973 resultados para rectangular aquarium


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Result of the study on traditional traps in the inland waters of three northern districts viz, Kasargod, Kannur and Kozhikode in Kerala state during 2003-2004 is presented. Mainly six types of traps are found in operation. Chempally koode is a rectangular bamboo trap with" D" shape in cross section operated without bait in some rivers of Kannur and Kasargod. Bamboo screen barriers are almost completely replaced with durable HDPE net screen to make handling easy. Thottil vala is a unique aerial trap operated from the dam in Pazhassi reservoir during monsoon to catch big fishes jumping against flowing water.


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A compact coplanar waveguide-fed (CPW) monopole antenna for ultra-wideband wireless communication is presented. The proposed antenna comprises of a CPW-fed beveled rectangular patch with a modified slotted ground. The overall size of the antenna is 30 mm 27 mm 1.6 mm. The lower edge of the band is attained by properly decoupling the resonant frequencies due to the extended ground plane and the beveled rectangular patch of the antenna. The upper edge of the radiating band is enhanced by beveling the ground plane corners near the feed point. Experimental results show that the designed antenna operates in the 2.7–12 GHz band, for S11 10 dB with a gain of 2.7–5 dBi. Both the frequency domain and time domain characteristics of the antenna are investigated using antenna transfer function. It is observed that the antenna exhibits identical radiation patterns and reasonable transient characteristics over the entire operating band


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A simple approach for accurate determination of the resonant frequencies of microstrip antennas of regular geometries is developed and presented. In this approach, a generalised empirical formula for the computation of effective dielectric permittivity is given which takes into account the ratio of the fringing area to the area of the patch. A correction to the equivalent side length of an equilateral triangular patch, previously published, is modified and a new formula is given. A correction to the effective dimensions of an elliptical microstrip antenna is also carried out. Numerical results obtained for the resonant frequencies of elliptical, circular, rectangular and equilateral-triangular microstrip antennas are in good agreement with the available theoretical and experimental results reported by others. The present approach is more efficient, simpler and more accurate


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The main task of this work has been to investigate the effects of anisotropy onto the propagation of seismic waves along the Upper Mantle below Germany and adjacent areas. Refraction- and reflexion seismic experiments proved the existence of Upper Mantle anisotropy and its influence onto the propagation of Pn-waves. By the 3D tomographic investigations that have been done here for the crust and the upper mantle, considering the influence of anisotropy, a gap for the investigations in Europe has been closed. These investigations have been done with the SSH-Inversionprogram of Prof. Dr. M. Koch, which is able to compute simultaneously the seismic structure and hypocenters. For the investigation, a dataset has been available with recordings between the years 1975 to 2003 with a total of 60249 P- and 54212 S-phase records of 10028 seismic events. At the beginning, a precise analysis of the residuals (RES, the difference between calculated and observed arrivaltime) has been done which confirmed the existence of anisotropy for Pn-phases. The recognized sinusoidal distribution has been compensated by an extension of the SSH-program by an ellipse with a slow and rectangular fast axis with azimuth to correct the Pn-velocities. The azimuth of the fast axis has been fixed by the application of the simultaneous inversion at 25° - 27° with a variation of the velocities at +- 2.5 about an average value at 8 km/s. This new value differs from the old one at 35°, recognized in the initial residual analysis. This depends on the new computed hypocenters together with the structure. The application of the elliptical correction has resulted in a better fit of the vertical layered 1D-Model, compared to the results of preceding seismological experiments and 1D and 2D investigations. The optimal result of the 1D-inversion has been used as initial starting model for the 3D-inversions to compute the three dimensional picture of the seismic structure of the Crust and Upper Mantle. The simultaneous inversion has showed an optimization of the relocalization of the hypocenters and the reconstruction of the seismic structure in comparison to the geology and tectonic, as described by other investigations. The investigations for the seismic structure and the relocalization have been confirmed by several different tests. First, synthetic traveltime data are computed with an anisotropic variation and inverted with and without anisotropic correction. Further, tests with randomly disturbed hypocenters and traveltime data have been proceeded to verify the influence of the initial values onto the relocalization accuracy and onto the seismic structure and to test for a further improvement by the application of the anisotropic correction. Finally, the results of the work have been applied onto the Waldkirch earthquake in 2004 to compare the isotropic and the anisotropic relocalization with the initial optimal one to verify whether there is some improvement.


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To study the behaviour of beam-to-column composite connection more sophisticated finite element models is required, since component model has some severe limitations. In this research a generic finite element model for composite beam-to-column joint with welded connections is developed using current state of the art local modelling. Applying mechanically consistent scaling method, it can provide the constitutive relationship for a plane rectangular macro element with beam-type boundaries. Then, this defined macro element, which preserves local behaviour and allows for the transfer of five independent states between local and global models, can be implemented in high-accuracy frame analysis with the possibility of limit state checks. In order that macro element for scaling method can be used in practical manner, a generic geometry program as a new idea proposed in this study is also developed for this finite element model. With generic programming a set of global geometric variables can be input to generate a specific instance of the connection without much effort. The proposed finite element model generated by this generic programming is validated against testing results from University of Kaiserslautern. Finally, two illustrative examples for applying this macro element approach are presented. In the first example how to obtain the constitutive relationships of macro element is demonstrated. With certain assumptions for typical composite frame the constitutive relationships can be represented by bilinear laws for the macro bending and shear states that are then coupled by a two-dimensional surface law with yield and failure surfaces. In second example a scaling concept that combines sophisticated local models with a frame analysis using a macro element approach is presented as a practical application of this numerical model.


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Una de les principals limitacions de les edificacions industrialitzades resoltes amb prefabricat de formigó, és que els nusos que defineixen les interseccions dels seus elements són articulacions, provocant diferències importants del model estructural d’una obra resolta “in situ” on els nusos poden ser considerats encastaments elàstics. Aquest projecte proposa fer un pas més en aquesta limitació exposada i plantejar sistemes de nusos rígids, resolts amb el propi prefabricat que permetin variar el model de nusos articulats a rígids. Això augmentarà el grau d’hiperestaticitat de l’estructura, redistribuint els esforços en els seus elements, disminuint les deformacions i les longituds de vinclament dels pilars. L’objecte del treball és definir la millora que aporta la utilització de nusos rígids en el càlcul estructural, basada en una disminució de sol·licitacions al llarg del pilar, possibilitat de reducció de secció de pilars, reducció de l’armadura necessària en pilars i jàsseres, i finalment, un estalvi econòmic. Partirem d’un edifici d’habitatges d’ús residencial PB+3 de planta rectangular de 24·11 m i de 13,5 m d’altura. Aquesta tipologia d’edifici serà el punt de partida per al plantejament, sobre d’aquesta base, de 3 models estructurals diferents, amb la intenció de satisfer de forma raonada i minuciosa 3 plantejaments estàticament diferents


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The automatic interpretation of conventional traffic signs is very complex and time consuming. The paper concerns an automatic warning system for driving assistance. It does not interpret the standard traffic signs on the roadside; the proposal is to incorporate into the existing signs another type of traffic sign whose information will be more easily interpreted by a processor. The type of information to be added is profuse and therefore the most important object is the robustness of the system. The basic proposal of this new philosophy is that the co-pilot system for automatic warning and driving assistance can interpret with greater ease the information contained in the new sign, whilst the human driver only has to interpret the "classic" sign. One of the codings that has been tested with good results and which seems to us easy to implement is that which has a rectangular shape and 4 vertical bars of different colours. The size of these signs is equivalent to the size of the conventional signs (approximately 0.4 m2). The colour information from the sign can be easily interpreted by the proposed processor and the interpretation is much easier and quicker than the information shown by the pictographs of the classic signs


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Colombia al ser el segundo país con mayor biodiversidad tiene un gran potencial de comercialización de productos ecológicos el cual aún no ha sido explotado. Dentro de esta de gama de productos potenciales se encuentran los peces ornamentales


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Se realiza un análisis de diversos museos de la Ciencia de España por parte de sus directores: Museo de la Ciencia de la Fundación La Caixa. Barcelona; Museo de la Ciencia y de la Técnica de Cataluña. Tarrasa; Casa de las Ciencias, Domus: La Casa del Hombre, Aquarium Finisterrae: La Casa de los Peces. La Coruña; Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos de Tenerife; Parque de las Ciencias de Granada; Museo de la Ciencia y el Agua de Murcia; Museo de las Ciencias de Castilla-la Mancha; Principia Centro de Ciencia de Málaga; Museo Elder de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Museo Interactivo de la Ciencia de San Sebastián; Ciudad de las Ciencias y las Artes de Valencia. Se presenta la ficha técnica de cada museo: nombre, director, fecha de inauguración, número medio anual de visitantes, horario, duración media de la visita, ámbitos temáticos, actividades, servicios que ofrece, institución de la que depende, dirección, teléfono, fax, correo electrónico.


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resumen ampliado del ofrecido por la publicación


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Resumen de la revista


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Se acompaña Cd-Rom con programas al efecto


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La aplicación de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica reforzados mediante fibras largas (FRP, Fiber Reinforced Plastic), está en gradual crecimiento debido a las buenas propiedades específicas y a la flexibilidad en el diseño. Uno de los mayores consumidores es la industria aeroespacial, dado que la aplicación de estos materiales tiene claros beneficios económicos y medioambientales. Cuando los materiales compuestos se aplican en componentes estructurales, se inicia un programa de diseño donde se combinan ensayos reales y técnicas de análisis. El desarrollo de herramientas de análisis fiables que permiten comprender el comportamiento mecánico de la estructura, así como reemplazar muchos, pero no todos, los ensayos reales, es de claro interés. Susceptibilidad al daño debido a cargas de impacto fuera del plano es uno de los aspectos de más importancia que se tienen en cuenta durante el proceso de diseño de estructuras de material compuesto. La falta de conocimiento de los efectos del impacto en estas estructuras es un factor que limita el uso de estos materiales. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de modelos de ensayo virtual mecánico para analizar la resistencia a impacto de una estructura es de gran interés, pero aún más, la predicción de la resistencia residual después del impacto. En este sentido, el presente trabajo abarca un amplio rango de análisis de eventos de impacto a baja velocidad en placas laminadas de material compuesto, monolíticas, planas, rectangulares, y con secuencias de apilamiento convencionales. Teniendo en cuenta que el principal objetivo del presente trabajo es la predicción de la resistencia residual a compresión, diferentes tareas se llevan a cabo para favorecer el adecuado análisis del problema. Los temas que se desarrollan son: la descripción analítica del impacto, el diseño y la realización de un plan de ensayos experimentales, la formulación e implementación de modelos constitutivos para la descripción del comportamiento del material, y el desarrollo de ensayos virtuales basados en modelos de elementos finitos en los que se usan los modelos constitutivos implementados.


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