outras forças possam ser potencializadas na escola. Procuramos aqui construir um modo de pensar as relações nas instituições, um pensar nas dobras, para regar um pouco o campo da Análise Institucional no âmbito da Psicologia e da Educação.
The purpose of this study was evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of being strategic tool, applied to Castrol Brazil, to make possible to conduct the company towards the needed changes facing the scenery that it was going through of being acquired by British Petroleum. Besides contributing to the administration of this changing process, providing a favorable atmosphere to motivation, synergy and mobilization of all employees facing the results maintenance, also contributed to the implementation of its sustainable development policy, via a solid culture of corporative social responsibility. Also, it doesn¿t present itself as a directive and exclusive tool, only applicable to the described reality, but adaptable and that could be used in several merger and acquisition processes, enabling the companies to be acquired the cleaned understanding of the mission and the corporative vision, the faster incorporation of the new values and the acquisition of the best results in short and medium terms. The methodology used was descriptive, explanatory and applied, making use of documental, bibliographical means, study of cases and mainly participative, by total interaction of the researcher in the context of this study
The purpose of this study was evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of being strategic tool, applied to Castrol Brazil, to make possible to conduct the company towards the needed changes facing the scenery that it vvas going through of being acquired by British Petroleum. Besides contributing to the administration of this changing process, providing favorable atmosphere to motivation, synergy and mobilization of ali employees facing the results maintenance, also contributed to the implementation of its sustainable development policy. via a solid culture of corporative social responsibility. Also, it doesn't present itself as directive and exclusive tool, only applicable to the described reality. but adaptable and that could be used in several merger and acquisition processes, enabling the companies to be acquired the cleaned understanding of the mission and the corporative vision. the faster incorporation of the new values and the acquisition of the best results in short and médium terms. The methodology used was descriptive, explanatory and applied. making use of documental, bibliographical means, study of cases and mainly participative. by total interaction of the researcher in the context of this study
In this dissertation, the theoretical principles governing the molecular modeling were applied for electronic characterization of oligopeptide α3 and its variants (5Q, 7Q)-α3, as well as in the quantum description of the interaction of the aminoglycoside hygromycin B and the 30S subunit of bacterial ribosome. In the first study, the linear and neutral dipeptides which make up the mentioned oligopeptides were modeled and then optimized for a structure of lower potential energy and appropriate dihedral angles. In this case, three subsequent geometric optimization processes, based on classical Newtonian theory, the semi-empirical and density functional theory (DFT), explore the energy landscape of each dipeptide during the search of ideal minimum energy structures. Finally, great conformers were described about its electrostatic potential, ionization energy (amino acids), and frontier molecular orbitals and hopping term. From the hopping terms described in this study, it was possible in subsequent studies to characterize the charge transport propertie of these peptides models. It envisioned a new biosensor technology capable of diagnosing amyloid diseases, related to an accumulation of misshapen proteins, based on the conductivity displayed by proteins of the patient. In a second step of this dissertation, a study carried out by quantum molecular modeling of the interaction energy of an antibiotic ribosomal aminoglicosídico on your receiver. It is known that the hygromycin B (hygB) is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that affects ribosomal translocation by direct interaction with the small subunit of the bacterial ribosome (30S), specifically with nucleotides in helix 44 of the 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA). Due to strong electrostatic character of this connection, it was proposed an energetic investigation of the binding mechanism of this complex using different values of dielectric constants (ε = 0, 4, 10, 20 and 40), which have been widely used to study the electrostatic properties of biomolecules. For this, increasing radii centered on the hygB centroid were measured from the 30S-hygB crystal structure (1HNZ.pdb), and only the individual interaction energy of each enclosed nucleotide was determined for quantum calculations using molecular fractionation with conjugate caps (MFCC) strategy. It was noticed that the dielectric constants underestimated the energies of individual interactions, allowing the convergence state is achieved quickly. But only for ε = 40, the total binding energy of drug-receptor interaction is stabilized at r = 18A, which provided an appropriate binding pocket because it encompassed the main residues that interact more strongly with the hygB - C1403, C1404, G1405, A1493, G1494, U1495, U1498 and C1496. Thus, the dielectric constant ≈ 40 is ideal for the treatment of systems with many electrical charges. By comparing the individual binding energies of 16S rRNA nucleotides with the experimental tests that determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of hygB, it is believed that those residues with high binding values generated bacterial resistance to the drug when mutated. With the same reasoning, since those with low interaction energy do not influence effectively the affinity of the hygB in its binding site, there is no loss of effectiveness if they were replaced.
Obesity is currently considered a public health problem and there has been growing interest in the study of various aspects related to this infirmity such as: epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and others. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of weight excess and overweight in preschoolers in Natal, Brazil and relate them to variables such as gender, age, type of school (public or private) and zones of the city (east/south and north/west). This is a transversal study, carried out in Natal, Brazil between August and September 2004, in 20 public and 20 private schools/day care centers selected by the systematic sampling method. We measured the weight and height of 3721 students between the ages of 2 and 6 years. The children were stratified, according to age, into age group 1 (2 to 4 years) and age group 2 (5 and 6 years) and according to the region of the school, into north/west and east/south zones, the regions with the smallest and highest quality of life indices in the city, respectively. Children were considered to have weight excess when BMI ≥ 85th percentile, including those with BMI ≥ 95th percentile and overweight when BMI ≥ 95th percentile. The prevalence of weight excess was 26.5%, and of overweight 12.4%. There was greater prevalence of weight excess in the private schools and in the east/south zones. Overweight displayed the same epidemiologic profile, with a greater prevalence in private schools and in the east/south zones. The prevalence of weight excess in preschoolers in Natal, Brazil is high and is related, above all, to private schools and to those located in the highest quality of life areas. Therefore, prevention programs should be implanted in elementary schools in order to decrease weight excess and possible associated co-morbidities. This research project met the norms established by PPGCSa/UFRN and aimed at promoting the interrelation between different researchers and between different fields of knowledge, using multi and interdisciplinary concepts. This study was enriched by the interaction between the following professionals: pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist and physician nutrition specialist, pediatric endocrinologist, epidemiologist and biostatistician
The purpose of this study was to verify the breeding potential of the maize composite Isanao VF1 in the second growing season. One hundred and fifty half-sib progenies were evaluated of spacing of 0.45 m, densities of 57,778 and 80,000 plants ha(-1), in a randomized block design with three replications. Gains of 16.0 and 19.2% were estimated for grain Yield, H. I and 10.5% for prolificacy and 12.3 and 12.9% for ear height, respectively, at 57,778 and 80,000 plants ha(-1). The heritabilities for plant height, ear height and grain yield were 65.2 and 61.3%, 64.3 and 66.9% and 53.5 and 63.3%, respectively, confirming the potential for breeding at both densities. The absence of progeny by density interaction indicates that no further selection programs are necessary. The occurrence of segregation for modifier genes for height suggests stabilizing selection based on ear height.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o desempenho produtivo, adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica de seis genótipos de tomateiro na região de Marília, SP. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em nove ambientes (seis sob condições de cultivo protegido e três sob condições de céu aberto), com seis genótipos (Carmen, Diva, Donador, Graziela, Vita e HE-295), em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Ocorreram diferenças significativas entre ambientes, e a média geral dos cultivos protegidos superou a dos cultivos a céu aberto quanto à produtividade, apesar de a média geral dos cultivos a céu aberto ser superior quanto ao peso médio de frutos. As cultivares, à exceção de HE-295, demonstraram alta estabilidade, merecendo destaque as cultivares Carmen, Donador e Vita, que tiveram rendimento médio superior ao da média geral, adaptabilidade geral e comportamento previsível em todos os ambientes estudados. Quanto ao peso médio dos frutos, as cultivares Diva e Vita foram as únicas que mostraram ampla adaptabilidade a todos os ambientes, comportamento previsível, além de apresentarem peso médio do fruto superior ao da média geral.
Avaliaram-se a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade fenotípica de dez genótipos de cenoura, nove de polinização aberta [Alvorada (FELTRIN); Tropical (ISLA); Brasília (ISLA); Nova Brasília (ISLA); Carandaí (SVS); Brasília (SVS); Brazlândia (HORTEC); HT-2000 (HORTEC), e Brasília-RL (SAKATA)] e o híbrido AF-845 (SAKATA), em semeaduras, de janeiro e março, em São José do Rio Pardo (SP), janeiro e fevereiro, em Ponta Grossa (PR), e na primeira e última semana de fevereiro, em São Gotardo (MG), e Carandaí (MG), totalizando oito experimentos (SJRP-JAN; SJRP-MAR; PG-JAN; PG-FEV; SG-FEV'; SG-FEV''; C-FEV', e C-FEV''), que foram implementados em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância individual e conjunta, e à análise de adaptabilidade e de estabilidade. Dos oito ambientes testados, apenas C-FEV'', PG-JAN e SG-FEV'' foram considerados favoráveis ao cultivo de cenoura, com destaque para C-FEV''. Entre genótipos, na maioria dos ambientes, 'Brazlândia' se destacou tanto na produtividade total, quanto na produtividade comercial de raízes. Na análise de adaptabilidade, 'Brazlândia' e 'Brasília-RL' indicaram possuir desempenho mais do que proporcional à melhoria promovida pelo ambiente, sendo indicados para semeaduras em ambientes favoráveis. O híbrido AF-845 mostrou ter pequena capacidade em responder às variações ambientais, não sendo indicado para nenhum dos ambientes estudados. Os genótipos de cenoura, em geral, apresentaram estabilidade de comportamento nos ambientes estudados.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Viabilidade produtiva e econômica do consórcio entre chicória e rúcula em função da época de plantio
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Qualitative study on the meaning of a child s birth to the father. Its general purpose was to comprehend the significance the man attaches to his child s birth and its specific objectives were to identify the man s feelings with regard to his child s birth as well as to verify his attitude toward a child s birth. The study was founded on the theoretical reference system about the man in the gravid-puerperal cycle and the humanization of the assistance. The data were obtained through semistructured interview performed with men accompanying their children s birth whose wives were in the immediate puerperium. This stage occurred in two maternity hospitals in Natal-RN, both of which adopt the principle of safe notherhood in the attendance of women in the process of parturition. The material apprehended from the statements was treated in conformity with the content analysis method in the mode of thematic analysis according to Bardin. Three thematic categories emerged from this process: the father s attitude toward his child s birth, the father s feelings in respect of his child s birth, and the informations received by the father in the course of his child s birth. The speech content was analyzed in accordance with the principles of symbolic interactionism according to Blumer. The results showed that the husbands interact with their respective wives and respond with attitudes of care, help, support, and encouragement within the principles of humanization intermingled with feelings of happiness, restlessness, and suffering leading them to appraise and exalt their consorts. Besides, we verified that the father s attitudes and feelings in the delivery room in the light of symbolic interactionism tend to be influenced by the interaction between him and the attending professionals
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this research was to evaluate crop yield and some characteristics and yield components of transgenic soybean cultivars sown after different winter cover crops in the first year under no tillage system. The experimental design was the completely randomized block with split plots and four replications. The main plots consisted of five winter cover crops, white oat (Avena sativa L.), forage turnip (Raphanus sativus L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and ground pea (Pisum sativum L.) and an area under fallow (spontaneous vegetation). The subplots consisted of six soybean cultivars (BRS 243 RR, BRS 245 RR, BRS 247 RR, BRS 255 RR, BRS 256 RR and BRS 244 RR). Variance analysis for agronomic characteristics showed that soybean yield components were influenced by the interaction between winter crop and soybean cultivar. Thus, final population, number of nodes and pods per plant, nodes dry matter per plant, number of grains per pod and grain yield were affected significantly. When soybean nodulation was evaluated, the treatment with the area under fallow showed lower values. There was difference among winter crops for BRS 243 RR grain yield, white oat showed the highest values.