992 resultados para Similarities


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This thesis explores the particular framework of evidentiary assessment of three selected appellate national asylum procedures in Europe and discusses the relationship between these procedures, on the one hand, and between these procedures and other legal systems, including the EU legal order and international law, on the other. A theme running throughout the thesis is the EU strivings towards approximation of national asylum procedures and my study analyses the evidentiary assessment of national procedures with the aim of pinpointing similarities and differences, and the influences which affect these distinctions. The thesis first explores the frames construed for national evidentiary solutions by studying the object of decision-making and the impact of legal systems outside the national. Second, the study analyses the factual evidentiary assessment of three national procedures - German, Finnish and English. Thirdly, the study explores the interrelationship between these procedures and the legal systems influencing them and poses questions in relation to the strivings of EU and methods of convergence. The thesis begins by stating the framework and starting points for the research. It moves on to establish keys of comparison concerning four elements of evidentiary assessment that are of importance to any appellate asylum procedure, and that can be compared between national procedures, on the one hand, and between international, regional and national frameworks, on the other. Four keys of comparison are established: the burden of proof, demands for evidentiary robustness, the standard of proof and requirements for the methods of evidentiary assessment. These keys of comparison are then identified in three national appellate asylum procedures, and in order to come to conclusions on the evidentiary standards of the appellate asylum procedures, relevant elements of the asylum procedures in general are presented. Further, institutional, formal and procedural matters which have an impact on the evidentiary standards in the national appellate procedures are analysed. From there, the thesis moves on to establish the relationship between national evidentiary standards and the legal systems which affect them, and gives reasons for similarities and divergences. Further, the thesis studies the impact of the national frameworks on the regional and international level. Lastly, the dissertation makes a de lege ferenda survey of the relationship between EU developments, the goal of harmonization in relation to national asylum procedures and the particular feature of evidentiary standards in national appellate asylum procedures. Methodology The thesis follows legal dogmatic methods. The aim is to analyse legal norms and legal constructions and give them content and context. My study takes as its outset an understanding of the purposes for legal research also regarding evidence and asylum to determine the contents of valid law through analysis and systematization. However, as evidentiary issues traditionally are normatively vaguely defined, a strict traditional normative dogmatic approach is not applied. For the same reason a traditionalist and strict legal positivism is not applied. The dogmatics applied to the analysis of the study is supported by practical analysis. The aim is not only to reach conclusions concerning the contents of legal norms and the requirements of law, but also to study the use and practical functioning of these norms, giving them a practcial context. Further, the study relies on a comparative method. A functionalist comparative method is employed and keys of comparison are found in evidentiary standards of three selected national appellate asylum procedures. The functioning equivalences of German, Finnish and English evidentiary standards of appellate asylum procedures are compared, and they are positioned in an European and international legal setting. Research Results The thesis provides results regarding the use of evidence in national appellate asylum procedures. It is established that evidentiary solutions do indeed impact on the asylum procedure and that the results of the procedure are dependent on the evidentiary solutions made in the procedures. Variations in, amongst other things, the interpretation of the burden of proof, the applied standard of proof and the method for determining evidentiary value, are analysed. It is established that national impacts play an important role in the adaptation of national appellate procedures to external requirements. Further, it is established that the impact of national procedures on as well the international framework as on EU law varies between the studied countries, partly depending on the position of the Member State in legislative advances at the EU level. In this comparative study it is, further, established that the impact of EU requirements concerning evidentiary issues may be have positive as well as negative effects with regard to the desired harmonization. It is also concluded that harmonization using means of convergence that primaly target legal frameworks may not in all instances be optimal in relation to evidentiary standards, and that more varied and pragmatic means of convergence must be introduced in order to secure harmonization also in terms of evidence. To date, legal culture and traditions seem to prevail over direct efforts at procedural harmonization.


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The four papers summarized in this thesis deal with the Archean and earliest Paleoproterozoic granitoid suites observed in the Suomussalmi district, eastern Finland. Geologically, the area belongs to the Kianta Complex of the Western Karelian Terrane in the Karelian Province of the Fennoscandian shield. The inherited zircons up to 3440 Ma old together with Sm Nd and Pb Pb data confirm the existence of previously anticipated Paleoarchean protocrust in Suomussalmi. The general timeline of granitoid magmatism is similar to that of the surrounding areas. TTG magmatism occurred in three distinct phases: ca 2.95 Ga, 2.83 2.78 Ga and 2.76 2.74 Ga. In Suomussalmi the TTGs sensu stricto (K2O/Na2O less than 0.5) belong to the low-HREE type and are interpreted as partial melts of garnet amphibolites, which did not significantly interact with mantle peridotites. Transitional TTGs (K2O/Na2O more than 0.5), present in Suomussalmi and absent from surrounding areas, display higher LILE concentrations, but otherwise closely resemble the TTGs sensu stricto and indicate that recycling of felsic crust commenced in Suomussalmi 200 Ma earlier than in surrounding areas. The youngest TTG phase was coeval with the intrusion of the Likamännikkö quartz alkali feldspar syenite (2741 ± 2 Ma) complex. The complex contains angular fragments of ultrabasic rock, which display considerable compositional heterogeneity and are interpreted as cumulates containing clinopyroxene (generally altered to actinolite), apatite, allanite, epidote, and albite. The quartz alkali feldspar syenite cannot be regarded as alkaline sensu stricto, despite clear alkaline affinities. Within Likamännikkö there are also calcite carbonatite patches, which display mantle-like O- and C-isotope values, as well as trace element characteristics consistent with a magmatic origin, and could thus be among the oldest known carbonatites in the world. Sanukitoid (2.73 2.71 Ga) and quartz diorite suites (2.70 Ga) overlap within error margins and display compositional similarities, but can be differentiated from each other on the basis of higher Ba, K2O and LREE contents of the sanukitoids. The Likamännikkö complex, sanukitoids and quartz diorites are interpreted as originating from the metasomatized mantle and mark the diversification of the granitoid clan after 200 Ma of evolution dominated by the TTG suite. Widespread migmatization and the intrusion of anatectic leucogranitoids as dykes and intrusions of varying size took place at 2.70 2.69 Ga, following collisional thickening of the crust. The leucogranitoids and leucosomes of migmatized TTGs are compositionally alike and characterized by high silica contents and a leucocratic appearance. Due to compositional overlap, definitive discrimination between leucogranitoids and transitional TTGs requires isotope datings and/or knowledge of field relationships. Leucogranitoids represent partial melts of the local TTGs, both the sensu stricto and transitional types, mostly derived under water fluxed conditions, with possible fluid sources being late sanukitoids and quartz diorites as well as dehydrating lower crust. The Paleoproterozoic 2.44 2.39 Ga A-type granitoids of the Kianta Complex emplaced in an extensional environment are linked to the coeval and more widespread mafic intrusions and dykes observed over most of the Archean nucleus of the Fennoscandian shield. The A-type intrusions in the Suomussalmi area are interpreted as partial melts of the Archean lower crust and display differences in composition and magnetite content, which indicate differences in the composition and oxidation state of the source.


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A third polymorph of phenylacetylene (Z' = 6), which is obtained by quenching the liquid, shows some similarities to the two earlier known forms, and the adoption of a high Z' value in this crystal form is discussed.


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AESTHETIC EXPERIENCE AS A BRIDGE ACROSS CULTURES Soile Yli-Mäyry s art as experienced by Chinese, Japanese and Finnish audiences This study focuses on surveying and analysing experiences of Soile Yli-Mäyry s art in eleven different countries. Questionnaires were translated into nine different languages. In addition, interviews were conducted on the experiences of Chinese, Japanese and Finnish art audiences concerning a painting called Sun Wind . The study was mainly inspired by John Dewey s ideas of art as an interactive communication where the artist, the piece and those who experience it make up an interactive process. In this process experience is a meeting point with both individual and communal characteristics. The data was collected in conjunction with exhibitions in 1997−2005. The survey was carried out in eleven countries (Finland, United States, Brazil, China, Taiwan, Japan, India, Israel, Argentina, Germany and Switzerland). The survey data was made up of 2,563 returned questionnaires. The interviews in China, Japan and Finland were about the same painting Sun Wind , which was transported from Finland to Japan (Tokyo) and China. A total of 89 people were interviewed in Shanghai Art Museum, 30 people in Port-Ginza Gallery, Tokyo and 45 people in Soile Yli-Mäyry s Gallery in Finland. Three hypotheses that were turned into research questions directed the study: 1. Are there differences/ similarities between culturally different communities in the meanings attributed to experiences, e.g. according to emotional dimensions, or do experiences focus more on reflecting on one s own life or meanings attributed to the world around us? What kinds of experiential dimensions are there in different countries? Do similar, analogous experiences that transcend cultural barriers emerge in culturally different countries such as China, Japan and Finland? 2. Does the data display different types of experiencing subjects which are typical to a subject s own country or are they experiences that can be compared to those generated by an ideal landscape , where the art touches the subconscious and collective selfhood, being thus transnational and timeless? Closer analysis focuses on audience experiences in China, Japan and Finland (interviews, textual survey data). 3. Are the experiences and interpretations of experts similar/different to those of larger audiences? The survey data has been analysed with the help of cross-tabulation. After content analysis of the interviews and textual survey data, different ways of experiencing subjects were sketched by country (China, Japan, Finland). The types were both similar and dissimilar. The most important types were social/ecological (China), therapeutic/reserved (Japan) and narrative/projecting (Finland). There were differences in how experiences were emphasised: the Chinese public approached their experiences from the viewpoint of pragmatism and utility, where they could obtain new ideas for their own work or experiencing the exhibition gave courage to approach their own lives from a new perspective. In turn, the Japanese public experienced the art from a therapeutic angle and from a very reserved perspective, which Dylan Evans (2001, 13−17) has described as typical to Japanese culture. The experiences of the Finnish audience were strongly therapeutic and narrative. The people projected their emotions onto the piece and in a concrete manner forged them into a story. The partly similar results of this study in China, Japan and Finland demonstrate that the art displayed in the exhibitions contain images of the beginning or elements connected to the beginning of life, which touch the subconscious in the way an ideal landscape would. Experiencing the meaningfulness of one s own life through art is a common thread and a bridge across cultures that unites the experiences of the audiences of this study, be they Taoists, Confucians, Buddhists or Maoists in China, Shinto followers, Zen Buddhists in Japan or Evangelist-Lutherans in Finland. Keywords: experience, reception, bridge across cultures, types of experiencing subjects, experiential process, ideal landscape, elementality


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Individuals with inherited deficiency in DNA mismatch repair(MMR) (Lynch syndrome) LS are predisposed to different cancers in a non-random fashion. Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common extracolonic malignancy in LS. LS represents the best characterized form of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma (HNPCC). Other forms of familial non-polyposis colon cancer exist, including familial colorectal cancer type X (FCCX). This syndrome resembles LS, but MMR gene defects are excluded and the predisposition genes are unknown so far. To address why different organs are differently susceptible to cancer development, we examined molecular similarities and differences in selected cancers whose frequency varies in LS individuals. Tumors that are common (colorectal, endometrial, gastric) and less common (brain, urological) in LS were characterized for MMR protein expression, microsatellite instability (MSI), and by altered DNA methylation. We also studied samples of histologically normal endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia,and cancer for molecular alterations to identify potential markers that could predict malignant transformation in LS and sporadic cases. Our results suggest that brain and kidney tumors follow a different pathway for cancer development than the most common LS related cancers.Our results suggest also that MMR defects are detectable in endometrial tissues from a proportion of LS mutation carriers prior to endometrial cancer development. Traditionally (complex) atypical hyperplasia has been considered critical for progression to malignancy. Our results suggest that complex hyperplasia without atypia is equally important as a precursor lesion of malignancy. Tumor profiles from Egypt were compared with colorectal tumors from Finland to evaluate if there are differences specific to the ethnic origin (East vs.West). Results showed for the first time a distinct genetic and epigenetic signature in the Egyptian CRC marked by high methylation of microsatellite stable tumors associated with advanced stage, and low frequency of Wnt signaling activation, suggesting a novel pathway. DNA samples from FCCX families were studied with genome wide linkage analysis using microsatellite markers. Selected genes from the linked areas were tested for possible mutations that could explain predisposition to a large number of colon adenomas and carcinomas seen in these families. Based on the results from the linkage analysis, a number of areas with tentative linkage were identified in family 20. We narrowed down these areas by additional microsatellite markers to found a mutation in the BMPR1A gene. Sequencing of an additional 17 FCCX families resulted in a BMPR1A mutation frequency of 2/18 families (11%). Clarification of the mechanisms of the differential tumor susceptibility in LS increases the understanding of gene and organ specific targets of MMR deficiency. While it is generally accepted that widespread MMR deficiency and consequent microsatellite instability (MSI) drives tumorigenesis in LS, the timing of molecular alterations is controversial. In particular, it is important to know that alterations may occur several years before cancer formation, at stages that are still histologically regarded as normal. Identification of molecular markers that could predict the risk of malignant transformation may be used to improve surveillance and cancer prevention in genetically predisposed individuals. Significant fractions of families with colorectal and/or endometrial cancer presently lack molecular definition altogether. Our findings expand the phenotypic spectrum of BMPR1A mutations and, for the first time, link FCCX families to the germline mutation of a specific gene. In particular, our observations encourage screening of additional families with FCCX for BMPR1A mutation, which is necessary in obtaining a reliable estimate of the share of BMPR1A-associated cases among all FCCX families worldwide. Clinically, the identification of predisposing mutations enables targeted cancer prevention in proven mutation carriers and thereby reduces cancer morbidity and mortality in the respective families.


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Pirkko Saisio's trilogy Pienin yhteinen jaettava (The Smallest Shared Dividend, 1998), Vastavalo (Against the Light, 2000), and Punainen erokirja (The Red Book of Separation, 2003), depicts the development of a masculine girl who at the end of the trilogy comes out as a homosexual women, a mother, and a writer. The main character is named Pirkko Saisio, and many of the events are picked from Saisio's real life. Nevertheless, the author wants the trilogy to be read as a novel, not a memoir. The present study analyses the generic elements of Saisio s trilogy and contextualizes the narrative identity that Saisio is creating in her fiction. Following Alastair Fowler s theory of genres as types without strict borders and a tendency to hybridity, the trilogy is linked to several genres. Serge Doubrovsky s genre concept of autofiction is the basis for the analysis: it explains the trilogy s borderline identity between autobiography and novel, and designates the main elements that render Saisio s autobiographical narrative into fiction. Both Doubrovsky and Saisio emphasize the role of the unconscious in writing, and at the same time stress the importance of a skilled composition. As well as autofiction, the trilogy is analyzed as a Bildungsroman, a confession and conversion narrative, a coming-out -narrative and a portrait-of-the-artist novel. Each genre is illuminated by its paradigmatic work: Wilhelm Meister s Apprenticeship by Goethe, The Confessions by St. Augustine, and The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall. The parallelisms between Saisio s trilogy and the typical plots of the genres and thematics of the classics show how the tradition works in Saisio s text. The thematic parallelisms highlight Saisio s concern for the conflicts that occur between an individual and the surrounding society, while the similarities in plots question the autobiographicality of Saisio s narrative but also clarify how Saisio refines the traditional genres. Read in the light of Saisio s trilogy, the classics are shown to have their gender-transgressive elements that the non-normative reader can identify with. Saisio s text also challenges universalizing claims about genre and gender. As a narrative of identity it follows the example of 1970s essentialistic coming-out stories, but at the same time depicts the notion of identity in a manner that manifests postmodern ideas about identity as multiple and ever-transforming. Keywords: autobiographicality, autofiction, identity narrative, genre research, Bildungsroman, conversion narrative, confession, coming-out story, a portrait-of-an-artist novel


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Ten new cyclic hexadepsipeptides, six isariins and four isaridins, from the fungus Isaria have been identified and characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography, coupled to tandem electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESIMS/MS). The isariins possess a beta-hydroxy acid residue and five alpha-amino acids, while isaridins contain a beta-amino acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid, and four alpha-amino acids. One- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy confirmed the chemical identity of some of the isariin fractions. Mass spectral fragmentation patterns of [M + H](+) ions reveal clear diagnostic fragment ions for the isariins and isaridins. Previously described cyclic depsipeptides, isarfelins from Isaria felina (Guo, Y. X.; Liu, Q. H.; Ng, T. B.; Wang H. X. Peptides 2005, 26, 2384), are now reassigned as members of the isaridin family. Examination of isaridin sequences revealed significant similarities with cyclic hexadepsipeptides such as destruxins and roseotoxins. The structure of an isariin (isariin A) investigated by NMR spectroscopy indicated the presence of a hybrid alpha beta C-11 turn, formed by the beta-hydroxy acid and glycine residues and a (D)Leu-(L)Ala type II' beta-turn. Additionally, the inhibitory effect of isariins and an isaridin on the intra-erythrocytic growth of Plasmodium falciparum is presented.


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Bowman-Birk inhibitors (BBI) isolated from plant seeds are small proteins active against trypsin and/or chymotrypsin. These inhibitors have been extensively studied in terms of their structure, interactions, function and evolution. Examination of the known three-dimensional structures of BBIs revealed similarities and subtle differences.The hydrophobic core, deduced from surface accessibility and hydrophobicity plots, corresponding to the two tandem structural domains of the double headed BBI are related by an almost exact two-fold, in contrast to the reactive site loops which depart appreciably from the two-fold symmetry. Also, the orientations of inhibitory loops in soybean and peanut inhibitors were different with respect to the rigid core. Based on the structure of Adzuki bean BBI-trypsin complex, models of trypsin and chymotryspin bound to the monomeric soybean BBI (SBI) were constructed. There were minor short contacts between the two enzymes bound to the inhibitor suggesting near independence of binding. Binding studies revealed that the inhibition of one enzyme in the presence of the other is associated with a minor negative cooperativity. In order to assess the functional significance of the reported oligomeric forms of BBI, binding of proteases to the crystallographic and non-crystallographic dimers as found in the crystal structure of peanut inhibitor were examined. It was found that all the active sites in these oligomers cannot simultaneously participate in inhibition.


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This dissertation is a broad study of factors affecting perceptions of CSR issues in multiple stakeholder realms, the main purpose being to determine the effects of the values of individuals on their perceptions regarding CSR. It examines perceptions of CSR both at the emic (observing individuals and stakeholders) and etic levels (conducting cross-cultural comparison) through a descriptive-empirical research strategy. The dissertation is based on quantitative interview data among Chinese, Finnish and US stakeholder groups of industry companies (with an emphasis on the forest industries) and consists of four published articles and two submitted manuscripts. Theoretically, this dissertation provides a valuable and unique philosophical and intellectual perspective on the contemporary study of CSR `The Harmony Approach to CSR'. Empirically, this dissertation does values assessment and CSR evaluation of a wide variety of business activities covering CSR reporting, business ethics, and three dimensions of CSR performance. From the multi-stakeholder perspective, this dissertation use survey methods to examine the perceptions and stakeholder salience in the context of CSR by describing, comparing the differences between demographic factors as well as hypothetical drivers behind perceptions. The results of study suggest that the CSR objective of a corporation's top management should be to manage the divergent and conflicting interests of multiple stakeholders, taking others than key stakeholders into account as well. The importance of values as a driver of ethical behaviour and decision-making has been generally recognized. This dissertation provides more empirical proof of this theory by highlighting the effects of values on CSR perceptions. It suggests that since the way to encourage responsible behaviour and develop CSR is to develop individual values and cultivate their virtues, it is time to invoke the critical role of moral (ethics) education. The specific studies of China and comparison between Finland and the US contribute to a common understanding of the emerging CSR issues, problems and opportunities for the future of sustainability. The similarities among these countries can enhance international cooperation, while the differences will open up opportunities and diversified solutions for CSR in local conditions.


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This study focuses on the similarities and differences between the Estonian Defence League and the Finnish Civil Guard brass bands during the period 1925-1934. By 1934 this paramilitary volunteer state defence organisation had reached stability in its development, such that social, cultural and patriotic education of the people - with the help of brass band music among other means- had acquired a significant role, in addition to prioritised military and sports activities. The study begins with introductory paragraphs I and II, which describes the founding of the organisations, their participation in the Wars of Independence and their subsequent peace time activities as well as their representation in the media at the time. The thesis also briefly introduces military music in Finland and Estonia, as well as describes the influence of military music on the Defence League brass bands. The period under review includes the global economic crisis, which undoubtedly concerned the Defence League/Civil Guard and the Lapua and War of Independence movements, which greatly affected the apolitical principles of the organisations. The main emphasis of the thesis is the Defence League/Civil Guard brass band`s musical activities in two counties - Etelä-Pohjanmaa and Pärnumaa, while also including a general overview of the Estonian Defence League brass bands´ activities. One of the most important benefits of the thesis is its introduction of the brass band repertoire in use at the time, which was played by both professional and as well as amateur orchestras the latter of which also included the brass bands of the Defence League/Civil Guard and the Fire Services. Brass band music held a secondary, yet significant position in the Defence League/Civil Guard, where the orchestra as a musical grouping was obliged to perform not only at inner-organisational and national celebrations but also at any event requiring brass band music, such as song festivals, singing days, and other local cultural events. The professional preparation of the band conductors at the beginning of the period under review was not well specialised, but the training of the Defence League/Civil Defence brass band conductors was carried out regularly in both republic according to the opportunities and dedicated training programmes available. The musicians of the Defence League/Civil Defence brass bands were at the same time members of the military organisations as well as amateur musicians, which placed upon them extra demands - they were under close public supervision in all situations. Based on the principle of chronology it appeared that both Finnish and Estonian respective organisations´ brass bands used the gradually improving economic situation for purchasing musical instruments, obtaining repertoire and training musicians/conductors. Despite the fact that brass band music in the Defence League/Civil Guard was considered an amateur activity and a hobby, the more far-reaching objective of the organisation was to resemble the Defence Forces´ orchestras as closely as possible in all aspects. The Defence League/Civil Guard brass band music definitely had a significant influence on forming, developing and enriching music life in both republics. The reviewed nine-year period introduced the musical activities of the Defence League/Civil Guard against the background of the everyday life of the organisation and the need for brass band music and its continuity in the voluntary state defence institutions of both republics.


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Background. Several types of networks, such as transcriptional, metabolic or protein-protein interaction networks of various organisms have been constructed, that have provided a variety of insights into metabolism and regulation. Here, we seek to exploit the reaction-based networks of three organisms for comparative genomics. We use concepts from spectral graph theory to systematically determine how differences in basic metabolism of organisms are reflected at the systems level and in the overall topological structures of their metabolic networks. Methodology/Principal Findings. Metabolome-based reaction networks of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae and Escherichia coli have been constructed based on the KEGG LIGAND database, followed by graph spectral analysis of the network to identify hubs as well as the sub-clustering of reactions. The shortest and alternate paths in the reaction networks have also been examined. Sub-cluster profiling demonstrates that reactions of the mycolic acid pathway in mycobacteria form a tightly connected sub-cluster. Identification of hubs reveals reactions involving glutamate to be central to mycobacterial metabolism, and pyruvate to be at the centre of the E. coli metabolome. The analysis of shortest paths between reactions has revealed several paths that are shorter than well established pathways. Conclusions. We conclude that severe downsizing of the leprae genome has not significantly altered the global structure of its reaction network but has reduced the total number of alternate paths between its reactions while keeping the shortest paths between them intact. The hubs in the mycobacterial networks that are absent in the human metabolome can be explored as potential drug targets. This work demonstrates the usefulness of constructing metabolome based networks of organisms and the feasibility of their analyses through graph spectral methods. The insights obtained from such studies provide a broad overview of the similarities and differences between organisms, taking comparative genomics studies to a higher dimension.


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"Fifty-six teachers, from four European countries, were interviewed to ascertain their attitudes to and beliefs about the Collaborative Learning Environments (CLEs) which were designed under the Innovative Technologies for Collaborative Learning Project. Their responses were analysed using categories based on a model from cultural-historical activity theory [Engestrom, Y. (1987). Learning by expanding.- An activity-theoretical approach to developmental research. Helsinki: Orienta-Konsultit; Engestrom, Y., Engestrom, R., & Suntio, A. (2002). Can a school community learn to master its own future? An activity-theoretical study of expansive learning among middle school teachers. In G. Wells & G. Claxton (Eds.), Learning for life in the 21st century. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers]. The teachers were positive about CLEs and their possible role in initiating pedagogical innovation and enhancing personal professional development. This positive perception held across cultures and national boundaries. Teachers were aware of the fact that demanding planning was needed for successful implementations of CLEs. However, the specific strategies through which the teachers can guide students' inquiries in CLEs and the assessment of new competencies that may characterize student performance in the CLEs were poorly represented in the teachers' reflections on CLEs. The attitudes and beliefs of the teachers from separate countries had many similarities, but there were also some clear differences, which are discussed in the article. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved."


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The study analyses the ambivalent relationship republicanism, as a form of self-government free from domination, had with the ideal of participatory oratory and non-dominated speech on the one hand, and with the danger of unhindered demagogy and its possibly fatal consequences to that form of government on the other. Although previous scholarship has delved deeply into republicanism as well as into rhetoric and public speech, the interplay between those aspects has only gathered scattered interest, and there has been no systematic study considering the variety of republican approaches to rhetoric and public speech in 17th-century England. The rare attempts to do so have been studies in English literature, and they have not analysed the political philosophy of republicanism, as the focus has been on republicanism as a literary culture. This study connects the fields of political theory, political history as well as literature in order to make a multidisciplinary contribution to intellectual history. The study shows that, within the tradition of classical republicanism, individual authors could make different choices when addressing the problematic topics of public speech and rhetoric, and the variety of their conclusions often set the authors against each other, resulting in the development of their theories through internal debates within the republican tradition. The authors under study were chosen to reflect this variety and the connections between them: the similarities between James Harrington and John Streater, and between John Milton and John Hall of Durham are shown, as well the controversies between Harrington and Milton, and Streater and Hall, respectively. In addition, by analysing the writings of Marchamont Nedham the study will show that the choices were not limited to more, or less, democratic brands of republicanism. Most significantly, the study provides a thorough analysis of the political philosophies behind the various brands of republicanism, in addition to describing them. By means of this analysis, the study shows that previous attempts to assess the role of free speech and public debate, through the lenses of modern, rights-based liberal political theory have resulted in an inappropriate framework for understanding early modern English republicanism. By approaching the topics through concepts used by the republicans legitimate authority, leadership by oratory, and republican freedom and through the frames of reference available and familiar to them roles of education and institutions the study presents a thorough and systematic analysis of the role and function of rhetoric and public speech in English republicanism. The findings of this analysis have significant consequences to our current understanding of the history and development of republican political theory, and, more generally, of the connections between democratic theory and free speech.


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The National Curriculum Guidelines on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Finland says that ECEC is developed holistically through observing children´s and the educator community´s activities and the ECEC environment. The background of this research was that assesment should be based on commonly agreed principles, which are recorded e.g. to unit-specific ECEC curriculum. The objective of this research was to investigate how unit-specific ECEC curriculums have descriped the physical indoor environment in day-care centres. According to the National Curriculum Guidelines on ECEC, there are four ways of acting that are peculiar to children: playing, physical activities, exploration and artistic experiences and self-expression. The descriptions of physical environment in unit-spesific curriculums were observed through above mentioned four ways of acting. In addition to that, the descriptions of four ways of acting were compared to each other, in order to find out, which are the main differencies and similarities in relation to physical ECEC environment. Research material was build on unit-specific ECEC curriculums from 18 day-care centres of Helsinki. Target of the research were the descriptions of physical indoor environment in curriculums.The method used in the research was theory-guided content analysis. The analyses were mainly qualitative. The descriptions of psysical environment varied widely both quantitatively and by substance. All curriculums contained mentions of playing and artistic experiences and self-expression, but mentions of physical activities and exploration were noticiably fewer. All four ways of acting were mentioned in research material in relation to premises and instruments. Also, principles related to the use of premises and instruments and other more common priciples were mentioned in relation to all ways of acting. Instead of that, children were not mentioned even once as an upholders or innovators of physical activities environment and children were mentioned only once regarding to exploration environment. All ways of acting included scenarios of e.g. that environment must provide possibilities of particular way of acting, and both materials and instruments must be available for children. Anyhow, research material did not include any principle or scenario that relates to physical environment that would have occurred in every unit-specific curriculum.


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The Finnish society developed rapidly in the 1960´s and 1970´s. This was result of international trends. Development of education, urbanization and wide organization of society increased discontent towards prevailing social structure and towards the power elite. Development of technology created possibility to present radical perspectives in mass media. This caused widely spread discussions dividing opinions. The purpose of this thesis was to complement research on national defence and the Finnish Defence Forces especially between years 1965 and 1975. The task of research was to clarify how changes in society and how the significance of this change was interpreted in public discussion about national defence and development of the Defence Forces. The most essential points for this thesis turned out to be discourses structured from public discussion. Main research material consisted of approximately 35000 news, editorials, articles and opinions presented in mass media supplemented by literature, committee reports and other archival sources. Frame of reference for this thesis is based on relativistic worldview. According to this, social reality is relative and there is no single truth. Environment has significant influence on the issue how knowledge and truth are formed. Data analysis was based on critical discourse. The key objective was to clarify the effects of broad changes in society using discursive methods. One essential goal was to form order of discourse using linguistic analysis and also connect discourses to wider sociocultural custom. On this thesis I came to the conclusion that on the review period there were five significant ensembles of discourse. They consisted of several discussions focused on different themes. The discourse of official security policy aimed to define national defence and the position of the Defence Forces as parts of foreign policy. Foreign policy is often perceived as the most significant part of security policy. Historical memory, geographical position of Finland and also the state contracts, changes in international warfare, tasks of the Defence Forces and increasing critic of national defence and the difference in thinking between generations formed the discourse of security policy. In the discourse of the liability to military service, the issue was about individual responsibility to society and national defence. Resisters and unarmed defence demands, encouraged by international examples were the themes. The discourse pointed out how mass media is used to influence and forced the Defence Forces to develop the practices in public information. The discourses of democracy and politics were closer to internal development of the Defence Forces to integrate more into society. The discourse of democracy focused in changing power relationships of the Defence Forces that were known as authoritarian. Issues like conscript and personnel union activity had lot of similarities to general social development. The discourse of politics presented how the Defence Forces were pushed towards parliamentary decision making. The personnel was granted the same rights as other population. Themes related to the discourse on the will to national defence were development of mental national defence, increasing education on national defence and creation of more open public information culture. According to discourses presented above I can state, that the position of the Defence Forces in society was changed between years 1965-1975. This change was advanced by the Defence Forces reformed attitude towards mass media and public information in general. Active participation in public information important became important instead of only answering topics. This positive development created an atmosphere, that was easier for the public to understand and create own pictures of the armed forces. Due to this, I can describe that the defenders and supporters of the armed forces were stuck in their trenches, until discussions presented in discourses and themes developed the Defence Forces to be better fitting part of society. Key words; society, national defence, Defence Forces, discourse, mass media, security policy, liability to military service, conscription, democracy