504 resultados para modelización
El presente trabajo pretende demostrar que no es recomendable la introducción de un cultivo tropical como el mango (Mangifera indica) dentro del área mediterránea del valle del Guadalhorce (Málaga, España). Es un cultivo en expansión por su rentabilidad económica, pero es necesario atender a los posibles riesgos climáticos para su explotación (tras la gran inversión que requiere). Para justificar esta afirmación se presenta un estudio agroclimático realizado en las parcelas experimentales de la finca de IFAPA (Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía) de Churriana (Málaga). Los resultados se obtienen a través de los datos de una estación meteorológica y una modelización territorial a partir de herramientas de análisis espacial con SIG. Se tienen en cuenta las variables térmicas y los vientos como condicionantes principales de la aparición de la necrosis apical: patología mortal para el mango.
El presente trabajo estudia la utilización de drones telecomandados de uso comercial (RPAS) para producir material audiovisual específico de diversas asignaturas de las titulaciones de Ingeniería Civil. Se trata de un equipamiento de alta tecnología y coste relativamente asequible, en torno a 1.300 euros, para producir material audiovisual que hasta ahora únicamente podría ser obtenido empleando medios mucho más limitados (fotografías aéreas y de satélite) o mucho más costosos, tales como vuelos fotográficos específicos. De este modo, se valorará la viabilidad de introducción de una nueva herramienta tecnológica de innovación educativa hasta ahora no empleada en la elaboración de material docente, analizando sus principales ventajas y limitaciones.
Las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la enseñanza permiten la visualización de fenómenos físicos y su relación con la base matemática utilizada en la modelización de los mismos. En este trabajo se ha utilizado el programa Mathematica para realizar una aplicación ilustrativa del oscilador con un grado de libertad en funcionamiento libre, amortiguado y forzado armónicamente. El oscilador de 1 GL forma parte del conocimiento de base en el análisis de estructuras bajo cargas dinámicas (sismos), y la comprensión de sus fundamentos teóricos, así como la influencia de los parámetros implicados, deben ser objetivo didáctico prioritario en las asignaturas relacionadas con el cálculo avanzado de estructuras. En la aplicación desarrollada se pueden variar las características intrínsecas del oscilador (rigidez, constante de amortiguación y masa) y la fuerza aplicada (amplitud y frecuencia). El resultado se visualiza en forma de gráfico animado del movimiento permanente resultante. Las ecuaciones resultantes y los parámetros característicos (frecuencia natural, coeficiente de amortiguamiento, razón de frecuencias, factor de amplificación dinámica, ángulo de desfase…) también están disponibles de una forma interactiva. Las constantes de integración que definen las condiciones iniciales, y la ventana de tiempos mostrada pueden variarse asimismo. La aplicación puede ejecutarse desde cualquier navegador.
El PAT en la Escuela Politécnica está abierto a todos aquellos tutores que deseen formar parte del plan y también a todos los alumnos, que, voluntariamente pueden marcar la opción de participar en el plan en la matrícula, y también a aquellos que, a pesar de no marcar la opción en la matrícula, finalmente han decidido seguir el plan de acción tutorial. Esta característica de participación e inscripción voluntaria permite que el trabajo se realice más satisfactoriamente tanto por parte de tutores como por parte de los alumnos, puesto que han decidido seguir el plan por ello mismos y no como una imposición. Con este trabajo nos proponemos presentar nuestras experiencias en el desarrollo de la tutorización de nuestros estudiantes así como la evolución en el desarrollo de la tutorización por pares.
Dentro de los cambios introducidos en el EEES, se incluyeron desde el curso 2011/2012 nuevas metodologías docentes en las asignaturas de Cálculo de Estructuras I y II en el Grado en Ingeniería Civil. En el caso de Cálculo de Estructuras I, se procedió a la incorporación de prácticas de laboratorio con diferentes tipologías de perfiles y materiales, de tal forma que el alumno se familiarizara con la realidad de las estructuras estudiadas en las clases de teoría. En el caso de Cálculo de Estructuras II, se procedió a la incorporación de prácticas con ordenador analizando diferentes software informáticos, de tal forma que el alumno fuera capaz de estudiar estructuras complejas. De esta manera, el objetivo principal de la RED en la que se enmarca el presente trabajo, es el seguimiento continuo y mejora de los materiales y prácticas docentes elaborados en dichas asignaturas. Por tanto, se han recogido los resultados tras los dos primeros años de docencia para analizar el efecto de los cambios metodológicos en la evaluación continua de los alumnos.
The paper presents the analysis of an important historical building: the Saint James Theater in the city of Corfù (Greece) actually used as the Municipality House. The building, located in the center of the city, is made of carves stones and is characterized by a stocky shape and by the presence of wooden floors. The study deals with the structural identification of such structure through the analysis of its ambient vibrations recorded by means of accelerometers with high accuracy. A full dynamic testing was developed using ambient vibrations to identify the main modal parameters and to make a non-destructive characterization of this building. The results of these dynamic tests are compared with the modal analysis of a complex finite element (FE) simulation of the structure. This analysis may present several problems and uncertainties for this stocky building. Due to the presence of wooden floors, the local modes can be highly excited and, as a consequence, the evaluation of the structural modal parameters presents some difficulties.
Different non-Fourier models of heat conduction, that incorporate time lags in the heat flux and/or the temperature gradient, have been increasingly considered in the last years to model microscale heat transfer problems in engineering. Numerical schemes to obtain approximate solutions of constant coefficients lagging models of heat conduction have already been proposed. In this work, an explicit finite difference scheme for a model with coefficients variable in time is developed, and their properties of convergence and stability are studied. Numerical computations showing examples of applications of the scheme are presented.
To modulate the expression of genes involved in nitrogen assimilation, the cyanobacterial PII-interacting protein X (PipX) interacts with the global transcriptional regulator NtcA and the signal transduction protein PII, a protein found in all three domains of life as an integrator of signals of the nitrogen and carbon balance. PipX can form alternate complexes with NtcA and PII, and these interactions are stimulated and inhibited, respectively, by 2-oxoglutarate, providing a mechanistic link between PII signaling and NtcA-regulated gene expression. Here, we demonstrate that PipX is involved in a much wider interaction network. The effect of pipX alleles on transcript levels was studied by RNA sequencing of S. elongatus strains grown in the presence of either nitrate or ammonium, followed by multivariate analyses of relevant mutant/control comparisons. As a result of this process, 222 genes were classified into six coherent groups of differentially regulated genes, two of which, containing either NtcA-activated or NtcA-repressed genes, provided further insights into the function of NtcA–PipX complexes. The remaining four groups suggest the involvement of PipX in at least three NtcA-independent regulatory pathways. Our results pave the way to uncover new regulatory interactions and mechanisms in the control of gene expression in cyanobacteria.
Moderate resolution remote sensing data, as provided by MODIS, can be used to detect and map active or past wildfires from daily records of suitable combinations of reflectance bands. The objective of the present work was to develop and test simple algorithms and variations for automatic or semiautomatic detection of burnt areas from time series data of MODIS biweekly vegetation indices for a Mediterranean region. MODIS-derived NDVI 250m time series data for the Valencia region, East Spain, were subjected to a two-step process for the detection of candidate burnt areas, and the results compared with available fire event records from the Valencia Regional Government. For each pixel and date in the data series, a model was fitted to both the previous and posterior time series data. Combining drops between two consecutive points and 1-year average drops, we used discrepancies or jumps between the pre and post models to identify seed pixels, and then delimitated fire scars for each potential wildfire using an extension algorithm from the seed pixels. The resulting maps of the detected burnt areas showed a very good agreement with the perimeters registered in the database of fire records used as reference. Overall accuracies and indices of agreement were very high, and omission and commission errors were similar or lower than in previous studies that used automatic or semiautomatic fire scar detection based on remote sensing. This supports the effectiveness of the method for detecting and mapping burnt areas in the Mediterranean region.
In the last few decades, the use of cast in situ reinforced concrete sandwich panels for the construction of low- to mid-rise buildings has become more and more widespread due to several interesting properties of this construction technique, such as fast construction and high thermal and acoustic performances. Nonetheless the level of knowledge of the structural behavior of systems made of squat reinforced concrete sandwich panels is still not so consolidated, especially with reference to the seismic response, due to the lack of experimental studies. In recent years, while various experimental tests have been conducted on single panels aimed at assessing their seismic capacity, only few tests have been carried out on more complex structural systems. In this paper, the experimental results of a series of shaking-table tests performed on a full-scale 3-storey building are presented in detail. The main goal is to give to the scientific community the possibility of develop independent interpretation of these experimental results. An in-depth interpretation of the discrepancies between the analytical predictions and the experimental results is beyond the objective of this paper and is still under development. Nonetheless, preliminary interpretations indicate that both the stiffness and the strength of the building under dynamic excitation appear quite superior with respect to those expected from the results of previous pseudo-static cyclic tests conducted on simple specimens.
The requirements for edge protection systems on most sloped work surfaces (class C, according to EN 13374-2013 code) in construction works are studied in this paper. Maximum deceleration suffered by a falling body and maximum deflection of the protection system were analyzed through finite-element models and confirmed through full-scale experiments. The aim of this work is to determine which value for deflection system entails a safe deceleration for the human body. This value is compared with the requirements given by the current version of EN 13374-2013. An additional series of experiments were done to determine the acceleration linked to minimum deflection required by code (200 mm) during the retention process. According to the obtained results, a modification of this value is recommended. Additionally, a simple design formula for this falling protection system is proposed as a quick tool for the initial steps of design.
En este trabajo se aplica la técnica de holografía acústica de campo cercano (NAH-Near field Acoustic Holography) para determinar la velocidad de vibración de la superficie de una capa de material absorbente que a su vez está adherido a una placa metálica circular que emula un pistón rígido. Este dato de la velocidad es necesario para predecir su impedancia de transferencia. En la experiencia propuesta, la placa metálica vibra por la acción de un actuador ubicado en su centro transmitiendo su vibración a la lámina porosa. El experimento y la técnica implementada se apoyan en la hipótesis del desacoplamiento de la parte vibratoria y la acústica de un sistema placa-poroso para determinar la eficiencia de radiación.
Surface-enhanced raman scattering (SERS) spectra of self-assembled monolayers of 4-aminobenzenethiol (4-ABT) on copper (Cu) and silver (Ag) surfaces decorated with Cu and Ag nanostructures, respectively, have been obtained with lasers at 532, 632.8, 785, and 1064 nm. Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to obtain calculated vibrational frequencies of the 4-ABT and 4,4′-dimercaptoazobenzene (4,4′-DMAB) molecules adsorbed on model Cu surfaces. The features of the SERS spectra depend on the electrode potential and the type and power density of the laser. SERS spectra showed the formation of the 4,4′-DMAB on the nanostructured Cu surface independently of the laser employed. For the sake of comparison SERS spectra of a self-assembled monolayer of the 4-ABT on Ag surfaces decorated with Ag nanostructures have been also obtained with the same four lasers. When using the 532 and 632.8 nm lasers, the 4,4′-DMAB is formed on Cu surface at electrode potentials as low as −1.0 V (AgCl/Ag) showing a different behavior with respect to Ag (and others metals such as Au and Pt). On the other hand, the surface-enhanced infrared reflection absorption (SEIRA) spectra showed that in the absence of the laser excitation the 4,4′-DMAB is not produced from the adsorbed 4-ABT on nanostructured Cu in the whole range of potentials studied. These results point out the prevalence of the role of electron–hole pairs through surface plasmon activity to explain the obtained SERS spectra.
Subpixel techniques are commonly used to increase the spatial resolution in tracking tasks. Object tracking with targets of known shape permits obtaining information about object position and orientation in the three-dimensional space. A proper selection of the target shape allows us to determine its position inside a plane and its angular and azimuthal orientation under certain limits. Our proposal is demonstrated both numerical and experimentally and provides an increase the accuracy of more than one order of magnitude compared to the nominal resolution of the sensor. The experiment has been performed with a high-speed camera, which simultaneously provides high spatial and temporal resolution, so it may be interesting for some applications where this kind of targets can be attached, such as vibration monitoring and structural analysis.