981 resultados para Separation process


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This paper examines the influence of the chemical constituents of activated sludge and extracted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on the surface properties, hydrophobicity, surface charge (SC) and flocculating ability (FA) of activated sludge floes. Activated sludge samples from 7 different full-scale wastewater treatment plants were examined. Protein and humic substances were found to be the dominant polymeric compounds in the activated sludges and the extracted EPS, and they significantly affected the FA and surface properties, hydrophobicity and SC, of the sludge floes. The polymeric compounds proteins, humic substances and carbohydrates in the sludge floes and the extracted EPS contributed to the negative SC, but correlated negatively to the hydrophobicity of sludge floes. The quantity of protein and carbohydrate within the sludge and the extracted EPS was correlated positively to the FA of the sludge floes, while increased amounts of humic substances resulted in lower FA. In contrast, increased amounts of total extracted EPS had a negative correlation to FA. The results reveal that the quality and quantity of the polymeric compounds within the sludge floes is more informative, with respect to understanding the mechanisms involved in flocculation, than if only the extracted EPS are considered. This is an important finding as it indicates that extracting EPS may be insufficient to characterise the EPS. This is due to the low extraction efficiency and difficulties involved in the separation of EPS from other organic compounds. Correlations were observed between the surface properties and FA of the sludge floes., This confirms that the surface properties of the, sludge flocs play an important role in the bioflocculation process but that also other interactions like polymer entanglement are important. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Activated sludge floes are a flocculated mass of microorganisms, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and adsorbed organic and inorganic material. The structure of the floes is very heterogeneous and floes with very different properties and morphologies may occur, depending on the conditions in the activated sludge treatment plant and wastewater composition. Present thinking suggests that cations, such as calcium, create cationic bridges with EPS excreted by the bacteria and thereby hold the various floe constituents together. However, due to the complex and heterogeneous nature of activated sludge, the mechanisms have neither been thoroughly investigated nor successfully quantified. A better understanding and description of the biological flocculation process is necessary in order to establish more efficient operational strategies. The main aim of this study was to get a comprehensive and unique insight into the floe properties of activated sludge and to assess the relative impact of chemical and physical parameters. A variety of sludges from full scale treatment plants with different settling properties were characterised. The interrelationships between floe parameters such as composition of EPS, surface properties and floe structure, and their effect on the flocculation and separation properties were assessed. The results indicate that the EPS, both in terms of quantity and quality, are very important for the floe properties of the activated sludge. However, presence of filaments may alter the physical properties of the floes considerably. The EPS showed positive correlations to sludge volume index (SVI) if only sludges with low or moderate numbers of filaments were included. The surface properties were more affected by the composition of the EPS than by the number of filaments. The EPS showed positive correlation to negative surface charge and a negative correlation to relative hydrophobicity and flocculation ability. The negative correlation between flocculation ability and amount of EPS was surprising. The shear sensitivity, measured as degree of erosion of floes when subjected to shear, was more affected by floe size and number of filaments than amount of EPS.


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Biological nitrogen removal via the nitrite pathway in wastewater treatment is very important in Saving the cost of aeration and as an electron donor for denitrification. Wastewater nitrification and nitrite accumulation were carried out in a biofilm airlift reactor with autotrophic nitrifying biofilm. The biofilm reactor showed almost complete nitrification and most of the oxidized ammonium was present as nitrite at the ammonium load of 1.5 to 3.5 kg N/m3.d. Nitrite accumulation was stably achieved by the selective inhibition of nitrite oxidizers with free ammonia and dissolved oxygen limitation. Stable 100% conversion to nitrite could also be achieved even under the absence of free ammonia inhibition on nitrite oxidizers. Batch ammonium oxidation and nitrite oxidation with nitrite accumulating nitrifying biofilm showed that nitrite Oxidation was completely inhibited when free ammonia is higher than 0.2 mg N/L. However, nitrite oxidation activity was recovered as soon as the free ammonia concentration was below the threshold level when dissolved oxygen concentration was not the limiting factor. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of cryosectioned nitrite accumulating nitrifying biofilm showed that the β-subclass of Proteobacteria, where ammonia oxidizers belong, was distributed outside the biofilm whereas the α-subclass of Proteobacteria, where nitrite oxidizers belong, was found mainly in the inner part of the biofilm. It is likely that dissolved oxygen deficiency or limitation in the inner part of the nitrifying biofilm, where nitrite oxidizers exist, is responsible for the complete shut down of the nitrite oxidizers activity under the absence of free ammonia inhibition.


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This paper describes a process-based metapopulation dynamics and phenology model of prickly acacia, Acacia nilotica, an invasive alien species in Australia. The model, SPAnDX, describes the interactions between riparian and upland sub-populations of A. nilotica within livestock paddocks, including the effects of extrinsic factors such as temperature, soil moisture availability and atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. The model includes the effects of management events such as changing the livestock species or stocking rate, applying fire, and herbicide application. The predicted population behaviour of A. nilotica was sensitive to climate. Using 35 years daily weather datasets for five representative sites spanning the range of conditions that A. nilotica is found in Australia, the model predicted biomass levels that closely accord with expected values at each site. SPAnDX can be used as a decision-support tool in integrated weed management, and to explore the sensitivity of cultural management practices to climate change throughout the range of A. nilotica. The cohort-based DYMEX modelling package used to build and run SPAnDX provided several advantages over more traditional population modelling approaches (e.g. an appropriate specific formalism (discrete time, cohort-based, process-oriented), user-friendly graphical environment, extensible library of reusable components, and useful and flexible input/output support framework). (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Fluoropolymers are known as chemically inert materials with good high temperature resistance, so they are often the materials of choice for harsh chemical environments. These properties arise because the carbon-fluorine bond is the strongest of all bonds between other elements and carbon, and, because of their large size, fluorine atoms can protect the carbon backbone of polymers such as poly(tetrafluoroethylene), PTFE, from chemical attack. However, while the carbon-fluorine bond is much stronger than the carbon hydrogen bond, the G values for radical formation on high energy radiolysis of fluoropolymers are roughly comparable to those of their protonated counterparts. Thus, efficient high energy radiation grafting of fluoropolymers is practical, and this process can be used to modify either the surface or bulk properties of a fluoropolymer. Indeed, radiation grafted fluoropolymers are currently being used as separation membranes for fuel cells, hydrophilic filtration membranes and matrix substrate materials for use in combinatorial chemistry. Herein we present a review of recent studies of the high energy radiation grafting of fluoropolymers and of the analytical methods available to characterize the grafts. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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MCM-41 periodic mesoporous silicates with a high degree of structural ordering are synthesized and used as model adsorbents to study the isotherm prediction of nitrogen adsorption. The nitrogen adsorption isotherm at 77 K for a macroporous silica is measured and used in high-resolution alpha(s)-plot comparative analysis to determine the external surface area, total surface area and primary mesopore volume of the MCM-41 materials. Adsorption equilibrium data of nitrogen on the different pore size MCM-41 samples (pore diameters from 2.40 to 4.92 nm) are also obtained. Based on the Broekhoff and de Boer' thermodynamic analysis, the nitrogen adsorption isotherms for the different pore size MCM-41 samples are interpreted using a novel strategy, in which the parameters of an empirical expression, used to represent the potential of interaction between the adsorbate and adsorbent, are obtained by fitting only the multilayer region prior to capillary condensation for C-16 MCM-41. Subsequently the entire isotherm, including the phase transition, is predicted for all the different pore size MCM-41 samples without any fitting. The results show that the prediction of multilayer adsorption and total adsorbed amount are in good agreement with the experimental isotherms. The predictions of the relative pressure corresponding to capillary equilibrium (coexistence) transition agree remarkably with experimental data on the adsorption branch even for hysteretic isotherms, confirming that this is the branch appropriate for pore size distribution analysis. The impact of pore radius on the adsorption film thickness and capillary coexistence pressure is also investigated, and found to agree with the experimental data. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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O artigo discute o processo de reforma administrativa implementada na Nova Zel??ndia a partir de 1984, com a chegada do Partido Trabalhista ao poder, abordando seus principais desdobramentos nos anos 90. Parte de uma apresenta????o do modelo administrativo em vigor na Nova Zel??ndia antes das reformas empreendidas em 1984, delimitando dessa forma o quadro referencial para comparar a situa????o anterior com a atual, de maneira que proporcione uma avalia????o sobre os impactos das medidas empreendidas. Em seguida, apresenta uma descri????o dos objetivos e princ??pios norteadores da reforma tais como, separa????o das fun????es comerciais das n??o-comerciais; separa????o entre as fun????es administrativas e de assessoria; princ??pio do ???quem usa paga???, user pays; transpar??ncia na concess??o de subs??dios; neutralidade competitiva, descentraliza????o e aumento do poder discricion??rio do administrador; melhoramento da accountability, entre outros. A seguir, s??o apresentadas as principais medidas empreendidas pelo governo trabalhista entre 1984 e 1990, dando ??nfase ?? metodologia adotada para a implementa????o e accountability dos contratos de gest??o firmados entre os executivos- chefe e os ministros. Posteriormente, o autor apresenta as modifica????es introduzidas nas regras de contrata????o de pessoal no servi??o p??blico neozeland??s e, de um modo mais geral, na pol??tica de recursos humanos. Finalmente, ?? tra??ado um perfil da situa????o atual da Nova Zel??ndia, bem como ?? feita a apresenta????o sucinta daqueles que o autor considera como sendo os ???suportes conceituais da reforma???: o movimento gerencialista, a teoria do Public Choice e a teoria Principal-Agente.


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Esta dissertação foi construída em interface com a tradição oral milenar da filosofia budista, respeitando um estilo tradicional dos ensinamentos em sua transmissão oral. Por meio da perspectiva de uma "filosofia prática", constitui-se uma metodologia onde as questões se desdobram em reflexões e ideias encadeadas, o que permite contemplar um tema de vários ângulos, tendo por fio norteador os ensinamentos budistas da linhagem Sakya, que orientam uma postura ética para a vida cotidiana. Abordam-se as "orientações para o viver" contidas nos ensinamentos com ênfase no domínio da mente, da motivação e da intenção da ação humana. Para a realização desse exercício ético, que transforma o campo da educação – processo de ensino e de aprendizagem – e o da produção de conhecimento – constituição de saberes sobre si e sobre o mundo –, a prática da meditação se coloca como delineadora de novos contornos para o pensar, o sentir e o agir, o que se evidencia por meio do ensinamento clássico “ Libertando-se dos Quatro Apegos”, referência central para este trabalho. Nesta perspectiva, a meditação é abordada como campo da experiência, como um método com o qual podemos viver a “não separatividade de sujeito-corpo-mente”. A importância da meditação para um processo de criação de experiências constitutivas de um estar desperto. Este despertar se faz por meio de práticas onde “nós somos a experiência da mente”, “nós somos a mente em si”, e a prática da meditação nos propicia essa experiência. A experiência de "estar presente em cada momento" pode nos levar ao domínio de nós mesmos, ao reconhecimento do outro como ser humano que também somos, e ao desenvolvimento da compaixão por todos os seres. Por meio desse processo podemos reconhecer o estado Búdico, ou melhor, o estado de Budeidade que todos temos em potencial. Budha é uma potência em nós, potência de desenvolvermos compaixão equânime para com todos os seres E podemos fazer isso reconhecendo dois aspectos importantes: os quatro apegos que nos aprisionam e a maneira de nos libertarmos deles para trilhar o caminho desperto.


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O soro de leite é um subproduto da fabricação do queijo, seja por acidificação ou por processo enzimático. Em condições ideais, a caseína do leite se agrega formando um gel, que posteriormente cortado, induz a separação e liberação do soro. É utilizado de diversas formas em toda a indústria alimentícia, possui rica composição em lactose, sais minerais e proteínas. A desidratação é um dos principais processos utilizados para beneficiamento e transformação do soro. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência dos métodos de secagem: liofilização, leito de espuma (nas temperaturas de 40, 50, 60, 70 e 80ºC) e spray-dryer (nas temperaturas de 55, 60, 65, 70 e 75ºC), sobre as características de umidade, proteína, cor e solubilidade do soro, bem como estudar o seu processo de secagem. O soro foi obtido e desidratado após concentração por osmose reversa, testando 11 tratamentos, em 3 repetições, utilizando um delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os resultados demonstraram que o modelo matemático que melhor se ajustou foi o modelo de Page, apresentado um coeficiente de determinação ajustado acima de 0,98 e erro padrão da regressão em todas as temperaturas abaixo de 0,04 para o método por leito de espuma. Para o método de liofilização os respectivos valores foram 0,9975 e 0,01612. A partir disso, pode-se elaborar um modelo matemático generalizado, apresentando um coeficiente de determinação igual a 0,9888. No caso do leito de espuma, observou-se que à medida que se aumenta a temperatura do ar de secagem, o tempo de secagem diminui e os valores do coeficiente de difusão efetiva aumentam. Porém, a redução no tempo de secagem entre os intervalos de temperatura, diminui com o aumento da mesma. A energia de ativação para a difusão no processo de secagem do soro foi de 26,650 kJ/mol e para todas as avaliações físico-químicas e tecnológicas, a análise de variância apresentou um valor de F significativo (p<0,05), indicando que há pelo menos um contraste entre as médias dos tratamentos que é significativo.


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Esta dissertação foi construída em interface com a tradição oral milenar da filosofia budista, respeitando um estilo tradicional dos ensinamentos em sua transmissão oral. Por meio da perspectiva de uma "filosofia prática", constitui-se uma metodologia onde as questões se desdobram em reflexões e ideias encadeadas, o que permite contemplar um tema de vários ângulos, tendo por fio norteador os ensinamentos budistas da linhagem Sakya, que orientam uma postura ética para a vida cotidiana. Abordam-se as "orientações para o viver" contidas nos ensinamentos com ênfase no domínio da mente, da motivação e da intenção da ação humana. Para a realização desse exercício ético, que transforma o campo da educação – processo de ensino e de aprendizagem – e o da produção de conhecimento – constituição de saberes sobre si e sobre o mundo –, a prática da meditação se coloca como delineadora de novos contornos para o pensar, o sentir e o agir, o que se evidencia por meio do ensinamento clássico “ Libertando-se dos Quatro Apegos”, referência central para este trabalho. Nesta perspectiva, a meditação é abordada como campo da experiência, como um método com o qual podemos viver a “não separatividade de sujeito-corpo-mente”. A importância da meditação para um processo de criação de experiências constitutivas de um estar desperto. Este despertar se faz por meio de práticas onde “nós somos a experiência da mente”, “nós somos a mente em si”, e a prática da meditação nos propicia essa experiência. A experiência de "estar presente em cada momento" pode nos levar ao domínio de nós mesmos, ao reconhecimento do outro como ser humano que também somos, e ao desenvolvimento da compaixão por todos os seres. Por meio desse processo podemos reconhecer o estado Búdico, ou melhor, o estado de Budeidade que todos temos em potencial. Budha é uma potência em nós, potência de desenvolvermos compaixão equânime para com todos os seres E podemos fazer isso reconhecendo dois aspectos importantes: os quatro apegos que nos aprisionam e a maneira de nos libertarmos deles para trilhar o caminho desperto


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This article examines China's proposals on the reform of global governance, and discusses the main features of China's proposing behavior in the cases of the WTO Doha Round negotiation and G-20 Process. The main findings are: (1) in the critical junctures of global governance reform, China engaged the reform of the global governance institutions proactively, and put forward a series of reform proposals; (2) in proposing behavior, China argued the global governance institutions should be properly adjusted without intention to change the basic principles, refrained from playing a leadership role while proposing jointly with other countries, and upheld the principled idea of pro-development.


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This paper brings a comprehensive analysis of the peacebuilding process conducted by the UN in Timor-Leste. Drawing on fieldwork, interviews, and secondary sources, the paper brings light to the main fragilities of this process. Firstly, the paper briefly outlines the scholarly debate around UN peacebuilding process. Then, the paper brings an overview of the UN missions deployed to Timor-Leste. Finally, the paper identifies the major limitations of such engagement. By highlighting the main flaws of this peacebuilding process, the paper opens the space for (re)thinking alternative ways of building peace in post-conflict scenarios.


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The work presented herein follows an ongoing research that aims to analyze methodological practices to be applied in Design Education. A reflection about methodological strategies in Design Education and the function of drawing in Design represents the beginning of this study. Then, we developed an interdisciplinary pedagogical experience with the Graphic Design 1st grade students from our institution (IPCA). In the current academic year, 2013/2014, we continue to evolve this project, introducing changes in the initial proposal. Major alterations focused on the aspects that could be strengthened in terms of interdisciplinarity. In this article, the authors describe those changes and discuss the outcomes of the novel proposal. As we have already reported, this investigation follows a reflection about working methods to be adopted in Design Education. This is in accordance with other previously published works that purpose the enlargement of Design into new knowledge fields such as Experience or Service Design, changing not only the role of the graphic designer, but also the skills required to be a professional designer (Alain Findelli, 2001), (Brian Lawson, 2006), (Ciampa-Brewer, 2010). Furthermore, concepts such as cooperation or multidisciplinary design, amongst others, have been frequently debated as design teaching strategies (Heller and Talarico, 2011, pp. 82-85). These educational approaches also have an impact on our research. The analysis of all these authors’ contributions together with a reflection on our teaching practice allowed us to propose an improved interdisciplinary intervention.


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The entrepreneurship and innovation have been gradually gaining ground in the academic community as a field of study. However, the interpretations surrounding fragmented, without a univocal definition. In last decades, tourism has received greater attention from researchers in various sciences, varying only by the different emphases considered: economic, social, cultural and environmental. As other emerging sectors in a modern economy, tourism is a dynamic and ever-changing industry. The study has as purpose to provide a better understanding regarding the essence of entrepreneurship: theoretical and practical implications from the perspective of tourism. Regarding the methodology used here, this is a conceptual paper with a literature review that brings together the major components of entrepreneurship and its implications tourist perspective and conceptual model of the dynamic nature of the Triggering Process and innovation (e.g. iTravey, Interactive Stores, Tourist Transportable Tower).


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This paper investigates the reform of public accounting in Portugal through the IPSAS adoption highlighting the perception of different stakeholders. Two competing theories (NPM and the institutional theory) are used to understand public accounting changes within the Portuguese context. In general, different stakeholders agree with the favorable moment and the context of the reform. The context of financial crises and the great external pressures to cut public deficits and to improve the quality of financial information seem to be the most important factors to stimulate changes in public accounting. In addition, stakeholders recommend the use of different strategies to ensure success.