979 resultados para 310901 Anatomía


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The different approaches used in arthroscopic stabilisation of the acromioclavicular joint are well known. However, and despite a great incidence of ectopic pectoralis minor insertion, an alternative choice for the use of arthroscopic portal has not being sufficiently described. Here, we describe a case of acute acromioclavicular dislocation grade III. The arthroscopic stabilisation was achieved using the TightRope (Arthrex, Naples, USA) implant. Through this technique, the approach to the articular portion of the coracoid process can be made intra-articularly or from the subacromial space. We accessed intra-articularly, by opening the rotator interval to reach the coracoid process from the joint cavity. After opening the rotator interval, an ectopic insertion of the pectoralis minor was observed. The choice of approach of the coracoid process from the subacromial space would have complicated the intervention, making it necessary to sever the ectopic tendon to complete the technique, lengthening the surgical time and increasing the chance of complications. For this reason, the use of a standard posterior portal providing intra-articular arthroscopic access through the rotator interval is recommended since the aforementioned anatomical variation is not infrequent. Level of evidence Therapeutic studies—investigating the results of treatment, Level V.


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It has long been maintained that the ciliary muscle derives from mesenchymal cells. The embryonic development of the avian ciliary muscle was studied in chick embryos from stage 25 HH to the time of hatching. Serial sections of the eye were stained routinely or immunocytochemically using the monoclonal antibody 13F4, which recognizes a cytoplasmic antigen specific for all types of muscle cells. We found that the mesenchymal immunoreactive cells, at stage 37 HH, are arranged in two distinct orientations forming the anterior and posterior portions of the ciliary muscle. At stages 38 and 39 HH the pigmented epithelium contained 13F4 positive cells, which detach from the epithelium and apparently migrate into stroma. These epithelial cells may differentiate into muscle cells. Within this same time period a progressive accumulation of myoblasts was detected between the pigmented epithelium and the ciliary muscle. Some myoblasts containing melanin were also observed. At stage 40 HH the internal portion of the ciliary muscle was visible. These findings indicate that the immunopositive epithelial cells participate in the formation of the internal portion of the muscle. We conclude that the ciliary muscle derives not only from the mesenchymal cells but also from the pigmented epithelium.


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The ontogenic development of the sphincter iris has been studied by immunocytochemistry and standard staining on chick embryos from stage 25 HH to the time of hatching. We have used the monoclonal antibody 13F4, a highly specific marker of muscular cells. We have observed three different regions in the iris. Tn the pupillary region, immunoreactive cells are in continuous contact with the inner epithelium of the pupillary margin. In the intermediate region, the outer epithelium forms buds of pigmented cells that emigrate toward the stroma. In this epithelium cells that are totally or partially unpigmented exist, and they are 13F4 positive. In the sphincter we have observed 13F4 positive cells with melanin granules. In the ciliary region, the immunoreactivity appears in dispersed mesenchymal cells. The present findings are consistent with a triple origin of the sphincter iris in the chick embryo. This muscle is derived from the inner epithelium of the pupillary margin, the intermediate region of the outer epithelium, and from the mesenchymal cells. The cells of the inner epithelium of the pupillary margin are differentiated into smooth muscle cells, and the remaining cells form striated muscle cells.


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Sólidos, líquidos y gases: densidad; Elasticidad en sólidos: tensión y deformación; Elasticidad en fluidos: presión; Temperatura y dilatación térmica; Estática de fluidos; Fenómenos de superficie: tensión superficial, capilaridad; Dinámica de fluidos ideales; Fluidos reales: viscosidad.


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Purpose: To determine the scientific evidence about the prevalence of accommodative and nonstrabismic binocular anomalies. Methods: We carried out a systematic review of studies published between 1986 and 2009, analysing the MEDLINE, CINAHL, FRANCIS and PsycINFO databases. We considered admitting those papers related to prevalence in paediatric and adult populations. We identified 660 articles and 10 papers met the inclusion criteria. Results: There is a wide range of prevalence, particularly for accommodative insufficiency (2 %-61.7 %) and convergence insufficiency (2.25 %-33 %). More studies are available for children (7) compared with adults (3). Most of studies examine clinical population (5 studies) with 3 assessed at schools and 1 at University with samples that vary from 65 to 2048 patients. There is great variability regarding the number of diagnostic signs ranging from 1 to 5 clinical signs. We found a relation between the number of clinical signs used and prevalence values for convergence insufficiency although this relationship cannot be confirmed for other conditions. Conclusion: There is a lack of proper epidemiological studies about the prevalence of accommodative and nonstrabismic binocular anomalies. Studies reviewed examine consecutive or selected patients in clinical settings and schools but in any case they are randomized and representative of their populations with no data for general population. The wide discrepancies in prevalence figures are due to both sample population and the lack of uniformity in diagnostic criteria so that it makes difficult to compile results. Biases and limitations of reports determine that prevalence rates offered are only estimations from selected populations.


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En este trabajo se han presentado las características colorimétricas de una pantalla OLED, valorando la luminancia, rango dinámico, constancia de primarios, aditividad y dependencia de canales, además de comprobar si puede aplicarse un método físico de caracterización. También, se ha evaluado la gama de color reproducible por este dispositivo considerando el sólido de color teórico asociado al mismo. Se ha comprobado que esta pantalla OLED presenta una buena constancia de cromaticidad de los primarios, pero un nivel de aditividad bajo, hecho que no garantiza que pueda utilizarse el método de caracterización GOG directamente, sino que tenga que realizarse una modificación para asegurar una buena caracterización. También, se ha comprobado que la gama real de colores es más pequeña que la gama de color teórica obtenida a partir del blanco de la pantalla. No obstante, este trabajo es un estudio preliminar que debería completarse con el estudio de diferentes dispositivos basados en tecnología OLED con el fin de conocer adecuadamente sus propiedades colorimétricas.


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Comunicación y póster presentados en las VIII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria "Nuevas titulaciones y cambio universitario", Alicante, 8-9 Julio 2010.


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Comunicación y póster presentados en las VIII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria "Nuevas titulaciones y cambio universitario", Alicante, 8-9 Julio 2010.


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Póster y resumen de la comunicación presentada en el VI Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI), Barcelona, 30 junio-2 julio 2010.


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Póster y resumen de la comunicación presentada en el VI Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI), Barcelona, 30 junio-2 julio 2010.


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El proceso de calibrado genérico para monitores CRT, conocido por GOG (gain-offset-gamma), relaciona la luminancia relativa Lrk de cada canal-color (R, G, B) y el nivel digital relativo correspondiente NDRk mediante una función de transferencia electro-óptica de tipo potencial. Sin embargo, cuando se usan otros dispositivos de visualización, como una pantalla LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) de un ordenador portátil, un proyector LCD o una pantalla de plasma, la reproducción de los colores se pierde drásticamente: por ejemplo, un gris anaranjado en el monitor CRT se ve más claro, saturado y verdoso al proyectar en una pantalla blanca usando un proyector LCD. Nuestro objetivo es realizar la comparación de diferentes dispositivos de visualización, con el fin de conocer sus características colorimétricas a partir de las curvas de calibrado.


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Technological innovation in all areas has led to the appearance in recent years of new metallic and pearlescent materials, yet no exhaustive studies have been conducted to assess their colorimetric capabilities. The chromatic variability of these special-effect pigments may largely be due to the three-dimensional effect of their curved shapes and orientations when they are directionally or diffusely illuminated. Our study examines goniochromatic colors using the optimal colors (MacAdam limits) associated with normal colors (photometric scale of relative spectral reflectance from 0 to 1) under certain conventional illuminants and other light sources. From a database of 91 metallic and interference samples and using a multi-gonio-spectrophotometer, we analyzed samples with lightness values of more than 100 and others with lightness values of less than 100, but with higher chromaticities than optimal colors, which places them beyond the MacAdam limits. Our study thus demonstrates the existence of chromatic perceptions beyond the normal solid color associated with these materials and independent of the light source. The challenge for future research, therefore, is to replicate and render these color appearances in current and future color reproduction technologies for computer graphics.


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It has been reported that for certain colour samples, the chromatic adaptation transform CAT02 imbedded in the CIECAM02 colour appearance model predicts corresponding colours with negative tristimulus values (TSVs), which can cause problems in certain applications. To overcome this problem, a mathematical approach is proposed for modifying CAT02. This approach combines a non-negativity constraint for the TSVs of corresponding colours with the minimization of the colour differences between those values for the corresponding colours obtained by visual observations and the TSVs of the corresponding colours predicted by the model, which is a constrained non-linear optimization problem. By solving the non-linear optimization problem, a new matrix is found. The performance of the CAT02 transform with various matrices including the original CAT02 matrix, and the new matrix are tested using visual datasets and the optimum colours. Test results show that the CAT02 with the new matrix predicted corresponding colours without negative TSVs for all optimum colours and the colour matching functions of the two CIE standard observers under the test illuminants considered. However, the accuracy with the new matrix for predicting the visual data is approximately 1 CIELAB colour difference unit worse compared with the original CAT02. This indicates that accuracy has to be sacrificed to achieve the non-negativity constraint for the TSVs of the corresponding colours.


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We estimated the number of colors perceived by color normal and color-deficient observers when looking at the theoretic limits of object-color stimuli. These limits, the optimal color stimuli, were computed for a color normal observer and CIE standard illuminant D65, and the resultant colors were expressed in the CIELAB and DIN99d color spaces. The corresponding color volumes for abnormal color vision were computed using models simulating for normal trichromatic observers the appearance for dichromats and anomalous trichomats. The number of colors perceived in each case was then computed from the color volumes enclosed by the optimal colors also known as MacAdam limits. It was estimated that dichromats perceive less than 1% of the colors perceived by normal trichromats and that anomalous trichromats perceive 50%–60% for anomalies in the medium-wavelength-sensitive and 60%–70% for anomalies in the long-wavelength-sensitive cones. Complementary estimates obtained similarly for the spectral locus of monochromatic stimuli suggest less impairment for color-deficient observers, a fact that is explained by the two-dimensional nature of the locus.


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Guión de prácticas 1 de laboratorio: presbicia, parte 1.