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The repressor element 1-silencing transcription factor (REST) was first identified as a protein that binds to a 21-bp DNA sequence element (known as repressor element 1 (RE1)) resulting in transcriptional repression of the neural-specific genes [Chong et al., 1995; Schoenherr and Anderson, 1995]. The original proposed role for REST was that of a factor responsible for restricting neuronal gene expression to the nervous system by silencing expression of these genes in non-neuronal cells. Although it was initially thought to repress neuronal genes in non-neuronal cells, the role of REST is complex and tissue dependent. In this study I investigated any role played by REST in the induction and patterning of differentiation of SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells exposed to IGF-I. and phorbol 12- myristate 13-acetate (PMA) To down-regulate REST expression we developed an antisense (AS) strategy based on the use of phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (ODNs). In order to evaluate REST mRNA levels, we developed a real-time PCR technique and REST protein levels were evaluated by western blotting. Results showed that nuclear REST is increased in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells cultured in SFM and exposed to IGF-I for 2-days and it then declines in 5-day-treated cells concomitant with a progressive neurite extension. Also the phorbol ester PMA was able to increase nuclear REST levels after 3-days treatment concomitant to neuronal differentiation of neuroblastoma cells, whereas, at later stages, it is down-regulated. Supporting these data, the exposure to PKC inhibitors (GF10923X and Gö6976) and PMA (16nM) reverted the effects observed with PMA alone. REST levels were related to morphological differentiation, expression of growth coneassociated protein 43 (GAP-43; a gene not regulated by REST) and of synapsin I and βIII tubulin (genes regulated by REST), proteins involved in the early stage of neuronal development. We observed that differentiation of SH-SY5Y cells by IGF-I and PMA was accompanied by a significant increase of these neuronal markers, an effect that was concomitant with REST decrease. In order to relate the decreased REST expression with a progressive neurite extension, I investigated any possible involvement of the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS), a multienzymatic pathway which degrades polyubiquinated soluble cytoplasmic proteins [Pickart and Cohen, 2004]. For this purpose, SH-SY5Y cells are concomitantly exposed to PMA and the proteasome inhibitor MG132. In SH-SY5Y exposed to PMA and MG 132, we observed an inverse pattern of expression of synapsin I and β- tubulin III, two neuronal differentiation markers regulated by REST. Their cytoplasmic levels are reduced when compared to cells exposed to PMA alone, as a consequence of the increase of REST expression by proteasome inhibitor. The majority of proteasome substrates identified to date are marked for degradation by polyubiquitinylation; however, exceptions to this principle, are well documented [Hoyt and Coffino, 2004]. Interestingly, REST degradation seems to be completely ubiquitin-independent. The expression pattern of REST could be consistent with the theory that, during early neuronal differentiation induced by IGF-I and PKC, it may help to repress the expression of several genes not yet required by the differentiation program and then it declines later. Interestingly, the observation that REST expression is progressively reduced in parallel with cell proliferation seems to indicate that the role of this transcription factor could also be related to cell survival or to counteract apotosis events [Lawinger et al., 2000] although, as shown by AS-ODN experiments, it does not seem to be directly involved in cell proliferation. Therefore, the decline of REST expression is a comparatively later event during maturation of neuroroblasts in vitro. Thus, we propose that REST is regulated by growth factors, like IGF-I, and PKC activators in a time-dependent manner: it is elevated during early steps of neural induction and could contribute to down-regulate genes not yet required by the differentiation program while it declines later for the acquisition of neural phenotypes, concomitantly with a progressive neurite extension. This later decline is regulated by the proteasome system activation in an ubiquitin-indipendent way and adds more evidences to the hypothesis that REST down-regulation contributes to differentiation and arrest of proliferation of neuroblastoma cells. Finally, the glycosylation pattern of the REST protein was analysed, moving from the observation that the molecular weight calculated on REST sequence is about 116 kDa but using western blotting this transcription factor appears to have distinct apparent molecular weight (see Table 1.1): this difference could be explained by post-translational modifications of the proteins, like glycosylation. In fact recently, several studies underlined the importance of O-glycosylation in modulating transcriptional silencing, protein phosphorylation, protein degradation by proteasome and protein–protein interactions [Julenius et al., 2005; Zachara and Hart, 2006]. Deglycosilating analysis showed that REST protein in SH-SY5Y and HEK293 cells is Oglycosylated and not N-glycosylated. Moreover, using several combination of deglycosilating enzymes it is possible to hypothesize the presence of Gal-β(1-3)-GalNAc residues on the endogenous REST, while β(1-4)-linked galactose residues may be present on recombinant REST protein expressed in HEK293 cells. However, the O-glycosylation process produces an immense multiplicity of chemical structures and monosaccharides must be sequentially hydrolyzed by a series of exoglycosidase. Further experiments are needed to characterize all the post-translational modification of the transcription factor REST.


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I terreni di Treporti, nella laguna di Venezia, sono caratterizzati da una fitta alternanza di strati con caratteristiche di compressibilità fortemente variabili, pertanto risulta alquanto complessa la determinazione e la scelta di parametri appropriati per la progettazione. La costruzione del terrapieno sperimentale, ed il contemporaneo impiego dell'assestimetro a basi multiple, ha permesso di misurare il comportamento deformativo del terreno in sito e le analisi retrospettive hanno simulato, in base a parametri di tentativo, il comportamento nel tempo dei terreni di fondazione. L'analisi a posteriori delle deformazioni è stata confrontata con le misure effettuate nel corso degli anni precedenti la fase di scarico, mentre oltre questa fase è stata eseguita una previsione confrontata con le tre misure eseguite dopo la fase di scarico, ottenendo in entrambi i casi un buon accordo tra simulazioni e misure. L’aderenza quasi perfetta ottenuta tra le curve ε-t calcolate e le corrispondenti curve ε-t sperimentali, fa ritenere che tutti i parametri geotecnici ottenuti dal modello, rispecchino con buona approssimazione quelli realmente mobilitati dai 40 m di sottosuolo interessati dal carico. Pertanto anche i risultati ottenuti in ordine all'influenza della consolidazione secondaria sugli abbassamenti totali, debbono ritenersi con buona approssimazione vicini al comportamento reale. Il modello è anche in grado di descrivere molto bene i cedimenti dei diversi strati di terreno e quello del piano di posa.


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Mycotoxins are heterogeneous chemical compounds characterized by a low molecular weight and synthesized by the secondary metabolism of different molds. Fumonisins are water-soluble mycotoxins produced by Fusarium species spoiling corn and derived produc ts. These mycotoxins can be a health hazard when consuming contaminated cereals, but they can reach humans also indirectly through the consumption of food products derived from animals fed with contaminated feed. Fumonisins have been associated with several animal and human diseases: they are suspected risk factors for esophageal and liver cancers, neural tube defects and cardiovascular problems. Improved methods are needed to accurately assess fumonisins concentrations in food of vegetable and animal origin, in order to prevent acute and chronic human exposure. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the versatility and the performances of mass spectrometry, coupled with liquid chromatography, in fumonisins analysis from foods and matrices of animal origin. Different methods for the identification and quantification of fumonisins and related products have been developed and validated to determine fumonisin B1 in milk, fumonisin B1, fumonisin B2 and their complete hydrolyzed products (HFB1 and HFB2) in pig liver and fumonisins B1 and B2 in complete and complementary dry dog food. The experimental procedures have been carefully studied, considering matrices features, number and type of molecules to detect. Therefore, several extraction, clean up and separation techniques were tested in order to obtain the better conditions of sample processing. The fit for purpose sample preparation, matched with high mass spectrometry sensibility and specificity, have allowed to achieve good results in any tested animal matrices. Hence, the developed methods were validated and have shown a high accuracy, sensibility and precision, fulfilling performance requirements of Decision 2002/657/EC and of European Project Standard, Measuring and Testing (SMT). In any developed method, the analytes were identified and quantified even at very low concentrations : the limits of quantification resulted lower than other similar works, performed with different detectors. These methods were applied to some commercial samples and to some samples collected for research projects in the Department of Veterinary Public Health and Animal Pathology (DVPHAP) of University of Bologna. Although the disclosed data must be considered completely preliminary and without statistical significance, they emphasize the presence of mycotoxins in animal products. The outcomes obtained from the processed samples (bovine milk, pig liver and dry dog food) suggest the efficacy of these methods also on other food matrices, confirming the versatility and the performances of mass spectrometry, coupled with liquid chromatography, in fumonisins analysis. Moreover the results underline the need to set up a large scale monitoring in order to evaluate the presence of fumonisins in food of animal origin for human consumption.


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“Tecnologie sostenibili per il social housing”: la mia tesi affronta il tema dell’edilizia sociale cercando di capire se può ancora diventare un campo di ricerca e sperimentazione architettonica come lo è stato in più occasioni nell’ultimo secolo. La ricerca si è sviluppata in due fasi: una prima attività di studio della vicenda storica dell’abitazione sociale in Italia, con alcuni confronti europei, fino ad analizzare il nuovo quadro che si è andato delineando dalla fine degli anni ’90 e che caratterizza la situazione attuale. Successivamente, la progettazione di un piccolo intervento di edilizia abitativa che si propone di rispondere agli attuali profili della domanda, puntando a scelte tipologiche e costruttive coerenti. Nel trentennio 1950-’80, nell’Europa uscita dalla Seconda guerra mondiale, e in Italia in particolare, l’edilizia popolare ha vissuto un periodo dinamico, ricco di interventi normativi da parte dello Stato, (su tutte la legge Fanfani, e le norme Gescal) che hanno permesso di realizzare molti degli edifici ancora oggi utilizzati, accelerando la ripresa economica e sociale. Dopo gli anni ’80, le ricerche e le sperimentazioni in campo architettonico si spostano verso altri temi; superata la necessità di fornire una casa a milioni di persone, il tema dell’alloggio sembra perdere il forte rilievo sociale che aveva avuto nei decenni precedenti. Fino a ritenere che il tema dell’alloggio e in particolare dell’alloggio sociale, non avesse più la necessità di essere sperimentato e approfondito. Oggi la situazione riguardante la sperimentazione non è molto diversa: sono ancora molto limitati, infatti, gli studi e le ricerche sul tema dell’alloggio sociale. Ciò che è nuovamente mutata, invece, è l’emergenza di una nuova domanda di casa e la drammatica esigenza sociale di fornire un alloggio a milioni di famiglie che non se lo possono permettere. Le dinamiche che guidano questa nuova ondata di richiesta di alloggi sono molteplici, sia di natura sociale che economica. Sul piano sociale: - l’aumento del numero delle famiglie, passate da 22.226.000 nel 200o a 24.642.000 nel 2010, con un aumento del 9,8% in un solo decennio; - la “nuclearizzazione” delle famiglie e la loro contrazione dimensionale, fino agli attuali 2,4 componenti per nucleo; - l’invecchiamento della popolazione; - l’aumento della popolazione straniera, con oltre 3.900.000 di immigrati regolari. Su quello economico: - l’aumento della povertà assoluta: in Italia 1.162.000 famiglie (4,7%) corrispondenti a 3.074.000 individui vivono sotto la soglia di povertà; - l’aumento della povertà relativa, che investe oggi 2.657.000 famiglie (9,3%) e l’aumento delle famiglie a rischio di povertà (920.000 famiglie, pari al 3,7% dei nuclei). Questi dati evidenziano la dimensione del problema abitativo e smentiscono l’opinione che si tratti di una questione marginale: nel 2010 in Italia almeno 1.162.000 non hanno le risorse per pagare un affitto, nemmeno a canone agevolato, e 4.739.000 famiglie non riescono a pagare un affitto ai prezzi del libero mercato, ma non hanno la possibilità di entrare nelle graduatorie per l’assegnazione di un alloggio sociale. Da questa panoramica sulle dimensioni del disagio abitativo, prende spunto la progettazione del mio sistema costruttivo, che si pone come obiettivo quello di ridurre i costi di costruzione tramite la standardizzazione dei componenti, consentendo di conseguenza, un minor costo di costruzione e quindi la possibilità di canoni di affitto ridotti, mantenendo buoni standard di qualità degli alloggi, sostenibilità ambientale e risparmio energetico. Le linee guida che hanno portato alla progettazione del sistema sono: - modularità degli spazi abitativi - zonizzazione funzionale - razionalizzazione impiantistica - illuminazione naturale - industrializzazione dei sistema costruttivo - standardizzazione dei componenti. Il risultato è un catalogo di alloggi di diverse metrature, aggregabili secondo tre tipologie residenziali. - a ballatoio - in linea - a torre Messo a punto questo sistema costruttivo, è stato progettato un intervento in un contesto specifico, per verificare l’applicabilità delle soluzioni sviluppate ed esplorarne alcune possibilità.


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Coupled-Cluster-Berechnungen von Parametern derKernspin-Resonanz-Spektroskopie Dissertationsschrift von Alexander A.Auer, Mainz 2002 Im Rahmen einer Studie der Berechnung von 13C-Verschiebungenwerdendie Einfluesse von Elektronenkorrelation, Basissatz,Gleichgewichtsgeometrie sowie Schwingungs- und Rotationseffekten separat betrachtet.Dabei zeigt sich, dass dieCoupled-Cluster-Singles-Doubles-Methode mitstoerungstheoretischer Behandlung der Dreifachanregungen(CCSD(T)) mit entsprechend grossen Basissaetzen bei Beruecksichtigung derNullpunktsschwingungseffekte Ergebnisse mit ca. 1 ppm Abweichung zum Experiment liefert. Eine Analyse der Elektronenkorrelationseffekte beiCoupled-Cluster- (CC-) Berechnungen von indirekten Spin-Spin-Kopplungskonstanten zeigt, dassCC-Methoden mit Hartree-Fock-Orbitalrelaxation zur Berechnung derKopplungskonstanten ungeeignet sind. Eine Loesung ist die Verwendung unrelaxierter CC-Methoden,in denendie HF-Orbitalrelaxation aus der Berechnung der gestoertenWellenfunktion ausgeschlossen wird. Full-Configuration-Interaction-Berechnungen fuer Borhydridzeigen,dass auf CC-Singles-Doubles-Niveau (CCSD) 94% und aufCC-Singles-Doubles-Triples-Niveau (CCSDT) 99% der Korrelationseffekte beschrieben werden. Weiterhin istdie Beruecksichtigung der Nullpunktsschwingung sowie die Wahl eines ausreichend grossen Basissatzes wichtig. Auf Grundlage der vorangegangenen Studien werden im letztenTeil zwei Beispiele zur Anwendung hochgenauer Berechnungen vonNMR-Parametern vorgestellt.Im Rahmen einer Studie der Spin-Spin-Kopplungskonstanten vonCyclopentan wird eine Karplus-Beziehungzwischen den Kopplungskonstanten und der Konformation desMolekuels aufgestellt, desweiteren werden die NMR-Parameter von Methylidinphosphanuntersucht.


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This dissertation focuses on characterizing the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from grasses and young trees, and the burning of biomass mainly from Africa and Indonesia. The measurements were performed with a proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS). The biogenic emissions of tropical savanna vegetation were studied in Calabozo (Venezuela). Two field campaigns were carried out, the first during the wet season (1999) and the second during the dry season (2000). Three grass species were studied: T. plumosus, H. rufa and A. canescens, and the tree species B. crassifolia, C. americana and C. vitifolium. The emission rates were determined with a dynamic plant enclosure system. In general, the emissions increased exponentially with increasing temperature and solar radiation. Therefore, the emission rates showed high variability. Consequently, the data were normalized to a standard temperature of 30°C, and standard emission rates thus determined allowed for interspecific and seasonal comparisons. The range of average daytime (10:00-16:00) emission rates of total VOCs measured from green (mature and young) grasses was between 510-960 ngC/g/h. Methanol was the primary emission (140-360 ngC/g/h), followed by acetaldehyde, butene and butanol and acetone with emission rates between 70-200 ngC/g/h. The emissions of propene and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) were <80 ngC/g/h, and those of isoprene and C5-alcohols were between 10-130 ngC/g/h. The oxygenated species represented 70-75% of the total. The emission of VOCs was found to vary by up to a factor of three between plants of the same species, and by up to a factor of two between the different species. The annual source of methanol from savanna grasses worldwide estimated in this work was 3 to 4.4 TgC, which could represent up to 12% of the current estimated global emission from terrestrial vegetation. Two of the studied tree species, were isoprene emitters, and isoprene was also their primary emission (which accounted for 70-94% of the total carbon emitted) followed by methanol and butene + butanol. The daytime average emission rate of isoprene measured in the wet season was 27 mgC/g/h for B. crassifolia, and 123 mgC/g/h for C. vitifolium. The daytime emissions of methanol and butene + butanol were between 0.3 and 2 mgC/g/h. The total sum of VOCs emission measured during the day in the wet season was between 30 and 130 mgC/g/h. In the dry season, in contrast, the methanol emissions from C. vitifolium saplings –whose leaves were still developing– were an order of magnitude higher than in the wet season (15 mgC/g/h). The isoprene emission from B. crassifolia in the dry season was comparable to the emission in the wet season, whereas isoprene emission from C. vitifolium was about a factor of three lower (~43 mgC/g/h). Biogenic emission inventories show that isoprenoids are the most prominent and best-studied compounds. The standard emission rates of isoprene and monoterpenes of the measured savanna trees were in the lower end of the range found in the literature. The emission of other biogenic VOCs has been sparsely investigated, but in general, the standard emissions from trees studied here were within the range observed in previous investigations. The biomass burning study comprised the measurement of VOCs and other trace-gas emissions of 44 fires from 15 different fuel types, primarily from Africa and Indonesia, in a combustion laboratory. The average sum of emissions (excluding CO2, CO and NO) from African fuels was ~18 g(VOC)/kg. Six of the ten most important emissions were oxygenated VOCs. Acetic acid was the major emission, followed by methanol and formaldehyde. The emission of methane was of the same order as the methanol emission (~5 g/kg), and that of nitrogen-containing compounds was ~1 g/kg. An estimate of the VOC source from biomass burning of savannas and grasslands worldwide suggests that the sum of emissions is about 56 Tg/yr, of which 34 Tg correspond to oxygenated VOCs, 14 Tg to unsaturated and aromatic compounds, 5 Tg to methane and 3 Tg to N-compounds. The estimated emissions of CO, CO2 and NO are 216, 5117 and 9.4 Tg/yr, respectively. The emission factors reported here for Indonesian fuels are the first results of laboratory fires using Indonesian fuels. Acetic acid was the highest organic emission, followed by acetol, a compound not previously reported in smoke, methane, mass 97 (tentatively identified as furfural, dimethylfuran and ethylfuran), and methanol. The sum of total emissions of Indonesian fuels was 91 g/kg, which is 5 times higher than the emissions from African fuels. The results of this study reinforces the importance of oxygenated compounds. Due to the vast area covered by tropical savannas worldwide, the biogenic and biomass burning emission of methanol and other oxygenated compounds may be important for the regional and even global tropospheric chemistry.


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Perfluoroalkylated substances are a group of chemicals that have been largely employed during the last 60 years in several applications, widely spreading and accumulating in the environment due to their extreme resistance to degradation. As a consequence, they have been found also in various types of food as well as in drinking water, proving that they can easily reach humans through the diet. The available information concerning their adverse effects on health has recently increased the interest towards these contaminants and highlighted the importance of investigating all the potential sources of human exposure, among which diet was proved to be the most relevant. This need has been underlined by the European Union through Recommendation 2010/161/EU: in this document, Member States were called to monitor their presence of in food, producing accurate estimations of human exposure. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis, which is the result of a partnership between an Italian and a French laboratory, was to develop reliable tools for the analysis of these pollutants in food, to be used for generating data on potentially contaminated matrices. An efficient method based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of 16 different perfluorinated compounds in milk has been validated in accordance with current European regulation guidelines (2002/657/EC) and is currently under evaluation for ISO 17025 accreditation. The proposed technique was applied to cow, powder and human breast milk samples from Italy and France to produce a preliminary monitoring on the presence of these contaminants. In accordance with the above mentioned European Recommendation, this project led also to the development of a promising technique for the quantification of some precursors of these substances in fish. This method showed extremely satisfying performances in terms of linearity and limits of detection, and will be useful for future surveys.


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Esophageal dilation often leads to long-lasting relief of dysphagia in eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). The aim of this study was to define the effectiveness, safety, and patient acceptance of esophageal dilation in EoE. In addition, we examined the influence of dilation on the underlying esophageal inflammation.


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The phenomenon of developing a certain tactile sensibility through osseointegrated dental implants is called osseoperception. Active tactile sensibility can be tested by having the subject bite on test bodies. The aim of the study was to describe the active tactile sensibility of single-tooth implants based on the 50% value and the slope of the sensibility curve at the 50% value.


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Despite evidence for the important role of oestrogens in the aetiology and pathophysiology of chronic immune/inflammatory diseases, the previous view of an unequivocal beneficial effect of oestrogens on RA compared with a detrimental effect on SLE has to be reconsidered. Likewise, the long-held belief that RA remits in the majority of pregnant patients has been challenged, and shows that only half of the patients experience significant improvement when objective disease activity measurements are applied. Pregnancies in patients with SLE are mostly successful when well planned and monitored interdisciplinarily, whereas a small proportion of women with APS still have adverse pregnancy outcomes in spite of the standard treatment. New prospective studies indicate better outcomes for pregnancies in women with rare diseases such as SSc and vasculitis. Fertility problems are not uncommon in patients with rheumatic disease and need to be considered in both genders. Necessary therapy, shortly before or during the pregnancy, demands taking into account the health of both mother and fetus. Long-term effects of drugs on offspring exposed in utero or during lactation is a new area under study as well as late effects of maternal rheumatic disease on children.


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A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) confirmatory method for the simultaneous determination of nine corticosteroids in liver, including the four MRL compounds listed in Council Regulation 37/2010, was developed. After an enzymatic deconjugation and a solvent extraction of the liver tissue, the resulting solution was cleaned up through an SPE Oasis HLB cartridge. The analytes were then detected by liquid chromatography-negative-ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry, using deuterium-labelled internal standards. The procedure was validated as a quantitative confirmatory method according to the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC criteria. The results showed that the method was suitable for statutory residue testing regarding the following performance characteristics: instrumental linearity, specificity, precision (repeatability and intra-laboratory reproducibility), recovery, decision limit (CCα), detection capability (CCβ) and ruggedness. All the corticosteroids can be detected at a concentration around 1 μg kg(-1); the recoveries were above 62% for all the analytes. Repeatability and reproducibility (within-laboratory reproducibility) for all the analytes were below 7.65% and 15.5%, respectively.


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Electronic waste generated from the consumption of durable goods in developed countries is often exported to underdeveloped countries for reuse, recycling and disposal with unfortunate environmental consequences. The lack of efficient disposal policies within developing nations coupled with global free trade agreements make it difficult for consumers to internalize these costs. This paper develops a two-country model, one economically developed and the other underdeveloped, to solve for optimal tax policies necessary to achieve the efficient allocation of economic resources in an economy with a durable good available for global reuse without policy measures in the underdeveloped country. A tax in the developed country on purchases of the new durable good combined with a waste tax set below the domestic external cost of disposal is sufficient for global efficiency. The implication of allowing free global trade in electronic waste is also examined, where optimal policy resembles a global deposit-refund system.