500 resultados para Artisanal Fishermen
Control and management of Uganda fishery resources has been hindered by among other factors the multispecies nature of the resource and the characteristic behaviour of the fishing communities. Fishermen have both genuine and uncompromising attitudes as to why they carry out certain fishing technologies. All fishing activities aim at maximizing the catches or profits while others may fish on a small scale for subsistence. Sensitizing the" fisherfolk on the appropriate fishing technologies. importance of awell regulated fishery exploitation and their participation in control and management of the resource would enhance or lead to increased and sustainable fish production. Socio-economics of fishing technologies were therefore examined using prepared questionnaires and reasons why the fishing communities behave the way they do established.
Flying fish is an important fishery resource in most of the Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam where artisanal fishing methods are applied. This study deals with an investigation on the Touran fishing area. In this region, fishing operations have never been studied neither in Vietnam nor in neighboring countries. The survey of fishing grounds was conducted by Mr. Nguyen-Chua, and data was collected by Tran-văn-Tri.
The scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa has been the focus of deep-sea research since the recognition of the vast extent of coral reefs in North Atlantic waters two decades ago, long after their existence was mentioned by fishermen. These reefs where shown to provide habitat, concentrate biomass and act as feeding or nursery grounds for many species, including those targeted by commercial fisheries. Thus, the attention given to this cold-water coral (CWC) species from researchers and the wider public has increased. Consequently, new research programs triggered research to determine the full extent of the corals geographic distribution and ecological dynamics of “Lophelia reefs”. The present study is based on a systematic standardised sampling design to analyse the distribution and coverage of CWC reefs along European margins from the Bay of Biscay to Iceland. Based on Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) image analysis, we report an almost systematic occurrence of Madrepora oculata in association with L. pertusa with similar abundances of both species within explored reefs, despite a tendency of increased abundance of L. pertusa compared to M. oculata toward higher latitudes. This systematic association occasionally reached the colony scale, with “twin” colonies of both species often observed growing next to each other when isolated structures were occurring off-reefs. Finally, several “false chimaera” were observed within reefs, confirming that colonial structures can be “coral bushes” formed by an accumulation of multiple colonies even at the inter-specific scale, with no need for self-recognition mechanisms. Thus, we underline the importance of the hitherto underexplored M. oculata in the Eastern Atlantic, re-establishing a more balanced view that both species and their yet unknown interactions are required to better elucidate the ecology, dynamics and fate of European CWC reefs in a changing environment.
Along the coastal zone of Nha-Trang, Vietnamese fishermen adopted a special net, Cai ró. This machine (probably coming from China), is used in many countries of Southeast Asia. In Vietnam it is widespread from the north to the south with significant changes. The fixed gear described here is the one generally used in the southern part of Central Vietnam and especially in the province of Nha-Trang.
The census of a fishing industry is called a frame survey. This is a rather comprehensive term, because there are many aspects of a fishery which one might wish to know. This is illustrated by the report on the partial census executed by the ADP/FS on the southern landings of L.Kyoga during December 1988, which deals with many socio-economic aspects of fishermen's households.
Edible mushroom cultivation has been gaining ground in the agricultural environment throughout the country, creating a new product option in the food market. This activity is linked to cultural and artisanal management with environmentally sustainable principles and generates income for small farms. In this context, the present study evaluated the potential for artisanal cultivation of Shiitake as an activity for sustainable agroecosystems. Initially, the historic of implementation and evolution of artisanal cultivation of Shiitake mushroom on properties considered models in Pato Branco, Guarapuava and São José dos Pinhais (Paraná) and Frei Rogerio, (Santa Catarina) were carried out. Consequently, a comparative analysis between the cultivation systems of these properties and the use of small wooded areas and reforested areas was conducted. Aspects of production, income and pluralism of the farms, were also performed. At the end, the nutritional quality parameters of mushrooms produced in different properties were evaluated. The results show economic potential in Shiitake production. The activity also has potential for the sustainable exploitation of native forest and reforested areas, contributing to the optimal use of physical space small properties. In artisanal cultivation of Shiitake there is a systemic interaction verified by the use of wood from the same farm, assisting in the renewal of biomass of the agroecosystem. Finally, it was found that mushrooms produced on different substrates used in the studied properties have high nutritional quality. Shiitake samples exhibited high contents of protein, fiber, minerals and low fat content.
This project survey on cost-net was conducted at the Northern portion of Lake Victoria and Upper Victoria Nile. The selected fish -Landing sites, where sampling exercises were carried out include: Loco, Jinja pier (covering Lake Victoria) and Railway bridge, New bridge and Kalange (covering upper Victoria Nile). Research was focused on the cast-net design, target commercial fish stocks, impact of cast-net on the fish stocks, mesh-size and techniques ofcast-netting. The research results show that cast-net fishery destroys fish breeding and nursery grounds and other fish ecosystem. The gear targets Oreochromis niloticus and Occassional by catches e.g. Lates niloticus, Mormyrus Kannume Bagrus docmak and Clarias gariepinus. The multi-panel cast-net of mesh-sizes ranging from i (5lmm) to 6' (152mm) were adaptable by fishermen but they mostly caught immature fish. Nevertheless, this gear showed highest efficiency compared to other gears used at the project area. These research results will be useful to researchers, extension workers and Fishenes, students under taking special research or study on this gear.
This research develops four case studies on small-scale fisheries in Central America located within indigenous territories. The ngöbe Bugle Conte Burica Territory in the south of Costa Rica, the Garífuna territory in nueva Armenia Honduras, the Rama territory in Nicaragua and the ngöbe Bugle territory in Bocas del Toro, Panamá. This is one of the first studies focusing on indigenous territories, artisanal fisheries and SSF guidelines. The cases are a first approach to discussing and analyzing relevant social and human rights issues related to conservation of marine resources and fisheries management in these territories. The cases discussed between other issues of interest, the relationships between marine protected areas under different governance models and issues related to the strengthening of the small-scale fisheries of these indigenous populations and marine fishing territories. They highlight sustainability, governance, land tenure and access to fishing resources, gender, traditional knowledge importance and new challenges as climate change.
Fishing with explosives dates back to previous times. It was practiced by few Vietnamese fishermen. The practice is widespread in the country during the last fifteen years due to the increasing availability of explosives. Certainly this method gives some significant advantages: it is easy to apply, inexpensive and promptly profitable. But we cannot underestimate the incalculable damages caused by bursting, disorder and desolation. Some of our fishermen, attracted by immediate gain, accomplished a work of terrible devastation. The following paper does not aim to encourage fishermen to develop and modernize fishing methods but it gives the results of an investigation on dangerous fishing methods.
Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Ciências do Mar), 5 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
We present a checklist of the shores fishes of the coast of the Rio Grande do Norte state. Species were registered through the specimens collection, underwater records, samples in landings of artisanal fleet and by compilation of data from literature and ichthyologic collections, between January 2004 to 2006. A total of 440 species form 2 classes, 25 orders, 106 families and 253 genus were registered. It is believed that due the great increase of the number of species registered, the ichthyofauna of the coast of this state is reasonably known
Understanding and predicting patterns of distribution and abundance of marine resources is important for con- servation and management purposes in small-scale artisanal fisheries and industrial fisheries worldwide. The goose barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) is an important shellfish resource and its distribution is closely related to wave exposure at different spatial scales. We modelled the abundance (percent coverage) of P. pollicipes as a function of a simple wave exposure index based on fetch estimates from digitized coastlines at different spatial scales. The model accounted for 47.5% of the explained deviance and indicated that barnacle abundance increases non-linearly with wave exposure at both the smallest (metres) and largest (kilometres) spatial scales considered in this study. Distribution maps were predicted for the study region in SW Portugal. Our study suggests that the relationship between fetch-based exposure indices and P. pollicipes percent cover may be used as a simple tool for providing stakeholders with information on barnacle distribution patterns. This information may improve assessment of harvesting grounds and the dimension of exploitable areas, aiding management plans and support- ing decision making on conservation, harvesting pressure and surveillance strategies for this highly appreciated and socio- economically important marine resource.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão do Turismo Internacional, 19 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
El cormorán neotropical (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) es una especie de ave acuática abundante en los humedales de El Salvador. La depredación de peces que realiza en los ecosistemas acuáticos, está generando un conflicto con los pescadores que asocian la disminución de la pesca con la conducta depredadora del ave. Entre abril de 2010 a febrero de 2011, se realizó una investigación tendiente a conocer el estado de la población de P. brasilianus en el Sitio Ramsar Embalse Cerrón Grande, El Salvador. El estudio se desarrolló por medio de cinco censos y recolecta de ejemplares, estos últimos se utilizaron para analizar el contenido estomacal. El máximo de ejemplares contabilizados fue de 28,063 individuos y 3,000 parejas reproductoras. Se recolectaron 266 ejemplares, de los cuales, 207 contenían peces en sus estómagos,cuyo peso individual varío de 2 a 307 g ±52 g.Se encontró un total de 1,078 ejemplares de peces correspondiente a diez especies, cuatro de ellas obtuvieron los mayores valores de abundancia: bagre (Cathorops steindachneri)con 29%, seguido por guapote (Parachromis managuensis) con 25%, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) con 22% y plateada (Astianax aeneus, Roeboides bouchellei) con 21%. ABSTRACT: The neotropical cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) is a species of waterfowl abundant in the wetlands of El Salvador. Fish predation on aquatic ecosystems is generating a conflict with fishermen that associating declining fishing with predatory behavior of this bird. From April 2010 to February 2011, an investigation was conducted aimed at knowing the state of the population of P. brasilianus in the Ramsar wetland Cerron Grande, El Salvador. The study was conducted through counting and collecting of birds, to analyze the stomachic contents. The maximum recorded was 28.063 individuals and 3,000 breeding pairs. 266 birds were collected, on 207 it found fish in their stomachs, whose individual weight ranged from 2-307 g ± 52 g. A total of 1,078 fish specimens was found, from ten species, four of them obtained the highest values of abundance: bagre (Cathorops steindachneri) with 29%, followed by guapote (Parachromis managuensis) with 25%,tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with 22% and plateada (Astyanax aeneus, Roeboides bouchellei) with 31%.
A presente investigação se insere na linha de pesquisa Educação, Linguagens e Utopias do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – PPGEDU\FURG e teve como problemática central compreender quais são os processos formadores que se entrelaçam nas histórias escolares das mulheres pescadoras artesanais da Ilha dos Marinheiros, situada às margens da Lagoa dos Patos, na cidade do Rio Grande (RS). A pesquisa justificou-se em virtude da desvalorização do trabalho desenvolvido pelas mulheres pescadoras artesanais dentro do ciclo produtivo pesqueiro artesanal, as quais buscaram a escola novamente em suas vidas por meio de um Projeto de Educação formal destinado a jovens e adultos moradores de uma comunidade tradicional de pesca artesanal. A investigação construída se enquadra na metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa. A produção dos dados constituiu-se de quatro encontros junto a três mulheres pescadoras artesanais e foram utilizados diferentes instrumentos investigativos para produção dos dados: entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações registradas em Diário de Campo. Para a interpretação dos fenômenos investigados, utilizou-se a Análise Textual Discursiva (ATD), composta primeiramente pela unitarização dos dados, seguido da categorização dos mesmos, captação do novo emergente e a reconstrução textual. Compreende-se a metodologia de pesquisa como parte integrante da construção contínua de todo o processo investigativo. O estudo fundamentou-se nas contribuições teóricas de autores como Maria Cristina Maneschy, Paulo Freire, Caroline Terra de Oliveira, Antônio Diegues, entre outros. Neste estudo foram três as categorias que emergiram: A escola do hoje e a escola do ontem: as experiências escolares das mulheres pescadoras artesanais; A volta à escola para mulheres pescadoras artesanais: construção de sentimentos de emancipação; O que dizem as mulheres pescadoras artesanais sobre a profissão. Nesta última categoria as participantes da pesquisa falaram sobre o que é ser pescadora artesanal e se apresentaram enquanto profissionais da pesca artesanal, assim como reconheceram a atuação das famílias em prol das comunidades tradicionais. Na primeira categoria, os diálogos com as participantes da pesquisa, aliados as interlocuções teóricas possibilitaram a compreensão sobre o que pensam e dizem as mulheres pescadoras artesanais sobre suas experiências escolares, apresentado suas vivências escolares em escolas distintas, porém ambas as experiências compuseram seus processos de escolarização. Contudo, enfatiza-se na segunda categoria que voltar à escola possibilitou novas releituras de mundo para as pescadoras artesanais, fortalecendo a autonomia das mulheres em prol da luta pela valorização da categoria em meio à crise socioambiental enfrentada pelas comunidades pesqueiras tradicionais.