963 resultados para business development company
A comprehensive introduction to the technology, development and management of business information systems. The book assumes no prior knowledge of IS or IT, so that new concepts and terms are defined as clearly as possible, with explanations in the text, and definitions at the margin. In this fast-moving area, the book covers both the crucial underpinnings of the subject as well as the most recent business and technology applications.It is written for students on any IS, BIS or MIS course from undergraduate to postgraduate and MBA level within a Business or Computer Science Department - See more at: http://catalogue.pearsoned.ca/educator/product/Business-Information-Systems-Technology-Development-and-Management-for-the-EBusiness/9780273716624.page#sthash.LgAheK57.dpuf
This paper follows on from that presented at the last BEST conference in Edinburgh (Higson & Hamilton-Jones(2004)). At that stage, the authors outlined their initial research work with students studying on the yearlong International Foundation programmes. at three local FE Colleges allied to Aston University. The research (funded by the University's Teaching Quality Enhancement Funds (TQEF) involved questionnaires and interviews with staff and students (the latter all from overseas). it aimed to identify ways to improve the learning experience of students on the International Foundation programmes, to aid their smooth transition to full degree programmes in Business and Management and to improve the progression rates of such students while studying at Aston. The initial research findings were used to design a module for those students' progress to degree programmes in Aston Business School. This paper discusses how the module was designed, its content and the assessment methods used to help determine whether students are achieving the learning outcomes. The basic principle was to identify areas of study where the International Foundation Programme students needed help in order to improve their learning styles to assist them with the requirements of other modules that they would be studying during their time at Aston. Particular emphasis was put on the need to develop active learners who were not disadvantaged by their lack of awareness of UK culture and society and who were as comfortable performing written work under examination conditions or presenting orally as their UK counterparts. An additional aim was to prepare these students for the placement year which was a compulsory part of their degree. The module, therefore, comprises a range of inputs for a number of staff, a company visit, weekly reflective learning leading to Personal Development Plan (PDP) work, formal examinations, presentations, group work •and individual case studies. This paper also reports on the initial reaction of the students and tutors to the new learning experience with currently 30 participants undertaking the module. Provisional findings suggest that the International Foundation programme has prepared the students well for degree-level work and that as a group of international students they are much more analytical and, after studying the module interactive than their counterparts who have come directly onto Aston degrees. It has shown them still to be quite passive learners, comfortable with facts and lecture-style learning environments, but less comfortable when asked to use their own initiatives. Continuing progress needs to be made in terms of encouraging them to develop a reflective approach to learning with the students taking some time to feel comfortable with an analytical approach to learning. In addition, im account of the students' reactions to having to work through a formal (PDP) and the results of their first assessments will be provided. At Aston, this work is being used as a pilot to recognise good practice with regards to work with further groups of international students. it is hoped that this would have widespread application across the sector.
This project is focused on exchanging knowledge between ABS, UKBI and managers of business incubators in the UK. The project relates to exploitation of extant knowledge-base on assessing and improving business incubation management practice and performance and builds on two earlier studies. It addresses a pressing need for assessing and benchmarking business incubation input, process and outcome performance and highlighting best practice. The overarching aim of this project was to obtain proof-of-concept for a business incubation performance assessment and benchmarking online tool, fine-tune it and put it in use by nurturing a community of business incubation management practice, aligned by the resultant tool. The purpose was to offer an appropriate set of measures, in areas identified by relevant research on business incubation performance management and impact as critical, against which: 1.The input and process performance of business incubation management practice can be assessed and benchmarked within the auspices of a community of incubator managers concerned with best practice 2.The outcome performance and impact of business incubators can be assessed longitudinally. As such, the developed online assessment framework is geared towards the needs of researchers, policy makers and practitioners concerned with business incubation performance, added value and impact.
The objects of a large-scale gas-transport company (GTC) suggest a complex unified evolutionary approach, which covers basic building concepts, up-to-date technologies, models, methods and means that are used in the phases of design, adoption, maintenance and development of the multilevel automated distributed control systems (ADCS).. As a single methodological basis of the suggested approach three basic Concepts, which contain the basic methodological principles and conceptual provisions on the creation of distributed control systems, were worked out: systems of the lower level (ACS of the technological processes based on up-to-date SCADA), of the middle level (ACS of the operative-dispatch production control based on MES-systems) and of the high level (business process control on the basis of complex automated systems ERP).
Today, focus is shifting to creation of bio-energy, biofuel and bioproducts from cellulosic biomass derived from various sources, including existing and new crops and their residues, trees and forest residues, and municipal or industrial wastes. At present, biomass co-firing in modern coal power plants with efficiencies up to 45% is the most cost-effective biomass use for power generation. Due to feedstock availability issues, dedicated biomass plants for combined heat and power (CHP), are typically of smaller size and lower electrical efficiency compared to coal plants. The financial model discussed in the chapter is suitable for all countries both in the West and in the developing world. From the economic analysis given in the chapter it can be concluded that intermediate pyrolysis technology proves to be very effective in terms of product qualities of the oil produced and also the return on investment is around 4 to 5 years.
Az empirikus kutatás azokra a kérdésekre keresi a választ, hogy a hazai innovatív, növekedésorientált kis- és középvállalkozásokat milyen tényezők támogatják és segítik abban, hogy egyszerre legyenek képesek kiválóan teljesíteni jelenlegi piacaikon, miközben radikális innovációikon keresztül biztosítják a szervezet hosszú távú növekedési pályáját. A kutatás kvalitatív, feltáró, egyéni interjúkra épülő esettanulmányos módszertan keretein belül 14 vezetői interjúra, helyszíni megfigyelésre és széles körű dokumentumelemzésre épül. Az eredmények alapján a kettős képességű szervezetek teljesítményét egy hat, egymással összefüggésben lévő elemből álló modell határozza meg, melynek részei a felsővezetői decentralizáció, menedzsmentkontroll, vezetői szerepek és identitás, feladat- és hatáskörök, motivációs rendszer és a menedzsmenttudás színvonala. _______ The empirical research seeks the answer to the question what kind of factors support and help the innovative, growth-oriented Hungarian SMEs to both have the ability to operate at an excellent level in their current markets and to ensure the long-term growth path of the organization through radical innovations. The research applies qualitative, interview-based methodology. The dataset consists of 14 interviews with managers from different organizational level of the examined company, on-site observation and document-analysis. The main contribution of the article is a model that includes the influential structural and contextual factors of organizational ambidexterity, which are decentralization, management controlling, leader roles and identity, functions and authorities, motivation system and level of management knowledge.
Az SAP-rendszernek a kontrollingszervezetek működésére gyakorolt pozitív hatása nem titok. A visszacsatolás lehetőségének biztosításával alkalom nyílik a szervezetek tevékenységének követésére, ellenőrzésére, felülbírálására. A logisztika mint az egész vállalatot átszövő rendszer, működésének nyomon követése is létfontosságúvá vált, hiszen összetettségéből kifolyólag jellegzetességei, színvonala az egész rendszerre hatást gyakorol. A logisztikai rendszer és folyamatainak figyelemmel kísérésére a logisztikai kontrollingrendszer nyújt megoldást, visszacsatolási pontjain keresztül. A műanyag-feldolgozó vállalat esetében a szervezeti SAP-rendszer logisztikai kontrollingterületének fejlesztésétől várják a szervezeti hatékonyság emelkedését és a jobb színvonal elérését. _____ Positive effect of the SAP system on the operation of controlling organisations has not been a secret. Opportunity of the feedback will be possible to track, control, override operation of the organisations. The logistic controlling system provides a solution through feedback points for monitoring the logistic system and processes. In the case of plastics manufacturing company the increasing of organisational efficiency and achievement of a better standard is anticipated from development of logistic controlling area of the organisational SAP system.
A tanulmány általános áttekintést ad a beszállítófejlesztésről. A szakmában elterjedt fogalmak, a meghatározó koncepcionális keretek, az ajánlott szervezeti megoldások és az eredményes megvalósítást támogató és gátló tényezők számba vétele arra szolgál, hogy tág kontextusban értelmezhessük a lean beszállítófejlesztést. A lean beszállítófejlesztés intézményesített szervezeti rutinok halmazát jelenti – a japán autóipari nagyvállalatok gyakorlata alapján. Egyszerre van jelen az ad hoc problémamegoldás és a folyamatorientált, tág és stratégiai beszállítófejlesztés. A kulcsbeszállítók állnak a középpontban. A beszállítókkal való együttműködésben a bilaterális kapcsolatok (beszerző-beszállító) és a multilaterális kapcsolatok (beszerző és beszállítók csoportja) is fontos szereppel bírnak. A tevékenységek megvalósításában több tucat alkalmazott főállásban vesz részt. Ezek az alkalmazottak a beszerző vállalat termelési rendszerének, működési filozófiájának is szakértői. A globális nagyvállalatoknál – adott régióban is – több osztály, esetenként egymástól függetlenül is foglalkozik a beszállítók fejlesztésével. A sikeres megvalósítást és részvételt, elköteleződést támogatja, hogy az ösztönzési rutinok is formalizáltak és intézményesítettek (pl. hatalmi kérdések, elért haszon megosztása, partnerek felelőssége). _____ Our study reviews supplier development (SD) and lean supplier development literature. The first part gives an overview about general SD and related definitions, conceptual frameworks, organisational settings and supporting/impeding factors influencing the success of SD efforts. The second part of the study positions lean supplier development in this general SD context. Lean SD is built on sets of institutionalized organisational routines – based on daily practice of Japanese automotive companies. Lean SD contains of different SD approaches. It is pervaded by both ad hoc problem solving activities and process-focused, wide and strategic approaches at the same time. The efforts are focused on key suppliers. The SD is organised through bilateral (purchaser firm and supplier firm) and multilateral (purchaser firm and supplier firms) relations. At global automotive companies more dozens full time employees work on SD. These employees are expert of the production system and operating philosophy of the purchaser company. Global firms – even in a particular geographical area – have usually more departments responsible for SD. Eventually these departments work independently from each other. To achieve the expected performance improvement and real involvement and commitment it is critical to formalize and institutionalize routines influencing motivation as well (eg., power, gain sharing, responsibilities).
In order to run a successful business, today’s manager needs to combine business skills with an understanding of information systems and the opportunities and benefits that they bring to an organisation. Starting from basic concepts, this book provides a comprehensive and accessible guide to: •understanding the technology of business information systems; •choosing the right information system for an organisation; •developing and managing an efficient business information system; •employing information systems strategically to achieve organisational goals. Taking a problem-solving approach, Business Information Systems looks at information systems theory within the context of the most recent business and technological advances. This thoroughly revised new edition has updated and expanded coverage of contemporary key topics such as: •Web 2.0 •enterprise systems •implementation and design of IS strategy •outsourcing
Technological capability (TC) plays a strategic role in the competitive advantage of not only individual corporate entities but also entire industries. This paper investigates the crucial factors that affect technological capability development by Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) in China. It identifies how differently sized ESCOs make progress in developing TCs. Through looking at the successes achieved by developed countries in the field of energy conservation, ESCOs are able to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions and are deemed to provide an effective means of conserving energy in China. Existing literature indicates that limited TC levels of are one of the crucial barriers facing Chinese ESCOs. Through investigating three different sizes of Chinese ESCO - small, medium-sized and large - this paper provides a framework to present the idea that Chinese ESCOs' TC development is affected by four key internal and external capabilities: management capability, investment capability, innovation capability and linkage capability. Through comparative analysis, the paper establishes that small and medium-sized private ESCOs are mainly affected by investment and linkage capabilities. Large state-owned ESCOs are mainly affected by innovation and management capability. In addition, all three types of ESCO exhibit a strong desire to develop their technological capability, but small and medium-sized ESCOs exhibit a stronger desire to conduct research and development (R&D) than large ESCOs, whilst large ESCOs prefer to increase their technical reserves through acquisition. This paper identifies factors that affect Chinese ESCOs' TC, but it does intend to address the problem of how to reduce the negative effects of limited TC or the question of how to improve the TC development of Chinese ESCOs effectively. This paper contributes to the field of TC development in the ESCO industry.
Global competition requires that the companies adapt themselves to technological changes rapidly, develop new products, reduce the cost, shorten the time to market, and increase the quality. In this context, supplier involvement in New Product Development (NPD) is determinant for a company to respond to the requirements of the increasingly dynamic markets. The main purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the importance of supplier involvement in NPD, buyer-supplier relationships and their effects on buyer’s NPD process, highlighting the benefits of supplier involvement, the barriers, the strategic aspects and industry aspects. These issues are addressed with a case study from the semiconductor industry. Besides helping to understand NPD in the semiconductor industry, the contribution and fi ndings of this work are clear: the results achieved confirm the findings of studies referred in the literature review, and confirm that the semiconductor industry sector requires a closer and more complex relationship structure with suppliers, given the specificities and challenges of the sector, such as rapid technological changes, permanent innovation, global competition, reduction of cost and time-to-market cycle, increased capacity, among other. The main contribution of the paper to the scientific literature and to managers is the better understanding of the buyer-supplier relationships in NPD in the semiconductor industry.
This research investigates changes in entrepreneurial drive (ED) between each of the three-year levels of students at an undergraduate UK university business school in order to test this measurement construct within a European context. The research adopted a quantitative approach to determine whether the ED measurement instrument could identify differences in the students’ ED dimensions and the overall ED across the three different years of undergraduate study. The data was subjected to principle component analysis to create factor scores for the ED components and the multivariate analysis of variance tests to determine whether different year groups exhibited different levels of ED. The research found that the total ED score increased at each successive year level. In addition, the achievement motivation, proactive disposition, and self-efficacy factors (dimensions) all increased during the university experience. As such, this research confirms the value of the ED measurement instrument in assessing the development of entrepreneurial drive within a European higher education setting.
Abstract : Since at least the 1980's, a growing number of companies have set up an ethics or a compliance program within their organization. However, in the field of study of business management, there is a paucity of research studies concerning these management systems. This observation warranted the present investigation of one company's compliance program. Compliance programs are set up so that individuals working within an organization observe the laws and regulations which pertain to their work. This study used a constructivist grounded theory methodology to examine the process by which a specific compliance program, that of Siemens Canada Limited, was implemented throughout its organization. In conformity with this methodology, instead of proceeding with the investigation in accordance to a particular theoretical framework, the study established a number of theoretical constructs used strictly as reference points. The study's research question was stated as: what are the characteristics of the process by which Siemens' compliance program integrated itself into the existing organizational structure and gained employee acceptance? Data consisted of documents produced by the company and of interviews done with twenty-four managers working for Siemens Canada Limited. The researcher used QSR-Nvivo computer assisted software to code transcripts and to help with analyzing interviews and documents. Triangulation was done by using a number of analysis techniques and by constantly comparing findings with extant theory. A descriptive model of the implementation process grounded in the experience of participants and in the contents of the documents emerged from the data. The process was called "Remolding"; remolding being the core category having emerged. This main process consisted of two sub-processes identified as "embedding" and "appraising." The investigation was able to provide a detailed account of the appraising process. It identified that employees appraised the compliance program according to three facets: the impact of the program on the employee's daily activities, the relationship employees have with the local compliance organization, and the relationship employees have with the corporate ethics identity. The study suggests that a company who is entertaining the idea of implementing a compliance program should consider all three facets. In particular, it suggests that any company interested in designing and implementing a compliance program should pay particular attention to its corporate ethics identity. This is because employee's acceptance of the program is influenced by their comparison of the company's ethics identity to their local ethics identity. Implications of the study suggest that personnel responsible for the development and organizational support of a compliance program should understand the appraisal process by which employees build their relationship with the program. The originality of this study is that it points emphatically that companies must pay special attention in developing a corporate ethics identify which is coherent, well documented and well explained.
Over the last years, operations in Pharmaceutical Companies have become more complex, trying to adapt to new demands of the market environment. Overall, the observed change of paradigm requires adapting, mainly by the setting of new priorities, diversification of investments, cost containment strategies, exploring new markets and developping new sets of skills. In this context, new functions have been created, the relevance of some has diminished, and the importance of others has arisen. Amongst these, the medical structure within a Pharmaceutical Company, increased to meet demands, with companies adopting different models to respond to these needs, and becoming a pillar to the business. Assuming the leading role within a medical department, the medical director function often lies in the shadow. It is a key function within Pharma Industry, either on a country or on a Global basis. It has evolved and changed in the past years to meet the constant demands of a changing environment. The Medical Director is a highly skilled and differeniated professional who provides medical and scientific governance within a Pharmaceutical company, since early stages of drug development and up to loss of exclusivity, not only but also by leading a team of other physicians, pharmacists or life scientists whose functions comprise specificities that the medical director needs to understand, provide input to, oversee and lead. As the organization of Pharmaceutical Companies tends to be different, in accordance to values, culture, markets and strategies, the scope of activities of a Medical Director can be broader or may be limited, depending on size of the organization and governance model, but they must fulfil a large set of requirements in order to leverage impact on internal and internal customers. Key technical competencies for medical directors such as an MD degree, a strong clinical foundation, knowledge of drug development, project and team management experience and written and verbal skills are relatively easy to define, but underlying behavioural competencies are more difficult to ascertain, and these are more often the true predictors of success in the role. Beyond seamless proficiency in technical skills, at this level interpersonal skills become far more important, as they are the driver and the distinctive factor between a good and an excelent medical director. And this has impact in the business and in the people doing it.
O cenário empresarial brasileiro passa por dificuldades de caráter financeiro e político, conduzindo a ideia de que as organizações demandem ainda mais empenho, perseverança no negócio e dedicação para que os resultados obtidos sejam cada vez melhores. Uma estratégia que tem ganhado força no mercado é a de treinamentos e cursos in company, que ocorrem quando uma empresa promove capacitação e desenvolvimento profissional a partir de seus próprios colaboradores especialistas ou da contratação de empresas especializadas para fornecer conhecimento sobre assuntos específicos pontuais. Comumente, estas iniciativas têm curta duração e podem ter diversos objetivos, desde projetos momentâneos até a capacitação a longo prazo de competências individuais dos colaboradores que compõem as organizações. No contexto da Educação, a medida de estudo - a metodologia in company – se relaciona com o caráter pedagógico das organizações, que entendem este tipo de curso e treinamento como uma possibilidade educacional para seus colaboradores. O que se percebe é que a necessidade do mercado é de diferenciação, inovação e criatividade. Várias são as características do indivíduo que se relacionam com a criatividade (Wood Jr, 2002) logo, as empresas que estão se destacando no cenário atual são as que ousam mais, investem não só em ações e projetos, mas também em iniciativas criadas por e para seus próprios colaboradores, que se tornam os grandes co-autores do sucesso das organizações. O presente estudo teve como objetivo perceber os impactos e benefícios da aplicação destes cursos e treinamentos modelo in company não só para a organização que o implementa, mas também para cada colaborador individualmente. Para alcançar este objetivo da forma mais completa possível, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa aplicada a uma empresa fornecedora de cursos in company e outra formato focus group aplicada aos colaboradores que vivenciaram esta experiência, com recurso a consulta de legislação, observações livres, entrevistas presenciais a oito colaboradores da organização Som Livre, com idades entre 25 e 35 anos e, desta forma, responder às questões que estimularam o início desta investigação.