984 resultados para run-off response


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This paper describes the extraordinary difficulties met in gauging glacier streams and establishes criteria that have to be fulfilled for a correct determination of glacier run off. Discussion of the hydraulic principles of gauging in tranquil and rapid flow shows why the latter is to be favored for glacier streams.The concept of the station at Vernagtbach, the original stream bed, considerations ofproper dimensioning and characteristics of the construction of the gauging channel aredescribed in detail. A brief history is given of planning, organization and technology involved.The water level is recorded by two floats and one pneumatie gauge which together provide uninterrupted and trouble-free records. The rating curve was determined with current meters and shows an unambiguous relation between water level and discharge with little scattering of calibration values. Temporary changes of flow conditions upstream of the station do not have any noticeable effect on the water level in the channel.The discharge records of the summers 1974-1976 are presented and discussed. The maximum mean summer discharge was 1.33 m**3/s in June-September 1975; extreme mean monthly discharge was found in July 1976 with 2.51 m**3/s, the highest daily mean was 4.76 m**3/s and the maximum hourly mean was found at 7.23 m**3/s. The discharge conditions of the summers of 1974 and 1975 are very similar, while in the summer of 1976 they differed completely as far as seasonal and mean daily hydrographs are concerned: in 1975, 42 % of summer discharge was recorded in June and July compared to 76 % in 1976. The analysis of the hydrographs gives valuable clues to the mass and heat balances of the glacier.


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Results of studies in two biogeochemically active zones of the Atlantic Ocean (the Benguela upwelling waters and the region influenced by the Congo River run-off) are reported in the book. A multidisciplinary approach included studies of the major elements of the ocean ecosystem: sea water, plankton, suspended matter, bottom sediments, interstitial waters, aerosols, as well as a wide complex of oceanographic studies carried out under a common program. Such an approach, as well as a use of new methodical solutions led to obtaining principally new information on different aspects of oceanology.


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The common occurrence of parallel phenotypic patterns suggests that a strong relationship exists between ecological dynamics and micro-evolution. Comparative studies from a large number of populations under varying sets of ecological drivers could contribute to a better understanding of this relationship. We used data on morphology of arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and ecological factors from 35 Icelandic lakes to test the hypothesis that morphological patterns among monomorphic charr populations from different lakes are related to interlake variation in ecological characteristics. There is extensive phenotypic diversity among populations of Icelandic charr, and populations are easily distinguished based on overall body morphology. The results obtained in the present study showed that the morphological diversity of charr was related to large-scale diversity in lake ecology. Variation in charr morphology was related to water origin (e.g. spring fed versus run-off), bedrock age, and fish community structure. The present study shows how various ecological factors can shape the biological diversity that we observe.


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Comprehensive biogeochemical studies including determination of isotopic composition of organic carbon in both suspended matter and surface layer (0-1 cm) bottom sediments (more than 260 determinations of d13C-Corg) were carried out for five Arctic shelf seas: White, Barents, Kara, East Siberian, and Chukchi Seas. The aim of this study is to elucidate causes that change isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon at the water-sediment boundary. It is shown that isotopic composition of organic carbon in sediments from seas with high river run-off (White, Kara, and East Siberian Seas) does not inherit isotopic composition of organic carbon in particles precipitating from the water column, but is enriched in 13C. Seas with low river run-off (Barents and Chukchi Seas) show insignificant difference between d13C-Corg values in both suspended load and sediments because of low content of isotopically light allochthonous organic matter in suspended matter. Biogeochemical studies with radioisotope tracers (14CO2, 35S, and 14CH4) revealed existence of specific microbial filter formed from heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms at the water-sediment boundary. This filter prevents mass influx of products of organic matter decomposition into the water column, as well as reduces influx of OM contained in suspended matter from water into sediments.


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The authigenic carbonate mineral ikaite is specific of low-temperature high latitude environments. The depletion of ikaite carbon in 13C isotopes in most cases implies a causal relation of ikaite generation with methane geochemistry. In this paper we present new data on ikaite minerals in Holocene sediments sampled along the Yenisei channel at the southern (74°N) and northern (77°N) ends. Stable carbon isotopes of the ikaite crystals were studied in conjunction with the hydrochemistry and isotope geochemistry of the sediments. Pore water and natural gas samples were separated from sediments to describe the methane carbon isotope distribution pattern throughout two sedimentary sequences embedding the ikaite crystals of different isotope composition (-24 per mil and -42 per mil). The biogenic nature of the methane is indicated by 51 C values being as low as -104.4 per mil. In the case of the moderately depleted sample (-24 per mil) from the southern location the small-scale ikaite formation fits best into the concept of a 'closed» sediment system, with a limited diagenetic carbon dioxide source being present. In the second case, formation of highly abundant and isotopically depleted ikaite crystals (-42 per mil) were caused by upwards flux of biogenic methane from below. Contribution of two main carbon sources to the ikaite crystals was estimated by using a isotope-mass balance equation. Organic-derived CO2 constitutes the principal source in both samples, amounting to 50 % of the total carbon of the strongly depleted ikaite crystals (-42 per mil) sampled at the northern end and 83 % for the moderately (-24 per mil) depleted crystals from the southern end. Methane-derived CO2 comes to 42 % for the isotopically light ikaite crystals and to 9% for the isotopically heavy crystals. The importance of sediment lithology and diffusive transport for ikaite formation is emphazied.


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Based on observations during four scientific expeditions to the Kara Sea and the Siberian rivers Ob and Yenisei we determined the discharge, distribution and characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM). Surface concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) ranged from 151 IlM C in the northern Kara Sea to 939 IlM C in the river Ob. The estimated annual mean DOC concentration in the Yenisei (681 IlM C) was slightly higher than in the Ob (640 IlM C). Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations typically varied between 5 and 15 IlM N with higher values in the rivers. Freshwater discharge and DOC concentrations experienced pronounced seasonal variations strongly affecting the spatial and temporal distribution of DOM in the Kara Sea. The largely conservative distribution of DOC and DON along the salinity gradient indicated the predominantly refractory character of riverine DOM. This observation was consistent with laboratory experiments, which showed only minor losses due to flocculation processes and bacterial consumption. Optical properties and relatively high C/N ratios (19 to 51) of DO M suggest that a large fraction of river DOM is of terrestrial origin and that phytoplankton contributed little to DOM on the Kara Sea shelf during the sampling periods. Together, the rivers Ob and Yenisei discharge about 8 Tg DOC yr- I into the Kara Sea. Due to the absence of efficient removal mechanisms in these estuaries the majority of riverine DOM appears to pass the estuarine mixing zone and is transported towards the Arctic Ocean.


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Glaciations had a profound impact on the global sea-level and particularly on the Arctic environments. One of the key questions related to this topic is, how did the discharge of the Siberian Ob and Yenisei rivers interact with a proximal ice sheet? In order to answer this question high-resolution (1-12 kHz), shallow-penetration seismic profiles were collected on the passive continental margin of the Kara Sea Shelf to study the paleo-drainage pattern of the Ob and Yenisei rivers. Both rivers incised into the recent shelf, leaving filled and unfilled river channels and river canyons/valleys connecting to a complex paleo-drainage network. These channels have been subaerially formed during a regressive phase of the global sea-level during the Last Glacial Maximum. Beyond recent shelf depths of 120 m particle transport is manifested in submarine channel-levee complexes acting as conveyor for fluvial-derived fines. In the NE area, uniform draping sediments are observed. Major morphology determining factors are (1) sea-level fluctuations and (2) LGM ice sheet influence. Most individual channels show geometries typical for meandering rivers and appear to be an order of magnitude larger than recent channel profiles of gauge stations on land. The Yenisei paleo-channels have larger dimensions than the Ob examples and could be originated by additional water release during the melt of LGM Putoran ice masses. Asymmetrical submarine channel-levee complexes with channel depths of 60 m and more developed, in some places bordered by glacially dominated morphology, implying deflection by the LGM ice masses. A total of more than 12,000 km of acoustic profiles reveal no evidence for an ice-dammed lake of greater areal extent postulated by several workers. Furthermore, the existence of the channel-levee complexes is indicative of unhindered sediment flow to the north. Channels situated on the shelf above 120-m water depth exhibit no phases of ponding and or infill during sea-level lowstand. These findings denote the non-existence of an ice sheet on large areas of the Kara Sea shelf.


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Stable oxygen isotope data from four holes drilled at the Ocean Drilling Program Site 967, which is located on the lower northern slope of the Eratosthenes Seamount, provide a continuous record of Eastern Mediterranean surface-water conditions during the last 3.2 Ma. A high-resolution stratigraphy for the Pliocene-Pleistocene sequence was established by using a combination of astronomical calibration of sedimentary cycles, nannofossil stratigraphy, and stable oxygen isotope fluctuations. Sapropels and color cycles are present throughout the last 3.2 Ma at Site 967, and their ages, as determined by calibration against the precessional component of the astronomical record, are consistent with those estimated for the sapropels of the classical land-based marine sequences of the Punta Piccola, San Nicola, Singa, and Vrica sections (southern Italy). The Site 967 oxygen isotope record shows large amplitude fluctuations mainly caused by variations in surface water salinity throughout the entire period. Spectral analysis shows that fluctuations in the d18O record were predominantly influenced by orbital obliquity and precessional forcing from 3.2 to 1 Ma, and all main orbital frequencies characterize the d18O record for the last million years. The start of sapropel formation at 3.2 Ma indicates a possible link between sapropel formation and the build up of northern hemisphere ice sheets. The dominance of the obliquity cycle in the interval from 3.2-1 Ma further points to the sensitivity of Eastern Mediterranean climate to the fluctuations in the volume of Arctic ice sheets. An intensification of negative isotope anomalies at Site 967, relative to the open ocean, supports a link between high run-off (during warm periods) and sapropel formation. freshwater input would have inhibited deep-water formation, which led to stagnation of deeper waters. Comparison with the land sections also confirms that differential preservation and diagenesis play a key role in sapropel occurrence.


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Contents and distribution of particulate lipids were studied by thin-layer chromatography technique with flame ionization detection (Iatroscan TH-10) along the transect from the Ob River towards the Kara Sea. Lipid contents range from 18.4 to 266 µg/l with, average 84.97 µg/l, which comprises from 4.06 to 58.32 % of total particulate organic matter. Principal constituents of particulate lipids are hydrocarbons (32.14 % of total lipids on the average), polar compounds (29.85 %), wax and sterol esters (13.04 %), and mono- and diglycerides (12.52 %). Secondary components are presented by fatty acid esters (5.14 %), free fatty acids (4.56 %), triglycerides (2.32 %), and sterols (1.04 %). Specific composition of particulate lipids along the Ob River - Kara Sea transect is formed under strong impact of river run-off. Particulate lipid composition reflects differences between processes of organic matter transformation in estuarine and marine parts of the transect, as well as peculiarities of species composition of Arctic living organisms.