953 resultados para Aberrant splicing
Gene expression-based prediction of genomic copy number aberrations in the chromosomal region 12q13 to 12q15 that is flanked by MDM2 and CDK4 identified Wnt inhibitory factor 1 (WIF1) as a candidate tumor suppressor gene in glioblastoma. WIF1 encodes a secreted Wnt antagonist and was strongly downregulated in most glioblastomas as compared with normal brain, implying deregulation of Wnt signaling, which is associated with cancer. WIF1 silencing was mediated by deletion (7/69, 10%) or epigenetic silencing by promoter hypermethylation (29/110, 26%). Co-amplification of MDM2 and CDK4 that is present in 10% of glioblastomas was associated in most cases with deletion of the whole genomic region enclosed, including the WIF1 locus. This interesting pathogenetic constellation targets the RB and p53 tumor suppressor pathways in tandem, while simultaneously activating oncogenic Wnt signaling. Ectopic expression of WIF1 in glioblastoma cell lines revealed a dose-dependent decrease of Wnt pathway activity. Furthermore, WIF1 expression inhibited cell proliferation in vitro, reduced anchorage-independent growth in soft agar, and completely abolished tumorigenicity in vivo. Interestingly, WIF1 overexpression in glioblastoma cells induced a senescence-like phenotype that was dose dependent. These results provide evidence that WIF1 has tumor suppressing properties. Downregulation of WIF1 in 75% of glioblastomas indicates frequent involvement of aberrant Wnt signaling and, hence, may render glioblastomas sensitive to inhibitors of Wnt signaling, potentially by diverting the tumor cells into a senescence-like state.
AIMS: To identify the molecular basis for a low CYP1A2 metabolic status, as determined by a caffeine phenotyping test, in a 71-year-old, nonsmoking, Caucasian woman who presented with very high clozapine concentrations despite being administered a standard dose of the drug. METHODS: The nucleotide sequence of the 7 exons, exon-intron boundaries and 5'-flanking region of the CYP1A2 gene was analysed by direct sequencing. RESULTS: Only one heterozygous point mutation was identified in the donor splice site of intron 6 (3534G > A) of CYP1A2. This mutation could cause abnormal RNA splicing and therefore lead to a truncated nonfunctional enzyme. No other carrier of this mutation was identified in a population of 100 unrelated healthy Caucasians. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a splice-site mutation affecting the CYP1A2 gene. This polymorphism is a likely explanation for the low CYP1A2 activity associated with high clozapine concentrations in this patient.
In mice, barrels in layer IV of the somatosensory cortex correspond to the columnar representations of whisker follicles. In barrelless (BRL) mice, barrels are absent, but functionally, a columnar organization persists. Previously we characterized the aberrant geometry of thalamic projection of BRL mice using axonal reconstructions of individual neurons. Here we proceeded with the analysis of the intracortical projections from layer VI pyramidal neurons, to assess their contribution to the columnar organization. From series of tangential sections we reconstructed the axon collaterals of individual layer VI pyramidal neurons in the C2 barrel column that were labelled with biocytin [controls from normal (NOR) strain, 19 cells; BRL strain, nine cells]. Using six morphological parameters in a cluster analysis, we showed that layer VI neurons in NOR mice are distributed into four clusters distinguished by the radial and tangential extent of their intracortical projections. These clusters correlated with the cortical or subcortical projection of the main axon. In BRL mice, neurons were distributed within the same four clusters, but their projections to the granular and supragranular layers were significantly smaller and their tangential projection was less columnar than in NOR mice. However, in both strains the intracortical projections had a preference for the appropriate barrel column (C2), indicating that layer VI pyramidal cells could participate in the functional columnar organization of the barrel cortex. Correlative light and electron microscopy analyses provided morphometric data on the intracortical synaptic boutons and synapses of layer VI pyramidal neurons and revealed that projections to layer IV preferentially target excitatory dendritic spines and shafts.
Natural killer (NK) cells are capable of directly recognizing pathogens, pathogen-infected cells, and transformed cells. NK cells recognize target cells using approximately 100 germ-line encoded receptors, which display activating or inhibitory function. NK cell activation usually requires the engagement of more than one receptor, and these may contribute distinct signaling inputs that are required for the firm adhesion of NK cells to target cells, polarization, and the release of cytotoxic granules, as well as the production of cytokines. In this article we discuss receptor-mediated mechanisms that counteract NK cell activation. The distinct intracellular inhibitory signaling pathways and how they can dominantly interfere with NK cell activation signaling events are discussed first. In addition, mechanisms by which inhibitory receptors modulate cellular activation at the level of receptor-ligand interactions are described. Receptor-mediated inhibition of NK cell function serves three main purposes: ensuring tolerance of NK cells to normal cells, enabling NK cell responses to aberrant host cells that have lost an inhibitory ligand, and, finally, allowing the recognition of certain pathogens that do not express inhibitory ligands.
The metalloprotease meprin has been implicated in tissue remodelling due to its capability to degrade extracellular matrix components. Here, we investigated the susceptibility of tenascin-C to cleavage by meprin beta and the functional properties of its proteolytic fragments. A set of monoclonal antibodies against chicken and human tenascin-C allowed the mapping of proteolytic fragments generated by meprin beta. In chicken tenascin-C, meprin beta processed all three major splicing variants by removal of 10 kDa N-terminal and 38 kDa C-terminal peptides, leaving a large central part of subunits intact. IN similar cleavage pattern was found for large human tenascin-C variant where two N-terminal peptides (10 or 15 kDa) and two C-terminal fragments (40 and 55 kDa) were removed from the intact subunit. N-terminal sequencing revealed the exact amino acid positions of cleavage sites. In both chicken and human tenascin-C N-terminal cleavages occurred just before and/or after the heptad repeats involved in subunit oligomerization. In the human protein, an additional cleavage site was identified in the alternative fibronectin type III repeat D. Whereas all these sites are known to be attacked by several other proteases, a unique cleavage by meprin beta was located to the 7th constant fibronectin type III repeat in both chicken and human tenascin-C, thereby removing the C-terminal domain involved in its anti-adhesive activity. In cell adhesion assays meprin beta-digested human tenascin-C was not able to interfere with fibronectin-mediated cell spreading, confirming cleavage in the anti-adhesive domain. Whereas the expression of meprin beta and tenascin-C does not overlap in normal colon tissue, inflamed lesions of the mucosa from patients with Crohn's disease exhibited many meprin beta-positive leukocytes in regions where tenascin-C was strongly induced. Our data indicate that, at least under pathological conditions, meprin beta might attack specific functional sites in tenascin-C that are important for its oligomerization and anti-adhesive activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE To study the molecular genetic and clinical features of cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) in a cohort of Spanish patients. METHODS We analyzed the CCM1, CCM2, and CCM3 genes by MLPA and direct sequencing of exons and intronic boundaries in 94 familial forms and 41 sporadic cases of CCM patients of Spanish extraction. When available, RNA studies were performed seeking for alternative or cryptic splicing. RESULTS A total of 26 pathogenic mutations, 22 of which predict truncated proteins, were identified in 29 familial forms and in three sporadic cases. The repertoire includes six novel non-sense and frameshift mutations in CCM1 and CCM3. We also found four missense mutations, one of them located at the third NPXY motif of CCM1 and another one that leads to cryptic splicing of CCM1 exon 6. We found four genomic deletions with the loss of the whole CCM2 gene in one patient and a partial loss of CCM1and CCM2 genes in three other patients. Four families had mutations in CCM3. The results include a high frequency of intronic variants, although most of them localize out of consensus splicing sequences. The main symptoms associated to clinical debut consisted of cerebral haemorrhage, migraines and epileptic seizures. The rare co-occurrence of CCM with Noonan and Chiari syndromes and delayed menarche is reported. CONCLUSIONS Analysis of CCM genes by sequencing and MLPA has detected mutations in almost 35% of a Spanish cohort (36% of familial cases and 10% of sporadic patients). The results include 13 new mutations of CCM genes and the main clinical symptoms that deserves consideration in molecular diagnosis and genetic counselling of cerebral cavernous malformations.
PURPOSE: The Pbx TALE (three-amino-acid loop extension) homeodomain proteins interact with class 1 Hox proteins, which are master regulators of cell fate decisions. This study was performed to elucidate the role of the Pbx1 TALE protein in the corneal epithelium of mice. METHODS: Pbx1(f/f) mice were crossed with mice containing Cre recombinase under the control of the K14 promoter. Subsequently, the eyes of these mice were dissected and prepared for histologic or molecular analysis. RESULTS: Tissue-specific deletion of Pbx1 in the corneal epithelium of mice resulted in corneal dystrophy and clouding that was apparent in newborns and progressively worsened with age. Thickening of the cornea epithelium was accompanied by stromal infiltration with atypical basal cells, severe disorganization of stromal collagen matrix, and loss of corneal barrier function. High epithelial cell turnover was associated with perturbed expression of developmental regulators and aberrant differentiation, suggesting an important function for Pbx1 in determining corneal identity. CONCLUSIONS: These studies establish an essential role of the Pbx1 proto-oncogene in corneal morphogenesis.
Intimal sarcoma (IS) is a rare, malignant, and aggressive tumor that shows a relentless course with a concomitant low survival rate and for which no effective treatment is available. In this study, 21 cases of large arterial blood vessel IS were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization and selectively by karyotyping, array comparative genomic hybridization, sequencing, phospho-kinase antibody arrays, and Western immunoblotting in search for novel diagnostic markers and potential molecular therapeutic targets. Ex vivo immunoassays were applied to test the sensitivity of IS primary tumor cells to the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitors imatinib and dasatinib. We showed that amplification of platelet-derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRA) is a common finding in IS, which should be considered as a molecular hallmark of this entity. This amplification is consistently associated with PDGFRA activation. Furthermore, the tumors reveal persistent activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), concurrent to PDGFRA activation. Activated PDGFRA and EGFR frequently coexist with amplification and overexpression of the MDM2 oncogene. Ex vivo immunoassays on primary IS cells from one case showed the potency of dasatinib to inhibit PDGFRA and downstream signaling pathways. Our findings provide a rationale for investigating therapies that target PDGFRA, EGFR, or MDM2 in IS. Given the clonal heterogeneity of this tumor type and the potential cross-talk between the PDGFRA and EGFR signaling pathways, targeting multiple RTKs and aberrant downstream effectors might be required to improve the therapeutic outcome for patients with this disease.
The STAR family of proteins links signaling pathways to various aspects of post-transcriptional regulation and processing of RNAs. Sam68 belongs to this class of heteronuclear ribonucleoprotein particle K (hnRNP K) homology (KH) single domain-containing family of RNA-binding proteins that also contains some domains predicted to bind critical components in signal transduction pathways. In response to phosphorylation and other post-transcriptional modifications, Sam68 has been shown to have the ability to link signal transduction pathways to downstream effects regulating RNA metabolism, including transcription, alternative splicing or RNA transport. In addition to its function as a docking protein in some signaling pathways, this prototypic STAR protein has been identified to have a nuclear localization and to take part in the formation of both nuclear and cytosolic multi-molecular complexes such as Sam68 nuclear bodies and stress granules. Coupling with other proteins and RNA targets, Sam68 may play a role in the regulation of differential expression and mRNA processing and translation according to internal and external signals, thus mediating important physiological functions, such as cell death, proliferation or cell differentiation.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an emerging health concern in both developed and non-developed world, encompassing from simple steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis and liver cancer. Incidence and prevalence of this disease are increasing due to the socioeconomic transition and change to harmful diet. Currently, gold standard method in NAFLD diagnosis is liver biopsy, despite complications and lack of accuracy due to sampling error. Further, pathogenesis of NAFLD is not fully understood, but is well-known that obesity, diabetes and metabolic derangements played a major role in disease development and progression. Besides, gut microbioma and host genetic and epigenetic background could explain considerable interindividual variability. Knowledge that epigenetics, heritable events not caused by changes in DNA sequence, contribute to development of diseases has been a revolution in the last few years. Recently, evidences are accumulating revealing the important role of epigenetics in NAFLD pathogenesis and in NASH genesis. Histone modifications, changes in DNA methylation and aberrant profiles or microRNAs could boost development of NAFLD and transition into clinical relevant status. PNPLA3 genotype GG has been associated with a more progressive disease and epigenetics could modulate this effect. The impact of epigenetic on NAFLD progression could deserve further applications on therapeutic targets together with future non-invasive methods useful for the diagnosis and staging of NAFLD.
Hypertension is the first single modifiable cause of disease burden worldwide. Genes encoding proteins that are involved in the metabolism (CYP3A5) and transport (ABCB1) of drugs and hormones might contribute to blood pressure control in humans. Indeed, recent data have suggested that CYP3A5 and ABCB1 gene polymorphisms are associated with blood pressure in the rat as well as in humans. Interestingly, the effects of these genes on blood pressure appear to be modified by dietary salt intake. This review summarizes what is known regarding the relationships of the ABCB1 and CYP3A5 genes with blood pressure, and discusses the potential underlying mechanisms of the association. If the role of these genes in blood pressure control is confirmed in other populations and other ethnic groups, these findings would point toward a new pathway for blood pressure control in humans.
Psoriasis is one of the most common human inflammatory skin diseases characterised by hyperproliferation and aberrant differentiation of keratinocytes. The trigger of the typical epidermal changes seen in psoriasis was considered to be a dysregulated immune response with Th-1/Tc1 cells playing a central role. Recent studies have provided new insights into psoriasis pathogenesis in defining intraepidermal alpha(1)beta(1)+ T cells as key effectors driving keratinocyte changes. Critical roles for IFN-alpha secreted by plasmacytoid dendritic cells and the IL-23/Th-17 axis were postulated. Initially, these subsequent stages are at least partially driven by the endogenous antimicrobial peptide LL37 that converts inert self-DNA into a potent trigger of interferon production by binding and delivering the DNA into plasmacytoid dendritic cells to trigger toll-like receptor 9. As LL37 is expressed by keratinocytes upon various stimuli, keratinocytes might regain momentum as instigators of an aberrant immune response which then precedes the characteristic changes in the epidermis. Data from these new studies indicate a complex interplay between keratinocytes overexpressing antimicrobial peptides and immune cells driving epidermal hyperproliferation and aberrant keratinocyte differentiation in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.
La leucemia linfática crónica (LLC) está asociada a factores biológicos como la expresión de la proteína ZAP-70 y la expresión aberrante del miR-21. OBJETIVOS: Determinar la expresión de miR-21 en líneas celulares B y en células primarias de LLC y su asociación con la expresión de ZAP-70 en la LLC. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Análisis de la expresión de miR-21 en la línea celular transfectada con ZAP-70 y en células de LLC. RESULTADOS: Se observó mayor expresión de miR-21 en las células con ZAP-70 tras estimulación del BCR y una correlación positiva entre la expresión de miR-21 y la de ZAP-70.
Early pregnancy and multiparity are known to reduce the risk of women to develop breast cancer at menopause. Based on the knowledge that the differentiation of the breast induced by the hormones of pregnancy plays a major role in this protection, this work was performed with the purpose of identifying what differentiation-associated molecular changes persist in the breast until menopause. Core needle biopsies (CNB) obtained from the breast of 42 nulliparous (NP) and 71 parous (P) postmenopausal women were analyzed in morphology, immunocytochemistry and gene expression. Whereas in the NP breast, nuclei of epithelial cells were large and euchromatic, in the P breast they were small and hyperchromatic, showing strong methylation of histone 3 at lysine 9 and 27. Transcriptomic analysis performed using Affymetrix HG_U133 oligonucleotide arrays revealed that in CNB of the P breast, there were 267 upregulated probesets that comprised genes controlling chromatin organization, transcription regulation, splicing machinery, mRNA processing and noncoding elements including XIST. We concluded that the differentiation process induced by pregnancy is centered in chromatin remodeling and in the mRNA processing reactome, both of which emerge as important regulatory pathways. These are indicative of a safeguard step that maintains the fidelity of the transcription process, becoming the ultimate mechanism mediating the protection of the breast conferred by full-term pregnancy.
Purpose: Previously we reported on a premature termination mutation in SLC16A12 that leads to dominant juvenile cataract and renal glucosuria. To assess the mutation rate and genotype-phenotype correlations of SLC16A12 in juvenile or age-related forms of cataract, we performed a mutation screen in cataract patients. Methods: Clinical data of approximately 660 patients were collected, genomic DNA was isolated and analyzed. Exons 3 to 8 including flanking intron sequences of SLC16A12 were PCR amplified and DNA sequence was determined. Selected mutations were tested by cell culture assays, in silico analysis and RT-PCR. Results: We found sequence alterations at a rate of approximately 1/75 patients. None of them was found in 360 control alleles. Alterations affect splice site and regulatory region but most mutations caused an amino acid substitution. The majority of the coding region mutations maps to trans-membrane domains. One mutation located to the 5'UTR. It affects translational efficiency of SLC16A12. In addition, we identified a cataract-predisposing SNP in the non-coding region that causes allele-specific splicing of the 5'UTR region. Conclusions: Altered translational efficiency of the solute carrier SLC16A12 and its allele-specific splicing strongly support a model of challenged homeostasis to cause various forms of cataract. In addition, the pathogenic property of the here reported sequence alterations is supported by the lack of known sequence variations within the coding region of SLC16A12. Due to the relatively high mutation rate, we suggest to include SLC16A12 in diagnostic cataract screening. Generally, our data recommend the assessment of regulatory sequences for diagnostic purposes.