440 resultados para substantivo alemão
Despite not using the Spanish language, Brazil borders with several countries that speak this language. The State of Paraná, for instance, has nineteen districts bordering with Paraguay and Argentina. In this geographical context is inserted Capanema city, whose multi-ethnic environment not only promotes the exchange of goods but also culture, beliefs, customs, and especially the language. This work takes as its investigation object the speech of Capanemenses with the aim of verifying the positive and negative views of these subjects regarding the multiple languages and varieties with which they live on today. Following the mentalist methodology (LÓPEZ MORALEZ, 1993), the collected data analysis through interviews in locus showed that, compared to Argentines, most Capanemenses presents a positive attitude, both in relation to the Argentine people properly said, as their mother tongue, seen in a prestigious way by the interviewees. As for Paraguayan, a significant amount of informants showed not see them in a positive way, presenting a justification for this refusal the difference in culture, indigenous origin, low technology and education, as well as the language issue - Guarani, Jopará. On the other hand, the German people’s seen as introverted by their lack of emotion, but responsible in everything they do. The German language has not been evaluated positively by the Capanemenses, as it’s considered difficult and awkward. Finally, we note that, believing that Italian culture and language are close to the one existing in Brazil, due to Latin ascendancy, respondents react favorably on the Italians, people judged by Capanemenses as joyful and spontaneous. Keywords: beliefs and linguistic attitudes, language prejudice, languages in contact, Capanema.
O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta de aproximação pedagógica e intercultural, a partir da concepção bakhtiniana de linguagem, do romance de formação da literatura alemã Jakob von Gunten, de Robert Walser, mediada, com finalidades didáticas, pela leitura anterior do romance de formação brasileiro O Ateneu, de Raul Pompéia. A relação entre literatura e educação será duplamente contemplada: a) pela representação literária dos institutos de ensino nos dois romances acima citados e b) pela nossa aproximação didática - via obra literária do universo ficcional brasileiro - para os estudantes universitários brasileiros de literatura alemã. O pano de fundo que sustenta a proposta é a reflexão teórica bakhtiniana sobre (I) a exotopia - “o estar do lado de fora”, o não coincidir com o outro, conceito bakhtiniano fundamental, neste trabalho, para a reflexão que envolve a alteridade intercultural, e na aproximação pedagógica intercultural, (II) os gêneros discursivos. Destacando, a partir da visão bakhtiniana de gêneros discursivos, para este trabalho, a estrutura composicional e as unidades temáticas. A saída dos meninos de casa, por exemplo, é uma marca constitutiva da estrutura composicional dos romances de formação. Um outro aspecto da estrutura composicional presente nos dois romances - e bastante recorrente nos romances do gênero Bildungsroman da virada do século - é a construção do narrador em primeira pessoa. No mesmo sentido de orientação, podemos apontar, dentre as unidades temáticas abordadas na análise, a visão patriarcalista e personalista. O estudo constata a viabilidade da aproximação didática na construção de sentido do texto literário alemão através da análise da estrutura composicional e das unidades temáticas presentes nos dois romances.
Faced with the perceived paradox between the scenario as sociolinguistically complex boundary and the pedagogical and educational policies that prioritize linguistic and cultural homogeneity, the objective of this article is to focus on the ambivalence of the concepts of language, culture, bilingualism and identity as concepts that guide different views toward writing hybrid "brasiguaio" students. The student, often taking as their mother tongue the Portuguese – as part of their family also uses the language of inheritance, for example, German and/or Italian - whose schooling in Paraguay focused on Spanish and Guarani languages, presents a hybrid language often stigmatized at Brazilian school, which usually leads low-esteem and school failure. The concepts presented open space to deviate attention from the idealized conception of the subject bilingual and consider that due to the characteristic muldimensional of bilingualism, the subject presents bilingual discourse practices in a constant process of mutation, and therefore also their cultural identities, which can facilitate identification with school success and distance to consider from prejudice.
This research aims to analyze the curriculum of two letters courses in an institution of Santa Catarina state which offers the qualifications in German and Portuguese / English. As the corpus of this research, the summaries and curriculum of the courses, as well as the answers of a questionnaire which was applied to the academics on the sixth stage of German and eighth stage of Portuguese/English of their courses, were analyzed using the textual discursive analysis. So, this article aims to analyze the teaching formation in the curriculum and the perspectives of the academics of the licentiate courses in letters with qualifications in German and Portuguese/English. What can be discussed from this study is that although the institution is trying to combine theory and practice in the course curriculums, the specific knowledge of the area is prioritized. This imbalance stands out as an important factor that must be improved in the teaching formation provided by the courses.
The purpose of this article is to present what are the relations between the work of Goethe and Hegelian philosophy within the political and philosophical project of German idealism. We'll think the relationship between literature and philosophy in the context of political idealism, philosophy in seeking an answer to the question: "What is literature for?".