780 resultados para implementazione ERP, MRP, Lean Production, BPR, Change Management


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The multivariate analysis grouping was used to characterize the productive and climate profile of southeastern of Mato Grosso state. This technique allowed the junction of similar micro regions from characteristics of productivity and climatic, without the need for the assumption of the number or structure of the groups. Cluster analysis allowed the design of a mosaic of spatial heterogeneity regions. It established different profiles in the composition of groups, joining the more traditional in the culture of a species, or more productive, or those for the development of a particular culture. The results obtained by estimation of the climatic parameters and the multivariate procedures enabled the provision of systematic information that will allow farmers to better decision-making on the competitiveness and maintaining the flow of investment in agricultural sector southeastern Mato Grosso.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG


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The pharmaceutical industry was consolidated in Brazil in the 1930s, and since then has become increasingly competitive. Therefore the implementation of the Toyota Production System, which aims to lean production, has become common among companies in the segment. The main efficiency indicator currently used is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). This paper intends to, using the fuzzy model DEA-BCC, analyze the efficiency of the production lines of a pharmaceutical company in the Paraíba Valley, compare the values obtained by the model with those calculated by the OEE, identify the most sensitive machines to variation in the data input and develop a ranking of effectiveness between the consumer machinery. After the development, it is shown that the accuracy of the relationship between the two methods is approximately 57% and the line considered the most effective by the Toyota Production System is not the same as the one found by this paper


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The objective of this study was to identify the facilitators and restrictive factors promoted by the organizational culture on the implementation of a continuous improvement program in a company. The influence of organizational culture on tools used to improve processes and results demonstrate critical factors for international competitiveness, reflecting a company's strategy. Depending on how new working methods are implemented, organizational changes to reduce variation and waste, such as lean production, can affect the employee experience in the workplace and their learning conditions. Changes and formalization of the work process can be coercive, characterized by forced compliance, introduction of rules, and focus on technical and financial methods; or may be favorable, encouraging employee involvement in problem solving and stressing learning and innovation. The basis of the analysis lies with two models for assessing organizational culture - Denison Model and Competing Values Framework. The methodology used was: conducting interviews, a questionnaire, literature review and documentary analysis of a large company equipment industry. Results suggest that organizational culture plays an important role in the adoption of Lean practices. It can contribute to its effectiveness and job satisfaction, but it is not decisive feature of their success. The conclusion is that the organizational culture becomes a driving factor when aligned to the proposed practices and when taken into consideration for planning, acting as a limitation when it does not promote development and a participative environment


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The pharmaceutical industry was consolidated in Brazil in the 1930s, and since then has become increasingly competitive. Therefore the implementation of the Toyota Production System, which aims to lean production, has become common among companies in the segment. The main efficiency indicator currently used is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). This paper intends to, using the fuzzy model DEA-BCC, analyze the efficiency of the production lines of a pharmaceutical company in the Paraíba Valley, compare the values obtained by the model with those calculated by the OEE, identify the most sensitive machines to variation in the data input and develop a ranking of effectiveness between the consumer machinery. After the development, it is shown that the accuracy of the relationship between the two methods is approximately 57% and the line considered the most effective by the Toyota Production System is not the same as the one found by this paper


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The objective of this study was to identify the facilitators and restrictive factors promoted by the organizational culture on the implementation of a continuous improvement program in a company. The influence of organizational culture on tools used to improve processes and results demonstrate critical factors for international competitiveness, reflecting a company's strategy. Depending on how new working methods are implemented, organizational changes to reduce variation and waste, such as lean production, can affect the employee experience in the workplace and their learning conditions. Changes and formalization of the work process can be coercive, characterized by forced compliance, introduction of rules, and focus on technical and financial methods; or may be favorable, encouraging employee involvement in problem solving and stressing learning and innovation. The basis of the analysis lies with two models for assessing organizational culture - Denison Model and Competing Values Framework. The methodology used was: conducting interviews, a questionnaire, literature review and documentary analysis of a large company equipment industry. Results suggest that organizational culture plays an important role in the adoption of Lean practices. It can contribute to its effectiveness and job satisfaction, but it is not decisive feature of their success. The conclusion is that the organizational culture becomes a driving factor when aligned to the proposed practices and when taken into consideration for planning, acting as a limitation when it does not promote development and a participative environment


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Segundo Canem e Williamson (1998), o planejamento do layout é importante, pois normalmente representa os maiores e mais caros recursos da organização. Além disso, a localização e disposição física dos equipamentos no chão de fábrica têm impacto em diversos fatores como nível de estoque em processo, tamanho dos lotes de transferência, dificuldade no gerenciamento das atividades, movimentação de pessoas e produtos, entre outros. Portanto, o estudo de conceitos de arranjo físico e o desenvolvimento de modelos de projeto do layout, que visem a otimização dos recursos de produção, são de vital importância na busca pela melhoria dos sistemas produtivos. Neste contexto, este artigo apresenta um novo modelo de projeto de layout, para ambientes job shop com ampla variedade de peças. O modelo foi desenvolvido durante uma pesquisa de doutorado e foi aplicado em algumas empresas do setor metal mecânico. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram a eficiência do modelo projetado. O objetivo do modelo consiste em conduzir a equipe de projeto de layout a desenvolver alternativas de arranjo físico que estejam em consonância com conceitos e princípios da filosofia de produção enxuta. Vale ressaltar novamente que o modelo foi desenvolvido para ambientes com alta variedade de peças, ambientes esses em que, devido à dificuldade em se projetar o arranjo físico, as empresas terminam por adotar o layout funcional, conceito esse de arranjo físico que apresenta sérios problemas como excesso de transporte, altos níveis de estoques em processo, etc.


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Il seguente elaborato è il risultato di uno stage di sei mesi, svolto presso l’azienda Bosch Rexroth Oil Control S.p.A.. L’ente presso cui è stato svolto il tirocinio è l’Industrial Engineering. In particolare è stata compiuta un’analisi dei flussi delle cartucce meccaniche, una famiglia di valvole oleodinamiche. Il lavoro si è sviluppato in tre fasi: nella prima è stata fatta un’analisi dei dati di giacenza, tempi e cicli di lavoro delle cartucce; nella seconda fase si è proposta l’introduzione di un nuovo sistema di picking gestito con supermarket a kanban; nell’ultima fase si è valutata la convenienza dai punti di vista tecnico ed economico del progetto.


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The thesis aims at analysing the role of collective action as a viable alternative to the traditional forms of intervention in agriculture in order to encourage the provision of agri-environmental public goods. Which are the main benefits of collective action, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, compared to traditional market or public intervention policies? What are the drivers that encourage farmers to participate into collective action? To what extent it is possible to incorporate collective aspects into policies aimed at providing agri-environmental public goods? With the objective of addressing these research questions, the thesis is articulated in two levels: a theoretical analysis on the role of collective action in the provision of public goods and a specific investigation of two local initiative,s were an approach collective management of agro-environmental resources was successfully implemented. The first case study concerns a project named “Custodians of the Territory”, developed by the local agency in Tuscany “Comunità Montana Media Valle del Serchio”, which settled for an agreement with local farmers for a collective provision of environmental services related to the hydro-geological management of the district. The second case study is related to the territorial agri-environmental agreement experimented in Valdaso (Marche), where local farmers have adopted integrated pest management practices collectively with the aim of reducing the environmental impact of their farming practices. The analysis of these initiatives, carried out through participatory methods (Rapid Rural Appraisal), allowed developing a theoretical discussion on the role of innovative tools (such as co-production and co-management) in the provision of agri-environmental public goods. The case studies also provided some recommendations on the government intervention and policies needed to promote successful collective action for the provision of agri-environmental public goods.


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Il mercato, in questi ultimi dieci anni, si è modificato in un qualcosa di più globale e competitivo. Questa trasformazione ha imposto alle imprese l’adozione di strategie orientate all’innovazione di prodotto e di processo, e all’efficienza industriale “Environmentally friendly” di lungo periodo. Le aziende, infatti, per competere sia nel territorio nazionale sia in quello internazionale, sono alla costante ricerca di una continua ottimizzazione, attraverso il processo “deming” del miglioramento continuo, delle proprie prestazioni; spesso però capita che massimizzino esclusivamente la performance produttiva, che è stata migliorata con l’introduzione, oramai da circa 35 anni, della Lean production e oggi quindi presenta limitati margini di miglioramento. È alla luce di questo ragionamento che le aziende, quelle più lungimiranti, stanno cercando di dirigersi verso un’altra direzione, ovvero quella che mira a ridurre gli sprechi e le perdite, di risorse naturali, nei processi produttivi, in accordo coi principi della sostenibilità ambientale. Considerando le quantità di risorse naturali messe in gioco in grandi aziende quali la VM Motori S.p.A. possiamo intuire quanta marginalità di miglioramento potremmo ottenere con l’attuazione di processi di miglioramento focalizzati sui singoli aspetti. I primi due capitoli trattano il tema dello sviluppo sostenibile e del S.G.A. in Italia e all’estero. Nel capitolo 3 introduco l’Azienda, descrivo tutte le fasi di processo per la fabbricazione di varie tipologie di motori rigorosamente diesel, l’impianto elettrico, termico e di aria compressa. Nel capitolo 4 faccio l’analisi di tutti gli aspetti e gli impatti ambientali; inoltre, per ogni fattore d’impatto ambientale, verrà compilata la cosiddetta VIA che sarà riassunta nell’ultimo paragrafo. Nel capitolo 5 affronto il concetto del miglioramento continuo applicando la filosofia del World Class Manufacturing che è stato implementato in Azienda.


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Nell'elaborato è affrontata l'analisi dei linguaggi formali per la mappatura dei processi e di come siano efficaci nella messa in evidenza di eventuali criticità. Viene applicato ad un caso studio:l'azienda "Tema Sinergie spa". Le criticità evidenziate suggeriscono all'azienda come azione di miglioramento l'implementazione di un sistema di Customer Relationship Management. Nella trattazione sarà affrontato il tema CRM, sulla base della letteratura presente.Infine viene proposta una linea guida applicata al caso, affinchè il futuro sistema CRM aziendale non subisca fallimenti.