461 resultados para Transposition


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Eukaryotic genomes contain repetitive DNA sequences. This includes simple repeats and more complex transposable elements (TEs). Many TEs reach high copy numbers in the host genome, owing to their amplification abilities by specific mechanisms. There is growing evidence that TEs contribute to gene transcriptional regulation. However, excess of TE activity may lead to reduced genome stability. Therefore, TEs are suppressed by the transcriptional gene silencing machinery via specific chromatin modifications. In contrary, effectiveness of the epigenetic silencing mechanisms imposes risk for TE survival in the host genome. Therefore, TEs may have evolved specific strategies for bypassing epigenetic control and allowing the emergence of new TE copies. Recent studies suggested that the epigenetic silencing can be, at least transiently, attenuated by heat stress in A. thaliana. Heat stress induced strong transcriptional activation of COPIA78 family LTR-retrotransposons named ONSEN, and even their transposition in mutants deficient in siRNA-biogenesis. ONSEN transcriptional activation was facilitated by the presence of heat responsive elements (HREs) within the long terminal repeats, which serve as a binding platform for the HEAT SHOCK FACTORs (HSFs). This thesis focused on the evolution of ONSEN heat responsiveness in Brassicaceae. By using whole-transcriptome sequencing approach, multiple Arabidopsis lyrata ONSENs with conserved heat response were found and together with ONSENs from other Brassicaceae were used to reconstruct the evolution of ONSEN HREs. This indicated ancestral situation with two, in palindrome organized, HSF binding motifs. In the genera Arabidopsis and Ballantinia, a local duplication of this locus increased number of HSF binding motifs to four, forming a high-efficiency HRE. In addition, whole transcriptome analysis revealed novel heat-responsive TE families COPIA20, COPIA37 and HATE. Notably, HATE represents so far unknown COPIA family which occurs in several Brassicaceae species but is absent in A. thaliana. Putative HREs were identified within the LTRs of COPIA20, COPIA37 and HATE of A. lyrata, and could be preliminarily validated by transcriptional analysis upon heat induction in subsequent survey of Brassicaeae species. Subsequent phylogenetic analysis indicated a repeated evolution of heat responsiveness within Brassicaceae COPIA LTR-retrotransposons. This indicates that acquisition of heat responsiveness may represent a successful strategy for survival of TEs within the host genome.


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Acompanha: Dupla-hélice: a construção de um conhecimento


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Secure transmission of bulk data is of interest to many content providers. A commercially-viable distribution of content requires technology to prevent unauthorised access. Encryption tools are powerful, but have a performance cost. Without encryption, intercepted data may be illicitly duplicated and re-sold, or its commercial value diminished because its secrecy is lost. Two technical solutions make it possible to perform bulk transmissions while retaining security without too high a performance overhead. These are: 1. a) hierarchical encryption - the stronger the encryption, the harder it is to break but also the more computationally expensive it is. A hierarchical approach to key exchange means that simple and relatively weak encryption and keys are used to encrypt small chunks of data, for example 10 seconds of video. Each chunk has its own key. New keys for this bottom-level encryption are exchanged using a slightly stronger encryption, for example a whole-video key could govern the exchange of the 10-second chunk keys. At a higher level again, there could be daily or weekly keys, securing the exchange of whole-video keys, and at a yet higher level, a subscriber key could govern the exchange of weekly keys. At higher levels, the encryption becomes stronger but is used less frequently, so that the overall computational cost is minimal. The main observation is that the value of each encrypted item determines the strength of the key used to secure it. 2. b) non-symbolic fragmentation with signal diversity - communications are usually assumed to be sent over a single communications medium, and the data to have been encrypted and/or partitioned in whole-symbol packets. Network and path diversity break up a file or data stream into fragments which are then sent over many different channels, either in the same network or different networks. For example, a message could be transmitted partly over the phone network and partly via satellite. While TCP/IP does a similar thing in sending different packets over different paths, this is done for load-balancing purposes and is invisible to the end application. Network and path diversity deliberately introduce the same principle as a secure communications mechanism - an eavesdropper would need to intercept not just one transmission path but all paths used. Non-symbolic fragmentation of data is also introduced to further confuse any intercepted stream of data. This involves breaking up data into bit strings which are subsequently disordered prior to transmission. Even if all transmissions were intercepted, the cryptanalyst still needs to determine fragment boundaries and correctly order them. These two solutions depart from the usual idea of data encryption. Hierarchical encryption is an extension of the combined encryption of systems such as PGP but with the distinction that the strength of encryption at each level is determined by the "value" of the data being transmitted. Non- symbolic fragmentation suppresses or destroys bit patterns in the transmitted data in what is essentially a bit-level transposition cipher but with unpredictable irregularly-sized fragments. Both technologies have applications outside the commercial and can be used in conjunction with other forms of encryption, being functionally orthogonal.


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Os militares portugueses enviados para as trincheiras da Grande Guerra, pedaços vivos do Portugal rural do princípio do século XX, eram na sua maioria homens analfabetos ou com escassa instrução. A actuação militar em território estrangeiro e inserida num contexto que obrigava à comunicação com tropas de outros países, propiciava o estabelecimento de pontes comunicativas que passavam invariavelmente pela transposição linguística. Todavia, a forma improvisada, inventiva e/ou criativa como os portugueses se expressavam ante soldados e civis franceses, ainda que errónea e por vezes confusa à luz da gramática oficial, não constituiu por si só um obstáculo ao entendimento e à compreensão.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ecologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2015.


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La publicidad comercial es la principal herramienta de marketing debienes y servicios con que cuentan los empresarios en el mercado,por el fácil acceso al destinatario y su capacidad para influenciarsu decisión de compra. Las normas sobre publicidad colindandirectamente con las disposiciones sobre competencia desleal.Por tal razón, la Unión Europea, consciente de su importanciapara el desarrollo del mercado interior, ha estructurado unconjunto de normas que regulan la publicidad comercial, y quebuscan erradicar los anuncios que conlleven actos desleales quealteren irregularmente el mercado, afectando indistintamente acompetidores y consumidores. España debía transponer al derechonacional las disposiciones normativas comunitarias, exigencia que,para ser cumplida, implicó modificaciones sustanciales y complejasal régimen publicitario preexistente.


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Pour minoré et ignoré qu’il fût, le roman policier est désormais légitimé par l’institution littéraire. À parcourir les livres publiés dans la Caraïbe francophone, le genre demeure dans la marge de cette production [issue de la Caraïbe francophone (Haïti, Guadeloupe, Guyane française, Martinique)]. Quoiqu’il en soit, on notera que les années 1990 ont inauguré une véritable éclosion de publications de polars. Tout cela augure d’une acclimatation de ce genre qui ne s’accompagne pas moins de questionnements sur les spécificités éventuelles du polar caribéen francophone. Se situe-t-il dans la convention? Tente-il au contraire d’établir une distanciation avec la norme? C’est pour répondre à ces interrogations que cette thèse se propose d’explorer les enjeux de l’appropriation du polar provenant de cette aire géographique. À l’aune de la poétique des genres, de la sociocritique et de l’intermédialité, un corpus composé de quatorze romans fait l’objet d’une étude approfondie. Dans le premier chapitre, un bref récapitulatif permet de situer les œuvres à l’étude dans l’histoire littéraire du genre tout en soulignant l’adaptation du polar dans la Caraïbe de langue française. Il en ressort qu’un nombre significatif d’écrivains, attentifs à la latence du magico-religieux dans leur société, mettent en scène le surnaturel alors que le roman policier conventionnel plébiscite la méthode logico-déductive. C’est la raison pour laquelle le second chapitre s’intéresse à l’usage de l’inexplicable et son rapport avec le cartésianisme. Quant au troisième chapitre, il se penche sur un topos du genre : la violence telle qu’elle surgit dans ses dimensions commémoratives et répétitives de l’histoire tumultueuse de la Caraïbe. Notre corpus tend à relier la notion du crime, fut-il d’emprise originelle, à l’histoire post-coloniale. Dans la mesure où les personnages constituent un élément clé du genre, ils sont sondés, dans un quatrième chapitre, en regard de la critique sociale qu’ils incarnent et véhiculent. Le dernier chapitre cherche à circonscrire l’intermédialité qui structure et qualifie l’œuvre au sein du roman policier depuis sa genèse. Somme toute, ces divers axes contribuent à mieux comprendre le phénomène de transposition du polar dans cette région du monde.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física, 2015.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física, 2015.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física, 2015.


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Esta dissertação apresenta como objetivos conhecer e descrever o processo de composição coreográfica de Jomar Mesquita, onde a transposição da Dança de Salão do seu contexto genuíno e social para o contexto cênico constitui a dimensão estruturante do processo criativo. A obra de Jomar Mesquita pode ser vista principalmente através das apresentações da Mimulus Companhia de Dança (MCD), a qual ele dirige, por isso a pesquisadora foi a Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais – Brasil, onde a companhia funciona, realizar a pesquisa de campo. Esta pesquisa apresenta-se como um estudo de caso cuja metodologia é de natureza qualitativa. Foram usados como instrumentos desta pesquisa a observação não-participante da rotina diária do estabelecimento onde funcionam a Mimulus Companhia de Dança, a Mimulus Escola de Dança e a Associação Cultural Mimulus; entrevistas semiestruturadas a integrantes da Mimulus Companhia de Dança e dois funcionários da Mimulus Escola de Dança; questionários a alunos da Mimulus Escola de Dança; e fontes documentais acerca da Mimulus Companhia de Dança. Esta pesquisa demonstrou que o processo de composição coreográfica em Jomar Mesquita caracteriza-se principalmente pelas desconstruções dos passos e figuras padronizados da Dança de Salão, assim como das representações e conceitos incutidos nessa dança. Caracteriza-se ainda pela participação dos bailarinos tanto nos processos vivenciados pela MCD, quanto nos processos vivenciados em outras companhias de dança.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Moda, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas, 2016.