981 resultados para double-clad fiber


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This paper presents the advanced analytical methodologies such as Double- G and Double - K models for fracture analysis of concrete specimens made up of high strength concrete (HSC, HSC1) and ultra high strength concrete. Brief details about characterization and experimentation of HSC, HSC1 and UHSC have been provided. Double-G model is based on energy concept and couples the Griffith's brittle fracture theory with the bridging softening property of concrete. The double-K fracture model is based on stress intensity factor approach. Various fracture parameters such as cohesive fracture toughness (4), unstable fracture toughness (K-Ic(c)), unstable fracture toughness (K-Ic(un)) and initiation fracture toughness (K-Ic(ini)) have been evaluated based on linear elastic fracture mechanics and nonlinear fracture mechanics principles. Double-G and double-K method uses the secant compliance at the peak point of measured P-CMOD curves for determining the effective crack length. Bi-linear tension softening model has been employed to account for cohesive stresses ahead of the crack tip. From the studies, it is observed that the fracture parameters obtained by using double - G and double - K models are in good agreement with each other. Crack extension resistance has been estimated by using the fracture parameters obtained through double - K model. It is observed that the values of the crack extension resistance at the critical unstable point are almost equal to the values of the unstable fracture toughness K-Ic(un) of the materials. The computed fracture parameters will be useful for crack growth study, remaining life and residual strength evaluation of concrete structural components.


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The paper identified and characterized a special multi-degree of freedom toggle behavior, called double toggle, observed in a typical MCCB switching mechanism. For an idealized system, the condition of toggle sequence is derived geometrically. The existing tools available in a multi-body dynamics package are used for exploring the dynamic behavior of such systems parametrically. The double toggle mechanism is found to make the system insensitive to the operator's behavior; however, the system is vulnerable under extreme usage. The linkage kinematics and stopper locations are found to have dominant role on the behavior of the system. It is revealed that the operating time is immune to the inertial property of the input link and sensitive to that of the output link. Novel designs exploiting this observation, in terms of spring and toggle placements, to enhance switching performance have also been reported in the paper. Detailed study revealed that strategic placement of the spring helps in selective alteration of system performance. Thus, the study establishes the critical importance of the kinematic design of MCCB over the dynamic parameters. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We propose a new set of input voltage equations (IVEs) for independent double-gate MOSFET by solving the governing bipolar Poisson equation (PE) rigorously. The proposed IVEs, which involve the Legendre's incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind and Jacobian elliptic functions and are valid from accumulation to inversion regimes, are shown to have good agreement with the numerical solution of the same PE for all bias conditions.


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The RAD51 paralogs XRCC3 and RAD51C have been implicated in homologous recombination (HR) and DNA damage responses. However, the molecular mechanism(s) by which these paralogs regulate HR and DNA damage signaling remains obscure. Here, we show that an SQ motif serine 225 in XRCC3 is phosphorylated by ATR kinase in an ATM signaling pathway. We find that RAD51C but not XRCC2 is essential for XRCC3 phosphorylation, and this modification follows end resection and is specific to S and G(2) phases. XRCC3 phosphorylation is required for chromatin loading of RAD51 and HR-mediated repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs). Notably, in response to DSBs, XRCC3 participates in the intra-S-phase checkpoint following its phosphorylation and in the G(2)/M checkpoint independently of its phosphorylation. Strikingly, we find that XRCC3 distinctly regulates recovery of stalled and collapsed replication forks such that phosphorylation is required for the HR-mediated recovery of collapsed replication forks but is dispensable for the restart of stalled replication forks. Together, these findings suggest that XRCC3 is a new player in the ATM/ATR-induced DNA damage responses to control checkpoint and HR-mediated repair.


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD50, MRE11, and XRS2 genes are essential for telomere length maintenance, cell cycle checkpoint signaling, meiotic recombination, and DNA double-stranded break (DSB) repair via nonhomologous end joining and homologous recombination. The DSB repair pathways that draw upon Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 subunits are complex, so their mechanistic features remain poorly understood. Moreover, the molecular basis of DSB end resection in yeast mre11-nuclease deficient mutants and Mre11 nuclease-independent activation of ATM in mammals remains unknown and adds a new dimension to many unanswered questions about the mechanism of DSB repair. Here, we demonstrate that S. cerevisiae Mre11 (ScMre11) exhibits higher binding affinity for single-over double-stranded DNA and intermediates of recombination and repair and catalyzes robust unwinding of substrates possessing a 3' single-stranded DNA overhang but not of 5' overhangs or blunt-ended DNA fragments. Additional evidence disclosed that ScMre11 nuclease activity is dispensable for its DNA binding and unwinding activity, thus uncovering the molecular basis underlying DSB end processing in mre11 nuclease deficient mutants. Significantly, Rad50, Xrs2, and Sae2 potentiate the DNA unwinding activity of Mre11, thus underscoring functional interaction among the components of DSB end repair machinery. Our results also show that ScMre11 by itself binds to DSB ends, then promotes end bridging of duplex DNA, and directly interacts with Sae2. We discuss the implications of these results in the context of an alternative mechanism for DSB end processing and the generation of single-stranded DNA for DNA repair and homologous recombination.


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The layered double hydroxides (LDH) or anionic clays are an important class of ion-exchange materials. They consist of positively charged brucite-like inorganic sheets with charge-compensating exchangeable anions in the interlamellar space. Here we show how neutral TCNQ (7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) molecules can be included within the galleries of an LDH. To do so, we exploit the fact that TCNQ is a good electron acceptor that forms donor acceptor complexes with a variety of donors. The electron donor aniline was intercalated into a Mg-Al LDH as p-aminobenzoate (AB) ions by a conventional ion-exchange reaction. We show here that neutral TCNQ molecules may be driven into the galleries of the layered solid by charge-transfer complex formation with the intercalated p-aminobenzoate anions. We use diffraction and spectroscopic measurements in combination with molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical calculations to establish the nature of interactions and arrangement of the charge-transfer complex within the galleries of the layered double hydroxide. Electrostatic interactions between the TCNQ molecules and the anchored AB ions, subsequent to charge transfer, are the driving force for the inclusion of TCNQ molecules in the galleries of the LDH.


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Etched Fiber Bragg Grating (EFBG) sensors are attractive from the point of the inherently high multiplexing ability of fiber based sensors. However, the strong dependence of the sensitivity of EFBG sensors on the fiber diameter requires robust methods for calibration when used for distributed sensing in a large array format. Using experimental data and numerical modelling, we show that knowledge of the wavelength shift during the etch process is necessary for high-fidelity calibration of EFBG arrays. However as this approach requires the monitoring of every element of the sensor array during etching, we also proposed and demonstrated a calibration scheme using data from bulk refractometry measurements conducted post-fabrication without needing any information about the etching process. Although this approach is not as precise as the first one, it may be more practical as there is no requirement to monitor each element of the sensor array. We were able to calibrate the response of the sensors to within 3% with the approach using information acquired during etching and to within 5% using the post-fabrication bulk refractometry approach in spite of the sensitivities of the array element differing by more than a factor of 4. These two approaches present a tradeoff between accuracy and practicality.


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With the unique quasi-linear relationship between the surface potentials along the channel, recently we have proposed a quasi-static terminal charge model for common double-gate MOSFETs, which might have asymmetric gate oxide thickness. In this brief, we extend this concept to develop the nonquasi-static (NQS) charge model for the same by solving the governing continuity equations. The proposed NQS model shows good agreement against TCAD simulations and appears to be useful for efficient circuit simulation.


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The RecA filament formed on double-stranded (ds) DNA is proposed to be a functional state analogous to that generated during the process of DNA strand exchange. RecA polymerization and de-polymerization on dsDNA is governed by multiple physiological factors. However, a comprehensive understanding of how these factors regulate the processes of polymerization and de-polymerization of RecA filament on dsDNA is still evolving. Here, we investigate the effects of temperature, pH, tensile force, and DNA ends (in particular ssDNA overhang) on the polymerization and de-polymerization dynamics of the E. coli RecA filament at a single-molecule level. Our results identified the optimal conditions that permitted spontaneous RecA nucleation and polymerization, as well as conditions that could maintain the stability of a preformed RecA filament. Further examination at a nano-meter spatial resolution, by stretching short DNA constructs, revealed a striking dynamic RecA polymerization and de-polymerization induced saw-tooth pattern in DNA extension fluctuation. In addition, we show that RecA does not polymerize on S-DNA, a recently identified novel base-paired elongated DNA structure that was previously proposed to be a possible binding substrate for RecA. Overall, our studies have helped to resolve several previous single-molecule studies that reported contradictory and inconsistent results on RecA nucleation, polymerization and stability. Furthermore, our findings also provide insights into the regulatory mechanisms of RecA filament formation and stability in vivo.


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In this paper we report a novel hydrogel functionalized optical Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor based on chemo-mechanical-optical sensing, and demonstrate its specific application in pH activated process monitoring. The sensing mechanism is based on the stress due to ion diffusion and polymer phase transition which produce strain in the FBG. This results in shift in the Bragg wavelength which is detected by an interrogator system. A simple dip coating method to coat a thin layer of hydrogel on the FBG has been established. The gel consists of sodium alginate and calcium chloride. Gel formation is observed in real-time by continuously monitoring the Bragg wavelength shift. We have demonstrated pH sensing in the range of pH of 2 to 10. Another interesting phenomenon is observed by swelling and deswelling of FBG functionalized with hydrogel by a sequence of alternate dipping between acidic and base solutions. It is observed that the Bragg wavelength undergoes reversible and repeatable pH dependent switching.


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In this paper, we analyze the combined effects of size quantization and device temperature variations (T = 50K to 400 K) on the intrinsic carrier concentration (n(i)), electron concentration (n) and thereby on the threshold voltage (V-th) for thin silicon film (t(si) = 1 nm to 10 nm) based fully-depleted Double-Gate Silicon-on-Insulator MOSFETs. The threshold voltage (V-th) is defined as the gate voltage (V-g) at which the potential at the center of the channel (Phi(c)) begins to saturate (Phi(c) = Phi(c(sat))). It is shown that in the strong quantum confinement regime (t(si) <= 3nm), the effects of size quantization far over-ride the effects of temperature variations on the total change in band-gap (Delta E-g(eff)), intrinsic carrier concentration (n(i)), electron concentration (n), Phi(c(sat)) and the threshold voltage (V-th). On the other hand, for t(si) >= 4 nm, it is shown that size quantization effects recede with increasing t(si), while the effects of temperature variations become increasingly significant. Through detailed analysis, a physical model for the threshold voltage is presented both for the undoped and doped cases valid over a wide-range of device temperatures, silicon film thicknesses and substrate doping densities. Both in the undoped and doped cases, it is shown that the threshold voltage strongly depends on the channel charge density and that it is independent of incomplete ionization effects, at lower device temperatures. The results are compared with the published work available in literature, and it is shown that the present approach incorporates quantization and temperature effects over the entire temperature range. We also present an analytical model for V-th as a function of device temperature (T). (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We report a blood pressure evaluation methodology by recording the radial arterial pulse waveform in real time using a fiber Bragg grating pulse device (FBGPD). Here, the pressure responses of the arterial pulse in the form of beat-to-beat pulse amplitude and arterial diametrical variations are monitored. Particularly, the unique signatures of pulse pressure variations have been recorded in the arterial pulse waveform, which indicate the systolic and diastolic blood pressure while the patient is subjected to the sphygmomanometric blood pressure examination. The proposed method of blood pressure evaluation using FBGPD has been validated with the auscultatory method of detecting the acoustic pulses (Korotkoff sounds) by an electronic stethoscope. (C) 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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Bentonite clays are proven to be attractive as buffer and backfill material in high-level nuclear waste repositories around the world. A quick estimation of swelling pressures of the compacted bentonites for different clay-water-electrolyte interactions is essential in the design of buffer and backfill materials. The theoretical studies on the swelling behavior of bentonites are based on diffuse double layer (DDL) theory. To establish theoretical relationship between void ratio and swelling pressure (e versus P), evaluation of elliptic integral and inverse analysis are unavoidable. In this paper, a novel procedure is presented to establish theoretical relationship of e versus P based on the Gouy-Chapman method. The proposed procedure establishes a unique relationship between electric potentials of interacting and non-interacting diffuse clay-water-electrolyte systems. A procedure is, thus, proposed to deduce the relation between swelling pressures and void ratio from the established relation between electric potentials. This approach is simple and alleviates the need for elliptic integral evaluation and also the inverse analysis. Further, application of the proposed approach to estimate swelling pressures of four compacted bentonites, for example, MX 80, Febex, Montigel and Kunigel V1, at different dry densities, shows that the method is very simple and predicts solutions with very good accuracy. Moreover, the proposed procedure provides continuous distributions of e versus P and thus it is computationally efficient when compared with the existing techniques.


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The cytological architecture of the synaptonemal complex (SC), a meiosis-specific proteinaceous structure, is evolutionarily conserved among eukaryotes. However, little is known about the biochemical properties of SC components or the mechanisms underlying their roles in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination. Functional analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hop1, a key structural component of SC, has begun to reveal important insights into its function in interhomolog recombination. Previously, we showed that Hop1 is a structure-specific DNA-binding protein, exhibits higher binding affinity for the Holliday junction, and induces structural distortion at the core of the junction. Furthermore, Hop1 promotes DNA condensation and intra- and intermolecular synapsis between duplex DNA molecules. Here, we show that Hop1 possesses a modular domain organization, consisting of an intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain and a protease-resistant C-terminal domain (Hop1CTD). Furthermore, we found that Hop1CTD exhibits strong homotypic as well as heterotypic protein protein interactions, and its biochemical activities were similar to those of the full-length Hop1 protein. However, Hop1CTD failed to complement the meiotic recombination defects of the Delta hop1 strain, indicating that both N- and C-terminal domains of Hop1 are essential for meiosis and spore formation. Altogether, our findings reveal novel insights into the structure-function relationships of Hop1 and help to further our understanding of its role in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination.