781 resultados para Web-based instruction.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
This work, entitled Websislapam: People Rating System Based on Web Technologies, allows the creation of questionnaires, and the organization of entities and people who participate in evaluations. Entities collect data from people with the help of resources that reduce typing mistakes. The Websislapam maintains a database and provides graphical reporting, which enable the analysis of those tested. Developed using Web technologies such as PHP, Javascript, CSS, and others. Developed with the paradigm of object-oriented programming and the MySQL DBMS. For the theoretical basis, research in the areas of System Database, Web Technologies and Web Engineering were performed. It was determined the evaluation process, systems and Web-based applications, Web and System Engineering Database. Technologies applied in the implementation of Websislapam been described. In a separate chapter presented the main features and artifacts used in the development of Websislapam. A case study demonstrates the practical use of the system
Research literature is replete with the importance of collaboration in schools, the lack of its implementation, the centrality of the role of the principal, and the existence of a gap between knowledge and practice--or a "Knowing-Doing Gap." In other words, there is a set of knowledge that principals must know in order to create a collaborative workplace environment for teachers. This study sought to describe what high school principals know about creating such a culture of collaboration. The researcher combed journal articles, studies and professional literature in order to identify what principals must know in order to create a culture of collaboration. The result was ten elements of principal knowledge: Staff involvement in important decisions, Charismatic leadership not being necessary for success, Effective elements of teacher teams, Administrator‘s modeling professional learning, The allocation of resources, Staff meetings focused on student learning, Elements of continuous improvement, and Principles of Adult Learning, Student Learning and Change. From these ten elements, the researcher developed a web-based survey intended to measure nine of those elements (Charismatic leadership was excluded). Principals of accredited high schools in the state of Nebraska were invited to participate in this survey, as high schools are well-known for the isolation that teachers experience--particularly as a result of departmentalization. The results indicate that principals have knowledge of eight of the nine measured elements. The one that they lacked an understanding of was Principles of Student Learning. Given these two findings of what principals do and do not know, the researcher recommends that professional organizations, intermediate service agencies and district-level support staff engage in systematic and systemic initiatives to increase the knowledge of principals in the element of lacking knowledge. Further, given that eight of the nine elements are understood by principals, it would be wise to examine reasons for the implementation gap (Knowing-Doing Gap) and how to overcome it.
The web services (WS) technology provides a comprehensive solution for representing, discovering, and invoking services in a wide variety of environments, including Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and grid computing systems. At the core of WS technology lie a number of XML-based standards, such as the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), that have successfully ensured WS extensibility, transparency, and interoperability. Nonetheless, there is an increasing demand to enhance WS performance, which is severely impaired by XML's verbosity. SOAP communications produce considerable network traffic, making them unfit for distributed, loosely coupled, and heterogeneous computing environments such as the open Internet. Also, they introduce higher latency and processing delays than other technologies, like Java RMI and CORBA. WS research has recently focused on SOAP performance enhancement. Many approaches build on the observation that SOAP message exchange usually involves highly similar messages (those created by the same implementation usually have the same structure, and those sent from a server to multiple clients tend to show similarities in structure and content). Similarity evaluation and differential encoding have thus emerged as SOAP performance enhancement techniques. The main idea is to identify the common parts of SOAP messages, to be processed only once, avoiding a large amount of overhead. Other approaches investigate nontraditional processor architectures, including micro-and macrolevel parallel processing solutions, so as to further increase the processing rates of SOAP/XML software toolkits. This survey paper provides a concise, yet comprehensive review of the research efforts aimed at SOAP performance enhancement. A unified view of the problem is provided, covering almost every phase of SOAP processing, ranging over message parsing, serialization, deserialization, compression, multicasting, security evaluation, and data/instruction-level processing.
[ES] El Trabajo Final de Grado tiene por finalidad ofrecer una solución que ayude a las personas a gestionar sus tareas tanto personales como empresariales de una manera más productiva. Actualmente este tipo de aplicaciones tienen mucho éxito. Se decidió que el desarrollo de esta aplicación fuera con la metodología Getting Things Done (GTD) ya que es una metodología que aumenta la productividad y reduce el estrés laboral. A día de hoy, no hay muchas aplicaciones que utilice esta metodología y las que la utilizan lo hace de una forma muy básica. Junto a esta metodología y guiándonos de la experiencia del tutor se intentó combinar esta metodología con controles de tiempo para mejorar aún más la productividad de las personas que utiliza dicho software. El resultado obtenido de este trabajo final de grado fue la base de una aplicación web para la gestión de tareas. El software creado es totalmente funcional, muy fácil de usar, muy intuitivo, y usa la filosofía Getting Things Done . Básicamente los objetivos principales conseguidos en este proyecto fueron: la gestión de usuarios. La gestión de tareas y proyectos. Aplicación de la metodología GTD. Control del tiempo productivo, e improductivo, interrupciones, temporizadores. La aplicación ha sido realizada como Trabajo Final de Grado en Ingeniería Informática, cumpliendo con todas las fases del desarrollo del software, para obtener un producto funcional que fuera aprobado por el tutor que haría el rol de potencial cliente. En el presente proyecto se ha seguido la metodología RUP, dirigida por casos de uso, iterativa e incremental. Para completar el proceso se ha realizado la elaboración de una lista de características, la especificación de los casos de uso, una fase de análisis, una de diseño, implementación y prueba. Las tecnologías utilizadas han sido, principalmente, Ruby On Rails, HTML5, CSS , AJAX y JAVASCRIPT. El objetivo a largo plazo es que esta solución pueda ser tomada como base de implementación, donde haciendo las mejoras necesarias se pueda poner en el mercado un gran software de gestión de tareas siguiendo la metodología GTD.
[ES] Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es un servicio basado en tecnologías web (PHP, HTML5, CSS, JQUERY y AJAX). El objetivo principal es ofrecer un servicio de creación y gestión de actas para el Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Para ello, consta de dos módulos principales, uno para “crear actas” y otro para “editar actas”. La aplicación consta de dos partes. Una primera parte desarrollada por mí, que consiste en primer lugar en todas las reuniones que fueron necesarias con el personal del Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria para entender sus necesidades y cómo poder afrontarlas como desarrollador. Y en segundo lugar, me he encargado de la elaboración y la estructura de la página web, mediante la generación de los distintos ficheros con contenido HTML, en la interconexión de estos ficheros y en el paso de parámetros entre dichos ficheros mediante las distintas herramientas (JQUERY, AJAX), así como también he dotado a la web de todo el contenido JavaScript necesario. En este apartado también se encuentra la tarea de realizar un módulo de búsqueda y un módulo para mostrar las actas ya acabadas. El de búsqueda contiene un formulario con un campo de búsqueda y busca las coincidencias dentro de todos los ficheros que se han generado con la aplicación. También muestra un link para abrir ese fichero desde el navegador. Como aportación adicional también me he encargado de la configuración y generación de las tablas necesarias de la base de datos para el funcionamiento de la aplicación.
In questa tesi è stato realizzato un sistema web-based, per la configurazione di modelli meccanici tridimensionali. L’intero software è basato su architettura multi-tier. Il back-end espone servizi RESTful che permettono l’interrogazione di una base di dati contenente l’anagrafica dei modelli e l’interazione con il CAD 3D SolidWorks. Il front-end è rappresentato da due pagine HTML ideate come SPA (Single Page Application), una per l’amministratore e l’altra per l’utente finale; esse sono responsabili delle chiamate asincrone verso i servizi, dell’aggiornamento automatico dell’interfaccia e dell’interazione con immagini tridimensionali.
L’azienda committente vuole ampliare la possibilità di accedere al suo database, sia dall’esterno che dall’interno, non solamente da parte di un unico utente amministratore, ma anche da tutti gli agenti distribuiti sul territorio nazionale e tutti gli impiegati degli uffici. Si vuole inoltre creare un sistema di notifiche via email che permetta a tutti gli utenti (agenti) registrati di avere in tempo reale informazioni sempre aggiornate riguardo i propri clienti. La ditta si chiama Tropical Lane S.p.A. e vuole realizzare questo progetto per rendere maggiormente accessibili le informazioni per i propri agenti, distribuiti nelle varie regioni italiane, direttamente tramite un loro dispositivo mobile, come smartphone o tablet, senza dover necessariamente telefonare continuamente in ditta dove è presente una segretaria che svolge solamente questa mansione. In questo modo si cerca di velocizzare la procedura di accesso ai dati così da liberare una risorsa utile per lo svolgimento di altre funzioni interne. Si è deciso quindi di creare un sito web, basato su tecnologia Active Server Pages e interfacciato al database aziendale, che sia fruibile dall’esterno della rete aziendale e sul quale vengono mostrati i dati, organizzati in modo da essere facilmente comprensibili e visualizzabili da tutti. La realizzazione del sito è stata effettuata utilizzando notepad++ sia per le pagine ASP che per le poche pagine di HTML statico presenti. Gli script sono stati realizzati in linguaggio Javascript, compatibile con le specifiche dei browser più diffusi. Il sito è supportato da un unico database realizzato in precedenza con Microsoft SQL ed integrato.
Questa tesi tratta della realizzazione e valutazione di un simulatore Web-Based i cui nodi sono connessi tramite Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) e si testa la sua efficienza mediante la simulazione di un semplice modello di mobilità. Si espongono i principali concetti di simulazione e di WebRTC, fornendo le basi per una maggior comprensione del testo e delle scelte progettuali ed implementative. Si conclude con serie di test comparativi dell’applicativo mettendo in luce pregi e difetti di questo approccio alternativo alla simulazione.
Questa tesi è il risultato dell’attività di sviluppo di una applicazione Web per l’analisi e la presentazione di dati relativi al mercato immobiliare italiano, svolta presso l’azienda responsabile del portale immobiliare all’indirizzo www.affitto.it. L'azienda commissiona lo sviluppo di un sistema software che generi uno storico e descriva l'andamento del mercato immobiliare nazionale. In questa tesi verrà presentato il processo di sviluppo software che ha portato alla realizzazione del prodotto, che è costituito da un applicativo Web-based implementato col supporto di tecnologie quali PHP,HTML,MySQL,CSS.
Many research-based instruction strategies (RBISs) have been developed; their superior efficacy with respect to student learning has been demonstrated in many studies. Collecting and interpreting evidence about: 1) the extent to which electrical and computer engineering (ECE) faculty members are using RBISs in core, required engineering science courses, and 2) concerns that they express about using them, are important aspects of understanding how engineering education is evolving. The authors surveyed ECE faculty members, asking about their awareness and use of selected RBISs. The survey also asked what concerns ECE faculty members had about using RBISs. Respondent data showed that awareness of RBISs was very high, but estimates of use of RBISs, based on survey data, varied from 10% to 70%, depending on characteristics of the strategy. The most significant concern was the amount of class time that using an RBIS might take; efforts to increase use of RBISs must address this.
The aim of the web-based course “Advertising Psychology – The Blog Seminar” was to offer a contemporary teaching design using typical Web 2.0 characteristics such as comments, discussions and social media integration which covers facebook and Twitter support, as nowadays, this is a common part of students’ everyday life. This weblog (blog)-based seminar for Advertising Psychology was set up in order to make the course accessible to students from different campuses in the Ruhr metropolitan area. The technical aspect of the open-source content management system Drupal 6.0 and the didactical course structure, based on Merrill’s five first principles of instruction, are introduced. To date, this blog seminar has been conducted three times with a total of 84 participants, who were asked to rate the course according to the benefits of different didactical elements and with regard to Kirkpatrick’s levels of evaluation model. This model covers a) reactions such as reported enjoyment, perceived usefulness and perceived difficulty, and b) effects on learning through the subjectively reported increase in knowledge and attitude towards the seminar. Overall, the blog seminar was evaluated very positively and can be considered as providing support for achieving the learning objectives. However, a successful blended learning approach should always be tailored to the learning contents and the environment.
This book explores emerging pedagogical perspectives based on the design of new learning spaces supported by digital technologies and brings together some of the best research in this field. The book is divided into three themes: foundations of emerging pedagogies, learning designs for emerging pedagogies and, adaptive and personalized learning. The chapters provide up-to-date information about new pedagogical proposals, and examples for acquiring the requisite skills to both design and support learning opportunities that improve the potential of available technologies.
BACKGROUND The majority of radiological reports are lacking a standard structure. Even within a specialized area of radiology, each report has its individual structure with regards to details and order, often containing too much of non-relevant information the referring physician is not interested in. For gathering relevant clinical key parameters in an efficient way or to support long-term therapy monitoring, structured reporting might be advantageous. OBJECTIVE Despite of new technologies in medical information systems, medical reporting is still not dynamic. To improve the quality of communication in radiology reports, a new structured reporting system was developed for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), intended to enhance professional communication by providing the pertinent clinical information in a predefined standard. METHODS Actual state analysis was performed within the departments of radiology and vascular surgery by developing a Technology Acceptance Model. The SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis focused on optimization of the radiology reporting of patients with AAA. Definition of clinical parameters was achieved by interviewing experienced clinicians in radiology and vascular surgery. For evaluation, a focus group (4 radiologists) looked at the reports of 16 patients. The usability and reliability of the method was validated in a real-world test environment in the field of radiology. RESULTS A Web-based application for radiological "structured reporting" (SR) was successfully standardized for AAA. Its organization comprises three main categories: characteristics of pathology and adjacent anatomy, measurements, and additional findings. Using different graphical widgets (eg, drop-down menus) in each category facilitate predefined data entries. Measurement parameters shown in a diagram can be defined for clinical monitoring and be adducted for quick adjudications. Figures for optional use to guide and standardize the reporting are embedded. Analysis of variance shows decreased average time required with SR to obtain a radiological report compared to free-text reporting (P=.0001). Questionnaire responses confirm a high acceptance rate by the user. CONCLUSIONS The new SR system may support efficient radiological reporting for initial diagnosis and follow-up for AAA. Perceived advantages of our SR platform are ease of use, which may lead to more accurate decision support. The new system is open to communicate not only with clinical partners but also with Radiology Information and Hospital Information Systems.