934 resultados para floating frame of reference
The aim of this paper is to analyse the effects of recent regulatory reforms that Spanish Health Authorities have implemented in the pharmaceutical market: the introduction of a reference price system together with the promotion of generic drugs. The main objectives of these two reforms are to increase price competition and, ultimately, reduce pharmaceutical costs. Before the introduction of reference prices, consumers had to pay a fixed copayment of the price of whatever drug purchased. With the introduction of such system, the situation differs in the following way: if (s)he buys the more expensive branded drug, then (s)he pays a sum of two elements: the copayment associated to the reference price plus the difference between the price of this good and the reference price. However, if the consumer decides to buy the generic alternative, with price lower than the reference price, then (s)he has to pay the same copayment as before. We show that the introduction of a reference price system together with the promotion of generic drugs increase price competition and lower pharmaceutical costs only if the reference price is set in a certain interval. Also profits for the duopolists might be reduced. These results are due to the opposing effects that reference prices have on branded and generic producers respectively.
We show how to calibrate CES production and utility functions when indirect taxation affecting inputs and consumption is present. These calibrated functions can then be used in computable general equilibrium models. Taxation modifies the standard calibration procedures since any taxed good has two associated prices and a choice of reference value units has to be made. We also provide an example of computer code to solve the calibration of CES utilities under two alternate normalizations. To our knowledge, this paper fills a methodological gap in the CGE literature.
Workers performing preparation and administration of radiopharmaceuticals in NM departments are likely to receive high local skin doses to the hands which may even surpass the dose limit of 500 mSv whenever radiation protection standards are insufficient. A large measurement campaign was organised within the framework of the ORAMED project to determine the dose distribution across the hands received during preparation and administration of 18F- and 99mTc-labelled radiopharmaceuticals. The final data, collected over almost 3 years, include 641 measurements from 96 workers in 30 NM departments from 6 European countries. Results have provided levels of reference doses for the considered standard NM diagnostic procedures (mean maximum normalised skin dose of 230 μSv/GBq, 430 μSv/GBq, 930 μSv/GBq and 1200 μSv/GBq for the administration of 99mTc, preparation of 99mTc, administration of 18F and preparation of 18F, respectively). Finger dose was analysed as a function of the potential parameters of influence showing that shielding is the most efficient means of radiation protection to reduce skin dose. An appropriate method for routine monitoring of the extremities is also proposed: the base of the index finger of the non-dominant hand is a suitable position to place the ring dosemeter, with its sensitive part oriented towards the palm side; its reading may be multiplied by a factor of 6 to estimate the maximum local skin dose. Finally, results were compared to earlier published data, which correspond mostly to individual works with a reduced number of workers and measurements.
Much research suggests that sporting events can trigger domestic violence with recent evidence suggesting that pre-match expectations (which can be interpreted as reference points) play an especially important role in this relationship. In particular, unexpectedly disappointing results have been associated with large increases in domestic violence. This paper contributes to this literature using a new data set containing every domestic violence incident in Glasgow over a period of more than eight years. We find that Old Firm matches, where Glasgow rivals Celtic and Rangers play, are associated with large increases in domestic violence (regardless of the timing or the outcome of the match). Non-Old Firm matches tend to have little impact on domestic violence. Furthermore, we fi nd little evidence for the importance of reference points. Matches with disappointing outcomes, relative to pre-match expectations, are found to be associated with unusual increases in domestic violence only in a very limited set of matches.
Much research suggests that sporting events can trigger domestic violence with recent evidence suggesting that pre-match expectations (which can be interpreted as reference points) play an especially important role in this relationship. In particular, unexpectedly disappointing results have been associated with large increases in domestic violence. This paper contributes to this literature using a new data set containing every domestic violence incident in Glasgow over a period of more than eight years. We find that Old Firm matches, where Glasgow rivals Celtic and Rangers play, are associated with large increases in domestic violence (regardless of the timing or the outcome of the match). Non-Old Firm matches tend to have little impact on domestic violence. Furthermore, we find little evidence for the importance of reference points. Matches with disappointing outcomes, relative to pre-match expectations, are found to be associated with unusual increases in domestic violence only in a very limited set of matches.
Les progrès de la thérapie antirétrovirale ont transformé l'infection par le VIH d'une condition inévitablement fatale à une maladie chronique. En dépit de ce succès, l'échec thérapeutique et la toxicité médicamenteuse restent fréquents. Une réponse inadéquate au traitement est clairement multifactorielle et une individualisation de la posologie des médicaments qui se baserait sur les facteurs démographiques et génétiques des patients et sur les taux sanguins totaux, libres et/ou cellulaires des médicaments pourrait améliorer à la fois l'efficacité et la tolérance de la thérapie, cette dernière étant certainement un enjeu majeur pour un traitement qui se prend à vie.L'objectif global de cette thèse était de mieux comprendre les facteurs pharmacocinétiques (PK) et pharmacogénétiques (PG) influençant l'exposition aux médicaments antirétroviraux (ARVs) nous offrant ainsi une base rationnelle pour l'optimisation du traitement antiviral et pour l'ajustement posologique des médicaments chez les patients VIH-positifs. Une thérapie antirétrovirale adaptée au patient est susceptible d'augmenter la probabilité d'efficacité et de tolérance à ce traitement, permettant ainsi une meilleure compliance à long terme, et réduisant le risque d'émergence de résistance et d'échec thérapeutique.A cet effet, des méthodes de quantification des concentrations plasmatiques totales, libres et cellulaires des ARVs ainsi que de certains de leurs métabolites ont été développées et validées en utilisant la chromatographie liquide coupée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem. Ces méthodes ont été appliquées pour la surveillance des taux d'ARVs dans diverses populations de patients HIV-positifs. Une étude clinique a été initiée dans le cadre de l'étude VIH Suisse de cohorte mère-enfant afin de déterminer si la grossesse influence la cinétique des ARVs. Les concentrations totales et libres du lopînavir, de l'atazanavir et de la névirapine ont été déterminées chez les femmes enceintes suivies pendant leur grossesse, et celles-ci ont été trouvées non influencées de manière cliniquement significative par la grossesse. Un ajustement posologique de ces ARVs n'est donc pas nécessaire chez les femmes enceintes. Lors d'une petite étude chez des patients HIV- positifs expérimentés, la corrélation entre l'exposition cellulaire et plasmatique des nouveaux ARVs, notamment le raltégravir, a été déterminée. Une bonne corrélation a été obtenue entre taux plasmatiques et cellulaires de raltégravir, suggérant que la surveillance des taux totaux est un substitut satisfaisant. Cependant, une importante variabilité inter¬patient a été observée dans les ratios d'accumulation cellulaire du raltégravir, ce qui devrait encourager des investigations supplémentaires chez les patients en échec sous ce traitement. L'efficacité du suivi thérapeutique des médicaments (TDM) pour l'adaptation des taux d'efavirenz chez des patients avec des concentrations au-dessus de la cible thérapeutique recommandée a été évaluée lors d'une étude prospective. L'adaptation des doses d'efavirenz basée sur le TDM s'est montrée efficace et sûre, soutenant l'utilisation du TDM chez les patients avec concentrations hors cible thérapeutique. L'impact des polymorphismes génétiques des cytochromes P450 (CYP) 2B6, 2A6 et 3A4/5 sur la pharmacocinétique de l'efavirenz et de ces métabolites a été étudié : un modèle de PK de population intégrant les covariats génétiques et démographiques a été construit. Les variations génétiques fonctionnelles dans les voies de métabolisation principales (CYP2B6) et accessoires {CYP2A6et 3A4/S) de l'efavirenz ont un impact sur sa disposition, et peuvent mener à des expositions extrêmes au médicament. Un? ajustement des doses guidé par le TDM est donc recommandé chez ces patients, en accord avec les polymorphismes génétiques.Ainsi, nous avons démonté qu'en utilisant une approche globale tenant compte à la fois des facteurs PK et PG influençant l'exposition aux ARVs chez les patients infectés, il est possible, si nécessaire, d'individualiser la thérapie antirétrovirale dans des situations diverses. L'optimisation du traitement antirétroviral contribue vraisemblablement à une meilleure efficacité thérapeutique à iong terme tout en réduisant la survenue d'effets indésirables.Résumé grand publicOptimisation de la thérapie antirétrovirale: approches pharmacocinétiques et pharmacogénétiquesLes progrès effectués dans le traitement de l'infection par le virus de llmmunodéficienoe humaine acquise (VIH) ont permis de transformer une affection mortelle en une maladie chronique traitable avec des médicaments de plus en plus efficaces. Malgré ce succès, un certain nombre de patients ne répondent pas de façon optimale à leur traitement etyou souffrent d'effets indésirables médicamenteux entraînant de fréquentes modifications dans leur thérapie. Il a été possible de mettre en évidence que l'efficacité d'un traitement antirétroviral est dans la plupart des cas corrélée aux concentrations de médicaments mesurées dans le sang des patients. Cependant, le virus se réplique dans la cellule, et seule la fraction des médicaments non liée aux protéines du plasma sanguin peut entrer dans la cellule et exercer l'activité antirétrovirale au niveau cellulaire. Il existe par ailleurs une importante variabilité des concentrations sanguines de médicament chez des patients prenant pourtant la même dose de médicament. Cette variabilité peut être due à des facteurs démographiques et/ou génétiques susceptibles d'influencer la réponse au traitement antirétroviral.Cette thèse a eu pour objectif de mieux comprendre les facteurs pharmacologiques et génétiques influençant l'efficacité et ta toxicité des médicaments antirétroviraux, dans le but d'individualiser la thérapie antivirale et d'améliorer le suivi des patients HIV-positifs.A cet effet, des méthodes de dosage très sensibles ont été développées pour permettre la quantification des médicaments antirétroviraux dans le sang et les cellules. Ces méthodes analytiques ont été appliquées dans le cadre de diverses études cliniques réalisées avec des patients. Une des études cliniques a recherché s'il y avait un impact des changements physiologiques liés à la grossesse sur les concentrations des médicaments antirétroviraux. Nous avons ainsi pu démontrer que la grossesse n'influençait pas de façon cliniquement significative le devenir des médicaments antirétroviraux chez les femmes enceintes HIV- positives. La posologie de médicaments ne devrait donc pas être modifiée dans cette population de patientes. Par ailleurs, d'autres études ont portés sur les variations génétiques des patients influençant l'activité enzymatique des protéines impliquées dans le métabolisme des médicaments antirétroviraux. Nous avons également étudié l'utilité d'une surveillance des concentrations de médicament (suivi thérapeutique) dans le sang des patients pour l'individualisation des traitements antiviraux. Il a été possible de mettre en évidence des relations significatives entre l'exposition aux médicaments antirétroviraux et l'existence chez les patients de certaines variations génétiques. Nos analyses ont également permis d'étudier les relations entre les concentrations dans le sang des patients et les taux mesurés dans les cellules où le virus HIV se réplique. De plus, la mesure des taux sanguins de médicaments antirétroviraux et leur interprétation a permis d'ajuster la posologie de médicaments chez les patients de façon efficace et sûre.Ainsi, la complémentarité des connaissances pharmacologiques, génétiques et virales s'inscrit dans l'optique d'une stratégie globale de prise en charge du patient et vise à l'individualisation de la thérapie antirétrovirale en fonction des caractéristiques propres de chaque individu. Cette approche contribue ainsi à l'optimisation du traitement antirétroviral dans la perspective d'un succès du traitement à long terme tout en réduisant la probabilité des effets indésirables rencontrés. - The improvement in antirétroviral therapy has transformed HIV infection from an inevitably fatal condition to a chronic, manageable disease. However, treatment failure and drug toxicity are frequent. Inadequate response to treatment is clearly multifactorial and, therefore, dosage individualisation based on demographic factors, genetic markers and measurement of total, free and/or cellular drug level may increase both drug efficacy and tolerability. Drug tolerability is certainly a major issue for a treatment that must be taken indefinitely.The global objective of this thesis aimed at increasing our current understanding of pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacogenetic (PG) factors influencing the exposition to antirétroviral drugs (ARVs) in HIV-positive patients. In turn, this should provide us with a rational basis for antiviral treatment optimisation and drug dosage adjustment in HIV- positive patients. Patient's tailored antirétroviral regimen is likely to enhance treatment effectiveness and tolerability, enabling a better compliance over time, and hence reducing the probability of emergence of viral resistance and treatment failure.To that endeavour, analytical methods for the measurement of total plasma, free and cellular concentrations of ARVs and some of their metabolites have been developed and validated using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. These assays have been applied for the monitoring of ARVs levels in various populations of HIV- positive patients. A clinical study has been initiated within the frame of the Mother and Child Swiss HIV Cohort Study to determine whether pregnancy influences the exposition to ARVs. Free and total plasma concentrations of lopinavir, atazanavir and nevirapine have been determined in pregnant women followed during the course of pregnancy, and were found not influenced to a clinically significant extent by pregnancy. Dosage adjustment for these drugs is therefore not required in pregnant women. In a study in treatment- experienced HIV-positive patients, the correlation between cellular and total plasma exposure to new antirétroviral drugs, notably the HIV integrase inhibitor raltegravir, has been determined. A good correlation was obtained between total and cellular levels of raltegravir, suggesting that monitoring of total levels are a satisfactory. However, significant inter-patient variability was observed in raltegravir cell accumulation which should prompt further investigations in patients failing under an integrase inhibitor-based regimen. The effectiveness of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) to guide efavirenz dose reduction in patients having concentrations above the recommended therapeutic range was evaluated in a prospective study. TDM-guided dosage adjustment of efavirenz was found feasible and safe, supporting the use of TDM in patients with efavirenz concentrations above therapeutic target. The impact of genetic polymorphisms of cytochromes P450 (CYP) 2B6, 2A6 and 3A4/5 on the PK of efavirenz and its metabolites was studied: a population PK model was built integrating both genetic and demographic covariates. Functional genetic variations in main (CYP2B6) and accessory (2A6, 3A4/5) metabolic pathways of efavirenz have an impact on efavirenz disposition, and may lead to extreme drug exposures. Dosage adjustment guided by TDM is thus required in those patients, according to the pharmacogenetic polymorphism.Thus, we have demonstrated, using a comprehensive approach taking into account both PK and PG factors influencing ARVs exposure in HIV-infected patients, the feasibility of individualising antirétroviral therapy in various situations. Antiviral treatment optimisation is likely to increase long-term treatment success while reducing the occurrence of adverse drug reactions.
This article reviews current concepts of the biology of Endotrypanum spp. Data summarized here on parasite classification and taxonomic divergence found among these haemoflagellates come from our studies of molecular characterization of Endotrypanum stocks (representing an heterogenous population of reference strains and isolates from the Brazilian Amazon region) and from scientific literature. Using numerical zymotaxonomy we have demonstrated genetic diversity among these parasites. The molecular trees obtained revealed that there are, at least, three groups (distinct species?) of Endotrypanum, which are distributed in Central and South America. In concordance with this classification of the parasites there are further newer molecular data obtained using distinct markers. Moreover, comparative studies (based on the molecular genetics of the organisms) have shown the phylogenetic relationships between some Endotrypanum and related kinetoplastid lineages.
Determining the time since discharge of spent cartridges found on a crime scene may be very useful in firearm investigations. The potential of small calibre munitions was barely studied before and this work did therefore focus on that problematic. The first step was to optimize the detection potential of solidphase microextraction (SPME) followed by gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometry detector (GC/MS). This allowed determining the organic volatile composition of empty cartridges immediately after a gunshot. Identification of 32 detected compounds was confirmed by the analysis of reference substances. Preliminary aging studies over 32 hours were carried out on selected target compounds to evaluate their potential for the dating of shotguns.
PURPOSE: To determine the diagnostic value of the intravascular contrast agent gadocoletic acid (B-22956) in three-dimensional, free breathing coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) for stenosis detection in patients with suspected or known coronary artery disease. METHODS: Eighteen patients underwent three-dimensional, free breathing coronary MRA of the left and right coronary system before and after intravenous application of a single dose of gadocoletic acid (B-22956) using three different dose regimens (group A 0.050 mmol/kg; group B 0.075 mmol/kg; group C 0.100 mmol/kg). Precontrast scanning followed a coronary MRA standard non-contrast T2 preparation/turbo-gradient echo sequence (T2Prep); for postcontrast scanning an inversion-recovery gradient echo sequence was used (real-time navigator correction for both scans). In pre- and postcontrast scans quantitative analysis of coronary MRA data was performed to determine the number of visible side branches, vessel length and vessel sharpness of each of the three coronary arteries (LAD, LCX, RCA). The number of assessable coronary artery segments was determined to calculate sensitivity and specificity for detection of stenosis > or = 50% on a segment-to-segment basis (16-segment-model) in pre- and postcontrast scans with x-ray coronary angiography as the standard of reference. RESULTS: Dose group B (0.075 mmol/kg) was preferable with regard to improvement of MR angiographic parameters: in postcontrast scans all MR angiographic parameters increased significantly except for the number of visible side branches of the left circumflex artery. In addition, assessability of coronary artery segments significantly improved postcontrast in this dose group (67 versus 88%, p < 0.01). Diagnostic performance (sensitivity, specificity, accuracy) was 83, 77 and 78% for precontrast and 86, 95 and 94% for postcontrast scans. CONCLUSIONS: The use of gadocoletic acid (B-22956) results in an improvement of MR angiographic parameters, asssessability of coronary segments and detection of coronary stenoses > or = 50%.
Differential display technique was applied in order to identify transcripts which are present in axenic amastigotes but not in promastigotes of the Leishmania panamensis parasites. One of them was cloned and the sequence reveals an open reading frame of 364 amino acids (aprox. 40 kDa). The deduced protein is homologous to the serine/threonine protein kinases and specially to the mitogen activates protein kinases from eukaryotic species. Southern blot analysis suggest that this transcript, named lpmkh, is present in the genome of the parasite as a single copy gene. These results could imply that lpmkh could be involved in the differentiation process or the preservation of amastigotes in axenic conditions.
The zinc finger motifs (Cys2His2) are found in several proteins playing a role in the regulation of transcripton. SmZF1, a Schistosoma mansoni gene encoding a zinc finger protein was initially isolated from an adult worm cDNA library, as a partial cDNA. The full sequence of the gene was obtained by subcloning and sequencing cDNA and genomic fragments. The collated gene sequence is 2181 nt and the complete cDNA sequence is 705 bp containing the full open reading frame of the gene. Analysis of the genome sequence revealed the presence of three introns interrupting the coding region. The open reading frame theoretically encodes a protein of 164 amino acids, with a calculated molecular mass of 18,667Da. The predicted protein contains three zinc finger motifs, usually present in transcription regulatory proteins. PCR amplification with specific primers for the gene allowed for the detection of the target in egg, cercariae, schistosomulum and adult worm cDNA libraries indicating the expression of the mRNA in these life cycle stages of S. mansoni. This pattern of expression suggests the gene plays a role in vital functions of different life cycle stages of the parasite. Future research will be directed to elucidate the functional role of SmZF1.
Second Report of the Working Group on Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services The Minister for Health and Children established a Working Group on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in June 2000 with the following terms of reference:· To examine the current state of child and adolescent psychiatric services in the country; · To carry out a needs analysis of the population aged 0-18 years for such services and to identify shortcomings in meeting such needs; · To make recommendations on how child and adolescent psychiatric services should be developed in the short, medium and long term to meet identified needs. Click here to download PDF 58kb
BACKGROUND: Within the frame of a twinning programme with Nicaragua, The La Mascota project, we evaluated in our study the contribution of cytogenetic characterization of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) as prognostic factor compared to clinical, morphological, and immunohistochemical parameters. METHODS: All patients with ALL treated at the only cancer pediatric hospital in Nicaragua during 2006 were studied prospectively. Diagnostic immunophenotyping was performed locally and bone marrow or blood samples were sent to the cytogenetic laboratory of Zurich for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis and G-banding. RESULTS: Sixty-six patients with ALL were evaluated. Their mean age at diagnosis was 7.3 years, 31.8% were >or=10 years. Thirty-four patients (51.5%) presented with hyperleucocytosis >or=50 x 10(9)/L, 45 (68.2%) had hepatosplenomegaly. Immunophenotypically 63/66 patients (95%) had a B-precursor, 2 (3%) a T- and 1 (1.5%) a B-mature ALL. FISH analysis demonstrated a TEL/AML1 fusion in 9/66 (14%), BCR/ABL fusion in 1 (1.5%), MLL rearrangement in 2 (3.1%), iAMP21 in 2 (3.1%), MYC rearrangement in 1 (1.5%), and high-hyperdiploidy in 16 (24%). All patients but two with TEL/AML1 fusion and high-hyperdiploidy were clinically and hematologically in the standard risk group whereas those with poor cytogenetic factors had clinical high-risk features and were treated intensively. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to Europe, the ALL population in Nicaragua is older, has a higher proportion of poor prognostic clinical and hematological features and receives more intensive treatment, while patients with TEL/AML1 translocations and high-hyperdiploidy are clinically in the standard risk group. Cytogenetics did not contribute as an additional prognostic factor in this setting.
The Working Party was appointed as a committee of experts by the then Minister of Health, Dr John Oâ?TConnell T.D., in October, 1992 to review cervical screening with the following terms of reference: - - To review the implementation of the recommendations of the Interim Report of the Working Party on Cervical Screening 1988; - To review the general efficacy and cost effectiveness of the operation of the present systems; and - To consider what further cost effective improvements can be made.   Download the Report here Â
The National Council on Ageing and Older People is an advisory body to the Minister for Health on all aspects of ageing and the welfare of older people. In fulfilment of its terms of reference, the Council has recently published a Review of the implementation of the recommendations of the 1988 report The Years Ahead â?" A Policy for the Elderly The Review was a major undertaking and required contact with Government Departments, the eight health boards, a large sample of local authorities and many other organisations. All of the recommendations contained in The Years Ahead report were analysed, and a comprehensive picture of health and social services for older people was presented. The Council is indebted to the authors of the review, Dr Helen Ruddle, Dr Freda Donoghue and Mr Ray Mulvihill for their efforts in preparing such a comprehensive and high quality reportDownload the Report here