989 resultados para Stains and staining


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La dérégulation de la formation et l'intégrité des vaisseaux sanguins peut conduire à un état pathologique tel qu’observé dans de nombreuses maladies ischémiques telles que: la croissance de tumeur solide, l’arthrite rhumatoïde, le psoriasis, les rétinopathies et l'athérosclérose. Par conséquent, la possibilité de moduler l'angiogenèse régionale chez les patients souffrant d'ischémie est cliniquement pertinente. Un élément clé dans l'induction de l'angiogenèse pathologique est une inflammation qui précède et accompagne la formation des nouveaux vaisseaux. Ce phénomène est démontré par l'augmentation de la perméabilité vasculaire et le recrutement de monocytes/ macrophages et cellules polynucléaires (neutrophiles). En collaboration avec d'autres groupes, nous avons montré que différents facteurs de croissance tels que le facteur de croissance endothélial vasculaire et les angiopoïétines peuvent non seulement promouvoir l'angiogenèse mais aussi induire diverses étapes connexes au processus de la réaction inflammatoire, y compris la synthèse et la libération des médiateurs inflammatoires et la migration des neutrophiles. Les objectifs de notre étude étaient d'adresser si le vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) et les angiopoïétines (Ang1 et Ang2) sont capables de promouvoir la formation des nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins au fil du temps et d'identifier la présence de différentes cellules inflammatoires dans ce processus. Des éponges d'alcool polyvinylique stérilisées et imbibées de Matrigel appauvri en facteur de croissance (contenant PBS, VEGF, Ang1 ou Ang2 (200 ng/200 μl)) ont été insérées sous la peau de souris C57/Bl6 anesthésiées. Les éponges ont ensuite été retirées aux jours 4, 7, 14 ou 21 après la procédure pour des analyses histologiques, immunohistologiques et cytométriques. La formation des nouveaux vaisseaux a été validée par la coloration au Trichrome de Masson et des analyses histologiques et immunohistologiques contre les cellules endothéliales (anti-CD31). De plus, la maturation des vaisseaux a été démontrée par la coloration séquentielle contre les cellules endothéliales (anti-CD31) et musculaires lisses (anti-alpha-actine). Nous avons effectué la même procédure pour caractériser le recrutement de neutrophiles (anti-MPO), et de macrophages (anti-F4/80). Afin de mieux délimiter la présence de différents sous-ensembles de leucocytes recrutés dans les éponges, nous avons utilisé une technique de cytométrie en flux sur des préparations de cellules isolées à partir de ces éponges. Nous avons observé que le VEGF et les angiopoïétines favorisent le recrutement de cellules endothéliales et la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux plus rapidement qu’en présence de PBS. Une fois formé au jour 7, ces nouveaux vaisseaux restent stables en nombre, et ne subissent pas une réorganisation importante de leur surface. Ces vaisseaux maturent grâce au recrutement et au recouvrement par les cellules musculaires lisses des néovaisseaux. En outre, le microenvironnement angiogénique est composé de cellules inflammatoires, principalement de neutrophiles, macrophages et quelques cellules de type B et T. Donc, le VEGF, l’Ang1 et l’Ang2 induisent séparément la formation et la stabilisation de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins, ainsi que le recrutement de cellules inflammatoires avec des puissances différentes et une action temps-dépendante dans un modèle d’éponge/Matrigel.


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The study was carried out to understand the effect of silver-silica nanocomposite (Ag-SiO2NC) on the cell wall integrity, metabolism and genetic stability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a multiple drugresistant bacterium. Bacterial sensitivity towards antibiotics and Ag-SiO2NC was studied using standard disc diffusion and death rate assay, respectively. The effect of Ag-SiO2NC on cell wall integrity was monitored using SDS assay and fatty acid profile analysis while the effect on metabolism and genetic stability was assayed microscopically, using CTC viability staining and comet assay, respectively. P. aeruginosa was found to be resistant to β-lactamase, glycopeptidase, sulfonamide, quinolones, nitrofurantoin and macrolides classes of antibiotics. Complete mortality of the bacterium was achieved with 80 μgml-1 concentration of Ag-SiO2NC. The cell wall integrity reduced with increasing time and reached a plateau of 70 % in 110 min. Changes were also noticed in the proportion of fatty acids after the treatment. Inside the cytoplasm, a complete inhibition of electron transport system was achieved with 100 μgml-1 Ag-SiO2NC, followed by DNA breakage. The study thus demonstrates that Ag-SiO2NC invades the cytoplasm of the multiple drug-resistant P. aeruginosa by impinging upon the cell wall integrity and kills the cells by interfering with electron transport chain and the genetic stability


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The chemical composition and evaluation of Indian squid (Loligo duvauceli) mantle, epidermal connective tissue and tentacle is investigated in this current study. It is observed that squid mantle contains 22.2% total protein; 63.5% of the total protein is myofibrillar protein. The unique property of squid myofibrillar protein is its water solubility. Squid mantle contains 12.0% total collagen. Epidermal connective tissue has highest amounts of total collagen (17.8%). SDS-PAGE of total collagen identified high molecular weight α-, β- and γ- sub-chains. Amino acid profile analysis indicates that mantle and tentacle contain essential amino acids. Arginine forms a major portion of mantle collagen (272.5 g/100 g N). Isoleucine, glutamic acid and lysine are other amino acids that are found in significantly high amounts in the mantle. Sulphur containing cystine is deficit in mantle collagen. Papain digest of mantle and epidermal connective tissue is rich in uronic acid, while papain digest, collagenase digest and urea digest of epidermal connective tissue has significant amounts of sialic acid (25.2, 33.2 and 99.8 μmol /100 g, respectively). PAS staining of papain digest, collagenase digest and urea digest also identify the association of hexoses with low molecular weight collagen fragments. Histochemical sectioning also emphasized the localized distribution of collagen in epidermal and dermal region and very sparse fibres traverse the myotome bundles


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The genus Vibrioof the family Vibrionaceae are Gram negative, oxidasepositive, rod- or curved- rodshaped facultative anaerobes, widespread in marine and estuarine environments. Vibrio species are opportunistic human pathogens responsible for diarrhoeal disease, gastroenteritis, septicaemia and wound infections and are also pathogens of aquatic organisms, causing infections to crustaceans, bivalves and fishes. In the present study, marine environmental samples like seafood and water and sediment samples from aquafarms and mangroves were screened for the presence of Vibrio species. Of the134 isolates obtained from the various samples, 45 were segregated to the genus Vibrio on the basis of phenotypic characterization.like Gram staining, oxidase test, MoF test and salinity tolerance. Partial 16S rDNA sequence analysis was utilized for species level identification of the isolates and the strains were identified as V. cholerae(N=21), V. vulnificus(N=18), V. parahaemolyticus(N=3), V. alginolyticus (N=2) and V. azureus (N=1). The genetic relatedness and variations among the 45 Vibrio isolates were elucidated based on 16S rDNA sequences. Phenotypic characterization of the isolates was based on their response to 12 biochemical tests namely Voges-Proskauers’s (VP test), arginine dihydrolase , tolerance to 3% NaCl test, ONPG test that detects β-galactosidase activity, and tests for utilization of citrate, ornithine, mannitol, arabinose, sucrose, glucose, salicin and cellobiose. The isolates exhibited diverse biochemical patterns, some specific for the species and others indicative of their environmental source.Antibiogram for the isolates was determined subsequent to testing their susceptibility to 12 antibiotics by the disc diffusion method. Varying degrees of resistance to gentamycin (2.22%), ampicillin(62.22%), nalidixic acid (4.44%), vancomycin (86.66), cefixime (17.77%), rifampicin (20%), tetracycline (42.22%) and chloramphenicol (2.22%) was exhibited. All the isolates were susceptible to streptomycin, co-trimoxazole, trimethoprim and azithromycin. Isolates from all the three marine environments exhibited multiple antibiotic resistance, with high MAR index value. The molecular typing methods such as ERIC PCR and BOX PCR revealed intraspecies relatedness and genetic heterogeneity within the environmental isolatesof V. cholerae and V. vulnificus. The 21 strains of V. choleraewere serogroupedas non O1/ non O139 by screening for the presence O1rfb and O139 rfb marker genes by PCR. The virulence/virulence associated genes namely ctxA, ctxB, ace, VPI, hlyA, ompU, rtxA, toxR, zot, nagst, tcpA, nin and nanwere screened in V. cholerae and V. vulnificusstrains.The V. vulnificusstrains were also screened for three species specific genes viz., cps, vvhand viu. In V. cholerae strains, the virulence associated genes like VPI, hlyA, rtxA, ompU and toxR were confirmed by PCR. All the isolates, except for strain BTOS6, harbored at least one or a combination of the tested genes and V. choleraestrain BTPR5 isolated from prawn hosted the highest number of virulence associated genes. Among the V. vulnificusstrains, only 3 virulence genes, VPI, toxR and cps, were confirmed out of the 16 tested and only 7 of the isolates had these genes in one or more combinations. Strain BTPS6 from aquafarm and strain BTVE4 from mangrove samples yielded positive amplification for the three genes. The toxRgene from 9 strains of V. choleraeand 3 strains of V. vulnificus were cloned and sequenced for phylogenetic analysis based on nucleotide and the amino acid sequences. Multiple sequence alignment of the nucleotide sequences and amino acid sequences of the environmental strains of V. choleraerevealed that the toxRgene in the environmental strains are 100% homologous to themselves and to the V. choleraetoxR gene sequence available in the Genbank database. The 3 strains of V. vulnificus displayed high nucleotide and amino acid sequence similarity among themselves and to the sequences of V. cholerae and V. harveyi obtained from the GenBank database, but exhibited only 72% homology to the sequences of its close relative V. vulnificus. Structure prediction of the ToxR protein of Vibrio cholerae strain BTMA5 was by PHYRE2 software. The deduced amino acid sequence showed maximum resemblance with the structure of DNA-binding domain of response regulator2 from Escherichia coli k-12 Template based homology modelling in PHYRE2 successfully modelled the predicted protein and its secondary structure based on protein data bank (PDB) template c3zq7A. The pathogenicity studies were performed using the nematode Caenorhabditiselegansas a model system. The assessment of pathogenicity of environmental strain of V. choleraewas conducted with E. coli strain OP50 as the food source in control plates, environmental V. cholerae strain BTOS6, negative for all tested virulence genes, to check for the suitability of Vibrio sp. as a food source for the nematode;V. cholerae Co 366 ElTor, a clinical pathogenic strain and V. cholerae strain BTPR5 from seafood (Prawn) and positive for the tested virulence genes like VPI, hlyA, ompU,rtxA and toxR. It was found that V. cholerae strain BTOS6 could serve as a food source in place of E. coli strain OP50 but behavioral aberrations like sluggish movement and lawn avoidance and morphological abnormalities like pharyngeal and intestinal distensions and bagging were exhibited by the worms fed on V. cholerae Co 366 ElTor strain and environmental BTPR5 indicating their pathogenicity to the nematode. Assessment of pathogenicity of the environmental strains of V. vulnificus was performed with V. vulnificus strain BTPS6 which tested positive for 3 virulence genes, namely, cps, toxRand VPI, and V. vulnificus strain BTMM7 that did not possess any of the tested virulence genes. A reduction was observed in the life span of worms fed on environmental strain of V. vulnificusBTMM7 rather than on the ordinary laboratory food source, E. coli OP50. Behavioral abnormalities like sluggish movement, lawn avoidance and bagging were also observed in the worms fed with strain BTPS6, but the pharynx and the intestine were intact. The presence of multi drug resistant environmental Vibrio strainsthat constitute a major reservoir of diverse virulence genes are to be dealt with caution as they play a decisive role in pathogenicity and horizontal gene transfer in the marine environments.


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We report a case of a 65 years old female patient, who was admitted to the hospital with non specific neurological symptoms and who had preliminary imagenological findings of an extra-axial tumor mass (a meningioma of the sphenoid’s wing), which was taken to complete surgical removal. Afterwards, she developed progressive neurologic deterioration until her death. The final diagnosis was acute spongiform encephalophaty, and was obtained by cerebral biopsy. Spongiform encephalopathy was described, almost a century ago, as the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, poorly diagnosed in our environment because of its low frequency and uncommon onset, which starts with a mood disorder followed by a phase of dementia and a final fatal outcome. The gold standard for the diagnosis is based on a biopsy or an autopsy of the brain, with immunohistochemical stains for the prionic abnormal protein.


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We report a case of a 65 years old female patient, who was admitted to the hospital with non specific neurological symptoms and who had preliminary imagenological findings of an extra-axial tumor mass (a meningioma of the sphenoid’s wing), which was taken to complete surgical removal. Afterwards, she developed progressive neurologic deterioration until her death. The final diagnosis was acute spongiform encephalophaty, and was obtained by cerebral biopsy. Spongiform encephalopathy was described, almost a century ago, as the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, poorly diagnosed in our environment because of its low frequency and uncommon onset, which starts with a mood disorder followed by a phase of dementia and a final fatal outcome. The gold standard for the diagnosis is based on a biopsy or an autopsy of the brain, with immunohistochemical stains for the prionic abnormal protein.


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Plant secondary metabolites glucosinolates (GSL) have important functions in plant resistance to herbivores and pathogens. We identified all major GSL that are accumulated in S-cells in Arabidopsis by MALDI-TOF MS, and estimated by LC-MS that the total GSL concentration in these cells is above 130 mM. The precise locations of the S-cells outside phloem bundles in rosette and cauline leaves and in flower stalks were visualised using sulphur mapping by cryo-SEM/EDX. S-cells contain up to 40% of total sulphur in flower stalk tissues. S-cells in emerging flower stalks and developing leaf tissues show typical signs of Programmed Cell Death (PCD) or apoptosis, such as chromatin condensation in the nucleus and blebbing of the membranes. TUNEL staining for DNA double strand breaks confirmed PCD in S-cells in postmeristematic tissues in the flower stalk as well as in the leaf. Our results show that S-cells in postmeristematic tissues proceed to an extreme degree of metabolic specialisation besides PCD. Accumulation and maintenance of a high concentration of GSL in these cells are accompanied by degradation of a number of cell organelles. The substantial changes in the cell composition during S-cell differentiation indicate the importance of this particular GSL-based phloem defence system. The specific anatomy of the S-cells and ability to accumulate specialised secondary metabolites is similar to that of the non-articulated laticifer cells in latex plants and thus indicates a common evolutionary origin.


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The ability of PCR to detect infections of Theileria parva, the cause of East Coast Fever, in field-collected tick and bovine samples from Tanzania was evaluated. PCR-detected infection prevalence was high (15/20, 75%) in unfed adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks that fed as nymphs on an acutely-infected calf, but low (22/836, 2.6%) in unfed adult R. appendiculatus collected from field sites in Tanzania. Tick infection prevalence was comparable to that in previous studies that used salivary gland staining to detect T parva infection in field-collected host-seeking ticks. Of 282 naturally-exposed zebu calves, seven had PCR-positive buffy coat samples prior to detection of Theileria spp. parasites in stained huffy coat cells or lymph node biopsies. Evidence of Theileria spp. infections was detected in stained smears of lymph node biopsies from 109 calves (38.6%) and huffy coat samples from 81 (28.7%), while huffy coat samples from 66 (23.4%) were PCR-positive for T parva. Implications of these findings for the sensitivity and specificity of the PCR are discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background and aims Unilateral incompatibility (UI) occurs when pollinations between species are successful in one direction but not in the other. Self-incompatible (SI) species frequently show UI with genetically related, self-compatible (SC) species, as pollen of SI species is compatible on the SC pistil, but not vice versa. Many examples of unilateral incompatibility, and all those which have been studied most intensively, are found in the Solanaceae, particularly Lycopersicon, Solanum, Nicotiana and Petunia. The genus Capsicum is evolutionarily somewhat distant from Lycopersicon and Solanum and even further removed from Nicotiana and Petunia. Unilateral incompatibility has also been reported in Capsicum; however, this is the first comprehensive study of crosses between all readily available species in the genus. Methods All readily available (wild and domesticated) species in the genus are used as plant material, including the three genera from the Capsicum pubescens complex plus eight other species. Pollinations were made on pot-grown plants in a glasshouse. The number of pistils pollinated per cross varied (from five to 40 pistils per plant), depending on the numbers of flowers available. Pistils were collected 24 h after pollination and fixed for 3-24 h. After staining, pistils were mounted in a drop of stain, squashed gently under a cover slip and examined microscopically under ultra-violet light for pollen tube growth. Key results Unilateral incompatibility is confirmed in the C. pubescens complex. Its direction conforms to that predominant in the Solanaceae and other families, i.e. pistils of self-incompatible species, or self-compatible taxa closely related to self-incompatible species, inhibit pollen tubes of self-compatible species. Conclusions Unilateral incompatibility in Capsicum does not seem to have arisen to prevent introgression of self-compatibility into self-incompatible taxa, but as a by-product of divergence of the C. pubescens complex from the remainder of the genus. (C) 2004 Annals of Botany Company.


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Maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings of two cultivars (cv. Bastion adapted to W. Europe, and cv. Batan 8686 adapted to the highlands of Mexico), raised in a glasshouse (19-25 degrees C), were transferred to 4.5 or 9 degrees C at photon flux density (PPFD) of 950 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) with 10-h photoperiod for 58 h and then allowed to recover at 22 degrees C for 16 h (14 h dark and 2 h at PPFD of 180 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)). The ultrastructural responses after 4 h or 26 h at 4.5 degrees C were the disappearance of starch grains in the bundle sheath chloroplasts and the contraction of intrathylakoid spaces in stromal thylakoids of the mesophyll chloroplasts. At this time, bundle sheath chloroplasts of cv. Batan 8686 formed peripheral reticulum. Prolonged stress at 4.5 degrees C (50 h) caused plastid swelling and the dilation of intrathylakoid spaces, mainly in mesophyll chloroplasts. Bundle sheath chloroplasts of cv. Batan 8686 seedlings appeared well preserved in shape and structure. Batan 8686 had also higher net photosynthetic rates during chilling and recovery than Bastion. Extended leaf photobleaching developed during the recovery period after chilling at 4.5 degrees C. This was associated with collapsed chloroplast envelopes, disintegrated chloroplasts and very poor staining.


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The prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. infection in a cross-sectional study of dairy cattle, from two contrasting dairying regions in Tanzania, were determined by staining smears of faecal samples with the modified Ziehl-Neelsen technique. Of the 1126 faecal samples screened, 19.7% were positive for Cr\yptosporidium spp. The prevalence was lower in Tanga Region than in Iringa Region. The prevalence of affected farms was 20% in Tanga and 21 % in Iringa. In both regions, the probability of detecting Cryptosporidium oocysts in faeces varied with animal class, but these were not consistent in both regions. In Tanga Region, Cryptosporidium oocysts were significantly more likely to be found in the faeces of milking cows. In Iringa Region, the likelihood that cattle had Cryptosporidium-positive faeces declined with age, and milking cattle were significantly less likely to have Cryptosporidium-positive faeces. In this region, 7% of cattle were housed within the family house at night, and this was marginally associated with a higher likelihood that animals had Ctyptosporidium-positive faeces. Our study suggests that even though herd sizes are small, Cryptosporidium spp. are endemic on many Tanzanian smallholder dairy farms. These protozoa may impact on animal health and production, but also on human health, given the close associations between the cattle and their keepers. Further studies are required to assess these risks in more detail, and understand the epidemiology of Cryptosporidium spp. in this management system.


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Intact, enveloped coronavirus particles vary widely in size and contour, and are thus refractory to study by traditional structural means such as X-ray crystallography. Electron microscopy (EM) overcomes some problems associated with particle variability and has been an important tool for investigating coronavirus ultrastructure. However, EM sample preparation requires that the specimen be dried onto a carbon support film before imaging, collapsing internal particle structure in the case of coronaviruses. Moreover, conventional EM achieves image contrast by immersing the specimen briefly in heavy-metal-containing stain, which reveals some features while obscuring others. Electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM) instead employs a porous support film, to which the specimen is adsorbed and flash-frozen. Specimens preserved in vitreous ice over holes in the support film can then be imaged without additional staining. Cryo-EM, coupled with single-particle image analysis techniques, makes it possible to examine the size, structure and arrangement of coronavirus structural components in fully hydrated, native virions. Two virus purification procedures are described.


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Protein oxidation within cells exposed to oxidative free radicals has been reported to occur in an uninhibited manner with both hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals. In contrast, THP-1 cells exposed to peroxyl radicals (ROO center dot) generated by thermo decomposition of the azo compound AAPH showed a distinct lag phase of at least 6 h, during which time no protein oxidation or cell death was observed. Glutathione appears to be the source of the lag phase as cellular levels were observed to rapidly decrease during this period. Removal of glutathione with buthionine sulfoxamine eliminated the lag phase. At the end of the lag phase there was a rapid loss of cellular MTT reducing activity and the appearance of large numbers of propidium iodide/annexin-V staining necrotic cells with only 10% of the cells appearing apoptotic (annexin-V staining only). Cytochrome c was released into the cytoplasm after 12 h of incubation but no increase in caspase-3 activity was found at any time points. We propose that the rapid loss of glutathione caused by the AAPH peroxyl radicals resulted in the loss of caspase activity and the initiation of protein oxidation. The lack of caspase-3 activity appears to have caused the cells to undergo necrosis in response to protein oxidation and other cellular damage. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We hypothesized that the hepatotoxicity that develops after the induction of oxidative stress (induced by d-galactosamine [GalN]) can be ameliorated by alpha-tocopherol (ATC) and the soy isoflavone daidzein. To test this, we ranked and assigned male Wistar rats into 6 groups, which involved pretreatment (ATC or daidzein) for 1 hour followed by treatment (GalN) for 23 hours. Histopathologic analysis showed that GalN administration induced marked necrosis (P < .001), steatosis (P < .001), both lobular and portal inflammations (P < .001), overall histopathologic score (P < .001), and activation of caspase-3 in the liver (P < .001). Immunohistochemical staining of malondialdehyde-protein adducts, a measure of oxidative stress, was increased in response to GalN (P < .001). Paradoxically, there were increases in total (P < .05) and cytosolic superoxide dismutase (P < .001) activities after GalN administration, indicative of an up-regulation of antioxidant defenses. The concentration of total protein (P < .001), albumin (P < .01), and globulin fractions (P < .001) in the plasma, as well as the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (P < .001), was significantly perturbed after GalN treatment, reflective of overall acute hepatic injury. Administration of daidzein showed a significant amelioration of the Ga1N-induced increase in malondialdehyde-protein adducts (P < .01) and cytosolic superoxide dismutase activities (P < .01) in the liver. However, all other variables were not significantly altered in response to daidzein. In response to ATC pretreatment, the total histopathologic score (P < .05), degree of necrosis (P < .05), and both lobular (P < .05) and portal (P = .05) inflammations were significantly ameliorated. To conclude, both daidzein and ATC protect the liver against oxidative damage possibly via different pathways.


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Differential protein expression analysis based on modification of selected amino acids with labelling reagents has become the major method of choice for quantitative proteomics. One such methodology, two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE), uses a matched set of fluorescent N-hydroxysuccinimidyl (NHS) ester cyanine dyes to label lysine residues in different samples which can be run simultaneously on the same gels. Here we report the use of iodoacetylated cyanine (ICy) dyes (for labelling of cysteine thiols, for 2-D DIGE-based redox proteomics. Characterisation of ICy dye labelling in relation to its stoichiometry, sensitivity and specificity is described, as well as comparison of ICy dye with NHS-Cy dye labelling and several protein staining methods. We have optimised conditions for labelling of nonreduced, denatured samples and report increased sensitivity for a subset of thiol-containing proteins, allowing accurate monitoring of redox-dependent thiol modifications and expression changes. Cysteine labelling was then combined with lysine labelling in a multiplex 2-D DIGE proteomic study of redox-dependent and ErbB2-dependent changes in epithelial cells exposed to oxidative stress. This study identifies differentially modified proteins involved in cellular redox regulation, protein folding, proliferative suppression, glycolysis and cytoskeletal organisation, revealing the complexity of the response to oxidative stress and the impact that overexpression of ErbB2 has on this response.