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INTRODUCCIÓN: El 80% de los niños y adolescentes con trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) presenta algún trastorno del sueño, en cuya génesis al parecer intervienen alteraciones en la regulación de la melatonina. El objetivo de este metaanálisis fue determinar la eficacia y seguridad de la melatonina para el manejo de ciertos trastornos del sueño en niños con TEA. MÉTODOS: Tres revisores extrajeron los datos relevantes de los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados doble ciego de alta calidad publicados en bases de datos primarias, de ensayos clínicos, de revisiones sistemáticas y de literatura gris; además se realizó búsqueda en bola de nieve. Se analizaron los datos con RevMan 5.3. Se realizó un análisis del inverso de la varianza por un modelo de efectos aleatorios para las diferencias de medias de los desenlaces propuestos: duración del tiempo total, latencia de sueño y número de despertares nocturnos. Se evaluó la heterogeneidad interestudios con el parámetro I2 RESULTADOS: La búsqueda inicial arrojó 355 resultados, de los cuales tres cumplieron los criterios de selección. La melatonina resultó ser un medicamento seguro y eficaz para aumentar la duración total del sueño y disminuir la latencia de sueño en niños y adolescentes con TEA; hasta el momento la evidencia sobre el número de despertares nocturnos no es estadísticamente significativa. DISCUSIÓN: A la luz de la evidencia disponible, la melatonina es una elección segura y eficaz para el manejo de ciertos problemas del sueño en niños y adolescentes con TEA. Es necesario realizar estudios con mayores tamaños muestrales y comparados con otros medicamentos disponibles en el mercado.
Neutral cues that predict emotional events (emotional harbingers) acquire emotional properties and attract attention. Given the importance of emotional harbingers for future survival, it is desirable to flexibly learn new facts about emotional harbingers when needed. However, recent research revealed that it is harder to learn new associations for emotional harbingers than cues that predict non-emotional events (neutral harbingers). In the current study, we addressed whether this impaired association learning for emotional harbingers is altered by one’s awareness of the contingencies between cues and emotional outcomes. Across 3 studies, we found that one’s awareness of the contingencies determines subsequent association learning of emotional harbingers. Emotional harbingers produced worse association learning than neutral harbingers when people were not aware of the contingencies between cues and emotional outcomes, but produced better association learning when people were aware of the contingencies. These results suggest that emotional harbingers do not always suffer from impaired association learning and can show facilitated learning depending on one’s contingency awareness.
Modern medical imaging techniques enable the acquisition of in vivo high resolution images of the vascular system. Most common methods for the detection of vessels in these images, such as multiscale Hessian-based operators and matched filters, rely on the assumption that at each voxel there is a single cylinder. Such an assumption is clearly violated at the multitude of branching points that are easily observed in all, but the Most focused vascular image studies. In this paper, we propose a novel method for detecting vessels in medical images that relaxes this single cylinder assumption. We directly exploit local neighborhood intensities and extract characteristics of the local intensity profile (in a spherical polar coordinate system) which we term as the polar neighborhood intensity profile. We present a new method to capture the common properties shared by polar neighborhood intensity profiles for all the types of vascular points belonging to the vascular system. The new method enables us to detect vessels even near complex extreme points, including branching points. Our method demonstrates improved performance over standard methods on both 2D synthetic images and 3D animal and clinical vascular images, particularly close to vessel branching regions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective-To compare the ability of a sidestream capnograph and a mainstream capnograph to measure end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) and provide accurate estimates of Paco(2) in mechanically ventilated dogs.Design-Randomized, double Latin square.Animals-6 healthy adult dogs.Procedure-Anesthesia was induced and neuromuscular blockade achieved by IV administration of pancuronium bromide. Mechanical ventilation was used to induce conditions of standard ventilation, hyperventilation, and hypoventilation. While tidal volume was held constant, changes in minute volume ventilation and Paco(2) were made by changing the respiratory rate. Arterial blood gas analysis was performed and ETCO2 measurements were obtained by use of either a mainstream or a sidestream capnographic analyzer.Results-A linear regression model and bias analysis were used to compare Paco(2) and ETCO2 measurements; ETCO2 measurements obtained by both capnographs correlated well with Paco(2). Compared with Paco(2), mainstream ETCO2 values differed by 3.15 +/- 4.89 mm Hg (mean bias +/- SD), whereas the bias observed with the sidestream ETCO2 system was significantly higher (5.65 +/- 5.57 mm Hg). Regardless of the device used to measure ETCO2, bias increased as Paco(2) exceeded 60 mm Hg.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Although the mainstream capnograph was slightly more accurate, both methods of ETCO2 measurement correlated well with Paco(2) and reflected changes in the ventilatory status. However, ETCO2 values > 45 mm Hg may inaccurately reflect the severity of hypoventilation as Paco(2) may be underestimated during conditions of hypercapnia (Paco(2) > 60 mm Hg).
Objective To compare the effects of decompressive surgery (DSX), electroacupuncture (EAP), and DSX followed by EAP (DSX + EAP) for the treatment of thoracolumbar intervertebral disk disease (IVDD) in dogs with severe neurologic deficits of > 48 hours' duration.Design Retrospective case series and prospective clinical trial.Animals-40 dogs between 3 and 6 yEAPs old and weighing between 10 and 20 kg (22 and 44 lb) with long-standing (>48 hours) clinical signs of severe neurologic disease attributable to thoracolumbar IVDD.Procedures Thoracolumbar medullar injury was classified on the basis of neurologic signs by use of a scale ranging from 1 (least severe) to 5 (most severe). The DSX dogs (n = 10) were retrospectively selected from those that underwent DSX for the treatment of thoracolumbar IVDD. In addition, 19 dogs received EAP alone and 11 dogs underwent DSX followed by EAP (DSX + EAP). Outcome was considered a clinical success when a dog initially classified as grade 4 or 5 was classified as grade 1 or 2 within 6 months after the end of treatment.Results The proportion of dogs with clinical success was significantly higher for dogs that underwent EAP (15/19) than for dogs that underwent DSX (4/10); the proportion of dogs with clinical success for dogs that underwent DSX + EAP was intermediate (8/11).Conclusions and Clinical Relevance EAP was more effective than DSX for recovery of ambulation and improvement in neurologic deficits in dogs with long-standing severe deficits attributable to thoracolumbar IVDD. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2010;236:1225-1229)
In some mares with lesions of the reproductive tract, embryo collection and survival rates are low or collection of embryos is not feasible. For these mares, oocyte transfer has been proposed as a method to induce pregnancies. In this report, a method for oocyte transfer in mares and results of oocyte transfer performed over 2 breeding seasons, using mares with long histories of subfertility and various reproductive lesions, are described.Human chorionic gonadotropin or an implant containing a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog was used to initiate follicular and oocyte maturation. Oocytes were collected by means of transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration. Following follicular aspiration, cumulus oocyte complexes were evaluated for cumulus expansion and signs of atresia; immature oocytes were cultured in vitro to allow maturation. The recipient's ovary and uterine tube (oviduct) were exposed through a flank laparotomy with the horse standing, and the oocyte was slowly deposited within the oviduct. Oocyte transfer was attempted in 38 mares between 9 and 30 years old during 2 successive breeding seasons. All mares had a history of reproductive failure while in breeding and embryo transfer programs. Twenty pregnancies were induced. Fourteen of the pregnant mares delivered live foals. Results suggest that oocyte transfer can be a successful method for inducing pregnancy in subfertile mares in a commercial setting..
Objective-To evaluate the isoflurane-sparing effects of lidocaine and fentanyl administered by constant rate infusion (CRI) during surgery in dogs.Design-Randomized prospective study.Animals-24 female dogs undergoing unilateral mastectomy because of mammary neoplasia.Procedures-After premedication with acepromazine and morphine and anesthetic induction with ketamine and diazepam, anesthesia in dogs (n = 8/group) was maintained with isoflurane combined with either saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (control), liclocaine (1.5 mg/kg [0.68 mg/lb], IV bolus, followed by 250 mu g/kg/min [113 mu g/lb/min], CRI), or fentanyl (5 mu g/kg [2.27 mu g/lb], IV bolus, followed by 0.5 mu g/kg/min [0.23 mu g/lb/min], CRI). Positive-pressure ventilation was used to maintain eucapnia. An anesthetist unaware of treatment, endtidal isoflurane (ETiso) concentration, and vaporizer concentrations adjusted a nonprecision vaporizer to maintain surgical depth of anesthesia. Cardiopulmonary variables and ETiso values were monitored before and after beginning surgery.Results-Heart rate was lower in the fentanyl group. Mean arterial pressure did not differ among groups after surgery commenced. In the control group, mean +/- SD ETiso values ranged from 1.16 +/- 0.35% to 1.94 +/- 0.96%. Fentanyl significantly reduced isoflurane requirements during surgical stimulation by 54% to 66%, whereas the reduction in ETiso concentration (34% to 44%) observed in the lidocaine group was not significant.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Administration of fentanyl resulted in greater isoflurane sparing effect than did liclocaine. However, it appeared that the low heart rate induced by fentanyl may partially offset the improvement in mean arterial pressure that would be expected with reduced isoflurane requirements.