444 resultados para microtubule


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L’échec des différents essais cliniques souligne la nécessité de développer des nouvelles thérapies pour la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), la cause la plus commune de démence. Les microARNs (miARNs) sont les ARNs non-codants les plus étudiés et ils jouent un rôle important dans la modulation de l’expression des gènes et de multiples voies de signalisation. Des études antérieures, dont celles de mon laboratoire d’accueil, ont permis de développer l’hypothèse que certains membres de la famille miR-15/107 (c.-à-d. miR-15ab, miR-16, miR-195, miR-424, and miR-497) pourraient être utilisés comme agents thérapeutiques dans MA. En effet, cette famille avait le potentiel de réguler de multiples gènes associés à MA, tels que la protéine précurseur de l’amyloïde (APP), la β-secrétase (BACE1), et la protéine Tau. Tel que démontré dans ce projet de thèse, j’ai choisi miR-16 comme cible thérapeutique potentielle pour MA parmi tous les membres de la famille. L’essai luciférase dans ce projet confirme que miR-16 peut réguler simultanément APP et BACE1, directement par une interaction avec la région non-codante en 3’ de l’ARNm). Notamment, nous observons aussi une réduction de la production des peptides amyloïdes et de la phosphorylation de Tau après une augmentation de miR-16 en cellule. J’ai ensuite validé mes résultats in vivo dans la souris en utilisant une méthode de livraison de miR-16 via une pompe osmotique implanté dans le cerveau. Dans ce cas, l’expression des protéines d’intérêts (APP, BACE1, Tau) a été mesurée par immunobuvardage et PCR à temps réel. Après validation, ces résultats ont été complémentés par une étude protéomique (iTRAQ) du tronc cérébral et de l’hippocampe, deux régions associées à la maladie. Ces données m’ont permis d’identifier d’autres protéines régulées par miR-16 in vivo, incluant α-Synucléine, Transferrine receptor1, et SRm300. Une autre observation intéressante : les voies régulées par miR-16 in vivo sont directement en lien avec le stress oxydatif et la neurodégénération. En résumé, ce travail démontre l’efficacité et la faisabilité d’utiliser un miARN comme outil thérapeutique pour la maladie d’Alzheimer. Ces résultats rentrent dans un cadre plus vaste de découvrir de nouvelles cibles pour MA, et en particulier la forme sporadique de la maladie qui représente plus de 95% de tous les cas. Évidemment, la découverte d’une molécule pouvant cibler simultanément les deux pathologies de la maladie (plaques amyloïdes et hyper phosphorylation de tau) est nouvelle et intéressante, et ce domaine de recherche ouvre la porte aux autres petits ARNs non-codants dans MA et les maladies neurodégénératives connexes.


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As tauopatias, grupo onde se inclui a doença de Alzheimer (AD), são caracterizadas pela deposição intracelular de emaranhados neurofibrilares (NFTs), compostos principalmente por formas hiperfosforiladas da proteína Tau, uma proteína que se associa aos microtúbulos. Os mecanismos moleculares subjacentes à neurotoxicidade induzida por Tau não são ainda claros. Drosophila melanogaster tem sido usada para modelar diversas doenças neurodegenerativas humanas, incluindo as tauopatias. Neste trabalho foi usado o sistema visual de Drosophila como modelo para identificar os passos que podem levar à acumulação de Tau em Tauopatias. Durante o desenvolvimento do olho de Drosophila, a expressão ectópica de hTau induz um olho rugoso, em consequência da neurotoxicidade, e que pode ser utilizado para identificar modificadores do fenótipo. A fosfatase codificada por string /cdc25 (stg), um regulador universal da transição G2/M, foi previamente identificada como um supressor da neurotoxicidade associada à expressão da proteina Tau. No entanto, os mecanismos moleculares que estão na base desta interação genética nunca foram estudados, desconhecendo-se também se a atividade fosfatase de Stg/Cdc25 é essencial para modular os níveis de fosforilação de Tau. O objetivo deste projeto consistiu em elucidar os mecanismos que se encontram na base da interação Stg-Tau. Para alcançar este objectivo, usou-se uma abordagem genética e bioquímica. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que Stg é um possível modulador da neurotoxicidade de Tau.


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BubR1 est une protéine importante dans le point de contrôle de la mitose pour la stabilisation des interactions entre kinétochores et microtubules (KT-MT). Ces fonctions protègent de la ségrégation anormale des chromosomes et de l’instabilité du génome. BubR1 possède des sites de phosphorylation mitotique hautement conservés dans le domaine régulant l’attachement des kinétochores (KARD), où S676 et S670 sont phosphorylées respectivement par la kinase polo-like 1 (Plk1) et par la kinase cycline-dépendante 1 (Cdk1). Ces sites de phosphorylation sont essentiels pour le recrutement de la phosphatase PP2A-B56, qui stabilise les interactions KT-MT. Nos résultats montrent que la délétion entière ou des mutations qui déstabilisent le domaine pseudokinase de BubR1, causent la perte de phosphorylation des résidus S676 et S670 en mitose. Notre hypothèse est que le domaine pseudokinase de BubR1 peut jouer un rôle essentiel dans la régulation de la phosphorylation du KARD et donc dans la stabilisation des interactions KT-MT.


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Exogenous mechanical perturbations on living tissues are commonly used to investigate whether cell effectors can respond to mechanical cues. However, in most of these experiments, the applied mechanical stress and/or the biological response are described only qualitatively. We developed a quantitative pipeline based on microindentation and image analysis to investigate the impact of a controlled and prolonged compression on microtubule behaviour in the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem, using microtubule fluorescent marker lines. We found that a compressive stress, in the order of magnitude of turgor pressure, induced apparent microtubule bundling. Importantly, that response could be reversed several hours after the release of compression. Next, we tested the contribution of microtubule severing to compression-induced bundling: microtubule bundling seemed less pronounced in the katanin mutant, in which microtubule severing is dramatically reduced. Conversely, some microtubule bundles could still be observed 16 hours after the release of compression in the spiral2 mutant, in which severing rate is instead increased. To quantify the impact of mechanical stress on anisotropy and orientation of microtubule arrays, we used the nematic tensor based FibrilTool ImageJ/Fiji plugin. To assess the degree of apparent bundling of the network, we developed several methods, some of which were borrowed from geostatistics. The final microtubule bundling response could notably be related to tissue growth velocity that was recorded by the indenter during compression. Because both input and output are quantified, this pipeline is an initial step towards correlating more precisely the cytoskeleton response to mechanical stress in living tissues.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Oncobiologia - Mecanismos Moleculares do Cancro, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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AIMS: Cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients has been linked to synaptic damage and neuronal loss. Hyperphosphorylation of tau protein destabilizes microtubules leading to the accumulation of autophagy/vesicular material and the generation of dystrophic neurites, thus contributing to axonal/synaptic dysfunction. In this study, we analyzed the effect of a microtubule-stabilizing compound in the progression of the disease in the hippocampus of APP751SL/PS1M146L transgenic model. METHODS: APP/PS1 mice (3 month-old) were treated with a weekly intraperitoneal injection of 2 mg/kg epothilone-D (Epo-D) for 3 months. Vehicle-injected animals were used as controls. Mice were tested on the Morris water maze, Y-maze and object-recognition tasks for memory performance. Abeta, AT8, ubiquitin and synaptic markers levels were analyzed by Western-blots. Hippocampal plaque, synaptic and dystrophic loadings were quantified by image analysis after immunohistochemical stainings. RESULTS: Epo-D treated mice exhibited a significant improvement in the memory tests compared to controls. The rescue of cognitive deficits was associated to a significant reduction in the AD-like hippocampal pathology. Levels of Abeta, APP and ubiquitin were significantly reduced in treated animals. This was paralleled by a decrease in the amyloid burden, and more importantly, in the plaque-associated axonal dystrophy pathology. Finally, synaptic levels were significantly restored in treated animals compared to controls. CONCLUSION: Epo-D treatment promotes synaptic and spatial memory recovery, reduces the accumulation of extracellular Abeta and the associated neuritic pathology in the hippocampus of APP/PS1 model. Therefore, microtubule stabilizing drugs could be considered therapeutical candidates to slow down AD progression. Supported by FIS-PI12/01431 and PI15/00796 (AG),FIS-PI12/01439 and PI15/00957(JV)


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No funding agencies or grants indicated in the publication.


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The centriole and basal body (CBB) structure nucleates cilia and flagella, and is an essential component of the centrosome, underlying eukaryotic microtubule-based motility, cell division and polarity. In recent years, components of the CBB-assembly machinery have been identified, but little is known about their regulation and evolution. Given the diversity of cellular contexts encountered in eukaryotes, but the remarkable conservation of CBB morphology, we asked whether general mechanistic principles could explain CBB assembly. We analysed the distribution of each component of the human CBB-assembly machinery across eukaryotes as a strategy to generate testable hypotheses. We found an evolutionarily cohesive and ancestral module, which we term UNIMOD and is defined by three components (SAS6, SAS4/CPAP and BLD10/CEP135), that correlates with the occurrence of CBBs. Unexpectedly, other players (SAK/PLK4, SPD2/CEP192 and CP110) emerged in a taxon-specific manner. We report that gene duplication plays an important role in the evolution of CBB components and show that, in the case of BLD10/CEP135, this is a source of tissue specificity in CBB and flagella biogenesis. Moreover, we observe extreme protein divergence amongst CBB components and show experimentally that there is loss of cross-species complementation among SAK/PLK4 family members, suggesting species-specific adaptations in CBB assembly. We propose that the UNIMOD theory explains the conservation of CBB architecture and that taxon- and tissue-specific molecular innovations, gained through emergence, duplication and divergence, play important roles in coordinating CBB biogenesis and function in different cellular contexts.