918 resultados para Time domain simulation tools
El programa Europeo HORIZON2020 en Futuras Ciudades Inteligentes establece como objetivo que el 20% de la energía eléctrica sea generada a partir de fuentes renovables. Este objetivo implica la necesidad de potenciar la generación de energía eólica en todos los ámbitos. La energía eólica reduce drásticamente las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y evita los riesgos geo-políticos asociados al suministro e infraestructuras energéticas, así como la dependencia energética de otras regiones. Además, la generación de energía distribuida (generación en el punto de consumo) presenta significativas ventajas en términos de elevada eficiencia energética y estimulación de la economía. El sector de la edificación representa el 40% del consumo energético total de la Unión Europea. La reducción del consumo energético en este área es, por tanto, una prioridad de acuerdo con los objetivos "20-20-20" en eficiencia energética. La Directiva 2010/31/EU del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 19 de mayo de 2010 sobre el comportamiento energético de edificaciones contempla la instalación de sistemas de suministro energético a partir de fuentes renovables en las edificaciones de nuevo diseño. Actualmente existe una escasez de conocimiento científico y tecnológico acerca de la geometría óptima de las edificaciones para la explotación de la energía eólica en entornos urbanos. El campo tecnológico de estudio de la presente Tesis Doctoral es la generación de energía eólica en entornos urbanos. Específicamente, la optimization de la geometría de las cubiertas de edificaciones desde el punto de vista de la explotación del recurso energético eólico. Debido a que el flujo del viento alrededor de las edificaciones es exhaustivamente investigado en esta Tesis empleando herramientas de simulación numérica, la mecánica de fluidos computacional (CFD en inglés) y la aerodinámica de edificaciones son los campos científicos de estudio. El objetivo central de esta Tesis Doctoral es obtener una geometría de altas prestaciones (u óptima) para la explotación de la energía eólica en cubiertas de edificaciones de gran altura. Este objetivo es alcanzado mediante un análisis exhaustivo de la influencia de la forma de la cubierta del edificio en el flujo del viento desde el punto de vista de la explotación energética del recurso eólico empleando herramientas de simulación numérica (CFD). Adicionalmente, la geometría de la edificación convencional (edificio prismático) es estudiada, y el posicionamiento adecuado para los diferentes tipos de aerogeneradores es propuesto. La compatibilidad entre el aprovechamiento de las energías solar fotovoltaica y eólica también es analizado en este tipo de edificaciones. La investigación prosigue con la optimización de la geometría de la cubierta. La metodología con la que se obtiene la geometría óptima consta de las siguientes etapas: - Verificación de los resultados de las geometrías previamente estudiadas en la literatura. Las geometrías básicas que se someten a examen son: cubierta plana, a dos aguas, inclinada, abovedada y esférica. - Análisis de la influencia de la forma de las aristas de la cubierta sobre el flujo del viento. Esta tarea se lleva a cabo mediante la comparación de los resultados obtenidos para la arista convencional (esquina sencilla) con un parapeto, un voladizo y una esquina curva. - Análisis del acoplamiento entre la cubierta y los cerramientos verticales (paredes) mediante la comparación entre diferentes variaciones de una cubierta esférica en una edificación de gran altura: cubierta esférica estudiada en la literatura, cubierta esférica integrada geométricamente con las paredes (planta cuadrada en el suelo) y una cubierta esférica acoplada a una pared cilindrica. El comportamiento del flujo sobre la cubierta es estudiado también considerando la posibilidad de la variación en la dirección del viento incidente. - Análisis del efecto de las proporciones geométricas del edificio sobre el flujo en la cubierta. - Análisis del efecto de la presencia de edificaciones circundantes sobre el flujo del viento en la cubierta del edificio objetivo. Las contribuciones de la presente Tesis Doctoral pueden resumirse en: - Se demuestra que los modelos de turbulencia RANS obtienen mejores resultados para la simulación del viento alrededor de edificaciones empleando los coeficientes propuestos por Crespo y los propuestos por Bechmann y Sórensen que empleando los coeficientes estándar. - Se demuestra que la estimación de la energía cinética turbulenta del flujo empleando modelos de turbulencia RANS puede ser validada manteniendo el enfoque en la cubierta de la edificación. - Se presenta una nueva modificación del modelo de turbulencia Durbin k — e que reproduce mejor la distancia de recirculación del flujo de acuerdo con los resultados experimentales. - Se demuestra una relación lineal entre la distancia de recirculación en una cubierta plana y el factor constante involucrado en el cálculo de la escala de tiempo de la velocidad turbulenta. Este resultado puede ser empleado por la comunidad científica para la mejora del modelado de la turbulencia en diversas herramientas computacionales (OpenFOAM, Fluent, CFX, etc.). - La compatibilidad entre las energías solar fotovoltaica y eólica en cubiertas de edificaciones es analizada. Se demuestra que la presencia de los módulos solares provoca un descenso en la intensidad de turbulencia. - Se demuestran conflictos en el cambio de escala entre simulaciones de edificaciones a escala real y simulaciones de modelos a escala reducida (túnel de viento). Se demuestra que para respetar las limitaciones de similitud (número de Reynolds) son necesarias mediciones en edificaciones a escala real o experimentos en túneles de viento empleando agua como fluido, especialmente cuando se trata con geometrías complejas, como es el caso de los módulos solares. - Se determina el posicionamiento más adecuado para los diferentes tipos de aerogeneradores tomando en consideración la velocidad e intensidad de turbulencia del flujo. El posicionamiento de aerogeneradores es investigado en las geometrías de cubierta más habituales (plana, a dos aguas, inclinada, abovedada y esférica). - Las formas de aristas más habituales (esquina, parapeto, voladizo y curva) son analizadas, así como su efecto sobre el flujo del viento en la cubierta de un edificio de gran altura desde el punto de vista del aprovechamiento eólico. - Se propone una geometría óptima (o de altas prestaciones) para el aprovechamiento de la energía eólica urbana. Esta optimización incluye: verificación de las geometrías estudiadas en el estado del arte, análisis de la influencia de las aristas de la cubierta en el flujo del viento, estudio del acoplamiento entre la cubierta y las paredes, análisis de sensibilidad del grosor de la cubierta, exploración de la influencia de las proporciones geométricas de la cubierta y el edificio, e investigación del efecto de las edificaciones circundantes (considerando diferentes alturas de los alrededores) sobre el flujo del viento en la cubierta del edificio objetivo. Las investigaciones comprenden el análisis de la velocidad, la energía cinética turbulenta y la intensidad de turbulencia en todos los casos. ABSTRACT The HORIZON2020 European program in Future Smart Cities aims to have 20% of electricity produced by renewable sources. This goal implies the necessity to enhance the wind energy generation, both with large and small wind turbines. Wind energy drastically reduces carbon emissions and avoids geo-political risks associated with supply and infrastructure constraints, as well as energy dependence from other regions. Additionally, distributed energy generation (generation at the consumption site) offers significant benefits in terms of high energy efficiency and stimulation of the economy. The buildings sector represents 40% of the European Union total energy consumption. Reducing energy consumption in this area is therefore a priority under the "20-20-20" objectives on energy efficiency. The Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings aims to consider the installation of renewable energy supply systems in new designed buildings. Nowadays, there is a lack of knowledge about the optimum building shape for urban wind energy exploitation. The technological field of study of the present Thesis is the wind energy generation in urban environments. Specifically, the improvement of the building-roof shape with a focus on the wind energy resource exploitation. Since the wind flow around buildings is exhaustively investigated in this Thesis using numerical simulation tools, both computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and building aerodynamics are the scientific fields of study. The main objective of this Thesis is to obtain an improved (or optimum) shape of a high-rise building for the wind energy exploitation on the roof. To achieve this objective, an analysis of the influence of the building shape on the behaviour of the wind flow on the roof from the point of view of the wind energy exploitation is carried out using numerical simulation tools (CFD). Additionally, the conventional building shape (prismatic) is analysed, and the adequate positions for different kinds of wind turbines are proposed. The compatibility of both photovoltaic-solar and wind energies is also analysed for this kind of buildings. The investigation continues with the buildingroof optimization. The methodology for obtaining the optimum high-rise building roof shape involves the following stages: - Verification of the results of previous building-roof shapes studied in the literature. The basic shapes that are compared are: flat, pitched, shed, vaulted and spheric. - Analysis of the influence of the roof-edge shape on the wind flow. This task is carried out by comparing the results obtained for the conventional edge shape (simple corner) with a railing, a cantilever and a curved edge. - Analysis of the roof-wall coupling by testing different variations of a spherical roof on a high-rise building: spherical roof studied in the litera ture, spherical roof geometrically integrated with the walls (squared-plant) and spherical roof with a cylindrical wall. The flow behaviour on the roof according to the variation of the incident wind direction is commented. - Analysis of the effect of the building aspect ratio on the flow. - Analysis of the surrounding buildings effect on the wind flow on the target building roof. The contributions of the present Thesis can be summarized as follows: - It is demonstrated that RANS turbulence models obtain better results for the wind flow around buildings using the coefficients proposed by Crespo and those proposed by Bechmann and S0rensen than by using the standard ones. - It is demonstrated that RANS turbulence models can be validated for turbulent kinetic energy focusing on building roofs. - A new modification of the Durbin k — e turbulence model is proposed in order to obtain a better agreement of the recirculation distance between CFD simulations and experimental results. - A linear relationship between the recirculation distance on a flat roof and the constant factor involved in the calculation of the turbulence velocity time scale is demonstrated. This discovery can be used by the research community in order to improve the turbulence modeling in different solvers (OpenFOAM, Fluent, CFX, etc.). - The compatibility of both photovoltaic-solar and wind energies on building roofs is demonstrated. A decrease of turbulence intensity due to the presence of the solar panels is demonstrated. - Scaling issues are demonstrated between full-scale buildings and windtunnel reduced-scale models. The necessity of respecting the similitude constraints is demonstrated. Either full-scale measurements or wind-tunnel experiments using water as a medium are needed in order to accurately reproduce the wind flow around buildings, specially when dealing with complex shapes (as solar panels, etc.). - The most adequate position (most adequate roof region) for the different kinds of wind turbines is highlighted attending to both velocity and turbulence intensity. The wind turbine positioning was investigated for the most habitual kind of building-roof shapes (flat, pitched, shed, vaulted and spherical). - The most habitual roof-edge shapes (simple edge, railing, cantilever and curved) were investigated, and their effect on the wind flow on a highrise building roof were analysed from the point of view of the wind energy exploitation. - An optimum building-roof shape is proposed for the urban wind energy exploitation. Such optimization includes: state-of-the-art roof shapes test, analysis of the influence of the roof-edge shape on the wind flow, study of the roof-wall coupling, sensitivity analysis of the roof width, exploration of the aspect ratio of the building-roof shape and investigation of the effect of the neighbouring buildings (considering different surrounding heights) on the wind now on the target building roof. The investigations comprise analysis of velocity, turbulent kinetic energy and turbulence intensity for all the cases.
A new transceive system for chest imaging for MRI applications is presented. A focused, eight-element transceive torso phased array coil is designed to investigate transmitting a focused radiofrequency field deep within the torso and to enhance signal homogeneity in the heart region. The system is used in conjunction with the SENSE reconstruction technique to enable focused parallel imaging. A hybrid finite-difference-time-domain/method-of-moments method is used to accurately predict the radiofrequency behavior inside the human torso. The simulation results reported herein demonstrate the feasibility of the design concept, which shows that radiofrequency field focusing with SENSE reconstruction is theoretically achievable. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In a recent study, severe distortions in the proton images of an excised, fixed, human brain in an 11.1 Tesla/40 cm MR instrument have been observed, and the effect modeled on phantom images using a finite difference time domain (FDTD) model. in the present study, we extend these simulations to that of a complete human head, employing a hybrid FDTD and method of moments (MoM) approach, which provides a validated method for simulating biological samples in coil structures. The effect of fixative on the image distortions is explored. importantly, temperature distributions within the head are also simulated using a bioheat method based on parameters derived from the electromagnetic simulations. The MoM/FDTD simulations confirm that the transverse magnetic field (B,) from a ReCav resonator exhibits good homogeneity in air but strong inhomogeneity when loaded with the head with or without fixative. The fixative serves to increase the distortions, but they are still significant for the in vivo simulations. The simulated signal intensity (SI) distribution within the sample confirm the distortions in the experimental images are caused by the complex interactions of the incident electromagnetic fields with tissue, which is heterogeneous in terms of conductivity and permittivity. The temperature distribution is likewise heterogeneous, raising concerns regarding hot spot generation in the sample that may exceed acceptable levels in future in vivo studies. As human imaging at 11.1 T is some time away, simulations are important in terms of predicting potential safety issues as well as evaluating practical concerns about the quality of images. Simulation on a whole human head at 11.1 T implies the wave behavior presents significant engineering challenges for ultra-high-field (UHF) MRI. Novel strategies will have to be employed in imaging technique and resonator design for UHF MRI to achieve the theoretical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improvements it offers over lower field systems. (C) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
A new method for ameliorating high-field image distortion caused by radio frequency/tissue interaction is presented and modeled, The proposed method uses, but is not restricted to, a shielded four-element transceive phased array coil and involves performing two separate scans of the same slice with each scan using different excitations during transmission. By optimizing the amplitudes and phases for each scan, antipodal signal profiles can be obtained, and by combining both images together, the image distortion can be reduced several-fold. A hybrid finite-difference time-domain/method-of-moments method is used to theoretically demonstrate the method and also to predict the radio frequency behavior inside the human head. in addition, the proposed method is used in conjunction with the GRAPPA reconstruction technique to enable rapid imaging. Simulation results reported herein for IIT (470 MHz) brain imaging applications demonstrate the feasibility of the concept where multiple acquisitions using parallel imaging elements with GRAPPA reconstruction results in improved image quality. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Due to complex field/tissue interactions, high-field magnetic resonance (MR) images suffer significant image distortions that result in compromised diagnostic quality. A new method that attempts to remove these distortions is proposed in this paper and is based on the use of transceiver-phased arrays. The proposed system uses, in the examples presented herein, a shielded four-element transceive-phased array head coil and involves performing two separate scans of the same slice with each scan using different excitations during transmission. By optimizing the amplitudes and phases for each scan, antipodal signal profiles can be obtained, and by combining both the images together, the image distortion can be reduced several fold. A combined hybrid method of moments (MoM)/finite element method (FEM) and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique is proposed and used to elucidate the concept of the new method and to accurately evaluate the electromagnetic field (EMF) in a human head model. In addition, the proposed method is used in conjunction with the generalized auto-calibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA) reconstruction technique to enable rapid imaging of the two scans. Simulation results reported herein for 11-T (470-MHz) brain imaging applications show that the new method with GRAPPA reconstruction theoretically results in improved image quality and that the proposed combined hybrid MoM/FEM and FDTD technique is. suitable for high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) numerical analysis.
Full-field Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (3F-OCT) is a full-field version of spectraldomain/swept-source optical coherence tomography. A set of two-dimensional Fourier holograms is recorded at discrete wavenumbers spanning the swept-source tuning range. The resultant three-dimensional data cube contains comprehensive information on the three-dimensional morphological layout of the sample that can be reconstructed in software via three-dimensional discrete Fourier-transform. This method of recording of the OCT signal confers signal-to-noise ratio improvement in comparison with "flying-spot" time-domain OCT. The spatial resolution of the 3F-OCT reconstructed image, however, is degraded due to the presence of a phase cross-term, whose origin and effects are addressed in this paper. We present theoretical and experimental study of imaging performance of 3F-OCT, with particular emphasis on elimination of the deleterious effects of the phase cross-term.
The major role of information and communication technology (ICT) in the new economy is well documented: countries worldwide are pouring resources into their ICT infrastructure despite the widely acknowledged “productivity paradox”. Evaluating the contribution of ICT investments has become an elusive but important goal of IS researchers and economists. But this area of research is fraught with complexity and we have used Solow's Residual together with time-series analysis tools to overcome some methodological inadequacies of previous studies. Using this approach, we conduct a study of 20 countries to determine if there was empirical evidence to support claims that ICT investments are worthwhile. The results show that ICT contributes to economic growth in many developed countries and newly industrialized economies (NIEs), but not in developing countries. We finally suggest ICT-complementary factors, in an attempt to rectify possible flaws in ICT policies as a contribution towards improvement in global productivity.
During the last decade, microfabrication of photonic devices by means of intense femtosecond (fs) laser pulses has emerged as a novel technology. A common requirement for the production of these devices is that the refractive index modification pitch size should be smaller than the inscribing wavelength. This can be achieved by making use of the nonlinear propagation of intense fs laser pulses. Nonlinear propagation of intense fs laser pulses is an extremely complicated phenomenon featuring complex multiscale spatiotemporal dynamics of the laser pulses. We have utilized a principal approach based on finite difference time domain (FDTD) modeling of the full set of Maxwell's equations coupled to the conventional Drude model for generated plasma. Nonlinear effects are included, such as self-phase modulation and multiphoton absorption. Such an approach resolves most problems related to the inscription of subwavelength structures, when the paraxial approximation is not applicable to correctly describe the creation of and scattering on the structures. In a representative simulation of the inscription process, the signature of degenerate four wave mixing has been found. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
Background: Electrosurgery units are widely employed in modern surgery. Advances in technology have enhanced the safety of these devices, nevertheless, accidental burns are still regularly reported. This study focuses on possible causes of sacral burns as complication of the use of electrosurgery. Burns are caused by local densifications of the current, but the actual pathway of current within patient's body is unknown. Numerical electromagnetic analysis can help in understanding the issue. Methods: To this aim, an accurate heterogeneous model of human body (including seventy-seven different tissues), electrosurgery electrodes, operating table and mattress was build to resemble a typical surgery condition. The patient lays supine on the mattress with the active electrode placed onto the thorax and the return electrode on his back. Common operating frequencies of electrosurgery units were considered. Finite Difference Time Domain electromagnetic analysis was carried out to compute the spatial distribution of current density within the patient's body. A differential analysis by changing the electrical properties of the operating table from a conductor to an insulator was also performed. Results: Results revealed that distributed capacitive coupling between patient body and the conductive operating table offers an alternative path to the electrosurgery current. The patient's anatomy, the positioning and the different electromagnetic properties of tissues promote a densification of the current at the head and sacral region. In particular, high values of current density were located behind the sacral bone and beneath the skin. This did not occur in the case of non-conductive operating table. Conclusion: Results of the simulation highlight the role played from capacitive couplings between the return electrode and the conductive operating table. The concentration of current density may result in an undesired rise in temperature, originating burns in body region far from the electrodes. This outcome is concordant with the type of surgery-related sacral burns reported in literature. Such burns cannot be immediately detected after surgery, but appear later and can be confused with bedsores. In addition, the dosimetric analysis suggests that reducing the capacity coupling between the return electrode and the operating table can decrease or avoid this problem. © 2013 Bifulco et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Pulses with an envelope in the form of the Airy function are obtained using Green's functions in 1D and 2D in time domain. Interaction of such pulses with a dielectric layer is investigated and expressions for reflected and transmitted pulses are obtained. © 2012 EUROPEAN MICROWAVE ASSOC.
Microstructure manipulation is a fundamental process to the study of biology and medicine, as well as to advance micro- and nano-system applications. Manipulation of microstructures has been achieved through various microgripper devices developed recently, which lead to advances in micromachine assembly, and single cell manipulation, among others. Only two kinds of integrated feedback have been demonstrated so far, force sensing and optical binary feedback. As a result, the physical, mechanical, optical, and chemical information about the microstructure under study must be extracted from macroscopic instrumentation, such as confocal fluorescence microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. In this research work, novel Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical-System (MOEMS) microgrippers are presented. These devices utilize flexible optical waveguides as gripping arms, which provide the physical means for grasping a microobject, while simultaneously enabling light to be delivered and collected. This unique capability allows extensive optical characterization of the structure being held such as transmission, reflection, or fluorescence. The microgrippers require external actuation which was accomplished by two methods: initially with a micrometer screw, and later with a piezoelectric actuator. Thanks to a novel actuation mechanism, the "fishbone", the gripping facets remain parallel within 1 degree. The design, simulation, fabrication, and characterization are systematically presented. The devices mechanical operation was verified by means of 3D finite element analysis simulations. Also, the optical performance and losses were simulated by the 3D-to-2D effective index (finite difference time domain FDTD) method as well as 3D Beam Propagation Method (3D-BPM). The microgrippers were designed to manipulate structures from submicron dimensions up to approximately 100 μm. The devices were implemented in SU-8 due to its suitable optical and mechanical properties. This work demonstrates two practical applications: the manipulation of single SKOV-3 human ovarian carcinoma cells, and the detection and identification of microparts tagged with a fluorescent "barcode" implemented with quantum dots. The novel devices presented open up new possibilities in the field of micromanipulation at the microscale, scalable to the nano-domain.
Communication has become an essential function in our civilization. With the increasing demand for communication channels, it is now necessary to find ways to optimize the use of their bandwidth. One way to achieve this is by transforming the information before it is transmitted. This transformation can be performed by several techniques. One of the newest of these techniques is the use of wavelets. Wavelet transformation refers to the act of breaking down a signal into components called details and trends by using small waveforms that have a zero average in the time domain. After this transformation the data can be compressed by discarding the details, transmitting the trends. In the receiving end, the trends are used to reconstruct the image. In this work, the wavelet used for the transformation of an image will be selected from a library of available bases. The accuracy of the reconstruction, after the details are discarded, is dependent on the wavelets chosen from the wavelet basis library. The system developed in this thesis takes a 2-D image and decomposes it using a wavelet bank. A digital signal processor is used to achieve near real-time performance in this transformation task. A contribution of this thesis project is the development of DSP-based test bed for the future development of new real-time wavelet transformation algorithms.
The optimization of the timing parameters of traffic signals provides for efficient operation of traffic along a signalized transportation system. Optimization tools with macroscopic simulation models have been used to determine optimal timing plans. These plans have been, in some cases, evaluated and fine tuned using microscopic simulation tools. A number of studies show inconsistencies between optimization tool results based on macroscopic simulation and the results obtained from microscopic simulation. No attempts have been made to determine the reason behind these inconsistencies. This research investigates whether adjusting the parameters of macroscopic simulation models to correspond to the calibrated microscopic simulation model parameters can reduce said inconsistencies. The adjusted parameters include platoon dispersion model parameters, saturation flow rates, and cruise speeds. The results from this work show that adjusting cruise speeds and saturation flow rates can have significant impacts on improving the optimization/macroscopic simulation results as assessed by microscopic simulation models.
In this thesis, the first-order radar cross section (RCS) of an iceberg is derived and simulated. This analysis takes place in the context of a monostatic high frequency surface wave radar with a vertical dipole source that is driven by a pulsed waveform. The starting point of this work is a general electric field equation derived previ- ously for an arbitrarily shaped iceberg region surrounded by an ocean surface. The condition of monostatic backscatter is applied to this general field equation and the resulting expression is inverse Fourier transformed. In the time domain the excitation current of the transmit antenna is specified to be a pulsed sinusoid signal. The result- ing electric field equation is simplified and its physical significance is assessed. The field equation is then further simplified by restricting the iceberg's size to fit within a single radar patch width. The power received by the radar is calculated using this electric field equation. Comparing the received power with the radar range equation gives a general expression for the iceberg RCS. The iceberg RCS equation is found to depend on several parameters including the geometry of the iceberg, the radar frequency, and the electrical parameters of both the iceberg and the ocean surface. The RCS is rewritten in a form suitable for simulations and simulations are carried out for rectangularly shaped icebergs. Simulation results are discussed and are found to be consistent with existing research.
Human development requires a broad balance between ecological, social and economic factors in order to ensure its own sustainability. In this sense, the search for new sources of energy generation, with low deployment and operation costs, which cause the least possible impact to the environment, has been the focus of attention of all society segments. To do so, the reduction in exploration of fossil fuels and the encouragement of using renewable energy resources for distributed generation have proved interesting alternatives to the expansion of the energy matrix of various countries in the world. In this sense, the wind energy has acquired an increasingly significant role, presenting increasing rates of power grid penetration and highlighting technological innovations such as the use of permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG). In Brazil, this fact has also been noted and, as a result, the impact of the inclusion of this source in the distribution and sub-transmission power grid has been a major concern of utilities and agents connected to Brazilian electrical sector. Thus, it is relevant the development of appropriate computational tools that allow detailed predictive studies about the dynamic behavior of wind farms, either operating with isolated load, either connected to the main grid, taking also into account the implementation of control strategies for active/reactive power generation and the keeping of adequate levels of voltage and frequency. This work fits in this context since it comprises mathematical and computational developments of a complete wind energy conversion system (WECS) endowed with PMSG using time domain techniques of Alternative Transients Program (ATP), which prides itself a recognized reputation by scientific and academic communities as well as by electricity professionals in Brazil and elsewhere. The modeling procedures performed allowed the elaboration of blocks representing each of the elements of a real WECS, comprising the primary source (the wind), the wind turbine, the PMSG, the frequency converter, the step up transformer, the load composition and the power grid equivalent. Special attention is also given to the implementation of wind turbine control techniques, mainly the pitch control responsible for keeping the generator under the maximum power operation point, and the vector theory that aims at adjusting the active/reactive power flow between the wind turbine and the power grid. Several simulations are performed to investigate the dynamic behavior of the wind farm when subjected to different operating conditions and/or on the occurrence of wind intensity variations. The results have shown the effectiveness of both mathematical and computational modeling developed for the wind turbine and the associated controls.