974 resultados para document analysis


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This study advances the concept of organizational hybridity (OH). By doing so, it takes into account the individual level of analysis often neglected in organizational theory. More specifically, it aims to understand the implications of organizational hybridity for employees’ trust in contemporary commercial organizations. Informed and guided by current literature, this study argues that the current literature on organizational hybridity fails to adequately address the consequences of hybridity for employees' behaviour. The empirical study was conducted in 2014 using data collected via semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The study was based on a comparison of two case studies in Nigeria: Alter Securities Limited and Barak Petroleum Limited. A total of forty (40) interviews were conducted; twenty (20) from each organization. The data were analysed using thematic analysis. The main findings are that organizational hybridity in this study produced tensions that resulted in negative behavioural responses and employees’ distrust in the commercial hybrid organizations. However, employees’ identification with non-market orientated institutional logics such as family, philanthropic and religious logics is seen to facilitate their commitment, honesty, and trust in the organizations. Nevertheless, caution is required here as religious logics may also lead to an acceptance of unethical behaviour by employees. Overall, this study contributes to the literature on organizational hybridity by extending on Battilana and Lee’s (2014) framework, which highlights governance, leadership, organizational culture and intra-organizational relationships as core organizational attributes in the context of which issues may arise in commercial hybrid organizations. Furthermore, it addresses a gap in Besharov and Smith’s (2014) hybrid typology framework by providing an alternative line of argument focused on understanding how tensions manifest within commercial hybrid organizations. The key recommendations of this research underscore the need for commercial hybrid organizations to invest in mechanisms for improving employees’ trust so as to reap the benefits associated with trust. This could be achieved by involving employees in the decision-making process and clearly communicating the organizations’ values, so as to minimise the misinterpretation of the embodied institutional logics by employees.


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Este trabajo se inscribe en uno de los grandes campos de los estudios organizacionales: la estrategia. La perspectiva clásica en este campo promovió la idea de que proyectarse hacia el futuro implica diseñar un plan (una serie de acciones deliberadas). Avances posteriores mostraron que la estrategia podía ser comprendida de otras formas. Sin embargo, la evolución del campo privilegió en alguna medida la mirada clásica estableciendo, por ejemplo, múltiples modelos para ‘formular’ una estrategia, pero dejando en segundo lugar la manera en la que esta puede ‘emerger’. El propósito de esta investigación es, entonces, aportar al actual nivel de comprensión respecto a las estrategias emergentes en las organizaciones. Para hacerlo, se consideró un concepto opuesto —aunque complementario— al de ‘planeación’ y, de hecho, muy cercano en su naturaleza a ese tipo de estrategias: la improvisación. Dado que este se ha nutrido de valiosos aportes del mundo de la música, se acudió al saber propio de este dominio, recurriendo al uso de ‘la metáfora’ como recurso teórico para entenderlo y alcanzar el objetivo propuesto. Los resultados muestran que 1) las estrategias deliberadas y las emergentes coexisten y se complementan, 2) la improvisación está siempre presente en el contexto organizacional, 3) existe una mayor intensidad de la improvisación en el ‘como’ de la estrategia que en el ‘qué’ y, en oposición a la idea convencional al respecto, 4) se requiere cierta preparación para poder improvisar de manera adecuada.


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Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada al interior de dos contextos. Por un lado, el teórico, en el marco de uno de los discursos más relevantes en los campos de la estrategia organizacional, de la managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) y, en general, de los estudios organizacionales (organization studies): la construcción de sentido (sensemaking). Por el otro, el empírico, en una de las grandes compañías multinacionales del sector automotriz con presencia global. Esta corporación enfrenta una permanente tensión entre lo que dicta la casa matriz, en relación con el cumplimiento de metas y estándares específicos, considerando el mundo entero, y los retos que, teniendo en cuenta lo regional y lo local, experimentan los altos directivos encargados de hacer prosperar la empresa en estos lugares. La aproximación implementada fue cualitativa. Esto en atención a la naturaleza de la problemática abordada y la tradición del campo. Los resultados permiten ampliar el actual nivel de comprensión acerca de los procesos de sensemaking de los altos directivos al enfrentar un entorno estratégico turbulento.


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A responsabilidade social é considerada fundamental para a conquista de vantagens competitivas organizacionais. A integração dos seus princípios na estratégia da organização, apresenta-se como uma linha orientadora do foco na satisfação de necessidades das partes interessadas internas e externas. As actuais limitações orçamentais têm afectado significativamente as Instituições de Ensino Superior, nomeadamente as localizadas no interior de Portugal continental, o que dificulta ainda mais a crescente diminuição de estudantes sendo necessário a implementação de estratégias de captação de estudantes nos vários ciclos, fases de idade e locais de proveniência. O sistema de gestão da responsabilidade social, referenciado na NP 4469.1:2008, apresenta um grande desafio ao modelo de gestão das organizações que o implementam, já que este sistema de gestão tem o potencial de optimizar os interesses das diversas partes interessadas. O foco da instituição passa a ser os das suas partes interessadas, maximizando os seus impactes positivos e minimizando os seus impactes negativos em resultado das suas actividades e decisões. O aumento da eficácia organizacional e a equidade dos interesses das partes interessadas, podem clarificar as funções estratégicas das Instituições de Ensino Superior. Os programas e práticas de responsabilidade social implementados nas Instituições de Ensino Superior do interior de Portugal continental são assim estrategicamente vistos, como um factor de diferenciação positiva face às suas congéneres e em consequência, assumido como um factor para a sua sustentabilidade. A presente investigação procura identificar um modelo de governação socialmente responsável que se comprometa com a dinamização de uma estratégia que preveja práticas de responsabilidade social condutoras a aumentos na confiança e reputação organizacionais nos estudantes e colaboradores das Instituições de Ensino Superior. Tendo por base a abordagem de investigação qualitativa, realizaram-se estudos de caso em duas Instituições de Ensino Superior localizadas no Alentejo, recorrendo-se a várias fontes de informação: entrevistas a 45 entrevistados, entre elementos da governação, colaboradores e estudantes, análise documental e observação participante. Como técnica de tratamento dos dados utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo através do software Atlas Ti. Os resultados da investigação empírica permitem identificar que, as duas Instituições de Ensino Superior melhoraram em termos de visibilidade externa e interna, havendo entrevistados que referem uma melhoria na confiança e reputação em resultado da adesão a práticas de responsabilidade social. O líder de uma das Instituições de Ensino Superior é reconhecido pelos seus pares como de elevado compromisso para com os princípios da responsabilidade social enquanto que o outro líder não é reconhecido da mesma forma. Os estudantes entrevistados, não reconhecem vantagens em resultado das práticas de responsabilidade social tanto ao nível da confiança como reputação organizacional; ABSTRACT: Social responsibility is considered essential to the achievement of organizational competitive advantage. The integration of its principles in the organization's strategy, presents itself as a guiding line focus on meeting the needs of internal and external stakeholders. The current budgetary constraints have significantly affected the higher education institutions, further hindering the increasing decline of students being required to implement student recruitment strategies in the various cycles of age stages and places of origin. The management system of social responsibility, referenced in NP 4469.1:2008, presents a major challenge to the model of management of organizations implementing it, since this management system, has the potential to optimize the interests of the various stakeholders. The focus of the institution happens to be out of their stakeholders, maximizing its positive impacts and minimizing the negative impacts as a result of its activities and decisions. Increased organizational effectiveness and equity interests of stakeholders can clarify the strategic functions of the higher education institutions. Social responsibility programs and Social responsibility practices implemented in higher education institutions in the interior of mainland Portugal are so strategically seen as a positive differentiating factor compared to their counterparts and therefore assumed to be a factor in their sustainability. This research seeks to identify socially responsible governance model that is committed to the promotion of a strategy which envisages conducting social responsibility practices to increases in organizational trust and reputation among students and employees of higher education institutions. Based on the qualitative research approach, there were case studies in two higher education institutions located in the Alentejo, making use of several sources of information: interviews with 45 respondents, between elements of governance, employees and students, document analysis and participant observation. As data processing technique was used content analysis by instrumental Atlas Ti. The results of empirical research identifying that the two higher education institutions have improved in terms of internal and external visibility, with respondents who report an improvement in confidence and reputation as a result of adherence to Social responsibility practices. The leader of one of the higher education institutions are recognized by their peers as high commitment to the principles of social responsibility while the other leader is not recognized in the same way. Students do not recognize advantages as a result of social responsibility practices both in terms of trust and organizational reputation.


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Com o presente trabalho pretendemos compreender eventuais relações entre a posição de uma escola no ranking dos exames nacionais do 9.º ano do ensino básico e a qualidade do serviço educativo prestado. O estudo decorreu em dois agrupamentos de escolas com posições diferenciadas nas listas de ordenação (rankings) publicadas no ano de 2013. Recolhemos informação através de entrevista aos diretores dos órgãos de gestão, análise documental e inquérito por questionário. Adotámos metodologia qualitativa e quantitativa cujos dados foram triangulados e analisados à luz do quadro teórico. A posição bastante diferenciada entre os dois agrupamentos no ranking (249.º e 848.º, respetivamente) não parece estar relacionado com a prestação do serviço educativo, para além de a classificação ser a mesma nos relatórios de avaliação externa, as diferenças identificadas através dos questionários e das entrevistas são pontuais e pouco relevantes reforçando que efetivamente a posição no ranking diz muito pouco sobre o trabalho realizado nas escolas, sobre as suas dinâmicas e lógicas de ação; Abstract: Ranking and educational quality. An (un)likely relationship? A study in two public schools With this study we aim to understand possible links between the ranking position of two different school based on the 9th grade’s national exams results and the quality of educational services provided. The study took place in two groups of schools with different ranking positions published in 2013. We collect information through interviews to the directors of the management bodies, document analysis and questionnaire survey. We adopted qualitative and quantitative methodology and data were triangulated and analyzed in the light of the theoretical framework. The rather unique position between the two groups in the rankings (249 and 848, respectively) does not seem to be related to the provision of educational services, as well as the classification is the same in the external evaluation reports, the differences identified by questionnaires and interviews are timely and very relevant stressing that effectively ranking position says very little about the work done in schools, on its dynamics and logics of action.


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Sexuality is recognized as part of holistic nursing care, but its inclusion in clinical practice and nursing training is inconsistent. Based on the question "How students and teachers acknowledge sexuality in teaching and learning?", we developed a study in order to characterize the process of teaching and learning sexuality in a micro perspective of curriculum development. We used a mixed methods design with a sequential strategy: QUAN-qual of descriptive and explanatory type. 646 students and teachers participated. The quantitative component used questionnaire surveys. Document analysis was used in the additional component. A curricular dimension of sexuality emerges guided by a behaviourist line and based on a biological vision. The issues considered sage are highlighted and framed in steps of adolescence and adulthood and more attacghed to female sexuality and procreative aspect. There is in emeergence a hidden curriculum by reference to content from other dimensions of sexuality but less often expressed. Theoretical learning follows a communicational model of reality through abstraction strategies, which infers a deductive method of learning, with a behaviourist approach to assessment. Clinical teaching adresses sexuality in combination with reproductive lealth nursing. The influencing factors of teaching and learning of sexuality were also explored. We conclude that the vision of female sexuality taught and learned in relation to women has a projection of care in clinical practice based on the same principles


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In its open and private-based dimension, the Internet is the epitome of the Liberal International Order in its global spatial dimension. Therefore, normative questions arise from the emergence of powerful non-liberal actors such as China in Internet governance. In particular, China has supported a UN-based multilateral Internet governance model based on state sovereignty aimed at replacing the existing ICANN-based multistakeholder model. While persistent, this debate has become less dualistic through time. However, fear of Internet fragmentation has increased as the US-China technological competition grew harsher. This thesis inquires “(To what extent) are Chinese stakeholders reshaping the rules of Global Internet Governance?”. This is further unpacked in three smaller questions: (i) (To what extent) are Chinese stakeholders contributing to increased state influence in multistakeholder fora?; (ii) (how) is China contributing to Internet fragmentation?; and (iii) what are the main drivers of Chinese stakeholders’ stances? To answer these questions, Chinese stakeholders’ actions are observed in the making and management of critical Internet resources at the IETF and ICANN respectively, and in mobile connectivity standard-making at 3GPP. Through the lens of norm entrepreneurship in regime complexes, this thesis interprets changes and persistence in the Internet governance normative order and Chinese attitudes towards it. Three research methods are employed: network analysis, semi-structured expert interviews, and thematic document analysis. While China has enhanced state intervention in several technological fields, fostering debates on digital sovereignty, this research finds that the Chinese government does not exert full control on its domestic private actors and concludes that Chinese stakeholders have increasingly adapted to multistakeholder Internet governance as they grew influential within it. To enhance control over Internet-based activities, the Chinese government resorted to regulatory and technical control domestically rather than establishing a splinternet. This is due to Chinese stakeholders’ interest in retaining the network benefits of global interconnectivity.


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This paper discusses a document discovery tool based on Conceptual Clustering by Formal Concept Analysis. The program allows users to navigate e-mail using a visual lattice metaphor rather than a tree. It implements a virtual. le structure over e-mail where files and entire directories can appear in multiple positions. The content and shape of the lattice formed by the conceptual ontology can assist in e-mail discovery. The system described provides more flexibility in retrieving stored e-mails than what is normally available in e-mail clients. The paper discusses how conceptual ontologies can leverage traditional document retrieval systems and aid knowledge discovery in document collections.


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This paper analyzes two claims that have been made about the Target2 payment system. The first one is that this system has been used to support unsustainable current account deficits of Southern European countries. The second one is that the large accumulation of Target2 claims by the Bundesbank represents an unacceptable risk for Germany if the eurozone were to break up. We argue that these claims are unfounded. They also lead to unnecessary fears in Germany that make a solution of the eurozone crisis more difficult. Ultimately, this fear increases the risk of a break-up of the eurozone. Or to paraphrase Franklin Roosevelt, what Germany should fear most is simply its own fear.


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Analysis of the "European Charter on General Principles for Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development" The Council of Europe Document CO-DBP (2003) 2


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Adult learning is seen as a key factor for enhancing employment, innovation and growth, and it should concern all age cohorts. The aim of this paper is to understand the points in the life cycle at which adult learning takes place and whether it leads to reaching a medium or high level of educational attainment. To this end we perform a synthetic panel analysis of adult learning for cohorts aged 25 to 64 in 27 European countries using the European Labour Force Survey. We find, as previous results suggest, that a rise in educational attainment as well as participation in education and training happens mostly at the age range of 25-29. However, investment across the life cycle by cohorts older than 25 still occurs: in most countries in our sample, participation in education and training as well as educational attainment increases observably across all cohorts. We also find that the decline with age slows down or is even reversed for older cohorts, for both participation in education and educational attainment. Finally, we can identify a Nordic model in which adult learning is achieved through participation in education and training, a Central European model in which adult learning occurs in the form of increasing educational attainment and a liberal model in which both approaches to adult learning are observable.