898 resultados para Additional Numerical Acceleration


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Päästöjen vähentäminen on ollut viime vuosina tärkeässä osassa polttomoottoreita kehitettäessä.Monet viralliset tahot asettavat uusia tiukempia päästörajoituksia. Päästörajatovat tyypillisesti olleet tiukimmat autoteollisuuden valmistamille pienille nopeakäyntisille diesel-moottoreille, mutta viime aikoina paineita on kohdistunut myös suurempiin keskinopeisiin ja hidaskäyntisiin diesel-moottoreihin. Päästörajat ovat erilaisia riippuen moottorin tyypistä, käytetystä polttoaineesta ja paikasta missä moottoria käytetään johtuen erilaisista paikallisista laeista ja asetuksista. Eniten huomiota diesel-moottorin päästöissä täytyy kohdistaa typen oksideihin, savun muodostukseen sekä partikkeleihin. Laskennallisen virtausmekaniikan (CFD) avulla on hyvät mahdollisuudet tutkia diesel-moottorin sylinterissä tapahtuvia ilmiöitä palamisen aikana. CFD on hyödyllinen työkalu arvioitaessa moottorin suorituskykyä ja päästöjen muodostumista. CFD:llä on mahdollista testata erilaisten parametrien ja geometrioiden vaikutusta ilman kalliita moottorinkoeajoja. CFD:tä voidaan käyttää myös opetustarkoituksessa lisäämään paloprosessin tuntemusta. Tulevaisuudessa palamissimuloinnit CFD:llä tulevat epäilemättä olemaan tärkeä osa moottorin kehityksessä. Tässä diplomityössä on tehty palamissimuloinnit kahteen erilaisilla poittoaineenruiskutuslaitteistoilla varustettuun Wärtsilän keskinopeaan diesel-moottoriin. W46 moottorin ruiskutuslaitteisto on perinteinen mekaanisesti ohjattu pumppusuutin ja W46-CR moottorissa on elektronisesti ohjattu 'common rail' ruiskutuslaitteisto. Näiden moottorien ja käytössä olevien ruiskutusprofiilien lisäksi on simuloinneilla testattu erilaisia uusia ruiskutusprofiileja, jotta erityyppisten profiilien hyvät ja huonot ominaisuudet tulisivat selville. Matalalla kuormalla kiinnostuksen kohteena on nokipäästöjen muodostus ja täydellä kuormalla NOx-päästöjen muodostus ja polttoaineen kulutus. Simulointien tulokset osoittivat, että noen muodostusta matalalla kuormalla voidaan selvästi vähentää monivaiheisella ruiskutuksella, jossa yksi ruiskutusjakso jaetaan kahteen tai useampaan jaksoon. Erityisen tehokas noen vähentämisessä vaikuttaa olevan ns. jälkiruiskutus (post injection). Matalat NOx-päästöt ja hyvä polttoaineen kulutus täydellä kuormalla on mahdollista saavuttaaasteittain nostettavalla ruiskutusnopeudella.


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On yleisesti tiedossa, että väsyttävän kuormituksen alaisena olevat hitsatut rakenteet rikkoutuvat juuri hitsausliitoksista. Täyden tunkeuman hitsausliitoksia sisältävien rakenteiden asiantunteva suunnittelu janykyaikaiset valmistusmenetelmät ovat lähes eliminoineet väsymisvauriot hitsatuissa rakenteissa. Väsymislujuuden parantaminen tiukalla täyden tunkeuman vaatimuksella on kuitenkin epätaloudellinen ratkaisu. Täyden tunkeuman hitsausliitoksille asetettavien laatuvaatimuksien on määriteltävä selkeät tarkastusohjeet ja hylkäämisperusteet. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia geometristen muuttujien vaikutusta kuormaa kantavien hitsausliitosten väsymislujuuteen. Huomio kiinnitettiin pääasiassa suunnittelumuuttujiin, joilla on vaikutusta väsymisvaurioiden syntymiseen hitsauksen juuren puolella. Nykyiset määräykset ja standardit, jotka perustuvat kokeellisiin tuloksiin; antavat melko yleisiä ohjeita hitsausliitosten väsymismitoituksesta. Tämän vuoksi muodostettiin kokonaan uudet parametriset yhtälöt sallitun nimellisen jännityksen kynnysarvon vaihteluvälin, ¿¿th, laskemiseksi, jotta vältettäisiin hitsausliitosten juuren puoleiset väsymisvauriot. Lisäksi, jokaiselle liitostyypille laskettiin hitsin juuren puolen väsymisluokat (FAT), joita verrattiin olemassa olevilla mitoitusohjeilla saavutettuihin tuloksiin. Täydentäviksi referensseiksi suoritettiin useita kolmiulotteisia (3D) analyysejä. Julkaistuja kokeellisiin tuloksiin perustuvia tietoja käytettiin apuna hitsausliitosten väsymiskäyttäytymisen ymmärtämiseksi ja materiaalivakioiden määrittämiseksi. Kuormaa kantavien vajaatunkeumaisten hitsausliitosten väsymislujuus määritettiin käyttämällä elementtimenetelmää. Suurimman pääjännityksen kriteeriä hyödynnettiin murtumiskäyttäytymisen ennakoimiseksi. Valitulle hitsatulle materiaalille ja koeolosuhteille murtumiskäyttäytymistä mallinnettiin särön kasvunopeudella da/dN ja jännitysintensiteettikertoimen vaihteluvälillä, 'K. Paris:n yhtälön numeerinen integrointi suoritettiin FRANC2D/L tietokoneohjelmalla. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan laskea FAT tutkittavassa tapauksessa. ¿¿th laskettiin alkusärön jännitysintensiteettikertoimen vaihteluvälin ja kynnysjännitysintensiteettikertoimen, 'Kth, perusteella. ¿Kth arvoa pienemmällä vaihteluvälillä särö ei kasva. Analyyseissäoletuksena oli hitsattu jälkikäsittelemätön liitos, jossa oli valmis alkusärö hitsin juuressa. Analyysien tulokset ovat hyödyllisiä suunnittelijoille, jotka tekevät päätöksiä koskien geometrisiä parametreja, joilla on vaikutusta hitsausliitosten väsymislujuuteen.


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The domestic hot water cylinder incorporates encapsulated pcm placed in 57 vertical pipes. The use of PCM increases the thermal energy storage capacity of the cylinder and allows the use of low cost electricity during low peak periods. After experimental validation the numerical model developed in the project will be used to optimize the distribution of the pcm inside the water tank.


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This work deals with the cooling of high-speed electric machines, such as motors and generators, through an air gap. It consists of numerical and experimental modelling of gas flow and heat transfer in an annular channel. Velocity and temperature profiles are modelled in the air gap of a high-speed testmachine. Local and mean heat transfer coefficients and total friction coefficients are attained for a smooth rotor-stator combination at a large velocity range. The aim is to solve the heat transfer numerically and experimentally. The FINFLO software, developed at Helsinki University of Technology, has been used in the flow solution, and the commercial IGG and Field view programs for the grid generation and post processing. The annular channel is discretized as a sector mesh. Calculation is performed with constant mass flow rate on six rotational speeds. The effect of turbulence is calculated using three turbulence models. The friction coefficient and velocity factor are attained via total friction power. The first part of experimental section consists of finding the proper sensors and calibrating them in a straight pipe. After preliminary tests, a RdF-sensor is glued on the walls of stator and rotor surfaces. Telemetry is needed to be able to measure the heat transfer coefficients at the rotor. The mean heat transfer coefficients are measured in a test machine on four cooling air mass flow rates at a wide Couette Reynolds number range. The calculated values concerning the friction and heat transfer coefficients are compared with measured and semi-empirical data. Heat is transferred from the hotter stator and rotor surfaces to the coolerair flow in the air gap, not from the rotor to the stator via the air gap, althought the stator temperature is lower than the rotor temperature. The calculatedfriction coefficients fits well with the semi-empirical equations and precedingmeasurements. On constant mass flow rate the rotor heat transfer coefficient attains a saturation point at a higher rotational speed, while the heat transfer coefficient of the stator grows uniformly. The magnitudes of the heat transfer coefficients are almost constant with different turbulence models. The calibrationof sensors in a straight pipe is only an advisory step in the selection process. Telemetry is tested in the pipe conditions and compared to the same measurements with a plain sensor. The magnitudes of the measured data and the data from the semi-empirical equation are higher for the heat transfer coefficients than thenumerical data considered on the velocity range. Friction and heat transfer coefficients are presented in a large velocity range in the report. The goals are reached acceptably using numerical and experimental research. The next challenge is to achieve results for grooved stator-rotor combinations. The work contains also results for an air gap with a grooved stator with 36 slots. The velocity field by the numerical method does not match in every respect the estimated flow mode. The absence of secondary Taylor vortices is evident when using time averagednumerical simulation.


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In a centrifugal compressor the flow around the diffuser is collected and led to the pipe system by a spiral-shaped volute. In this study a single-stage centrifugal compressor with three different volutes is investigated. The compressorwas first equipped with the original volute, the cross-section of which was a combination of a rectangle and semi-circle. Next a new volute with a fully circular cross-section was designed and manufactured. Finally, the circular volute wasmodified by rounding the tongue and smoothing the tongue area. The overall performance of the compressor as well as the static pressure distribution after the impeller and on the volute surface were measured. The flow entering the volute was measured using a three-hole Cobra-probe, and flow visualisations were carriedout in the exit cone of the volute. In addition, the radial force acting on theimpeller was measured using magnetic bearings. The complete compressor with thecircular volute (inlet pipe, full impeller, diffuser, volute and outlet pipe) was also modelled using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A fully 3-D viscous flow was solved using a Navier-Stokes solver, Finflo, developed at Helsinki University of Technology. Chien's k-e model was used to take account of the turbulence. The differences observed in the performance of the different volutes were quite small. The biggest differences were at low speeds and high volume flows,i.e. when the flow entered the volute most radially. In this operating regime the efficiency of the compressor with the modified circular volute was about two percentage points higher than with the other volutes. Also, according to the Cobra-probe measurements and flow visualisations, the modified circular volute performed better than the other volutes in this operating area. The circumferential static pressure distribution in the volute showed increases at low flow, constant distribution at the design flow and decrease at high flow. The non-uniform static pressure distribution of the volute was transmitted backwards across the vaneless diffuser and observed at the impeller exit. At low volume flow a strong two-wave pattern developed into the static pressure distribution at the impeller exit due to the response of the impeller to the non-uniformity of pressure. The radial force of the impeller was the greatest at the choke limit, the smallest atthe design flow, and moderate at low flow. At low flow the force increase was quite mild, whereas the increase at high flow was rapid. Thus, the non-uniformityof pressure and the force related to it are strong especially at high flow. Theforce caused by the modified circular volute was weaker at choke and more symmetric as a function of the volume flow than the force caused by the other volutes.


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In this thesis, the magnetic field control of convection instabilities and heat and mass transfer processesin magnetic fluids have been investigated by numerical simulations and theoretical considerations. Simulation models based on finite element and finite volume methods have been developed. In addition to standard conservation equations, themagnetic field inside the simulation domain is calculated from Maxwell equations and the necessary terms to take into account for the magnetic body force and magnetic dissipation have been added to the equations governing the fluid motion.Numerical simulations of magnetic fluid convection near the threshold supportedexperimental observations qualitatively. Near the onset of convection the competitive action of thermal and concentration density gradients leads to mostly spatiotemporally chaotic convection with oscillatory and travelling wave regimes, previously observed in binary mixtures and nematic liquid crystals. In many applications of magnetic fluids, the heat and mass transfer processes including the effects of external magnetic fields are of great importance. In addition to magnetic fluids, the concepts and the simulation models used in this study may be applied also to the studies of convective instabilities in ordinary fluids as well as in other binary mixtures and complex fluids.


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Observers are often required to adjust actions with objects that change their speed. However, no evidence for a direct sense of acceleration has been found so far. Instead, observers seem to detect changes in velocity within a temporal window when confronted with motion in the frontal plane (2D motion). Furthermore, recent studies suggest that motion-in-depth is detected by tracking changes of position in depth. Therefore, in order to sense acceleration in depth a kind of second-order computation would have to be carried out by the visual system. In two experiments, we show that observers misperceive acceleration of head-on approaches at least within the ranges we used [600-800 ms] resulting in an overestimation of arrival time. Regardless of the viewing condition (only monocular or monocular and binocular), the response pattern conformed to a constant velocity strategy. However, when binocular information was available, overestimation was highly reduced.


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Pig slurry is a valuable nutrient resource but constitutes a waste disposal problem in areas of high animal density. In the semiarid area of Pla d’Urgell, in the Ebro Valley, North-East Spain, irrigated crops receive large amounts of nutrients in the form of manure and mineral fertilizers. We studied the effect of pig slurry and additional side-dress mineral fertilizers on irrigated wheat, Triticum aestivum L., on a coarse loam soil, with high soil P and K levels. Yields increased by 62.3% when using pig slurry. The application of ammonium sulfate nitrate sidedress did not significantly increase wheat production. The average apparent recoveries were higher for potassium (88.7%) than for nitrogen (51.3%) and phosphorus (36.3%). Greater amounts of soil NO3-N were measured over the four growing seasons, which was consistent with the amount of N applied. Macronutrient and micronutrient uptake was significant higher for pig slurry treatments, but only small differences were found between the pig slurry and pig slurry plus ammonium sulfate nitrate treatments. The unfertilized treatment showed significantly lower soil P, K, Cu and Zn content than pig slurry treatments; 34%, 21%, 34%, and 26% respectively. These findings could be used to develop a nutrient management plan based on knowledge of soil test results and crop nutrient removal. This could help to improve the use of pig slurry and mineral fertilizers on limited available land areas and prevent the accumulation of potentially toxic elements in soils and the export of nutrients through agricultural drainage.


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Shallow upland drains, grips, have been hypothesized as responsible for increased downstream flow magnitudes. Observations provide counterfactual evidence, often relating to the difficulty of inferring conclusions from statistical correlation and paired catchment comparisons, and the complexity of designing field experiments to test grip impacts at the catchment scale. Drainage should provide drier antecedent moisture conditions, providing more storage at the start of an event; however, grips have higher flow velocities than overland flow, thus potentially delivering flow more rapidly to the drainage network. We develop and apply a model for assessing the impacts of grips on flow hydrographs. The model was calibrated on the gripped case, and then the gripped case was compared with the intact case by removing all grips. This comparison showed that even given parameter uncertainty, the intact case had significantly higher flood peaks and lower baseflows, mirroring field observations of the hydrological response of intact peat. The simulations suggest that this is because delivery effects may not translate into catchment-scale impacts for three reasons. First, in our case, the proportions of flow path lengths that were hillslope were not changed significantly by gripping. Second, the structure of the grip network as compared with the structure of the drainage basin mitigated against grip-related increases in the concentration of runoff in the drainage network, although it did marginally reduce the mean timing of that concentration at the catchment outlet. Third, the effect of the latter upon downstream flow magnitudes can only be assessed by reference to the peak timing of other tributary basins, emphasizing that drain effects are both relative and scale dependent. However, given the importance of hillslope flow paths, we show that if upland drainage causes significant changes in surface roughness on hillslopes, then critical and important feedbacks may impact upon the speed of hydrological response. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Careful patient monitoring using a variety of techniques including clinical and laboratory evaluation, bedside physiological monitoring with continuous or non-continuous techniques and imaging is fundamental to the care of patients who require neurocritical care. How best to perform and use bedside monitoring is still being elucidated. To create a basic platform for care and a foundation for further research the Neurocritical Care Society in collaboration with the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, the Society for Critical Care Medicine and the Latin America Brain Injury Consortium organized an international, multidisciplinary consensus conference to develop recommendations about physiologic bedside monitoring. This supplement contains a Consensus Summary Statement with recommendations and individual topic reviews as a background to the recommendations. In this article, we highlight the recommendations and provide additional conclusions as an aid to the reader and to facilitate bedside care.


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OBJECTIVES: To prospectively assess the stiffness of incidentally discovered focal liver lesions (FLL) with no history of chronic liver disease or extrahepatic cancer using shearwave elastography (SWE). METHODS: Between June 2011 and May 2012, all FLL fortuitously discovered on ultrasound examination were prospectively included. For each lesion, stiffness was measured (kPa). Characterization of the lesion relied on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and/or contrast-enhanced ultrasound, or biopsy. Tumour stiffness was analysed using ANOVA and non-parametric Mann-Whitney tests. RESULTS: 105 lesions were successfully evaluated in 73 patients (61 women, 84%) with a mean age of 44.8 (range: 20‒75). The mean stiffness was 33.3 ± 12.7 kPa for the 60 focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), 19.7 ± 9.8 k Pa for the 17 hepatocellular adenomas (HCA), 17.1 ± 7 kPa for the 20 haemangiomas, 11.3 ± 4.3 kPa for the five focal fatty sparing, 34.1 ± 7.3 kPa for the two cholangiocarcinomas, and 19.6 kPa for one hepatocellular carcinoma (p < 0.0001). There was no difference between the benign and the malignant groups (p = 0.64). FNHs were significantly stiffer than HCAs (p < 0.0001). Telangiectatic/inflammatory HCAs were significantly stiffer than the steatotic HCAs (p = 0.014). The area under the ROC curve (AUROC) for differentiating FNH from other lesions was 0.86 ± 0.04. CONCLUSION: SWE may provide additional information for the characterization of FFL, and may help in differentiating FNH from HCAs, and in subtyping HCAs. KEY POINTS: ? SWE might be helpful for the characterization of solid focal liver lesions ? SWE cannot differentiate benign from malignant liver lesions ? FNHs are significantly stiffer than other benign lesions ? Telangiectatic/inflammatory HCA are significantly stiffer than steatotic ones.


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Työn tavoitteena oli mallintaa uuden tuoteominaisuuden aiheuttamat lisäkustannukset ja suunnitella päätöksenteon työkalu Timberjack Oy:n kuormatraktorivalmistuksen johtoryhmälle. Tarkoituksena oli luoda karkean tason malli, joka sopisi eri tyyppisten tuoteominaisuuksien kustannuksien selvittämiseen. Uuden tuoteominaisuuden vaikutusta yrityksen eri toimintoihin selvitettiin haastatteluin. Haastattelukierroksen tukena käytettiin kysymyslomaketta. Haastattelujen tavoitteena oli selvittää prosessit, toiminnot ja resurssit, jotka ovat välttämättömiä uuden tuoteominaisuuden tuotantoon saattamisessa ja tuotannossa. Malli suunniteltiin haastattelujen ja tietojärjestelmästä hankitun tiedon pohjalta. Mallin rungon muodostivat ne prosessit ja toiminnot, joihin uudella tuoteominaisuudella on vaikutusta. Huomioon otettiin sellaiset resurssit, joita uusi tuoteominaisuus kuluttaa joko välittömästi, tai välillisesti. Tarkasteluun sisällytettiin ainoastaan lisäkustannukset. Uuden tuoteominaisuuden toteuttamisesta riippumattomat, joka tapauksessa toteutuvat yleiskustannukset jätettiin huomioimatta. Malli on yleistys uuden tuoteominaisuuden aiheuttamista lisäkustannuksista, koska tarkoituksena on, että se sopii eri tyyppisten tuoteominaisuuksien aiheuttamien kustannusten selvittämiseen. Lisäksi malli soveltuu muiden pienehköjen tuotemuutosten kustannusten kartoittamiseen.


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Fluid mixing in mechanically agitated tanks is one of the major unit operations in many industries. Bubbly flows have been of interest among researchers in physics, medicine, chemistry and technology over the centuries. The aim of this thesis is to use advanced numerical methods for simulating microbubble in an aerated mixing tank. Main components of the mixing tank are a cylindrical vessel, a rotating Rushton turbine and the air nozzle. The objective of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is to predict fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer and chemical reactions. The CFD simulations of a turbulent bubbly flow are carried out in a cylindrical mixing tank using large eddy simulation (LES) and volume of fluid (VOF) method. The Rushton turbine induced flow is modeled by using a sliding mesh method. Numerical results are used to describe the bubbly flows in highly complex liquid flow. Some of the experimental works related to turbulent bubbly flow in a mixing tank are briefly reported. Numerical simulations are needed to complete and interpret the results of the experimental work. Information given by numerical simulations has a major role in designing and scaling-up mixing tanks. The results of this work have been reported in the following scientific articles: ·Honkanen M., Koohestany A., Hatunen T., Saarenrinne P., Zamankhan P., Large eddy simulations and PIV experiments of a two-phase air-water mixer, in Proceedings of ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference (2005). ·Honkanen M., Koohestany A., Hatunen T., Saarenrinne P., Zamankhan P., Dynamical States of Bubbling in an Aerated Stirring Tank, submitted to J. Computational Physics.