947 resultados para fungal spore
The naturally occurring reactive electrophilic species 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (12-oxo-PDA) is a potent antifungal agent, whereas the plant growth regulator jasmonic acid, which is synthesized from 12-oxo-PDA, is ineffective. To address what structural features of the molecule endow it with antifungal activity, we synthesized a series of molecular mimics of 12-oxo-PDA varying in the length of the alkyl chain at its C-4 ring position. The octyl analogue (4-octyl cyclopentenone) was the most effective at suppressing spore germination and subsequent mycelial growth of a range of fungal pathogens and was particularly effective against Cladosporium herbarum and Botrytis cinerea, with minimum fungicidal concentrations in the range 100-200 µM. Introduction of a carboxyl group to the end of the chain, mimicking natural fatty acids, markedly reduced antifungal efficacy. Electrolyte leakage, indicative of membrane perturbation, was evident in both C. herbarum and B. cinerea exposed to 4-octyl cyclopentenone. Lipid composition analysis of the fungal spores revealed that those species with a high oil content, namely Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria brassicicola, were less sensitive to 4-octyl cyclopentenone. The comparable hydrophobicity of 4-octyl cyclopentenone and 12-oxo-PDA accounts for the similar spore suppression activity of these two compounds. The relative ease of synthesis of 4-octyl cyclopentenone makes it an attractive compound for potential use as an antifungal agent. © 2011 SGM.
Acanthamoeba polyphaga trophozoites bind yeast cells of Candida albicans isolates within a few hours, leaving few cells in suspension or still attached to trophozoite surfaces. The nature of yeast cell recognition, mediated by an acanthamoebal trophozoite mannose binding protein is confirmed by experiments utilizing concentration dependent mannose hapten blocking. Similarly, acapsulate cells of Cryptococcus neoformans are also bound within a relatively short timescale. However, even after protracted incubation many capsulate cells of Cryptococcus remain in suspension, suggesting that the capsulate cell form of this species is not predated by acanthamoebal trophozoites. Further aspects of the association of Acanthamoeba and fungi are apparent when studying their interaction with conidia of the biocontrol agent Coniothyrium minitans. Conidia which readily bind with increasing maturity of up to 42 days, were little endocytosed and even released. Cell and conidial surface mannose as determined by FITC-lectin binding, flow cytometry with associated ligand binding analysis and hapten blocking studies demonstrates the following phenomena. Candida isolates and acapsulate Cryptococcus expose most mannose, while capsulate Cryptococcus cells exhibit least exposure commensurate with yeast cellular binding or lack of trophozoites. Conidia of Coniothyrium, albeit in a localized fashion, also manifest surface mannose exposure but as shown by Bmax values, in decreasing amounts with increasing maturity. Contrastingly such conidia experience greater trophozoite binding with maturation, thereby questioning the primacy of a trophozoite mannose-binding-protein recognition model.
The nutritional requirements for the vegetative growth of B. stearothermophilus strains NCIB 8919, NCTC lO,OO3 (wild) were found to be DL-methionine, biotin, nicotinic acid, thiamin, glucose and mineral salts. Strains NCIB 8920 required in addition L-tryptophan. B. stearothermophilus NCTC lO,OO3 (mutant) grew in a medium containing only glucose and mineral salts. Separate chemically defined media for the growth of Bacillus stearothermophilus strains NCIB 8919, 8920, NCTC lO,OO3 (wild) and NCTC lO,OO3 (mutant) were developed. Optimally aerated culture of B. stearothermonhilus NCTC lO,OO3(mutant) required 1.0 x 10-4 M. Mn2+ and 2.4 x 10-3 M. glutamic acid for optimal sporulation. Specific nutrient depletion of growth affected percentage sporulation. Spore suspensions of B. stearothermophilus NCTC 10,003 (mutant) were prepared from media in which sulphate (SO4-), nitrogen (N-),phosphate (Po4-), carbon (C-), magnesium-carbon simultaneously (Ng-C-) depleted growth. The heat resistance, dormancy and chemistry of these spores varied considerably. B. stearothermophilus NCTC 10,003 10,00310,00(mutant) spores prepared from carbon depleted cultures containing high and low concentrations of calcium, iron or manganese showed variations in heat resistance,dormancy and chemical composition. Progressive increase in the concentration of medium calciumfrom 1.0 X 10-5 M to 1.4 X 10-4 M. progressively increased theheat resistance of B. stearothermophilus NCTC 10,003 (mutant) spores prepared from nitrogen depleted cultures (N-). The thermodynamic functions for germination rate, magnesium and manganese release of N- and SO4- spores were within the range expected of enzymic reactions. The thermodynamic functions for the breaking of dormancy in SO4- spores and that for the release of D.P.A. were identical. Sublethal heating of SO4- spores (96.5°C and below) induced dormancy in these spores, whereas heating above 96.5°C gave rise to heat activation. Pooled results of the chemical analyses of all spore types studied showed that the concentration of D.P.A. and calcium were positively related to heat resistance whereas magnesium concentration and Mg/Ca molar ratio were inversely proportional to heat resistance.
Immunogenicity arises via many synergistic mechanisms, yet the overall dissimilarity of pathogenic proteins versus the host proteome has been proposed as a key arbiter. We have previously explored this concept in relation to Bacterial antigens; here we extend our analysis to antigens of viral and fungal origin. Sets of known viral and fungal antigenic and non-antigenic protein sequences were compared to human and mouse proteomes. Both antigenic and non-antigenic sequences lacked human or mouse homologues. Observed distributions were compared using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The statistical null hypothesis was accepted, indicating that antigen and non-antigens did not differ significantly. Likewise, we could not determine a threshold able meaningfully to separate non-antigen from antigen. We conclude that viral and fungal antigens cannot be predicted from pathogen genomes based solely on their dissimilarity to mammalian genomes.
Although not as important as bacteria or viruses as a cause of eye infection, a large number of fungal species have now been recorded in association with the eye. In addition, several species have been implicated as a cause of eye infection (‘ocular mycosis’) and some may even cause life-threatening conditions. Ocular mycoses are being reported more frequently as a consequence of new medical practice and the increased numbers of immuno-compromised patients in the population, e.g., patients receiving radiation treatment or chemotherapy. This article describes the most common conditions caused by fungi which can affect the different structures of the eye, the importance of fungal contamination of materials as a source of eye infection, and the methods available for treatment.