959 resultados para statistical quantum field theory
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Modellierung niederenergetischer elektromagnetischer und hadronischer Prozesse im Rahmen einer manifest lorentzinvarianten, chiralen effektiven Feldtheorie unter expliziter, dynamischer Berücksichtigung resonanter, das heißt vektormesonischer Freiheitsgrade. Diese effektive Theorie kann daher als Approximation der grundlegenden Quantenchromodynamik bei kleinen Energien verstanden werden. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf das verwendete Zähl- sowie Renormierungschema gelegt, wodurch eine konsistente Beschreibung mesonischer Prozesse bis zu Energien von etwa 1GeV ermöglicht wird. Das verwendete Zählschema beruht dabei im Wesentlichen auf einem Argument für großes N_c (Anzahl der Farbfreiheitsgrade) und lässt eine äquivalente Behandlung von Goldstonebosonen (Pionen) und Resonanzen (Rho- und Omegamesonen) zu. Als Renormierungsschema wird das für (bezüglich der starken Wechselwirkung) instabile Teilchen besonders geeignete complex-mass scheme als Erweiterung des extended on-mass-shell scheme verwendet, welches in Kombination mit dem BPHZ-Renormierungsverfahren (benannt nach Bogoliubov, Parasiuk, Hepp und Zimmermann) ein leistungsfähiges Konzept zur Berechnung von Quantenkorrekturen in dieser chiralen effektiven Feldtheorie darstellt. Sämtliche vorgenommenen Rechnungen schließen Terme der chiralen Ordnung vier sowie einfache Schleifen in Feynman-Diagrammen ein. Betrachtet werden unter anderem der Vektorformfaktor des Pions im zeitartigen Bereich, die reelle Compton-Streuung (beziehungsweise Photonenfusion) im neutralen und geladenen Kanal sowie die virtuelle Compton-Streuung, eingebettet in die Elektron-Positron-Annihilation. Zur Extraktion der Niederenergiekopplungskonstanten der Theorie wird letztendlich eine Reihe experimenteller Datensätze verschiedenartiger Observablen verwendet. Die hier entwickelten Methoden und Prozeduren - und insbesondere deren technische Implementierung - sind sehr allgemeiner Natur und können daher auch an weitere Problemstellungen aus diesem Gebiet der niederenergetischen Quantenchromodynamik angepasst werden.
Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories are of central importance in many areas of physics. In condensed matter physics, AbelianU(1) lattice gauge theories arise in the description of certain quantum spin liquids. In quantum information theory, Kitaev’s toric code is a Z(2) lattice gauge theory. In particle physics, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the non-Abelian SU(3) gauge theory of the strong interactions between quarks and gluons, is nonperturbatively regularized on a lattice. Quantum link models extend the concept of lattice gauge theories beyond the Wilson formulation, and are well suited for both digital and analog quantum simulation using ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices. Since quantum simulators do not suffer from the notorious sign problem, they open the door to studies of the real-time evolution of strongly coupled quantum systems, which are impossible with classical simulation methods. A plethora of interesting lattice gauge theories suggests itself for quantum simulation, which should allow us to address very challenging problems, ranging from confinement and deconfinement, or chiral symmetry breaking and its restoration at finite baryon density, to color superconductivity and the real-time evolution of heavy-ion collisions, first in simpler model gauge theories and ultimately in QCD.
We show that exotic phases arise in generalized lattice gauge theories known as quantum link models in which classical gauge fields are replaced by quantum operators. While these quantum models with discrete variables have a finite-dimensional Hilbert space per link, the continuous gauge symmetry is still exact. An efficient cluster algorithm is used to study these exotic phases. The (2+1)-d system is confining at zero temperature with a spontaneously broken translation symmetry. A crystalline phase exhibits confinement via multi stranded strings between chargeanti-charge pairs. A phase transition between two distinct confined phases is weakly first order and has an emergent spontaneously broken approximate SO(2) global symmetry. The low-energy physics is described by a (2 + 1)-d RP(1) effective field theory, perturbed by a dangerously irrelevant SO(2) breaking operator, which prevents the interpretation of the emergent pseudo-Goldstone boson as a dual photon. This model is an ideal candidate to be implemented in quantum simulators to study phenomena that are not accessible using Monte Carlo simulations such as the real-time evolution of the confining string and the real-time dynamics of the pseudo-Goldstone boson.
Holes localized on a Skyrmion in a doped antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice: Symmetry analysis
Using the low-energy effective field theory for hole-doped antiferromagnets on the honeycomb lattice, we study the localization of holes on Skyrmions, as a potential mechanism for the preformation of Cooper pairs. In contrast to the square lattice case, for the standard radial profile of the Skyrmion on the honeycomb lattice, only holes residing in one of the two hole pockets can get localized. This differs qualitatively from hole pairs bound by magnon exchange, which is most attractive between holes residing in different momentum space pockets. On the honeycomb lattice, magnon exchange unambiguously leads to f-wave pairing, which is also observed experimentally. Using the collective-mode quantization of the Skyrmion, we determine the quantum numbers of the localized hole pairs. Again, f-wave symmetry is possible, but other competing pairing symmetries cannot be ruled out.
We consider a class of models with gauged U(1) R symmetry in 4D N=1 super-gravity that have, at the classical level, a metastable ground state, an infinitesimally small (tunable) positive cosmological constant and a TeV gravitino mass. We analyse if these properties are maintained under the addition of visible sector (MSSM-like) and hidden sector state(s), where the latter may be needed for quantum consistency. We then discuss the anomaly cancellation conditions in supergravity as derived by Freedman, Elvang and Körs and apply their results to the special case of a U(1) R symmetry, in the presence of the Fayet-Iliopoulos term (ξ) and Green-Schwarz mechanism(s). We investigate the relation of these anomaly cancellation conditions to the “naive” field theory approach in global SUSY, in which case U(1) R cannot even be gauged. We show the two approaches give similar conditions. Their induced constraints at the phenomenological level, on the above models, remain strong even if one lifted the GUT-like conditions for the MSSM gauge couplings. In an anomaly-free model, a tunable, TeV-scale gravitino mass may remain possible provided that the U(1) R charges of additional hidden sector fermions (constrained by the cubic anomaly alone) do not conflict with the related values of U(1) R charges of their scalar superpartners, constrained by existence of a stable ground state. This issue may be bypassed by tuning instead the coefficients of the Kahler connection anomalies (b K , b CK ).
The production of electron–positron pairs in time-dependent electric fields (Schwinger mechanism) depends non-linearly on the applied field profile. Accordingly, the resulting momentum spectrum is extremely sensitive to small variations of the field parameters. Owing to this non-linear dependence it is so far unpredictable how to choose a field configuration such that a predetermined momentum distribution is generated. We show that quantum kinetic theory along with optimal control theory can be used to approximately solve this inverse problem for Schwinger pair production. We exemplify this by studying the superposition of a small number of harmonic components resulting in predetermined signatures in the asymptotic momentum spectrum. In the long run, our results could facilitate the observation of this yet unobserved pair production mechanism in quantum electrodynamics by providing suggestions for tailored field configurations.
We study the effects of a finite cubic volume with twisted boundary conditions on pseudoscalar mesons. We apply Chiral Perturbation Theory in the p-regime and introduce the twist by means of a constant vector field. The corrections of masses, decay constants, pseudoscalar coupling constants and form factors are calculated at next-to-leading order. We detail the derivations and compare with results available in the literature. In some case there is disagreement due to a different treatment of new extra terms generated from the breaking of the cubic invariance. We advocate to treat such terms as renormalization terms of the twisting angles and reabsorb them in the on-shell conditions. We confirm that the corrections of masses, decay constants, pseudoscalar coupling constants are related by means of chiral Ward identities. Furthermore, we show that the matrix elements of the scalar (resp. vector) form factor satisfies the Feynman–Hellman Theorem (resp. the Ward–Takahashi identity). To show the Ward–Takahashi identity we construct an effective field theory for charged pions which is invariant under electromagnetic gauge transformations and which reproduces the results obtained with Chiral Perturbation Theory at a vanishing momentum transfer. This generalizes considerations previously published for periodic boundary conditions to twisted boundary conditions. Another method to estimate the corrections in finite volume are asymptotic formulae. Asymptotic formulae were introduced by Lüscher and relate the corrections of a given physical quantity to an integral of a specific amplitude, evaluated in infinite volume. Here, we revise the original derivation of Lüscher and generalize it to finite volume with twisted boundary conditions. In some cases, the derivation involves complications due to extra terms generated from the breaking of the cubic invariance. We isolate such terms and treat them as renormalization terms just as done before. In that way, we derive asymptotic formulae for masses, decay constants, pseudoscalar coupling constants and scalar form factors. At the same time, we derive also asymptotic formulae for renormalization terms. We apply all these formulae in combination with Chiral Perturbation Theory and estimate the corrections beyond next-to-leading order. We show that asymptotic formulae for masses, decay constants, pseudoscalar coupling constants are related by means of chiral Ward identities. A similar relation connects in an independent way asymptotic formulae for renormalization terms. We check these relations for charged pions through a direct calculation. To conclude, a numerical analysis quantifies the importance of finite volume corrections at next-to-leading order and beyond. We perform a generic Analysis and illustrate two possible applications to real simulations.
The objective of this thesis is to study the distribution of the number of principal ideals generated by an irreducible element in an algebraic number field, namely in the non-unique factorization ring of integers of such a field. In particular we are investigating the size of M(x), defined as M ( x ) =∑ (α) α irred.|N (α)|≤≠ 1, where x is any positive real number and N (α) is the norm of α. We finally obtain asymptotic results for hl(x).
In this dissertation we explore the features of a Gauge Field Theory formulation for continuous spin particles (CSP). To make our discussion as self-contained as possible, we begin by introducing all the basics of Group Theory - and representation theory - which are necessary to understand where the CSP come from. We then apply what we learn from Group Theory to the study of the Lorentz and Poincaré groups, to the point where we are able to construct the CSP representation. Finally, after a brief review of the Higher-Spin formalism, through the Schwinger-Fronsdal actions, we enter the realm of CSP Field Theory. We study and explore all the local symmetries of the CSP action, as well as all of the nuances associated with the introduction of an enlarged spacetime, which is used to formulate the CSP action. We end our discussion by showing that the physical contents of the CSP action are precisely what we expected them to be, in comparison to our Group Theoretical approach.
We introduce a general class of su(1|1) supersymmetric spin chains with long-range interactions which includes as particular cases the su(1|1) Inozemtsev (elliptic) and Haldane-Shastry chains, as well as the XX model. We show that this class of models can be fermionized with the help of the algebraic properties of the su(1|1) permutation operator and take advantage of this fact to analyze their quantum criticality when a chemical potential term is present in the Hamiltonian. We first study the low-energy excitations and the low-temperature behavior of the free energy, which coincides with that of a (1+1)-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) with central charge c=1 when the chemical potential lies in the critical interval (0,E(π)), E(p) being the dispersion relation. We also analyze the von Neumann and Rényi ground state entanglement entropies, showing that they exhibit the logarithmic scaling with the size of the block of spins characteristic of a one-boson (1+1)-dimensional CFT. Our results thus show that the models under study are quantum critical when the chemical potential belongs to the critical interval, with central charge c=1. From the analysis of the fermion density at zero temperature, we also conclude that there is a quantum phase transition at both ends of the critical interval. This is further confirmed by the behavior of the fermion density at finite temperature, which is studied analytically (at low temperature), as well as numerically for the su(1|1) elliptic chain.
A quantum random walk on the integers exhibits pseudo memory effects, in that its probability distribution after N steps is determined by reshuffling the first N distributions that arise in a classical random walk with the same initial distribution. In a classical walk, entropy increase can be regarded as a consequence of the majorization ordering of successive distributions. The Lorenz curves of successive distributions for a symmetric quantum walk reveal no majorization ordering in general. Nevertheless, entropy can increase, and computer experiments show that it does so on average. Varying the stages at which the quantum coin system is traced out leads to new quantum walks, including a symmetric walk for which majorization ordering is valid but the spreading rate exceeds that of the usual symmetric quantum walk.
We present a new model for the continuous measurement of a coupled quantum dot charge qubit. We model the effects of a realistic measurement, namely adding noise to, and filtering, the current through the detector. This is achieved by embedding the detector in an equivalent circuit for measurement. Our aim is to describe the evolution of the qubit state conditioned on the macroscopic output of the external circuit. We achieve this by generalizing a recently developed quantum trajectory theory for realistic photodetectors [P. Warszawski, H. M. Wiseman, and H. Mabuchi, Phys. Rev. A 65, 023802 (2002)] to treat solid-state detectors. This yields stochastic equations whose (numerical) solutions are the realistic quantum trajectories of the conditioned qubit state. We derive our general theory in the context of a low transparency quantum point contact. Areas of application for our theory and its relation to previous work are discussed.
In this work, we investigate the quantum dynamics of a model for two singlemode Bose-Einstein condensates which are coupled via Josephson tunnelling. Using direct numerical diagonalization of the Hamiltonian, we compute the time evolution of the expectation value for the relative particle number across a wide range of couplings. Our analysis shows that the system exhibits rich and complex behaviours varying between harmonic and non-harmonic oscillations, particularly around the threshold coupling between the delocalized and selftrapping phases. We show that these behaviours are dependent on both the initial state of the system and regime of the coupling. In addition, a study of the dynamics for the variance of the relative particle number expectation and the entanglement for different initial states is presented in detail.