916 resultados para total SO2
The first total synthesis of Aeruginazole A, prepared via a convergent strategy that involved both solid-phase peptide synthesis and solution phase chemistry and that enabled conservation of the stereochemistry of the intermediates, is reported.
Accurate measurement of knee kinematics during functional activities suffers mainly from soft tissue artifact (STA): the combination of local surface deformations and rigid movement of markers relative to the underlying bone (also called rigid STA movement: RSTAM). This study proposes to assess RSTAM on the thigh, shank, and knee joint and to observe possible features between subjects. Nineteen subjects with knee arthroplasty were asked to walk on a treadmill while a biplane fluoroscopic system (X-rays) and a stereophotogrammetric system (skin markers) recorded their knee movement. The RSTAM was defined as the rigid movement of the cluster of skin markers relative to the prosthesis. The results showed that RSTAM amplitude represents approximately 80-100% of the STA. The vertical axis of the anatomical frame of the femur was influenced the most by RSTAM. Combined with tibial error, internal/external rotation angle and distraction-compression were the knee kinematics parameters most affected by RSTAM during the gait cycle, with average rms values of 3.8° and 11.1 mm. This study highlighted higher RSTAM during the swing phase particularly in the thigh segment and suggests new features for RSTAM such as the particular shape of some RSTAM waveforms and the absence of RSTAM in certain kinematics during the gait phases. The comparison of coefficient of multiple correlations showed some similarities of RSTAM between subjects, while some correlations were found with gait speed and BMI. These new insights could potentially allow the development of new methods of compensation to avoid STA.
Kokonaisvaltaisen laatujohtamisen malli TQM (Total Quality Management) on noussut yhdeksi merkittävimmistä konsepteista globaalissa liiketoiminnassa, missä laatu on tärkeä kilpailutekijä. Tämä diplomityö pureutuu nykyaikaiseen kokonaisvaltaisen laatujohtamisen konseptiin, joka nostaa perinteisen laatuajattelun uudelle tasolle. Moderni laatujohtamisajattelu on kasvanut koskemaan yrityksen toiminnan kaikkia osa-alueita. Työn tavoitteena on TietoEnator Käsittely ja Verkkopalvelut liiketoiminta-alueen osalta laadun sekä liiketoiminnallisen suorituskyvyn parantaminen kokonaisvaltaisesti. Ennen varsinaisen laatujohtamis-konseptin käsittelyä työ esittelee ensin yleisellä tasolla perinteistä laatu käsitettä sekä käsittelee lyhyestiICT-liiketoimintaa ja siihen liittyviä standardeja. Lopuksi tutkimus esittelee priorisoituja parannusehdotuksia ja askeleita jotka auttavat organisaatiota saavuttamaan kokonaisvaltaisen laatujohtamiskonseptin mukaisia pyrkimyksiä.
BACKGROUND: The literature suggests that intraoperative fractures of the greater trochanter and the metaphysis are increased with uncemented stems and the direct anterior approach. This study aims to determine the incidence and assess the functional and radiological outcome after such fractures. METHODS: 484 consecutive total hip replacements (THR) (64 ± 12 years) were analyzed. We treated trochanteric fractures conservatively without any further denuding, and secured metaphyseal fissures with cerclages. Postoperative X-rays and at the latest follow-up were compared to assess secondary fracture displacement and stem subsidence. Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) scores after 1 year were analyzed. For each patient sustaining a fracture, two patients without fractures were matched in terms of age, body mass index and gender. RESULTS: 13 (2.7 %, 5 male, 68 ± 9 years) patients with intraoperative fractures of the greater trochanter (n = 8) or the metaphysis (n = 5) were analyzed. Consolidation was observed in 7/8 patients sustaining a trochanteric fracture while secondary displacement of the fragment occurred in one case. Stem subsidence was observed in 2/5 cases (5 and 7 mm). Patients who sustained a fracture showed a trend towards poorer WOMAC scores at 1 year postoperatively, compared to patients without fractures. A significantly increased joint stiffness was also observed. CONCLUSION: The intraoperative fracture risk in this series of THR through a direct anterior approach was 2.7 %. Trochanteric fractures do heal without primary fixation. Metaphyseal fractures heal well if immediately stabilized with a cerclage.
Previous studies assessed the outcome of ankle arthrodesis (AA) and total ankle replacement (TAR) surgeries; however, the extent of postoperative recovery towards bilateral gait mechanics (BGM) is unknown. We evaluated the outcome of the two surgeries at least 2 years post rehabilitation, focusing on BGM. 36 participants, including 12 AA patients, 12 TAR patients, and 12 controls were included. Gait assessment over 50 m distance was performed utilizing pressure insoles and 3D inertial sensors, following which an intraindividual comparison was performed. Most spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters in the TAR group were indicative of good gait symmetry, while the AA group presented significant differences. Plantar pressure symmetry among the AA group was also significantly distorted. Abnormality in biomechanical behavior of the AA unoperated, contralateral foot was observed. In summary, our results indicate an altered BGM in AA patients, whereas a relatively fully recovered BGM is observed in TAR patients, despite the quantitative differences in several parameters when compared to a healthy population. Our study supports a biomechanical assessment and rehabilitation of both operated and unoperated sides after major surgeries for ankle osteoarthrosis.
Barmumycin was isolated from an extract of the marine actinomycete Streptomyces sp. BOSC-022A and found to be cytotoxic against various human tumor cell lines. Based on preliminary one- and two-dimensional 1H- and 13C-NMR spectra, the natural compound was initially assigned the structure of macrolactone-type compound 1, which was later prepared by two different routes. However, major spectroscopic differences between isolated barmumycin and 1 led to revision of the proposed structure as E-16. Based on synthesis of this new compound, and subsequent spectroscopic comparison of it to an authentic sample of barmumycin, the structure of the natural compound was indeed confirmed as that of E-16.
Complications related to the neck-stem junction of modular stems used for total hip arthroplasty (THA) are generating increasing concern. A 74-year-old male had increasing pain and a cutaneous reaction around the scar 1 year after THA with a modular neck-stem. Imaging revealed osteolysis of the calcar and a pseudo-tumour adjacent to the neck-stem junction. Serum cobalt levels were elevated. Revision surgery to exchange the stem and liner and to resect the pseudo-tumour was performed. Analysis of the stem by scanning electron microscopy and by energy dispersive X-ray and white light interferometry showed fretting corrosion at the neck-stem junction contrasting with minimal changes at the head-neck junction. Thus, despite dry assembly of the neck and stem on the back table at primary THA, full neck-stem contact was not achieved, and the resulting micromotion at the interface led to fretting corrosion. This case highlights the mechanism of fretting corrosion at the neck-stem interface responsible for adverse local tissue reactions. Clinical and radiological follow-up is mandatory in patients with dual-modular stems.
Estudaram-se o efeito de diferentes tipos de embalagens e a ação do dióxido de enxofre (SO2) na conservação pós-colheita de uvas finas de mesa var. "Crimson Seedless" e "Itália". Os frutos, colhidos em propriedade agrícola situada no município de Boa Vista-RR (Lat. 2º 50' 06" N e Long. 60º 40' 28" W), apresentavam, no momento da colheita, sólidos solúveis (SS) médios de 16,50 e 14,80°Brix, para as variedades "Crimson Seedless" e "Itália", respectivamente. Antes da confecção dos tratamentos, os cachos foram higienizados em solução de hipoclorito de sódio (NaOCl) a 100 mg.L-1, previamente acidificada, por dez minutos. Utilizaram-se, para a atmosfera modificada passiva, sacolas de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), sem perfuração, com 0,010; 0,015 e 0,020mm de espessura,e acondicionadas em embalagens secundárias de papelão (4kg) e de madeira (7,5kg). Para a geração do SO2, foram utilizados papéis Kraft de liberação rápida, com 3 e 8g de metabissulfito de sódio (Na2S2O5). Após a confecção dos tratamentos, os frutos foram armazenados em câmara frigorífica a 4 ± 1°C e 95 ± 3% de umidade relativa (U.R.). As avaliações foram realizadas no momento da colheita e, 7; 21; 35; 42 e 56 dias de armazenamento refrigerado, quanto à porcentagem de perda de massa fresca, taxa de desgrana e de bagas deterioradas, qualidade do engaço e teor de SS dos frutos. Após oito semanas, foi realizado teste de preferência para as duas variedades. Verificou-se, em ambas as variedades, que as uvas submetidas à ação do gerador de SO2 , contendo 3g de metabissulfito de sódio e acondicionamento em embalagens de PEBD de 0,020mm de espessura, independentemente do tipo de embalagem secundária, apresentaram a menor perda de massa fresca, menor taxa de desgrana e de bagas deterioradas, e melhor qualidade do engaço. Os resultados da análise sensorial concordaram com os resultados das análises físico-químicas. Não foram detectadas diferenças nos teores de SS entre os tratamentos, em ambas as variedades. (Apoio: Roraima Agrofrutas).
O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um modelo para estimar a área foliar total de bananeira, cultivar Prata-Anã, utilizando dimensões lineares da terceira folha, como o comprimento, a largura e o número total de folhas na emissão da inflorescência. As regressões lineares foram determinadas considerando-se a área foliar total de cada planta (AFT) como variável dependente e o comprimento (C) e a largura (L) da terceira folha, o produto de CxL, o número total de folhas por planta (N) e o produto de CxLxN como variáveis independentes. O modelo linear que melhor estimou a área foliar total (AFTe) da bananeira 'Prata-Anã', ao nível de 5% de significância com R² de 0,89, foi a equação AFTe = 0,5187(CxLxN) + 9603,5.
Pereskia aculeata Mill. (Ora-pro-nóbis) is a native cactaceae from tropical America, whose leaves have high protein content. In Brazil it is found in all territorial extension between the states of Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul. Most studies have focused on chemical characterization of the leaves of this specie. The objective was to assess the carotenoids profile and the total polyphenols present in the fruits of P. aculeate. Carotenoids were determined by HPLC-PAD (high performance liquid chromatography - photodiode array detector), total polyphenols were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu and vanillin methods. Trans-β-carotene was the main carotenoid, followed by α-carotene, lutein and other minor carotenoids. It was found 64.9 ± 1.1 mg.100g-1 of gallic acid equivalent, 14.8 ± 0.2 mg.100g-1 of catechin equivalent. Carotenoid identification of P. aculeate fruits are presented here by the first time and indicate that these fruits can be researched as source of bioactive substances, especially antioxidant and provitamin A carotenoids.
Background In an agreement assay, it is of interest to evaluate the degree of agreement between the different methods (devices, instruments or observers) used to measure the same characteristic. We propose in this study a technical simplification for inference about the total deviation index (TDI) estimate to assess agreement between two devices of normally-distributed measurements and describe its utility to evaluate inter- and intra-rater agreement if more than one reading per subject is available for each device. Methods We propose to estimate the TDI by constructing a probability interval of the difference in paired measurements between devices, and thereafter, we derive a tolerance interval (TI) procedure as a natural way to make inferences about probability limit estimates. We also describe how the proposed method can be used to compute bounds of the coverage probability. Results The approach is illustrated in a real case example where the agreement between two instruments, a handle mercury sphygmomanometer device and an OMRON 711 automatic device, is assessed in a sample of 384 subjects where measures of systolic blood pressure were taken twice by each device. A simulation study procedure is implemented to evaluate and compare the accuracy of the approach to two already established methods, showing that the TI approximation produces accurate empirical confidence levels which are reasonably close to the nominal confidence level. Conclusions The method proposed is straightforward since the TDI estimate is derived directly from a probability interval of a normally-distributed variable in its original scale, without further transformations. Thereafter, a natural way of making inferences about this estimate is to derive the appropriate TI. Constructions of TI based on normal populations are implemented in most standard statistical packages, thus making it simpler for any practitioner to implement our proposal to assess agreement.