799 resultados para Anniversary


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Special Points of Interest: • The Division of Soil Conservation celebrated its 70th anniversary July 1, 2009. The Iowa Soil Conservation: Laws were enacted in 1939 creating the state soil conservation agency and governing committee and providing for the creation of Iowa’s 100 soil and water conservation districts. • The Mines & Minerals Bureau, through the federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Program, worked with various watershed groups to again secure an additional $1 million dollars in funding for the construction on projects in Marion, Mahaska and Monroe Counties. • Iowa hosted the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force tour and meeting in September 2009.


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Highlights: * New Iowan Center 10th Anniversary Open House........................................pg. 2 * New ICAP Workforce Services Center Held Open House.............................pg. 2 * Cedar Rapids IowaWORKS Hosts Career Fair...............................................pg. 3 * New Hours for Washington IowaWORKS office.............................pg. 3 * Regional Update.................................pg. 4 * Regional Veteran’s Day Events & Photos ...............................................pg. 5


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There is no doubt that the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery is a success story. In 2011, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of this professional organization. In 2012, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. In addition, two other journals have been initiated, Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery and the Multimedia Manual of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, and all of them can be accessed through CTSnet (www.ctsnet.org). The most recent development was the birth of EACTS House, and it was to celebrate the official opening of EACTS House on 10 February 2011, that we held the second Strategic meeting, 'EACTS in the Future'. On this occasion, the EACTS council and delegates of the EACTS Domains (Domain of Thoracic Disease, Domain of Vascular Disease, Domain of Congenital Cardiac Disease and Domain of Adult Cardiac Disease) came together with representative thoracic and cardio-vascular surgeons from North America, Asia and BRICS countries as well as senior managers from industry in order to decide where to go from there. As a basis for starting the discussions, a sector analysis of the activities of the Department of Cardio-Vascular Surgery at CHUV in Lausanne, Switzerland was performed in order to identify the trends in the activities of our group of surgeons by pulling the consolidated data for the period running from 1 January 1995 to 31 December 2010. Interestingly enough, the most frequent procedures like coronary artery bypass graft and valve repair/replacement did not increase despite a growing programme. In our setting, the compensation came mainly from vascular surgery and mechanical circulatory support. These data have to be put in perspective by the reports provided by the EACTS domain chairs in order to identify the challenges and opportunities for the future development of our specialties.


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Special Points of Interest: • The Division of Soil Conservation celebrated its 70th anniversary July 1, 2009. The Iowa Soil Conservation Laws were enacted in 1939 creating the state soil conservation agency and governing committee and providing for the creation of Iowa’s 100 soil and water conservation districts. • The Mines & Minerals Bureau, through the federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Program, worked with various watershed groups to again secure an additional $1 million dollars in funding for the construction on projects in Marion, Mahaska and Monroe Counties. • Iowa hosted the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force tour and meeting in September 2009.


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L’estiu de 1990 moria a Amsterdam un dels sociòlegs més preeminents del segle XX, l’alemany Norbert Elias. La seva vida i la seva obra, profundament imbricades, són un reflex de la complexitat, de les llums i les ombres del segle passat. Amb aquesta proposta de retrat intel·lectual pretenem per una banda commemorar l’efemèride dels 20 anys de la mort d’un sociòleg poc reconegut i poc emprat. I d’altra banda, oferir una introducció a un personatge i una obra que, per la seva magnitud i originalitat, mereixen estar entre les més rellevants de la sociologia. Com a fil conductor de l’article proposem una combinació de llocs físics i simbòlics que van marcar la seva trajectòria.


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En aquest article dedicat a Norbert Elias en commemoració dels vint anys de la seva mort, proposem revisar, de manera resumida, la seva obra a partir dels interrogants ontològics, epistemològics i metodològics que Elias va encarar al llarg de la seva dilatada vida acadèmica i de recerca. L’article pretén ser, alhora, un punt i a part en el monogràfic, perquè en vol recollir alguns dels interrogants, debats i conclusions, com també tenir un paper introductori per a aquelles persones que, sense gaires coneixements previs sobre l’autor de Breslau, vulguin conèixer alguns dels trets definitoris de la seva trajectòria intel·lectual al llarg del segle XX. I, sobretot, quin llegat, en forma de grans preguntes, deixa per a la sociologia del segle XXI. L’article acaba amb una bibliografia escollida d’obres clau.


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On the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Federation of Benedictine Women’s Monasteries of Catalonia (Spain), the five monasteries represented are discussing the following question: what will monastic life be like in the future? This question is added to the debate about “new forms of monasticism”, “urban monastic life” and, in a more general sense, to the modernisations and “the opening up” of the precepts and practices of monastic life at this time. Faced with the ambitious monastic questioning, the author responds with five deliberately provocative debates developed out of a consideration of various chapters of the Rule of St. Benedict that raise profound questions when it comes to responding to the question presented here. Having described these five debates, by way of a summary, the article presents three ideal types of monastery in relation to the current processes of deinstitutionalisation that represent, in an overall way, three provisional responses and serve as a focus for the question discussed here.


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We introduce the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG) from its origins to the present and summarize the means by which is fulfilling its mission. The IAMG was set up in Prague in 1968 with the intention of “promoting throughout the world the advancement of mathematics, statistics and informatics in the Geosciences”. It is a non-profit organisation that includes among its members researchers, teachers, professionals and students dedicated to mathematical and statistical Applications in all branches of the earth sciences. The IAMG publishes three major journals and a newsletter and organises a yearly conference, whist at the same time supporting many others. It bestows 4 biannual prizes that recognise outstanding achievements in its field, organises a distinguished lecturer series, and encourages Young researchers by providing Student research and travel funds and promoting Student societies. The IAMG celebrated its 40tn anniversary in Oslo, Norway, in 2008 and continues to be a venue for a vast array of researchers in this broad field by providing a common driving force for their activities


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This book was published as part of the Iowa Department of Transportation's celebration of its 75th anniversary (1913-1988). It chronicles and highlights some significant events and achievements during these 75 years. Numerous photographics accompany the text.


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La figura de l’urbanista i enginyer osonenc Ildefons Cerdà (1815-1876) ha estat objecte de controvèrsia entre els intel·lectuals de cada època. Però, públicament, no va ser fins als treballs de l’economista Fabià Estapé (1968-1971) que es va recuperar i reivindicar finalment el llegat del dissenyador de l’Eixample de Barcelona. En l’any que es commemoren els 150 anys del Pla Cerdà, aquest article té per objectiu revisar què n’ha dit la premsa d’època d’Ildefons Cerdà, usant com a base el material hemerogràfic de La Vanguardia.


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2010 marks the hundredth anniversary of the death of Léon Walras, the brilliant originator and first formaliser of general equilibrium theory - one of the pillars of modern economic theory. In advancing much derided practical solutions Walras also displayed more concern for the problems of living in a second best world than is common in modern pure theories of the invisible hand, efficient market hypothesis, DSGE macroeconomics or the thinking of some contemporary free market admirers all based on general equilibrium theory. This book brings contributions from the likes of Kenneth Arrow, Alan Kirman, Richard Posner, Amartya Sen and Robert Solow to share their thoughts and reflections on the theoretical heritage of Léon Walras. Some authors reminisce on the part they played in the development of modern general economics theory; others reflect on the crucial part played by general equilibrium in the development of macroeconomics, microeconomics, growth theory, welfare economics and the theory of justice; others still complain about the wrong path economic theory took under the influence of post 1945 developments in general equilibrium theory.


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Master’s Thesis concentrates to means and challenges in international operations for a Finnish mobile application provider Small Planet Oy during its various company stages from founding till maturing and during macro economical phases between year 1998 and 2008. Small Planet has just celebrated its 10 year anniversary and is therefore quite an extraordinary company which has survived all the highs and lows during past ten years and which has operated in the market as long as the whole mobile application industry has existed. Master’s Thesis describes possibilities for a company’s internationalization with different entry modes like exporting, licensing, investment entry and co-operative operations which are suitable for a mobile application provider. Unsuitable entry modes like franchising or contract manufacturing are not explained. The goal has been to analyze Small Planet’s international operations and to make conclusions from the practical experiences. Analysis and conclusions shall help Small Planet in its international operations in the future and should give insight to other mobile application companies and their managers who are in the situation of planning their own international operations. Results show that the best ways for Small Planet to internationalize its operations has been the co-operation with a big domestic client and the co-operation with Finnish operator infrastructure providers which have complementary products with Small Planet. Through these co-operations Small Planet has got lot of new international clients. Same time financial risks and investment need for international operations have been low. Co-operative international sales can be the most efficient international entry mode for a mobile application provider.


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Commission 49 covers research on the solar wind, shocks and particle acceleration, both transient and steady-state, e.g., corotating, structures within the heliosphere, and the termination shock and boundary of the heliosphere. The present triennal report is particularly rich in important results and events. The crossing of the solar wind termination shock by Voyager 2 in 2007 is a highlight and a milestone that will certainly have important consequences for astrophysical processes in general (Section 7). The fiftieth anniversary of the International Geophysical Year (19571958), which is also the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the Space Age, was marked not only by celebrations and a strong Education and Public Outreach Program, but also by efforts in coordinating present observations and in starting new scientific programs, particularly implying developing countries (Section 8). Studies of solar energetic particles (Section 3) and the related radio bursts (Section 4) benefited from new data from a number of spacecraft. The STEREO mission was launched in October 2006 and has obtained new results on 3-D aspects of the inner heliosphere. Meanwhile, solar cycle 24 is expected to become active soon, following what is already the deepest solar minimum of the space age...