959 resultados para raman spektroskopia
Raman analysis of dilute aqueous solutions is normally prevented by their low signal levels. A very general method to increase the concentration to detectable levels is to evaporate droplets of the sample to dryness, creating solid deposits which are then Raman probed. Here, superhydrophobic (SHP) wires with hydrophilic tips have been used as supports for drying droplets, which have the advantage that the residue is automatically deposited at the tip. The SHP wires were readily prepared in minutes using electroless galvanic deposition of Ag onto copper wires followed by modification with a polyfluorothiol (3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,10-heptadecafluoro-1-decanethiol, HDFT). Cutting the coated wires with a scalpel revealed hydrophilic tips which could support droplets whose maximum size was determined by the wire diameter. Typically, 230 μm wires were used to support 0.6 μL droplets. Evaporation of dilute melamine droplets gave solid deposits which could be observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy. The limit of detection for melamine using a two stage evaporation procedure was 1 × 10-6 mol dm-3. The physical appearance of dried droplets of sucrose and glucose showed that the samples retained significant amounts of water, even under high vacuum. Nonetheless, the Raman detection limits of sucrose and glucose were 5 × 10-4 and 2.5 × 10-3 mol dm-3, respectively, which is similar to the sensitivity reported for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) detection of glucose. It was also possible to quantify the two sugars in mixtures at concentrations which were similar to those found in human blood through multivariate analysis.
Large (10 × 10 cm) sheets of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) active polymer have been prepared by stabilising metal nanoparticle aggregates within dry hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) films. In these films the aggregates are protected by the polymer matrix during storage but in use they are released when aqueous analyte droplets cause the films to swell to their gel form. The fact that these "Poly-SERS" films can be prepared in bulk but then cut to size and stored in air before use means that they provide a cost effective and convenient method for routine SERS analysis. Here we have tested both Ag and Au Poly-SERS films for use in point-of-care monitoring of therapeutic drugs, using phenytoin as the test compound. Phenytoin in water could readily be detected using Ag Poly-SERS films but dissolving the compound in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) to mimic body fluid samples caused loss of the drug signal due to competition for metal surface sites from Cl- ions in the buffer solution. However, with Au Poly-SERS films there was no detectable interference from Cl- and these materials allowed phenytoin to be detected at 1.8 mg L-1, even in PBS. The target range of detection of phenytoin in therapeutic drug monitoring is 10-20 mg L-1. With the Au Poly-SERS films, the absolute signal generated by a given concentration of phenytoin was lower for the films than for the parent colloid but the SERS signals were still high enough to be used for therapeutic monitoring, so the cost in sensitivity for moving from simple aqueous colloids to films is not so large that it outweighs the advantages which the films bring for practical applications, in particular their ease of use and long shelf life.
A set of seized "legal high'' samples and pure novel psychoactive substances have been examined by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy using polymer-stabilized Ag nanoparticle (Poly-SERS) films. The films both quenched fluorescence in bulk samples and allowed identification of mu g quantities of drugs collected with wet swabs from contaminated surfaces.
The main objective of this work was to develop a novel dimensionality reduction technique as a part of an integrated pattern recognition solution capable of identifying adulterants such as hazelnut oil in extra virgin olive oil at low percentages based on spectroscopic chemical fingerprints. A novel Continuous Locality Preserving Projections (CLPP) technique is proposed which allows the modelling of the continuous nature of the produced in-house admixtures as data series instead of discrete points. The maintenance of the continuous structure of the data manifold enables the better visualisation of this examined classification problem and facilitates the more accurate utilisation of the manifold for detecting the adulterants. The performance of the proposed technique is validated with two different spectroscopic techniques (Raman and Fourier transform infrared, FT-IR). In all cases studied, CLPP accompanied by k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) algorithm was found to outperform any other state-of-the-art pattern recognition techniques.
Le tradizionali tecniche usate per l’analisi della struttura e della composizione comprendono, tra le altre, microscopia ottica, microscopia elettronica, diffrazione a raggi X e analisi chimica. In generale però, la maggior parte di questi metodi richiede una procedura di preparazione che può modificare la struttura o la composizione del campione. È necessario infatti che il campione non subisca alterazioni particolari durante la fase di preparazioni in modo tale che le condizioni fisiologiche rimangano il più possibile simili a quelle che si hanno in situ. Una tecnica che ultimamente sta diventando sempre più significativa in ambito biomedico è la spettroscopia Raman. Innanzitutto con l’analisi Raman la quantità di materiale da studiare per ottenere buoni risultati è minima, visto che possono essere studiati campioni che vanno dai micro ai nanogrammi; inoltre, possono essere analizzati campioni umidi e a pressione atmosferica, condizioni che rispecchiano verosimilmente quelle fisiologiche. Questo tipo di analisi è inoltre vantaggiosa dato che riesce a identificare diversi composti chimici, ha un’elevata risoluzione spaziale (0.6-1µm), riuscendo quindi ad analizzare campioni molto piccoli, ha tempi di misura brevi e può essere utilizzato più volte sullo stesso campione senza che quest’ultimo venga danneggiato. Nel seguente elaborato si sono riportati i risultati di diversi studi condotti sull’idrossiapatite naturale/biologica e sintetica ottenuti mediante questa tecnica spettroscopica. In particolare, ci si è soffermati sulla diversa concentrazione di OH- presente nell’apatite stechiometrica rispetto a quella biologica e di come tale concentrazione sia influenzata dalla presenza o meno dello ione carbonato. Si riportano inoltre le analisi condotte su campioni sintetici e biologici per comprendere se le molecole di acqua si trovino all’interno della struttura del minerale (acqua di bulk) o se siano solamente assorbite in superficie.
High-throughput techniques are necessary to efficiently screen potential lignocellulosic feedstocks for the production of renewable fuels, chemicals, and bio-based materials, thereby reducing experimental time and expense while supplanting tedious, destructive methods. The ratio of lignin syringyl (S) to guaiacyl (G) monomers has been routinely quantified as a way to probe biomass recalcitrance. Mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopy have been demonstrated to produce robust partial least squares models for the prediction of lignin S/G ratios in a diverse group of Acacia and eucalypt trees. The most accurate Raman model has now been used to predict the S/G ratio from 269 unknown Acacia and eucalypt feedstocks. This study demonstrates the application of a partial least squares model composed of Raman spectral data and lignin S/G ratios measured using pyrolysis/molecular beam mass spectrometry (pyMBMS) for the prediction of S/G ratios in an unknown data set. The predicted S/G ratios calculated by the model were averaged according to plant species, and the means were not found to differ from the pyMBMS ratios when evaluating the mean values of each method within the 95 % confidence interval. Pairwise comparisons within each data set were employed to assess statistical differences between each biomass species. While some pairwise appraisals failed to differentiate between species, Acacias, in both data sets, clearly display significant differences in their S/G composition which distinguish them from eucalypts. This research shows the power of using Raman spectroscopy to supplant tedious, destructive methods for the evaluation of the lignin S/G ratio of diverse plant biomass materials. © 2015, The Author(s).
In the last three decades, there has been a broad academic and industrial interest in conjugated polymers as semiconducting materials for organic electronics. Their applications in polymer light-emitting diodes (PLEDs), polymer solar cells (PSCs), and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) offer opportunities for the resolution of energy issues as well as the development of display and information technologies1. Conjugated polymers provide several advantages including low cost, light weight, good flexibility, as well as solubility which make them readily processed and easily printed, removing the conventional photolithography for patterning2. A large library of polymer semiconductors have been synthesized and investigated with different building blocks, such as acenes or thiophene and derivatives, which have been employed to design new materials according to individual demands for specific applications. To design ideal conjugated polymers for specific applications, some general principles should be taken into account, including (i) side chains (ii) molecular weights, (iii) band gap and HOMO and LUMO energy levels, and (iv) suited morphology.3-6 The aim of this study is to elucidate the impact that substitution exerts on the molecular and electronic structure of π-conjugated polymers with outstanding performances in organic electronic devices. Different configurations of the π-conjugated backbones are analyzed: (i) donor-acceptor configuration, (ii) 1D lineal or 2D branched conjugated backbones, and (iii) encapsulated polymers (see Figure 1). Our combined vibrational spectroscopy and DFT study shows that small changes in the substitution pattern and in the molecular configuration have a strong impact on the electronic characteristics of these polymers. We hope this study can advance useful structure-property relationships of conjugated polymers and guide the design of new materials for organic electronic applications.
We report a multi-wavelength Raman spectroscopy study of the structural changes along the thermal annealing pathway of a poly(furfuryl alcohol) (PFA) derived nanoporous carbon (NPC). The Raman spectra were deconvoluted utilizing G, D, D′, A and TPA bands. The appropriateness of these deconvolutions was confirmed via recovery of the correct dispersive behaviours of these bands. It is proposed that the ID/IG ratio is composed of two parts: one associated with the extent of graphitic crystallites (the Tuinstra–Koenig relationship), and a second related to the inter-defect distance. This model was used to successfully determine the variation of the in-plane size and intra-plane defect density along the annealing pathway. It is proposed that the NPC skeleton evolves along the annealing pathway in two stages: below 1600 °C it was dominated by a reduction of in-plane defects with a minor crystallite growth, and above this temperature growth of the crystallites accelerates as the in-plane defect density approaches zero. A significant amount of transpolyacetylene (TPA)-like structures was found to be remaining even at 2400 °C. These may be responsible for resistance to further graphitization of the PFA-based carbon at higher temperatures.
Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance was used to monitor the mass changes during the electrochemical characterization of a zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) in 1 M H2SO4 medium. Under electrochemical oxidation conditions, a high anodic current and a net mass increase were recorded, resulting in the increase of the specific capacitance owing to the contribution of the pseudocapacitance, mainly derived from the hydroquinone–quinone redox couple. Under more severe electrochemical conditions, a net mass loss was observed, revealing that electrochemical gasification took place. Surface chemistry, before and after the electrochemical treatments, was analyzed through temperature programmed desorption experiments. Furthermore, in situ Raman spectroscopy was used to further characterize the structural changes produced in ZTC under the electrochemical conditions applied, supporting that high potential values produce the electrochemical oxidation and degradation of the carbon material.
Le développement au cours des dernières décennies de lasers à fibre à verrouillage de modes permet aujourd’hui d’avoir accès à des sources fiables d’impulsions femtosecondes qui sont utilisées autant dans les laboratoires de recherche que pour des applications commerciales. Grâce à leur large bande passante ainsi qu’à leur excellente dissipation de chaleur, les fibres dopées avec des ions de terres rares ont permis l’amplification et la génération d’impulsions brèves de haute énergie avec une forte cadence. Cependant, les effets non linéaires causés par la faible taille du faisceau dans la fibre ainsi que la saturation de l’inversion de population du milieu compliquent l’utilisation d’amplificateurs fibrés pour l’obtention d’impulsions brèves dont l’énergie dépasse le millijoule. Diverses stratégies comme l’étirement des impulsions à des durées de l’ordre de la nanoseconde, l’utilisation de fibres à cristaux photoniques ayant un coeur plus large et l’amplification en parallèle ont permis de contourner ces limitations pour obtenir des impulsions de quelques millijoules ayant une durée inférieure à la picoseconde. Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente une nouvelle approche pour l’amplification d’impulsions brèves utilisant la diffusion Raman des verres de silice comme milieu de gain. Il est connu que cet effet non linéaire permet l’amplification avec une large bande passante et ce dernier est d’ailleurs couramment utilisé aujourd’hui dans les réseaux de télécommunications par fibre optique. Puisque l’adaptation des schémas d’amplification Raman existants aux impulsions brèves de haute énergie n’est pas directe, on propose plutôt un schéma consistant à transférer l’énergie d’une impulsion pompe quasi monochromatique à une impulsion signal brève étirée avec une dérive en fréquence. Afin d’évaluer le potentiel du gain Raman pour l’amplification d’impulsions brèves, ce mémoire présente un modèle analytique permettant de prédire les caractéristiques de l’impulsion amplifiée selon celles de la pompe et le milieu dans lequel elles se propagent. On trouve alors que la bande passante élevée du gain Raman des verres de silice ainsi que sa saturation inhomogène permettent l’amplification d’impulsions signal à une énergie comparable à celle de la pompe tout en conservant une largeur spectrale élevée supportant la compression à des durées très brèves. Quelques variantes du schéma d’amplification sont proposées, et leur potentiel est évalué par l’utilisation du modèle analytique ou de simulations numériques. On prédit analytiquement et numériquement l’amplification Raman d’impulsions à des énergies de quelques millijoules, dont la durée est inférieure à 150 fs et dont la puissance crête avoisine 20 GW.