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The aim of the research project was to identify the efficacy of the family psychoeducation program as a strategy for reducing the hospital admissions of young people. It also aimed to determine if the family psychoeducation program had an impact on the experience of caregiving and knowledge and satisfaction of services provided by the mental health service. A retrospective chart audit compared readmission history of 27 clients whose families attended a psychoeducation program with readmission history of a matched group of young people whose families did not attend the program. A telephone survey was conducted for both groups of families to investigate knowledge and understanding of services and burden of care. The results indicated that family participation in a brief multiple family psychoeducation program did not reduce the number or duration of admissions of the young people. There was no impact on the level of care for families who attended the psychoeducation program, however, this group showed some evidence of increased knowledge and understanding of services as compared to the control group.
Knowledge, especially scientific and technological knowledge, grows according to knowledge trajectories and guideposts that make up the prior knowledge of an organization. We argue that these knowledge structures and their specific components lead to successful innovation. A firm's prior knowledge facilitates the absorption of new knowledge, thereby renewing a firm's systematic search, transfer and acquisition of knowledge and capabilities. In particular, the exponential growth in biotechnology is characterized by the convergence of disparate scientific and technological knowledge resources. This paper examines the shift from protein-based to DNA-based diagnostic technologies as an example, to quantify the value of a firm's prior knowledge using relative values of knowledge distance. The distance between core prior knowledge and the rate of transition from one knowledge system to another has been identified as a proxy for the value a firm's prior knowledge. The overall difficulty of transition from one technology paradigm to another is discussed. We argue this transition is possible when the knowledge distance is minimal and the transition process has a correspondingly high value of absorptive capacities. Our findings show knowledge distance is a determinant of the feasibility, continuity and capture of scientific and technological knowledge. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper delineates the development of a prototype hybrid knowledge-based system for the optimum design of liquid retaining structures by coupling the blackboard architecture, an expert system shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO and genetic algorithm (GA). Through custom-built interactive graphical user interfaces under a user-friendly environment, the user is directed throughout the design process, which includes preliminary design, load specification, model generation, finite element analysis, code compliance checking, and member sizing optimization. For structural optimization, GA is applied to the minimum cost design of structural systems with discrete reinforced concrete sections. The design of a typical example of the liquid retaining structure is illustrated. The results demonstrate extraordinarily converging speed as near-optimal solutions are acquired after merely exploration of a small portion of the search space. This system can act as a consultant to assist novice designers in the design of liquid retaining structures.
This paper describes a coupled knowledge-based system (KBS) for the design of liquid-retaining structures, which can handle both the symbolic knowledge processing based on engineering heuristics in the preliminary synthesis stage and the extensive numerical crunching involved in the detailed analysis stage. The prototype system is developed by employing blackboard architecture and a commercial shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO. Its present scope covers design of three types of liquid-retaining structures, namely, a rectangular shape with one compartment, a rectangular shape with two compartments and a circular shape. Through custom-built interactive graphical user interfaces, the user is directed throughout the design process, which includes preliminary design, load specification, model generation, finite element analysis, code compliance checking and member sizing optimization. It is also integrated with various relational databases that provide the system with sectional properties, moment and shear coefficients and final member details. This system can act as a consultant to assist novice designers in the design of liquid-retaining structures with increase in efficiency and optimization of design output and automated record keeping. The design of a typical example of the liquid-retaining structure is also illustrated. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The People in Pain course was set up as a joint initiative of the Departments of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The University of Queensland. It was instigated in response to the publication of Pain Curricula for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) in 1994 (1). The first year it was offered, the "People in Pain" course comprised 14 h of lecture content. It was then expanded to encompass 28 h of lectures and seminar involvement. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of participation in a university pain course that meets the IASP pain curricula guidelines to increase health professional students' knowledge about pain. METHODS: Students who participated in the People in Pain course over the first three years were invited to complete the Revised Pain Knowledge and Attitudes Questionnaire (R-PKAQ) pre- and postcourse. Data obtained from 22 students in the short course formed a pilot project, and data from 22 students in the longer version of the course were used in the present study. RESULTS: Examination of the correlation matrix indicated substantial correlations between all R-PKAQ subscales except physiological basis of pain and pharmacological management of pain. In both the pilot project during the first year of the course and the expanded course in the following two years, significant improvement was found in the students' knowledge on five of the six subscales of the R-PKAQ: physiological basis of pain, psychological factors of pain perception, assessment and measurement of pain, cognitive-behavioural methods of pain relief, and pharmacological management of pain. Improvements in the developmental aspects of pain perception subscale failed to reach significance. CONCLUSIONS: An integrated pain course developed according to the pain curriculum guidelines developed by the IASP resulted in increased student knowledge regardless of the length of the program attended.
Functional knowledge of the physiological basis of crop adaptation to stress is a prerequisite for exploiting specific adaptation to stress environments in breeding programs. This paper presents an analysis of yield components for pearl millet, to explain the specific adaptation of local landraces to stress environments in Rajasthan, India. Six genotypes, ranging from high-tillering traditional landraces to low-tillering open-pollinated modern cultivars, were grown in 20 experiments, covering a range of nonstress and drought stress patterns. In each experiment, yield components (particle number, grain number, 100 grain mass) were measured separately for main shoots, basal tillers, and nodal tillers. Under optimum conditions, landraces had a significantly lower grain yield than the cultivars, but no significant differences were observed at yield levels around 1 ton ha(-1). This genotype x environment interaction for grain yield was due to a difference in yield strategy, where landraces aimed at minimising the risk of a crop failure under stress conditions, and modem cultivars aimed at maximising yield potential under optimum conditions. A key aspect of the adaptation of landraces was the small size of the main shoot panicle, as it minimised (1) the loss of productive tillers during stem elongation; (2) the delay in anthesis if mid-season drought occurs; and (3) the reduction in panicle productivity of the basal tillers under stress. In addition, a low investment in structural panicle weight, relative to vegetative crop growth rate, promoted the production of nodal tillers, providing a mechanism to compensate for reduced basal tiller productivity if stress occurred around anthesis. A low maximum 100 grain mass also ensured individual grain mass was little affected by environmental conditions. The strategy of the high-tillering landraces carries a yield penalty under optimum conditions, but is expected to minimise the risk of a crop failure, particularly if mid-season drought stress occurs. The yield architecture of low-tillering varieties, by contrast, will be suited to end-of-season drought stress, provided anthesis is early. Application of the above adaptation mechanisms into a breeding program could enable the identification of plant types that match the prevalent stress patterns in the target environments. (C) 2003 E.J. van Oosterom. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Como manter a estrat??gia europ??ia de desenvolvimento atualizada, e ?? luz dos valores europeus, para reagir aos novos desafios decorrentes da globaliza????o, da mudan??a tecnol??gica e do envelhecimento das popula????es? Um novo paradigma emerge, em que o conhecimento e a inova????o s??o as principais fontes de riqueza e tamb??m de diferen??as entre as na????es, as empresas e as pessoas. Era preciso definir a via europ??ia de transi????o para essa economia baseada na inova????o e no conhecimento, com marcas distintas que v??o da salvaguarda da coes??o social e da diversidade cultural ??s pr??prias escolhas tecnol??gicas. Criar uma nova plataforma competitiva ?? fundamental para sustentar o modelo social europeu, que tamb??m dever?? ser renovado. Este artigo nos traz o debate dos pa??ses membros da Uni??o Europ??ia que precedeu a Cimeira de Lisboa (23 e 24 de Mar??o de 2000).
No per??odo de 2004 a 2008, o Minist??rio da Sa??de, conveniado com institui????es de ensino superior, ofereceu aos servidores dos n??cleos estaduais da sa??de um curso de especializa????o sobre Planejamento Estrat??gico e Pol??ticas P??blicas com o objetivo de informar, esclarecer e discutir o Sistema ??nico de Sa??de (SUS). A pesquisa discute esse programa educacional enquanto estrat??gia de mudan??a de cultura organizacional no Sistema ??nico de Sa??de. Dois dos principais focos do programa educacional foram a compreens??o dos pressupostos filos??ficos do SUS pelos funcion??rios do Minist??rio da Sa??de e a transforma????o do conhecimento t??cito dos servidores em conhecimento sistematizado via elabora????o de monografias, na perspectiva da incorpora????o de uma nova vis??o sobre o SUS. Foi utilizada abordagem metodol??gica quali-quantitativa, com uso de question??rios, entrevistas e grupos focais com os 636 respondentes que participaram do curso. A an??lise dos resultados considerou a avalia????o que os servidores/alunos faziam do curso, suas expectativas, suas necessidades de reconhecimento do trabalho e de satisfa????o pessoal, e a monografia realizada. Os resultados indicam a ocorr??ncia de aprendizagem e sensibiliza????o para as mudan??as; no entanto, no n??vel individual fatores organizacionais como a participa????o, comunica????o, reconhecimento de compet??ncias e pr??ticas de Recursos Humanos foram mencionados como entraves para o aprendizado e modifica????o da cultura organizacional. Conclui-se que os processos de aprendizagem desenvolvidos pela organiza????o devem ser processos continuados e n??o estrat??gias de a????o pontuais.
Trata-se de uma pesquisa-intervenção com o objetivo principal de colocar em análise a atividade na vigilância em saúde do trabalhador ancorada nos pressupostos da formação pelo trabalho. Tem como aporte conceitual o referencial teórico-metodológico da clínica da atividade proposta por Yves Clot e colaboradores. A pesquisa foi realizada com a equipe multiprofissional que atua na vigilância em saúde do trabalhador do Centro de Referência Estadual em Saúde do Trabalhador do Espírito Santo (Cerest/ES). As rodas de conversa, a partir da clínica da atividade, foram a estratégia metodológica privilegiada. O gênero profissional vigilante em saúde do trabalhador, ao se confrontar com o estudo das diretrizes da clínica da atividade, foi produzindo deslocamentos que o levou a (re)pensar, analisar a sua atividade e o processo de trabalho no qual estava inserido. A cada encontro no diálogo com a clínica da atividade, eram experimentados os modos de como esses profissionais atuavam na vigilância, como também todo o atravessamento desse gênero na assistência aos trabalhadores, nas atividades educativas e gestão do trabalho. No desenvolvimento das rodas, ficou evidenciado o quanto esses encontros se tornaram equipamentos para esses profissionais. As atividades desenvolvidas produziram análise coletiva do trabalho e um processo de formação pelo trabalho. Buscaram incorporar os métodos utilizados pela clínica da atividade no cotidiano do Cerest dialogando com os efeitos desse processo. Nas rodas também emergiram propostas de mudanças na maneira como vinham ocorrendo as atividades realizadas, a gestão do trabalho nessa equipe e as estratégias de atuação na vigilância, ou seja, intervenção no processo de trabalho do grupo, produzindo potência para o poder de agir do gênero. O referencial teórico-metodológico da clínica da atividade foi um dispositivo de formação importante. Permitiu a experimentação e o desenvolvimento do gênero vigilantes em saúde do trabalhador na produção de análise da atividade, na constituição de uma clínica dialógica em transformação. Também possibilitou contemplar na análise as dimensões integrantes da atividade de trabalho, fazendo a interlocução para o encontro entre os saberes da experiência instituídos no cotidiano do serviço de saúde e o saber acadêmico na produção de conhecimento.
A Tuberculose é um serio problema de saúde, os níveis mundiais no ano 2011 ocorreram 8,7 milhões de casos novos e 1,4 milhões de pessoas morreram de TB. Para horizontalizar as ações no combate da TB na atenção primaria o Agente Comunitário de Saúde assume um papel muito importante, pois eles além de trabalhar na comunidade onde mora ele é um mediador de saberes, espera-se que esse profissional seja capaz de identificar por meio de visitas domiciliares sintomáticos respiratórios. Objetivos: Conhecer a percepção que os ACS têm sobre o risco de infecção à tuberculose no cotidiano de sua prática profissional e analisar como eles se organizam e estruturam sua prática frente a essa percepção. Abordagem Metodológica: O estudo foi dividido em duas fases a primeira responde ao primer objetivo e foi escolhido o Grupo Focal e para a segunda fase que responde ao segundo objetivo foi escolhido a Observação Participante como técnicas de trabalho em campo e Analise de Conteúdo Temático como técnica de análise das informações colhidas que consiste em descobrir os núcleos de sentidos que são temas os quais são unidades de significação que se libertam naturalmente de um texto analisado. Resultados: Na primeira fase do estudo observou-se que o Agente Comunitário de Saúde percebe os riscos que estão expostos, mas muitas vezes eles não sabem como agir em situações, especificas, na segunda fase indicam que o risco não esta presente o tempo todo na vida e no trabalho deles. Conclusão: O PACS é apresentado pelo Ministério da Saúde como uma estratégia de saúde para horizontalizar as ações no controle da TB, neste estudo foi encontrado que o ACS percebe o risco que esta exposto, mas que aquele risco não esta sempre presenta na vida deles, pois eles muitas vezes minimizam os riscos pensando que nada acontece nem acontecera com eles.
This article addresses Baron of Rio Branco's grand strategy and the role played by the naval reorganization program (1904-1910) in this context. The ensuing case study determined the domestic and international constraints that affected the program, as well as the worldview of the patron of Brazilian diplomacy regarding military power's instrumentality to foreign policy.