452 resultados para highlands


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El concurso de transformación mágica, esquema narrativo difundido en la tradición popular, se presenta en dos variantes principales: los hechiceros que compiten pueden metamorfosearse en varios seres o crear esos seres por medios mágicos. En cualquier caso el concursante ganador da a luz criaturas más fuertes que superan las de su oponente. La segunda variante fue preferida en el antiguo Cercano Oriente (Sumeria, Egipto, Israel). La primera se puede encontrar en algunos mitos griegos sobre cambiadores de forma (por ejemplo, Zeus y Némesis). El mismo esquema narrativo puede haber influido en un episodio de la Novela de Alejandro (1.36-38), en el que Darío envía regalos simbólicos a Alejandro y los dos monarcas enemigos ofrecen contrastantes explicaciones de ellos. Esta historia griega racionaliza el concurso de cuento de hadas, transfiriendo las fantásticas hazañas de creaciones milagrosas a un plano secundario pero realista de metáfora lingüística.


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The Central Highlands region has a unique climate that presents both challenges and novel farming systems opportunities for cotton production. We have been re-examining the Emerald climate in a bid to identify opportunities that might enable the production of more consistent cotton yields and quality in what can be a highly variable climate. A detailed climatic analysis identified that spring and early summer is the most optimal period for boll growth and maturation. However, to unlock this potential requires unseasonal winter sowing that is 4 to 6 weeks earlier than the traditional mid-September sowing. Our experiments have sought answers to two questions: i) how much earlier can cotton be sown for reliable crop establishment and high yield; ii) can degradable plastic film mulches minimise the impact of potentially cold temperatures on crop establishment and early vigour. Initial data suggests August sowing offers the potential to grow a high yield at a time of year with reduced risk of cloud and high night temperatures during boll growth. For the past two seasons late winter sowing (with and without film) has resulted in a compact plant with high retention that physiologically matures by the beginning of January. Even with the spectre of replanting cotton in some seasons due to frost in August, early sowing would appear to offer the opportunity for more efficient crop input usage, simplified agronomic management and new crop rotation options during late summer and autumn. This talk will present an overview of results to date.


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The period of the 18th and 19th centuries was one of great change in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Improvement, the Jacobite Rebellions, and the Clearances transformed its communities and landscapes. These events have rightly been a focus of research. However, archaeological approaches have often sought simply to illustrate these processes, rather than create new narratives about life in the past. The resulting picture of the period can over-emphasise economic change whilst failing to reflect the richness and variety of everyday life. This thesis aims to suggest a new approach to the place and period, one which addresses matters often ignored in previous work. Whilst it has an archaeological sensibility, it draws on ideas from outside archaeology, such as landscape theory and on Gaelic oral tradition, an underused resource, to create a novel and broad-based approach to the period. An important part of the method is a synchronic approach that seeks to reconstruct the experience of the landscape at very particular times, engaging fully with the everyday experience of landscape rather than grand historical narratives. Two Hebridean case studies are utilised: Hiort (St Kilda) and Loch Aoineart, South Uist. Thematic discussions drawn from these landscapes are intended as critical assessments of the efficacy of the approach, as well as new narratives about life in the past in themselves. The thesis concludes by comparing the two case studies, reflecting on the merits of the approach, discussing recurrent themes in the work, and considering its wider context and implications. It is concluded that taking a novel approach to the case study landscapes can create narratives that often contrast or expand upon those produced by previous scholars, allow for a more detailed consideration of everyday life in the period, and open up new areas for archaeological enquiry. The extensive and critical use of evidence from Gaelic oral tradition is highlighted as crucial in understanding life and society in the period. The thesis questions the utility of grand historical narratives as a framework for archaeological study of post-medieval Gaeldom and suggests that our understanding of the past is best served by approaching the evidence in ways which allows for many different voices and stories from the past to emerge.


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The study aims to improve the understanding about different atmospheric environments leading to the development of storms associated with heavy precipitation in Madeira Island. For this purpose, four main goals have been considered: 1) To document the synoptic and mesoscale environments associated with heavy precipitation. 2) To characterize surface precipitation patterns that affected the island during some periods of significant accumulated precipitation using numerical modelling. 3) To study the relationship between surface precipitation patterns and mesoscale environments. 4) To highlight how the PhD findings obtained in the first three goals can be translated into an operational forecast context. Concerning the large scale environment, precipitation over the island was favoured by weather systems (e.g, mesoscale convective systems and low pressure systems), as well as by the meridional transport of high amount of moisture from a structure denominated as “Atmospheric River”. The tropical origin of this moisture is underscored, however, their impact on the precipitation in Madeira was not so high during the 10 winter seasons [2002 – 2012] studied. The main factor triggering heavy precipitation events over the island is related to the local orography. The steep terrain favours orographically-induced stationary precipitation over the highlands, although maximum of precipitation at coastal region may be produced by localized blocking effect. These orographic precipitating systems presented different structures, associated with shallow and deep convection. Essentially, the study shows that the combination of airflow dynamics, moist content, and orography is the major mechanism that produces precipitation over the island. These factors together with the event duration act to define the regions of excessive precipitation. Finally, the study highlights two useful points for the operational sector, regarding the meridional water vapour transport and local effects causing significant precipitation over the Island; RESUMO: O estudo procura melhorar o entendimento sobre os diferentes ambientes atmosféricos que favorecem o desenvolvimento de tempestades associadas com precipitação intensa na ilha da Madeira. Nesse sentido foram definidos quatro objetivos: 1) Documentar os ambientes sinópticos e de mesoescala associados com precipitação intensa; 2) Caracterizar padrões de precipitação na superfície, em eventos de elevada precipitação acumulada, utilizando modelação numérica; 3) Estudar as relações entre os padrões de precipitação e ambientes de mesoescala; 4) Mostrar como tais resultados podem ser utilizados num contexto operacional de previsão do tempo. Em relação a ambientes de larga escala, verificou-se que a ocorrência de eventos de precipitação intensa sobre a ilha foi favorecida por sistemas meteorológicos, assim como pelo transporte meridional de humidade por meio de estruturas atualmente denominadas Rios atmosféricos. Neste último caso é de destacar a origem tropical de humidade, no entanto, o seu impacto na precipitação sobre a Madeira durante os 10 invernos estudados [2002-2012] não foi tão elevada. O principal fator que favorece os eventos de precipitação intensa está relacionado com a orografia local. O terreno complexo da ilha favorece a ocorrência de precipitação estacionária induzida orograficamente sobre as terras mais altas, embora a precipitação nas zonas costeiras possa ser produzida por um efeito localizado de bloqueio. Estes sistemas orográficos precipitantes apresentaram diferentes estruturas, associados a convecção pouco profunda e profunda. O estudo mostra que a combinação entre as características do escoamento, a quantidade de humidade, e a orografia são os condimentos essenciais para o desenvolvimento da precipitação sobre a ilha, atuando de maneira a definir as regiões de precipitação excessiva. Por fim, o estudo destaca dois pontos que podem ser úteis na previsão do tempo operacional, ligados a larga escala e aos efeitos locais, os quais podem levar ao desenvolvimento de tempestades e precipitação intensa sobre a ilha.


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Nature and landscape writing includes creative writing about wild places. However, most authors have a literary background and are not outdoor ‘educators’. Using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, the reasons suggested are a lack of framing of outdoor experiences for this intent, the need for learning the skills of interpretation and lexicon and the offer of prolonged, powerful experiences and time for creative thinking and responses, such as an extended solo. It is suggested that outdoor educators may be too busy ‘experiencing’ to write, that they do not go ‘slow’ enough or that they are encapsulated in the ‘edginess of existence’ through adventure and just pass through their surroundings rather than connect with them. Outdoor educators have much to offer as they experience metaphorical or literal journeys comprising ‘flow’ rather than episodic encounter through lived experience to create rich embodied stories with ideological and social aspects so often overlooked in narrative.


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We examined the abundance of arboreal marsupials in topographic fire refuges after a major fire in a stand-replacing crown-fire forest ecosystem. We surveyed the abundance of arboreal marsupials across 48 sites in rainforest gullies burnt to differing extents by the 2009 fires in the mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) forests of the Victorian Central Highlands, Australia. The greater glider (Petauroides volans) was less abundant within the extent of the 2009 fire. The mountain brushtail possum (Trichosurus cunninghami) was more abundant within the extent of the 2009 fire, particularly within unburnt peninsulas protruding into burnt areas from unburnt edges. Our results indicate that fire refuges may facilitate the persistence of some species within extensively burnt landscapes. Additional work should seek to clarify this finding and identify the demographic mechanisms underlying this response.


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The increasing frequency of large, high-severity fires threatens the survival of old-growth specialist fauna in fire-prone forests. Within topographically diverse montane forests, areas that experience less severe or fewer fires compared with those prevailing in the landscape may present unique resource opportunities enabling old-growth specialist fauna to survive. Statistical landscape models that identify the extent and distribution of potential fire refuges may assist land managers to incorporate these areas into relevant biodiversity conservation strategies. We used a case study in an Australian wet montane forest to establish how predictive fire simulation models can be interpreted as management tools to identify potential fire refuges. We examined the relationship between the probability of fire refuge occurrence as predicted by an existing fire refuge model and fire severity experienced during a large wildfire. We also examined the extent to which local fire severity was influenced by fire severity in the surrounding landscape. We used a combination of statistical approaches, including generalized linear modeling, variogram analysis, and receiver operating characteristics and area under the curve analysis (ROC AUC). We found that the amount of unburned habitat and the factors influencing the retention and location of fire refuges varied with fire conditions. Under extreme fire conditions, the distribution of fire refuges was limited to only extremely sheltered, fire-resistant regions of the landscape. During extreme fire conditions, fire severity patterns were largely determined by stochastic factors that could not be predicted by the model. When fire conditions were moderate, physical landscape properties appeared to mediate fire severity distribution. Our study demonstrates that land managers can employ predictive landscape fire models to identify the broader climatic and spatial domain within which fire refuges are likely to be present. It is essential that within these envelopes, forest is protected from logging, roads, and other developments so that the ecological processes related to the establishment and subsequent use of fire refuges are maintained.


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A Montana Public Radio Commentary by Evan Barrett. Published newspaper columns written by Evan Barrett on this topic, which vary somewhat in content from this commentary, appeared in the following publications: Montana Standard, June 2, 2015 Ravalli Republic, June 4, 2015 Missoulian, June 5, 2015 Montana Public Radio, June 8, 2015


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A Montana Public Radio Commentary by Evan Barrett. Published newspaper columns written by Evan Barrett on this topic, which vary somewhat in content from this commentary, appeared in the following publications: Missoulian, June 16, 2015 Ravalli Republic, June 16, 2015 Montana Public Radio, June 17, 2015 Montana Standard, June 19, 2015 Great Falls Tribune, June 22, 2015


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This article highlights the important function of family and kinship networks in the pastoral industry of the Port Phillip District and Victoria, Australia, during the nineteenth century. Using the core case study of the extended Cameron family--or the Cameron “clan” from the Scottish Highlands--in the Western District of Victoria, it demonstrates how family networks assisted in the accumulation and consolidation of large pastoral properties and enterprises, and thus aided the agricultural entrepreneurialism of migrants who saw greater commercial opportunities throughout the Empire than at home.


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In this paper, we propose climate adaptation solutions for the green sectors in three different zones of MENA: Egypt’s Delta (irrigated), Karak, in the highlands of Jordan (rainfed), and Lebanon’s Orontes basin (mixed: rainfed-irrigated). We analysed land use and crop intensification, and calculated the economic productivity of water – a critical scarce resource in MENA. By integrating the results with evidence from literature on the potential impacts of climate change and socio-economic factors, we could identify vulnerability levels of the three regions and propose adaptation measures relying of the concept of the “food-water-energy nexus.” While the vulnerability levels are found to be high in the Delta (Egypt) and Karak (Jordan), mainly due to water scarcity and poor adaptive capacity, the vulnerability level is moderate in the Orontes zone (Lebanon) due to a diversified agricultural sector and good market development, coupled with moderate water scarcity. Proposed adaptation solutions range from measures to improve technical efficiency, to measures that encourage economically efficient allocation by use of market forces. For both cases, the development of market opportunities is emphasized to make the proposed measures attractive to farmers.


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal, explicar la influencia de los ODM del PNUD en la implementación de políticas públicas medioambientales de Tailandia en el periodo del 2000 al 2013, basado en la teoría de los complejos de socialización y la transferencia de normas que implican un buen comportamiento medioambiental. De esta manera, demostrar que los agentes socializadores han cumplido un papel fundamental para la implementación de políticas públicas en Tailandia en su interés por cumplir con sus compromisos internacionales. Esta monografía utilizara un método cualitativo, desde el análisis de las fuentes primarias y secundarias, realizando especial énfasis en la teoría de complejos de socialización que permita un análisis descriptivo y explicativo del fenómeno.


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal, explicar la influencia de los ODM del PNUD en la implementación de políticas públicas medioambientales de Tailandia en el periodo del 2000 al 2013, basado en la teoría de los complejos de socialización y la transferencia de normas que implican un buen comportamiento medioambiental. De esta manera, demostrar que los agentes socializadores han cumplido un papel fundamental para la implementación de políticas públicas en Tailandia en su interés por cumplir con sus compromisos internacionales. Esta monografía utilizara un método cualitativo, desde el análisis de las fuentes primarias y secundarias, realizando especial énfasis en la teoría de complejos de socialización que permita un análisis descriptivo y explicativo del fenómeno.


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The Earth we know today was not always so. Over millions of years have undergone significant ch an g e s brought about by numerous geological phenomena aimed at your balance, some internal order, creating new geological formations and other external order smoothing formations previously created. From t h e tectonic standpoint, Angola is located in a relatively stable area which gives it a certain p ri v i l e g e w h e n compared with some Asian countries or even Americans where quite often occur earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. However, the same cannot be said in relation to the occurrence of an external geodynamics phenomena, such as the ravines, which in recent years has taken shape in many provinces, especially due to anthropogenic activity, giving rise to geological hazards, increasing the risk of damage in buildings and others infrastructures, losses direct or indirect in economic activities and loss of human lives. We understand that the reducing of these risks starts, in particular, by their identification, for later take preventive measures. This work is the result of some research work carried out by the authors through erosion courses of s o i l and stabilization of soils subject to erosion phenomena, carried out by Engineering Laboratory of Angola (LEA). For the realization of this work, we resorted to cartographic data query, literature, listening to s o m e o f the provincial representatives and local residents, as well as the observation in lo co o f s o m e af f e ct ed areas. The results allow us to infer that the main provinces affected by ravine phenomenon are located in Central and Northern highlands, as well as in the eastern region, and more recently in Cuando-Cub an go province. Not ruling out, however, other regions, such as in Luanda and Cabinda [1]. Relatively the causes, we can say that the ravines in Angola are primarily due to the combination of three natural factors: climate, topography and type of soil [2]. When we add the anthropogenic activit y , namely the execution of construction works, the drainage system obstructio n, exploration of m i n e ral s, agriculture and fires, it is verified an increasing of the phenomenon, often requiring immedi at e act i o n . These interventions can be done through structural or engineering measures and by the stabilization measures on the degraded soil cover [3]. We present an example of stabilization measures throu g h t h e deployment of a local vegetation called Pennisetum purpureum. It is expected that the results may contribute to a better understanding of the causes of the ravine phenomenon in Angola and that the adopted stabilization method can be adapted in other affected provinces in order to prevent and making the contention of the ravines.


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The process of modernization of Brazilian agriculture aimed at increasing the productivity in response to the high demand for agricultural products in the world market and it was based on the intensive use of inputs such as agrochemicals, intense mechanisation and breeding of new varieties. Among these, pesticides were incorporated in almost all production systems. Over reliance on pesticide use has produced many negative effects on both biotic and abiotic components of the environment, generating chemical contamination of soil and water, decrease in biological diversity of agroecosystems, disruption of natural cycles, pest resistance, intoxication of growers, among others. The consumption of pesticides in Brazil was 151.8 thousand tonnes in 1989, and today the country is the fifth world market of these products. The use of pesticides increased from 16 thousand tonnes (a.i.) in 1964 to 60.2 thousand tonnes in 1991, while the area planted to crops grew from 28.4 to 50.0 million ha in the same period. This means an increase of 276.2% in consumption of pesticides compared to an increase of 76% in planted area. Even with this large increase in the use of pesticides, the losses caused by pests have not been significantly reduced, and the net gain in crop productivity has been low. On the other hand, problems with food contamination, environmental degradation of growers have considerably mounted. It is possible to define two classes of crops regarding intense use of pesticides. One is represented by those crops that occupy large areas, and therefore contribute to a large amont of pesticides used for pest control in a country basis. The other class comprises crops that require large amounts of pesticides per unit of area, but not necessarily represent large amounts of pesticides used coutry-wide. Based on the classes proposed, citrus, soybean and sugarcane stand as crops with a nationally great consumption of pesticides, while tomato, potato and citrus are important as intensive users of pesticides. In this paper the biotechnologies in use, the biotechnologies in advanced stages of development, the main constraints to the development and use of biotechnlology and the impact of pesticed on the environment are discussed.