1000 resultados para Agriculture-extractive Residue


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Affiche de projet terminal, baccalauréat en Urbanisme. Institut d'urbanisme, Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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L'agriculture biologique est issue d'une longue lutte du consommateur et du citoyen pour connaître et contrôler la qualité de son alimentation. Sa popularité montante confirme que la disponibilité de l'information sur l'offre joue un rôle économique et social central auprès de la demande. Cette tendance appuie l'émergence d'un nouvel élément au sein du corpus des droits de la personne : le droit à l'information. Cette étude aborde les étapes de sa formation et prend pour exemple la filière agroalimentaire biologique. Elle représente un modèle avant-gardiste de l'hybridation entre le droit privé et le droit public. Nous examinons en premier lieu comment l'activité des secteurs agroalimentaires civils et privés a contribué à fomenter le désir d'information du consommateur, pour ensuite le mettre en péril. Parallèlement à cela, nous proposons d'analyser les effets et l'influence du corpus de droits et de principes du développement durable sur la filière biologique, mais surtout sur la reconnaissance du besoin d'information pour le consommateur. Enfin, nous faisons un tour d'horizon de la réglementation publique de l'appellation biologique, de son label et de son étiquette. Pour cela, nous évaluons les mesures en place selon les critères de la véracité, de l'accessibilité et de l'exhaustivité de l'information divulguée au consommateur. À la lumière de notre analyse, le consommateur peut tirer ses propres conclusions sur les meilleures réponses normatives à ses besoins. Quelles mesures entre le droit transnational, le droit international et le droit national offrent le meilleur résultat? Laquelle de ces formes juridiques s'avère en mesure de promouvoir une consommation responsable où le consommateur ne fait plus face aux obstacles à son choix éclairé?


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Les facteurs climatiques ainsi bien que les facteurs non-climatiques doivent être pris en considération dans le processus d'adaptation de l'agriculture aux changements et à la variabilité climatiques (CVC). Ce changement de paradigme met l'agent humain au centre du processus d'adaptation, ce qui peut conduire à une maladaptation. Suite aux débats sur les changements climatiques qui ont attiré l'attention scientifique et publique dans les années 1980 et 1990, l'agriculture canadienne est devenue un des points focaux de plusieurs études pionnières sur les CVC, un phénomène principalement dû à l’effet anthropique. Pour faire face aux CVC, ce n’est pas seulement la mitigation qui est importante mais aussi l’adaptation. Quand il s'agit de l'adaptation, c'est plutôt la variabilité climatique qui nous intéresse que simplement les augmentations moyennes des températures. L'objectif général de ce mémoire de maîtrise est d'améliorer la compréhension des processus d'adaptation et de construction de la capacité d'adaptation ai niveau de la ferme et de la communauté agricole à travers un processus ascendant, c’est-à-dire en utilisant l'approche de co-construction (qui peut également être considéré comme une stratégie d'adaptation en soi), pour développer une gestion et des outils de planification appropriés aux parties prenantes pour accroître ainsi la capacité d'adaptation de la communauté agricole. Pour y arriver, l'approche grounded theory est utilisée. Les résultats consistent de cinq catégories interdépendantes de codes élargis, conceptuellement distinctes et avec un plus grand niveau d'abstraction. La MRC du Haut-Richelieu a été choisie comme étude de cas en raison de plusieurs de ses dimensions agricoles, à part de ses conditions biophysiques favorables. 15 entrevues ont été menées avec les agriculteurs. Les résultats montrent que si certains agriculteurs ont reconnu les côtés positifs et négatifs des CVC, d’autres sont très optimistes à ce sujet comme se ils ne voient que le côté positif; d'où la nécessité de voir les deux côtés des CVC. Aussi, il y a encore une certaine incertitude liée aux CVC, qui vient de la désinformation et la désensibilisation des agriculteurs principalement en ce qui concerne les causes des CVC ainsi que la nature des événements climatiques. En outre, et compte tenu du fait que l'adaptation a plusieurs caractéristiques et types, il existe de nombreux types d'adaptation qui impliquent à la fois l'acteur privé et le gouvernement. De plus, les stratégies d'adaptation doivent être élaborées conjointement par les agriculteurs en concert avec d'autres acteurs, à commencer par les agronomes, car ils servent en tant que relais important entre les agriculteurs et d'autres parties prenantes telles que les institutions publiques et les entreprises privées.


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The study revealed that southwest monsoon rainfall in Kerala has been declining while increasing in post monsoon season. The annual rainfall exhibits a cyclic trend of 40-60 years, with a significant decline in recent decades. The intensity of climatological droughts was increasing across the State of Kerala through it falls under heavy rainfall zone due to unimodal rainfall pattern. The moisture index across the State of Kerala was moving from B4 to B3 humid, indicating that the State was moving from wetness to dryness within the humid climate.The study confirms that a warming Kerala is real as maximum, minimum and mean temperatures and temperature ranges are increasing. The rate of increase in maximum temperature was high (1.46°C) across the high ranges, followed by the coastal belt (1.09°C) of Kerala while the rate of increase was relatively marginal (0.25°C) across the midlands. The rate of increase in temperature across the high ranges is probably high because of deforestation. It indicates that the highranges and coastal belts in Kerala are vulnerable to global warming and climate change when compared to midlands.Interestingly, the trend in annual rainfall is increasing at Pampadumpara (Idukki), while declining at Ambalavayal across the highranges. In the case of maximum temperature, it was showing increasing trend at Pampadumpara while declining trend at Ambalavayal. In the case of minimum temperature it is declining at Pampadumpara while increasing in Ambalavalal.The paddy productivity in Kerala during kharif / virippu is unlikely to decline due to increasing temperature on the basis of long term climate change, but likely to decline to a considerable extent due to prolonged monsoon season, followed by unusual summer rains as noticed in 2007-08 and 2010-11.All the plantation crops under study are vulnerable to climate variability such as floods and droughts rather than long term changes in temperature and rainfall.


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Computational Biology is the research are that contributes to the analysis of biological data through the development of algorithms which will address significant research problems.The data from molecular biology includes DNA,RNA ,Protein and Gene expression data.Gene Expression Data provides the expression level of genes under different conditions.Gene expression is the process of transcribing the DNA sequence of a gene into mRNA sequences which in turn are later translated into proteins.The number of copies of mRNA produced is called the expression level of a gene.Gene expression data is organized in the form of a matrix. Rows in the matrix represent genes and columns in the matrix represent experimental conditions.Experimental conditions can be different tissue types or time points.Entries in the gene expression matrix are real values.Through the analysis of gene expression data it is possible to determine the behavioral patterns of genes such as similarity of their behavior,nature of their interaction,their respective contribution to the same pathways and so on. Similar expression patterns are exhibited by the genes participating in the same biological process.These patterns have immense relevance and application in bioinformatics and clinical research.Theses patterns are used in the medical domain for aid in more accurate diagnosis,prognosis,treatment planning.drug discovery and protein network analysis.To identify various patterns from gene expression data,data mining techniques are essential.Clustering is an important data mining technique for the analysis of gene expression data.To overcome the problems associated with clustering,biclustering is introduced.Biclustering refers to simultaneous clustering of both rows and columns of a data matrix. Clustering is a global whereas biclustering is a local model.Discovering local expression patterns is essential for identfying many genetic pathways that are not apparent otherwise.It is therefore necessary to move beyond the clustering paradigm towards developing approaches which are capable of discovering local patterns in gene expression data.A biclusters is a submatrix of the gene expression data matrix.The rows and columns in the submatrix need not be contiguous as in the gene expression data matrix.Biclusters are not disjoint.Computation of biclusters is costly because one will have to consider all the combinations of columans and rows in order to find out all the biclusters.The search space for the biclustering problem is 2 m+n where m and n are the number of genes and conditions respectively.Usually m+n is more than 3000.The biclustering problem is NP-hard.Biclustering is a powerful analytical tool for the biologist.The research reported in this thesis addresses the problem of biclustering.Ten algorithms are developed for the identification of coherent biclusters from gene expression data.All these algorithms are making use of a measure called mean squared residue to search for biclusters.The objective here is to identify the biclusters of maximum size with the mean squared residue lower than a given threshold. All these algorithms begin the search from tightly coregulated submatrices called the seeds.These seeds are generated by K-Means clustering algorithm.The algorithms developed can be classified as constraint based,greedy and metaheuristic.Constarint based algorithms uses one or more of the various constaints namely the MSR threshold and the MSR difference threshold.The greedy approach makes a locally optimal choice at each stage with the objective of finding the global optimum.In metaheuristic approaches particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) and variants of Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure(GRASP) are used for the identification of biclusters.These algorithms are implemented on the Yeast and Lymphoma datasets.Biologically relevant and statistically significant biclusters are identified by all these algorithms which are validated by Gene Ontology database.All these algorithms are compared with some other biclustering algorithms.Algorithms developed in this work overcome some of the problems associated with the already existing algorithms.With the help of some of the algorithms which are developed in this work biclusters with very high row variance,which is higher than the row variance of any other algorithm using mean squared residue, are identified from both Yeast and Lymphoma data sets.Such biclusters which make significant change in the expression level are highly relevant biologically.


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Vast changes have taken place in the field of institutional rural credit in India since the nationalisation of nineteen commercial banks in 1969. The supply of institutional finance to cultivators amounted to 63.2 percent of the total credit in 1981 compared to 31.2 percent in 1971. Insti tutionalisation of agricultural credit envisaged two objectives in general. One was to emancipate cultivators and farmers from the clutches of indigenous financiers and money lenders. The second was to make farmers financially capable of adopting the new technology or improved practices in agriculture so as to increase their agricultural production and thereby contributing to the development of agriculture in India. Though vast literature on Institutional Credi t and agriculture is available, no indepth and serious work examining thoroughly the cause of credit diversion has been undertaken so far. The present study is an attempt to fill up this gap. The study will be helpful to lending insti tutions, viz. Co-ope:r-atives, Commercial banks and various other insti tutional agencies in connection with their lending activity_ Also, the study will help government in .formulating proper policies that will insure a preferential treatment in favour of the most needy category of farmers and cultivators with respect to agricultural credit disbursement


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NABARD has completed 14 years of operation.ln the light of its experiences and achievements, the performance ev.ilu.ilion of the National Bank need to be looked into.This could provide certain criteria for its strength and weakness which may help in consolidating the institution for better utilisation of its potentialities. It is also noteworthy that no evaluative study on the National Bank has been conducted in Kerala. The Major objective of this study is to evaluate the role of NABARD in catering to the long-term agricultural requirements of Kerala for 1982 to 1992.This is done by analysing the quantum and quality of NABARD's schematic refinance. The qualitative indices like (1) the efficiency of loan recovery, (2) the impact or financial viability of NABARD refinanced schemes, (3) the credit gap, (4) the commitment-disbursement gap, and (5) the imbalances in the NABARD refinance form the core of the study.Hypotheses were formulated inorder to study and analyse these qualitative indices. The study is presented in eight chapters


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Animportant step in the residue number system(RNS) based signal processing is the conversion of signal into residue domain. Many implementations of this conversion have been proposed for various goals, and one of the implementations is by a direct conversion from an analogue input. A novel approach for analogue-to-residue conversion is proposed in this research using the most popular Sigma–Delta analogue-to-digital converter (SD-ADC). In this approach, the front end is the same as in traditional SD-ADC that uses Sigma–Delta (SD) modulator with appropriate dynamic range, but the filtering is doneby a filter implemented usingRNSarithmetic. Hence, the natural output of the filter is an RNS representation of the input signal. The resolution, conversion speed, hardware complexity and cost of implementation of the proposed SD based analogue-to-residue converter are compared with the existing analogue-to-residue converters based on Nyquist rate ADCs


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Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, die Einflüsse von Wurzeln und Rhizodeposition auf den Umsatz von Körnerleguminosenresiduen und damit verknüpfte mikrobielle Prozesse zu untersuchen. In einem integrierten Versuch wurden Ackerbohne (Vicia faba L.), Erbse (Pisum sativum L.) und Weiße Lupine (Lupinus albus L.) untersucht. Der Versuch bestand aus drei Teilen, zwei Gefäß-Experimenten und einem Inkubationsexperiment, in denen ausgehend von einem Gefäß-Experiment derselbe Boden und dasselbe Pflanzenmaterial verwendet wurden. In Experiment I wurde die Stickstoff-Rhizodeposition der Körnerleguminosenarten, definiert als wurzelbürtiger N nach dem Entfernen aller sichtbaren Wurzeln im Boden, gemessen und der Verbleib des Rhizodepositions-N in verschiednenen Bodenpools untersucht. Dazu wurden die Leguminosen in einem Gefäßversuch unter Verwendung einer in situ 15N-Docht-Methode mit einer 15N Harnstofflösung pulsmarkiert. In Experiment II wurde der Umsatz der N-Rhizodeposition der Körnerleguminosen und der Einfluss der Rhizodeposition auf den anschließenden C- und N-Umsatz der Körnerleguminosenresiduen in einem Inkubationsexperiment untersucht. In Experiment III wurde der N-Transfer aus den Körnerleguminosenresiduen einschließlich N-Rhizodeposition in die mikrobielle Biomasse und die Folgefrüchte Weizen (Triticum aestivum L.) und Raps (Brassica napus L.) in einem Gewächshaus-Gefäßversuch ermittelt. Die in situ 15N Docht-Markierungs-Methode wies hohe 15N Wiederfindungsraten von ungefähr 84 Prozent für alle drei Leguminosenarten auf und zeigte eine vergleichsweise homogene 15N Verteilung zwischen verschiedenen Pflanzenteilen zur Reife. Die Wurzeln zeigten deutliche Effekte auf die N-Dynamik nach dem Anbau von Körnerleguminosen. Die Effekte konnten auf die N-Rhizodeposition und deren anschließenden Umsatz, Einflüsse der Rhizodeposition von Körnerleguminosen auf den anschließenden Umsatz ihrer Residuen (Stängel, Blätter, erfassbare Wurzeln) und die Wirkungen nachfolgender Nichtleguminosen auf den Umsatzprozess der Residuen zurückgeführt werden: Die N-Rhizodeposition betrug zur Reife der Pflanzen bezogen auf die Gesamt-N- Aufnahme 13 Prozent bei Ackerbohne und Erbse und 16 Prozent bei Weißer Lupine. Bezogen auf den Residual N nach Ernte der Körner erhöhte sich der relative Anteil auf 35 - 44 Prozent. Die N-Rhizodeposition ist daher ein wesentlicher Pool für die N-Bilanz von Körnerleguminosen und trägt wesentlich zur Erklärung positiver Fruchtfolgeeffekte nach Körnerleguminosen bei. 7 - 21 Prozent des Rhizodepositions-N wurden als Feinwurzeln nach Nasssiebung (200 µm) wiedergefunden. Nur 14 - 18 Prozent des Rhizodepositions-N wurde in der mikrobiellen Biomasse und ein sehr kleiner Anteil von 3 - 7 Prozent in der mineralischen N Fraktion gefunden. 48 bis 72 Prozent der N-Rhizodeposition konnte in keinem der untersuchten Pools nachgewiesen werden. Dieser Teil dürfte als mikrobielle Residualmasse immobilisiert worden sein. Nach 168 Tagen Inkubation wurden 21 bis 27 Prozent des Rhizodepositions-N in den mineralisiert. Der mineralisierte N stammte im wesentlichen aus zwei Pools: Zwischen 30 Prozent und 55 Prozent wurde aus der mikrobiellen Residualmasse mineralisiert und eine kleinere Menge stammte aus der mikrobielle Biomasse. Der Einfluss der Rhizodeposition auf den Umsatz der Residuen war indifferent. Durch Rhizodeposition wurde die C Mineralisierung der Leguminosenresiduen nur in der Lupinenvariante erhöht, wobei der mikrobielle N und die Bildung von mikrobieller Residualmasse aus den Leguminosenresiduen in allen Varianten durch Rhizodepositionseinflüsse erhöht waren. Das Potential des residualen Körnerleguminosen-N für die N Ernährung von Folgefrüchten war gering. Nur 8 - 12 Prozent des residualen N wurden in den Folgenfrüchten Weizen und Raps wiedergefunden. Durch die Berücksichtigung des Rhizodepositions-N war der relative Anteil des Residual-N bezogen auf die Gesamt-N-Aufnahme der Folgefrucht hoch und betrug zwischen 18 und 46 Prozent. Dies lässt auf einen höheren N-Beitrag der Körnerleguminosen schließen als bisher angenommen wurde. Die residuale N-Aufnahme von Weizen von der Blüte bis zur Reife wurde durch den Residual-N gespeist, der zur Blüte in der mikrobiellen Biomasse immobilisiert worden war. Die gesamte Poolgröße, Residual-N in der mikrobiellen Biomasse und in Weizen, veränderte sich von der Blüte bis zur Reife nicht. Jedoch konnte ein Rest von 80 Prozent des Residual-N in keinem der untersuchten Pools nachgewiesen werden und dürfte als mikrobielle Residualmasse immobilisiert worden sein oder ist noch nicht abgebaut worden. Die zwei unterschiedlichen Folgefrüchte - Weizen und Raps - zeigten sehr ähnliche Muster bei der N-Aufnahme, der Residual-N Wiederfindung und bei mikrobiellen Parametern für die Residuen der drei Körnerleguminosenarten. Ein differenzierender Effekt auf den Umsatz der Residuen bzw. auf das Residual-N-Aneignungsvermögen der Folgefrüchte konnte nicht beobachtet werden.


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Low phosphorus (P) in acid sandy soils of the West African Sudano-Sahelian zone is a major limitation to crop growth. To compare treatment effects on total dry matter (TDM) of crops and plant available P (P-Bray and isotopically exchangeable P), field experiments were carried out for 2 years at four sites where annual rainfall ranged from 560 to 850 mm and topsoil pH varied between 4.2 and 5.6. Main treatments were: (i) crop residue (CR) mulch at 500 and 2000 kg ha^-1, (ii) eight different rates and sources of P and (iii) cereal/legume rotations including millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), sorhum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). For the two Sahelian sites with large CR-induced differences in TDM, mulching did not modify significantly the soils' buffering capacity for phosphate ions but led to large increases in the intensity factor (C_p) and quantity of directly available soil P (E_1min). In the wetter Sudanian zone lacking effects of CR mulching on TDM mirrored a decline of E_1min with CR. Broadcast application of soluble single superphosphate (SSP) at 13 kg P ha^-1 led to large increases in C_p and quantity of E_1min at all sites which translated in respective TDM increases. The high agronomic efficiency of SSP placement (4 kg P ha^-1) across sites could be explained by consistent increases in the quantity factor which confirms the power of the isotopic exchange method in explaining management effects on crop growth across the region.


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Soil fertility constraints to crop production have been recognized widely as a major obstacle to food security and agro-ecosystem sustainability in sub-Saharan West Africa. As such, they have led to a multitude of research projects and policy debates on how best they should be overcome. Conclusions, based on long-term multi-site experiments, are lacking with respect to a regional assessment of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer effects, surface mulched crop residues, and legume rotations on total dry matter of cereals in this region. A mixed model time-trend analysis was used to investigate the effects of four nitrogen and phosphorus rates, annually applied crop residue dry matter at 500 and 2000 kg ha^-1, and cereal-legume rotation versus continuous cereal cropping on the total dry matter of cereals and legumes. The multi-factorial experiment was conducted over four years at eight locations, with annual rainfall ranging from 510 to 1300 mm, in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Togo. With the exception of phosphorus, treatment effects on legume growth were marginal. At most locations, except for typical Sudanian sites with very low base saturation and high rainfall, phosphorus effects on cereal total dry matter were much lower with rock phosphate than with soluble phosphorus, unless the rock phosphate was combined with an annual seed-placement of 4 kg ha^-1 phosphorus. Across all other treatments, nitrogen effects were negligible at 500 mm annual rainfall but at 900 mm, the highest nitrogen rate led to total dry matter increases of up to 77% and, at 1300 mm, to 183%. Mulch-induced increases in cereal total dry matter were larger with lower base saturation, reaching 45% on typical acid sandy Sahelian soils. Legume rotation effects tended to increase over time but were strongly species-dependent.