983 resultados para Testicular main ducts


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Contemporary food production, given the degree of technology being applied in it and the present state of scientific knowledge, should be able to feed the world. Corresponding statistics show that in fact the volumes of modern food production confirm this statement. Yet, the present nutritional situation across the globe leaves much to be desired: on the one hand the numbers of undernourished and malnourished people are still high and even growing in some regions, and on the other hand there is an increasing number of overweight and obese people who are experiencing (or are at risk of) adverse health impacts as consequences. The question arises how this situation is possible given the present state of food production and knowledge, and also in terms of nutrition basics when talking about the latter. When arguing about the main causes of the present situation with nutrition across the globe, it is the modern food system with its distortions that is often criticised with emphasis placed on inappropriate food distribution as one of the key problems. However it is not only food distribution that shapes inequalities in terms of food availability and accessibility – there is a number of other factors contributing to this situation including political influences. Each of the drivers of the present situation might affect more than one part and have outcomes in different dimensions. Therefore it makes sense to apply a holistic approach when viewing the modern food system, embracing all the elements and existing relationships between them for this will facilitate taking appropriate actions in order to target the desired outcome in the best possible way. Applying a systematic approach and linking various elements with corresponding interactions among them allows for picturing all the possible outcomes and hence finding the way for a better solution on global level – a solution to the present problem with nutritional disbalance across the globe.


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La prevalencia de coledocolitiasis es de un 10 a 20%. 10-20% tienen coledocolitiasis gigante, es decir presencia de cálculos mayores de 15 mm, aumentando la morbimortalidad por complicaciones. El objetivo principal fue determinar la frecuencia de coledocolitiasis gigante, la presencia de factores predictores del éxito o fracaso del manejo endoscópico. El éxito en el manejo endoscópico está entre 80 y 90%, un 20% requieren cirugía de exploración biliar. Se realizó la búsqueda de las variables utilizando el instrumento para la recolección de la información. Se realizó un análisis univariado y bivariado de las variables medidas y se utilizo STATA versión 10. Como principal resultado, se encontró que la frecuencia de coledocolitiasis gigante en nuestra población fue del 10%, el éxito del manejo endoscopio fue del 89.23% y el factor predictor mas fuerte para el éxito fue el diámetro del cálculo, siendo mayor para cálculos de menos de 19.09 mm. Como conclusión, en nuestro estudio, la frecuencia de coledocolitiasis gigante es cercana a la conocida en la literatura mundial. El manejo endoscópico en nuestro estudio es el pilar en estos casos, teniendo probabilidad de éxito en el manejo que es igual a la publicada en los estudios mundiales, que existe la probabilidad que el tamaño del cálculo mayor a 19 mm de diámetro indique mayor tasa de fracaso y requerimiento de técnicas endoscópicas avanzadas para su éxito. Se requieren estudios, con mayor número de pacientes para determinar la validez estadística de estos resultados.


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El art??culo describe la experiencia de Unidad de Escolarizaci??n Externa realizada por MAIN para reconducir a aquellos j??venes que por sus caracter??sticas se encuentran dentro del grupo llamado de excluidos sociales, con un elevado grado de conflictividad. ibliograf??a: p. 58.


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Exponer de modo sistemático las ideas que la autora considera imprescindibles para comprender el concepto de la educación moral de Richard Stanley Peters . En el primer capítulo se ofrece el perfil de Peters y una visión general sobre la educación moral y sus obras. Los tres capítulos siguientes presentan 'el mapa' de su pensamiento. Concretamente, la exposición se desarrolla en torno a cuatro aspectos o utilizando la terminología de Peters, se refiere a estos aspectos como 'signposts'. El capítulo segundo está dedicado a la finalidad de la educación moral y el tercero al educando y su desarrollo. Los otros dos aspectos, -el contenido y los procesos, están tratados en el capítulo cuatro. Al final de la exposición y a modo de conclusión, la autora ofrece algunas valoraciones de las contribuciones de Peters. Una síntesis de las conclusiones se puede expresar en la siguiente fórmula: los aspectos que Peters cuestiona respecto a algunos planteamientos más influenciados por Kant tienen validez. Sin embargo, la solución que propone se puede decir que queda a 'mitad del camino' porque al final, Peters no consiguió superar del todo los reduccionismos que caracterizan los puntos de vista que él pretendió armonizar. Este fracaso está vinculado al método de la filosofía analítica.


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To understand what are the most significant factors for digital TV adoption by the Portuguese population in the switchover context is the main goal of the research project here presented. In April 26, 2012, the analogue terrestrial television switchoff is planned to occur in Portugal, according to the schedule published by the national telecommunication regulator Anacom. Digital terrestrial TV was launched in the country in April 2009, making Portugal one of the countries with a more ambitious schedule – or risky, depending on the perspective - for the full transition from analogue to digital terrestrial television. In this paper we will start by presenting the research project’s objectives, theoretical framework and research design. Next, we will present first results of the project focused on the barriers and drivers to digital TV adoption from two of the empirical studies which integrate it, namely, the quantitative inquiry administered to a representative sample of the Portuguese population and interviews with main stakeholders in the area of digital TV in Portugal. The perspectives of the television viewers are compared with other main stakeholders in this process. The paper will be concluded with a brief discussion of these results and a brief enumeration of next steps for the project.


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Museology has emerged and has been organised as a field of knowledge, precisely to frame the technical, theoretical and methodological aspects, regarding the constitution, implementation and evaluation of the processes that societies establish for the selection, treatment and extroversion of the memory indicators, transforming them into patrimonial references and projecting them into the constitutive fields of cultural heritage. It is therefore, one of the areas of knowledge that deals with the framing of heritage and their professionals are agents of memory education. The constitution of the parameters that define and delimit the museological action field has been outlined in the course of the centuries, if we consider the technical efforts related to the identification and organisation of collections, in addition to the curatorial treatment of specimens from nature, of objects, of the intangible heritage registers. The same length of elaboration is true if we evaluate the communication initiatives and of education of the senses.