909 resultados para Smoothed ANOVA


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El uso continuo de los suelos desde hace décadas con una exportación permanente de nutrientes a través de los granos, y la escasa o nula reposición mineral implicó una disminución en la productividad principalmente en aquellos sitios con prolongada historia agrícola y ausencia de actividad ganadera. En los últimos años, el uso de cultivares de alto potencial de rendimiento y la fertilización con nitrógeno (N), fósforo (P) y azufre (S) incrementaron los niveles de producción, y con ello la extracción de micronutrientes del suelo, sin que fueran repuestos por fertilización. Varios especialistas observaron deficiencia de algunos micronutrientes en suelos de la región pampeana y diferentes niveles de respuesta al agregado de estos microelementos vía foliar en diversos cultivos. Esta problemática nos movilizó a estudiar a la fertilización foliar como una técnica para proveer micronutrientes a los cultivos, en dosis y estadios fenológicos adecuados. Dada la importancia del cultivo de soja como motor de la economía nacional y teniendo en cuenta el incremento en la superficie sembrada por ser un cultivo rentable y de bajo riesgo empresarial, se ha decidido evaluar la respuesta que esta oleaginosa presenta a la fertilización foliar con micronutrientes en el estadio R3, utilizando dicha tecnología como un complemento de la fertilización de base. El estado R3 fue escogido dada su relevancia fisiológica: el cuajado de vainas se considera la fase inicial del período crítico en soja, y operativa: en los últimos años, se ha sugerido como el estado ideal para la aplicación de fungicidas, permitiendo así la aplicación conjunta con los fertilizantes foliares. El estudio se realizó en 10 lotes de productores del partido de Rojas, sobre suelos serie Rojas, Argiudoles típicos. Se comparó el rendimiento en grano de un tratamiento de 8 litros de fertilizante foliar FERTIDEG con un testigo sin fertilizar. El experimento se diseñó en bloques completos aleatorizados y los datos se analizaron con el método estadístico ANOVA. Se realizó la prueba de Fmáx de Hartley o prueba de homogeneidad de variancia, donde no se descartó ningún sitio experimental. Al analizar cada localidad en forma individual, se rechazó la hipótesis nula en la que los efectos de los tratamientos son todos iguales en el 70 por ciento de los casos y se la aceptó en el 30 por ciento restante. La aplicación de micronutrientes, junto a pequeños aportes de macronutrientes vía foliar mostró ser un complemento efectivo de la fertilización de base en soja, para incrementar los rendimientos de grano en forma significativa, con valores promedios al 10 por ciento en lotes con historia agrícola prolongada y ausencia de actividad ganadera.


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Los métodos tradicionales usados por pequeños agricultores de Corrientes ocasionaron la degradación de los suelos. Se hipotetizó que la siembra directa (SD)y la avena negra (Av)como cultivo de cobertura incrementan la densidad aparente (Da)y la resistencia mecánica (RM)sin reducir el rendimiento (Rto)del maíz y algodón, que aumentan la estabilidad de agregados (EA), la cobertura de suelo (Cob)y los rastrojos en superficie (BM), mejorando la infiltración (Ib), la porosidad total (PT)y el espacio aéreo a capacidad de campo (EaCC). El objetivo fue establecer el sistema de labranza y secuencia de cultivos que mejoran las propiedades físicas de un Argiudol hipertérmico, y evaluar los cambios en el tiempo. Se instaló un ensayo con diseño en parcelas completamente aleatorizadas con cuatro repeticiones y arreglo factorial 3x4: sistema de labranza (SL), con tres niveles: labranza convencional (LC), reducida (LR)y SD; y secuencia de cultivos, con maíz (M), algodón (A), descanso (D)y Av, con cuatro niveles: M-Av-A-Av, M-D-A-D, A-Av-M-Av y A-D-M-D. Se realizó un ANOVA en la situación inicial, a la siembra y cosecha de los cultivos durante 2007-10 y un ANOVA de medidas repetidas en el tiempo. Los efectos de los SL en las propiedades físicas fueron más evidentes que los ocasionados por las secuencias y Av. La SD mantuvo los rendimientos afectando poco las condiciones superficiales. Durante tres ciclos la SD mejoró la protección de la superficie del suelo (BM y Cob), produjo mayor EA que LC y LR, y mejoró la Ib. Un incremento progresivo de la Da y mayor RM se dio bajo SD, afectando la PT y el EaCC pero sin comprometer el rendimiento de los cultivos. Los resultados sugieren que la SD puede ser usada como alternativa al manejo tradicional por pequeños agricultores de Corrientes con suelos de régimen hipertérmico


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Exercise can have deleterious effects on the secretion of salivary immunoglobulin A (s-IgA), which appears to be related to perturbations in sympatheticoadrenal activation (Teeuw et al., 2004). Caffeine, commonly used for its ergogenic properties is associated with increased sympathetic nervous system activity, and it has been previously shown that caffeine ingestion before intensive cycling enhances s-IgA responses during exercise (Bishop et al., 2006). Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of a performance cereal bar, containing caffeine, before and during prolonged exhaustive cycling on exercise performance and the salivary secretion of IgA, alpha-amylase activity and cortisol. Using a randomised cross-over design and following a 10 – 12 hour overnight fast, 12 trained cyclists, mean (SEM) age: 21(1) yr; height: 179(2) cm; body mass: 73.6(2.5) kg; maximal oxygen uptake, VO2max: 57.9(1.2) completed 2.5 h of cycling at 60%VO2max (with regular water ingestion) on a stationary ergometer, which was followed by a ride to exhaustion at 75% VO2max. Immediately before exercise, and after 55 min and 115 min of exercise participants ingested a 0.9 MJ cereal bar containing 45 g carbohydrate, 5 g protein, 3 g fat and 100 mg of caffeine (CAF) or an isocaloric noncaffeine bar (PLA). Unstimulated timed saliva samples were collected immediately before exercise, after 70 min and 130 min of exercise, and immediately after the exhaustive exercise bout. Saliva was analysed for s-IgA, alpha-amylase activity and cortisol concentration. Saliva flow rates were determined to calculate the s-IgA secretion rate. Data were analysed using a 2-way repeated measures ANOVA and post-hoc t-tests with Holm Bonferroni adjustments applied where appropriate. Time to exhaustion was 35% longer in CAF compared with PLA ((2177 (0.2) vs 1615 (0.16) s; P < 0.05)). Saliva flow rate did not change significantly during the exercise protocol. Exercise was associated with elevations in s-IgA concentration (9% increase), s-IgA secretion rate (24% increase) and alpha-amylase activity (224% increase) post-exhaustion (P < 0.01), but there was no effect of CAF on these responses. Salivary cortisol concentration increased by 64% post-exhaustion in the CAF trial only (P < 0.05), indicating an increase in adrenal activity following caffeine ingestion. Values were 35.7 (5.5) and 19.6 (3.4) nmol/L post-exhaustion for CAF and PLA, respectively. These findings show that ingestion of a caffeine containing cereal bar during prolonged exhaustive cycling enhances endurance performance, increases salivary cortisol secretion post-exhaustion, but does not affect the exercise-induced increases in s-IgA or alpha-amylase activity.


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Background: A number of factors are known to influence food preferences and acceptability of new products. These include their sensory characteristics and strong, innate neural influences. In designing foods for any target group, it is important to consider intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics which may contribute to palatability, and acceptability of foods. Objective: To assess age and gender influences on sensory perceptions of novel low cost nutrient-rich food products developed using traditional Ghanaian food ingredients. Materials and Methods: In this study, a range of food products were developed from Ghanaian traditional food sources using the Food Multimix (FMM) concept. These products were subjected to sensory evaluation to assess the role of sensory perception on their acceptability among different target age groups across the life cycle (aged 11-68 years olds) and to ascertain any possible influences of gender on preference and choice. Variables including taste, odour, texture, flavour and appearance were tested and the results captured on a Likert scale and scores of likeness and acceptability analysed. Multivariate analyses were used to develop prediction models for targeted recipe development for different target groups. Multiple factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) and logistic linear regression were employed to test the strength of acceptability and to ascertain age and gender influences on product preference. Results: The results showed a positive trend in acceptability (r = 0.602) which tended towards statistical significance (p = 0.065) with very high product favourability rating (91% acceptability; P=0.005). However, age [odds ratios=1.44 (11-15 years old) odds ratios=2.01 (18-68 years old) and gender (P=0.000)] were major influences on product preference with children and females (irrespective of age) showing clear preferences or dislike of products containing certain particular ingredients. Conclusion: These findings are potentially useful in planning recipes for feeding interventions involving different vulnerable and target groups.


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This study investigated the effect of crank configuration on muscle activity and torque production during submaximal arm crank ergometry. Thirteen non-specifically trained male participants volunteered. During the research trials they completed a warm-up at 15 W before two 3-min exercise stages were completed at 50 and 100 W; subjects used either a synchronous or asynchronous pattern of cranking. During the final 30-s of each submaximal exercise stage electromyographic and torque production data were collected. After the data had been processed each parameter was analysed using separate 2-way ANOVA tests with repeated measures. The activity of all muscles increased in line with external workload, although a shift in the temporal pattern of muscle activity was noted between crank configurations. Patterns of torque production during asynchronous and synchronous cranking were distinct. Furthermore, peak, minimum and delta (peak-minimum) torque values were different (P < 0.05) between crank configurations at both workloads. For example, at 100 W, peak torque using synchronous [19.6 (4.3) Nm] cranking was higher (P < 0.05) compared to asynchronous [16.8 (1.6) Nm] cranking. In contrast minimum torque was lower (P < 0.05) at 100 W using synchronous [4.8 (1.7) Nm] compared to asynchronous [7.3 (1.2) Nm] cranking. There was a distinct bilateral asymmetry in torque production during asynchronous cranking with the dominant transmitting significantly more force to the crank arm. Taken together, these preliminary data demonstrate the complex nature of muscle activity during arm crank ergometry performed with an asynchronous or synchronous crank set-up. Further work is required to determine how muscle activity (EMG activity) and associated patterns of torque production influence physiological responses and functional capacity during arm crank ergometry.


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In addition to its hyperphagic effect in rats, 8-OH-DPAT also reduces grooming, but it is uncertain whether the inhibition of grooming is a specific effect or a consequence of response competition from eating. The present experiments explored the effects of 8-OH-DPAT on periprandial grooming and grooming elicited by spraying rats with water. Momentary time sampling over 30 or 60 min, with behaviour scored in one of 6 or 7 (depending on food availability) mutually exclusive categories (feeding, active, scratching, face grooming, body grooming, genital grooming and resting) at 15s intervals, was used for data collection. Non-deprived rats were tested in the presence and absence of food and baseline grooming levels were manipulated by spraying the dorsal surface of the back with water. Data were submitted to ANOVA. The first experiment confirmed that 8-OH-DPAT increased food intake and that this was associated with a parallel increase in feeding observations; active observations were also increased, but resting and total grooming observations were reduced: scratching was reduced even at 0.003mg/kg, face- and body-grooming were reduced at doses > 0.03mg/kg and genital-grooming was least sensitive, only being reduced at 0.1mg/kg. The second experiment revealed that spraying with water had no effect on food intake, feeding or resting observations, but increased total grooming (largely due to increased body-grooming) and reduced activity observations. In rats sprayed with water, 8-OH-DPAT increased food intake (0.1mg/kg) and observations of feeding (0.003 & 0.1mg/kg), but total grooming was dose-dependently inhibited, with genital-grooming most sensitive(> 0.003mg/kg), followed by face-grooming (> 0.01mg/kg) and body-grooming (>0.03mg/kg), whilst low levels of scratching were unaffected. The final experiment tested water-sprayed rats in the absence of food: 8-OH-DPAT increased resting and reduced total grooming, mostly as a consequence of reductions in face- and body-grooming, but there were also modest reductions in scratching. These results confirm that 8-OH-DPAT has a suppressant effect on all aspects of grooming, except where there are probable floor effects, and that this is independent of response competition from increased eating.


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Introduction: The critical phase, in jumping events in track and field, appears to be between touchdown and take-off. Since obvious similarities exist between the take off phase in both long jump and pole vault, numerous 3D kinematics and electromyographic studies have only looked at long jump. Currently there are few detailed kinematics electromyographic data on the pole vault take-off phase. The aim of this study was therefore to characterise kinematics and electromyographic variables during the take-off phase to provide a better understanding of this phase in pole vaulting and its role in performance outcome. Material and methods: Six pole-vaulters took part in the study. Kinematics data were captured with retro reflective markers fixed on the body. Hip, knee and ankle angle were calculated. Differential bipolar surface electrodes were placed on the following muscles of the take-off leg: tibialis anterior, lateral gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, bicep femoris and gluteus maximus. EMG activity was synchronously acquired with the kinematic data. EMG data were rectified and smoothed using a second order low pass Butterworth Bidirectional filter (resulting in a 4th order filter) with a cut-off frequency of 14 Hz. Results: Evolution of hip, knee and ankle angle show no significant differences during the last step before touchdown, the take-off phase and the beginning of fly phase. Meanwhile, strong differences in EMG signal are noted inter and intra pole vaulter. However for a same subject the EMG activities seem to converge to some phase locked point. Discussion: All pole vaulters have approximately the same visible coordination This coordination reflects a different muscular control among pole vaulters but also for a considered pole vaulter. These phase locked point could be considered as invariant of motor control i.e. a prerequisite for a normal sequence of the movement and performance realization.


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Presented is a study that expands the body of knowledge on the effect of in-cycle speed fluctuations on performance of small engines. It uses the methods developed previously by Callahan, et al. (1) to examine a variety of two-stroke engines and one four-stroke engine. The two-stroke engines were: a high performance single-cylinder, a low performance single-cylinder, a high performance multi-cylinder, and a medium performance multi-cylinder. The four-stroke engine was a high performance single-cylinder unit. Each engine was modeled in Virtual Engines, which is a fully detailed one-dimensional thermodynamic engine simulator. Measured or predicted in-cycle speed data were input into the engine models. Predicted performance changes due to drivetrain effects are shown in each case, and conclusions are drawn from those results. The simulations for the high performance single-cylinder two-stroke engine predicted significant in-cycle crankshaft speed fluctuation amplitudes and significant changes in performance when the fluctuations were input into the engine model. This was validated experimentally on a firing test engine based on a Yamaha YZ250. The four-stroke engine showed significant changes in predicted performance compared to the prediction with zero speed fluctuation assumed in the model. Measured speed fluctuations from a firing Yamaha YZ400F engine were applied to the simulation in addition to data from a simple free mass model. Both methods predicted similar fluctuation profiles and changes in performance. It is shown that the gear reduction between the crankshaft and clutch allowed for this similar behavior. The multi-cylinder, high performance two-stroke engine also showed significant changes in performance, in this case depending on the firing configuration. The low output two-stroke engine simulation showed only a negligible change in performance in spite of high amplitude speed fluctuations. This was due to its flat torque versus speed characteristic. The medium performance multi-cylinder two-stroke engine also showed only a negligible change in performance, in this case due to a relatively high inertia rotating assembly and multiple cylinder firing events within the revolution. These smoothed the net torque pulsations and reduced the amplitude of the speed fluctuation itself.


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There is evidence that oxidative stress plays a role in the development of chronic lung disease (CLD), with immature lungs being particularly sensitive to the injurious effect of oxygen and mechanical ventilation. We analyzed total ascorbate, urate, and protein carbonyls in 102 bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples from 38 babies (33 preterm, 24–36 wk gestation; 5 term, 37–39 wk gestation). Preterm babies had significantly decreasing concentrations of ascorbate, urate, and protein carbonyls during the first 9 days of life (days 1–3, 4–6, and 7–9, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA: P 5 0.016, P , 0.0001, and P 5 0.010, respectively). Preterm babies had significantly higher protein carbonyl concentrations at days 1–3 and 4–6 (P 5 0.005 and P 5 0.044) compared with term babies. Very preterm babies (24–28 wk gestation) had increased concentrations of protein carbonyls at days 4–6 (P 5 0.056) and significantly decreased ascorbate concentrations at days 4–6 (P 5 0.004) compared with preterm babies (29–36 wk gestation). Urate concentrations were significantly elevated at days 1–3 (P 5 0.023) in preterm babies who subsequently developed CLD. This study has shown the presence of oxidative stress in the lungs of preterm babies during ventilation, especially in those who subsequently developed CLD.


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We have examined the ability of observers to parse bimodal local-motion distributions into two global motion surfaces, either overlapping (yielding transparent motion) or spatially segregated (yielding a motion boundary). The stimuli were random dot kinematograms in which the direction of motion of each dot was drawn from one of two rectangular probability distributions. A wide range of direction distribution widths and separations was tested. The ability to discriminate the direction of motion of one of the two motion surfaces from the direction of a comparison stimulus was used as an objective test of the perception of two discrete surfaces. Performance for both transparent and spatially segregated motion was remarkably good, being only slightly inferior to that achieved with a single global motion surface. Performance was consistently better for segregated motion than for transparency. Whereas transparent motion was only perceived with direction distributions which were separated by a significant gap, segregated motion could be seen with abutting or even partially overlapping direction distributions. For transparency, the critical gap increased with the range of directions in the distribution. This result does not support models in which transparency depends on detection of a minimum size of gap defining a bimodal direction distribution. We suggest, instead, that the operations which detect bimodality are scaled (in the direction domain) with the overall range of distributions. This yields a flexible, adaptive system that determines whether a gap in the direction distribution serves as a segmentation cue or is smoothed as part of a unitary computation of global motion.


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Reduced arterial compliance precedes changes in blood pressure, which may be mediated through alterations in vessel wall matrix composition. We investigated the effect of the collagen type I-1 gene (COL1A1) +2046G>T polymorphism on arterial compliance in healthy individuals. We recruited 489 subjects (251 men and 238 women; mean age, 22.6±1.6 years). COL1A1 genotypes were determined using polymerase chain reaction and digestion by restriction enzyme Bal1. Arterial pulse wave velocities were measured in 3 segments, aortoiliac (PWVA), aortoradial (PWVB), and aorto-dorsalis-pedis (PWVF), as an index of compliance using a noninvasive optical method. Data were available for 455 subjects. The sample was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with genotype distributions and allele frequencies that were not significantly different from those reported previously. The T allele frequency was 0.22 (95% confidence interval, 0.19 to 0.24). Two hundred eighty-three (62.2%) subjects were genotype GG, 148 (35.5%) subjects were genotype GT, and 24 (5.3%) subjects were genotype TT. A comparison of GG homozygotes with GT and TT individuals demonstrated a statistically significant association with arterial compliance: PWVF 4.92±0.03 versus 5.06±0.05 m/s (ANOVA, P=0.009), PWVB 4.20±0.03 versus 4.32±0.04 m/s (ANOVA, P=0.036), and PWVA 3.07±0.03 versus 3.15±0.03 m/s (ANOVA, P=0.045). The effects of genotype were independent of age, gender, smoking, mean arterial pressure, body mass index, family history of hypertension, and activity scores. We report an association between the COL1A1 gene polymorphism and arterial compliance. Alterations in arterial collagen type 1A deposition may play a role in the regulation of arterial compliance


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We present wide-field neutral hydrogen (H I) Lovell telescope multibeam, and Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Hi synthesis observations, of the high velocity cloud (HVC) located in the general direction of the globular cluster M92. This cloud is part of the larger Complex C and lies at velocities between similar to -80 and -130 km s(-1) in the Local Standard of Rest. The Lovell telescope observations, of resolution 12 arcmin spatially and 3.0 km s(-1) in velocity, fully sampling a 3.1 degrees x 12.6 degrees RA-Dec grid, have found that this part of HVC Complex C comprises two main condensations, lying approximately north-south in declination, separated by similar to2 degrees and being parallel to the Galactic plane. At this resolution, peak values of the brightness temperature and Hi column density of similar to1.4 K and similar to5 x 10(19) cm(-2) are determined, with relatively high values of the full width half maximum velocity (FWHM) of similar to 22 km s(-1) being observed, equivalent to a gas kinetic temperature, in the absence of turbulence and geometric effects of similar to 10 000 K. Each of these properties, as well as the sizes of the clouds, are similar in the two components. The DRAO observations, towards the Northern HVC condensation, are the first high-resolution Hi spectra of Complex C. When smoothed to a resolution of 3 arcmin, they identify several Hi intensity peaks with column densities in the range 4-7 x 10(19) cm(-2). Further smoothing of these data to 6 arcmin resolution tentatively indicates that parts of the HVC consist of two velocity components, of similar brightness temperature, separated by similar to7 km s(-1) in velocity, and with FWHM velocity widths of similar to5-7 km s(-1). No IRAS 60 or 100 micron flux is associated with the M92 HVC. Cloud properties are briefly discussed and compared to previous observations of HVCs.