935 resultados para Seedling recruitment


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We evaluated the population dynamics of Acetes americanus Ortmann, 1893 focusing on sex ratio, individual growth, longevity, and the juvenile recruitment period. Samples were collected monthly from January 2006 to June 2007 in the bay of Ubatuba, Brazil. Specimen growth was identified for each gender, and the chosen cohorts were fitted in a von Bertalanffy Growth Model (VBGM); longevity was estimated by the von Bertalanffy inverse equation, considering 99% of the asymptotic length. A total of 6881 individuals (2343 males and 4538 females) were captured. On average the body size (total length) was greater in females (14.64 ± 3.34 mm) than in males (12.27 ± 1.86 mm). The mean growth curves (obtained by grouping the cohorts for each sex), provided estimates of TL∞ = 19.33 mm, k = 0.02 and t0 = -0.12 days for females and TL∞ = 15.13 mm, k = 0.03 and to = -0.07 days for males, where TL∞ is the asymptotic length, k is coefficient of growth and to is the theorical age when the size is equal to 0. Longevity was estimated at 0.61 years for females and 0.50 years for males. The sex ratio tended to favor females, which corroborates with others studies of sergestids. Our finding that males of A. americanus have higher values of k and therefore achieve a smaller size relative to females has been observed in other penaeids. We concluded that this differential growth pattern between the sexes is found across Dendrobranchiata. The life cycles of penaeids have an average duration of approximately 1-2 years, but our results corroborate other studies that estimate a shorter longevity for Acetes, as species of this genus are typically smaller in size. We found continuous recruitment with two main peaks observed during the study period, corroborating previous studies of Acetes. © The Crustacean Society, 2013. Published by Brill NV, Leiden.


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Background: Intestinal ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury is a serious and triggering event in the development of remote organ dysfunction, from which the lung is the main target. This condition is characterized by intense neutrophil recruitment, increased microvascular permeability. Intestinal IR is also responsible for induction of adult respiratory distress syndrome, the most serious and life-threatening form of acute lung injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of annexin-A1 protein as an endogenous regulator of the organ remote injury induced by intestinal ischemia/reperfusion. Male C57bl/6 mice were subjected to intestinal ischemia, induced by 45 min occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery, followed by reperfusion. Results: The intestinal ischemia/reperfusion evoked a high intensity lung inflammation as indicated by the number of neutrophils as compared to control group. Treatment with annexin-A1 peptidomimetic Ac2-26, reduced the number of neutrophils in the lung tissue and increased its number in the blood vessels, which suggests a regulatory effect of the peptide Ac2-26 in the neutrophil migration. Moreover, the peptide Ac2-26 treatment was associated with higher levels of plasma IL-10. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the annexin-A1 peptidomimetic Ac2-26 treatment has a regulatory and protective effect in the intestinal ischemia/reperfusion by attenuation of the leukocyte migration to the lung and induction of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 release into the plasma. The anti-inflammatory action of annexin-A1 and its peptidomimetic described here may serve as a basis for future therapeutic approach in mitigating inflammatory processes due to intestinal ischemia/reperfusion. © 2013 Guido et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Seedling morphology is relevant in classification, taxonomy, and vegetation studies to understand plant life cycles, germination succession and requirements, and developmental progression. However, most morphological studies of seedlings lack analysis of organ anatomy, impeding the comprehension of series of development and establishment in a particular environment. Here, we have taken a traditional anatomical approach to examine the stages of seedling development in Epiphyllum phyllanthus, a holo-epiphytic cactus of tribe Hylocereeae. The goals were 1) to offer a comprehensive description of growth series in E. phyllanthus seedlings based on morphological and anatomical analysis and 2) to examine the initial growth phases in the life cycle of this species to identify organ development and understand their adaptive significance in relation to seedling establishment. Our results include descriptions of seed morphology, embryonic features, and seedling vascularization pattern in the root, hypocotyl, cotyledons, and epicotyl. The morphological and developmental patterns in E. phyllanthus seedlings have potential phylogenetic and ontogenetic implications in the Cactaceae. Characters such as the presence of mucilage on the seed coat, the lack of seed operculum, and large cotyledons in E. phyllanthus are comparable to basal cacti, but the root anatomy is more similar to columnar relatives. At the familial level, there is an apparent trend in decreasing number of phloem and xylem poles in the stele of primary root, correlated with degree of specialization and advanced phylogenetic position: tetrarch to septarch-octarch in basal lineages, tetrarch Cereus-type in columnar species, to the diarch vascular system in Rhipsalideae and some species with cylindric/globose stem. © Torrey Botanical Club.


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Mortality factors that act sequentially through the demographic transitions from seed to sapling may have critical effects on recruitment success. Understanding how habitat heterogeneity influences the causal factors that limit propagule establishment in natural populations is central to assess these demographic bottlenecks and their consequences. Bamboos often influence forest structure and dynamics and are a major factor in generating landscape complexity and habitat heterogeneity in tropical forests. To understand how patch heterogeneity influences plant recruitment we studied critical establishment stages during early recruitment of Euterpe edulis, Sloanea guianensis and Virola bicuhyba in bamboo and non-bamboo stands in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. We combined observational studies of seed rain and seedling emergence with seed addition experiments to evaluate the transition probabilities among regeneration stages within bamboo and non-bamboo stands. The relative importance of each mortality factor was evaluated by determining how the loss of propagules affected stage-specific recruitment success. Our results revealed that the seed addition treatment significantly increased seedling survivorship for all three species. E. edulis seedling survival probability increased in the addition treatment in the two stand types. However, for S. guianensis and V. bicuhyba this effect depended strongly on artificially protecting the seeds, as both species experienced increased seed and seedling losses due to post-dispersal seed predators and herbivores. Propagules of all three species had a greater probability of reaching subsequent recruitment stages when protected. The recruitment of large-seeded V. bicuhyba and E. edulis appears to be much more limited by post-dispersal factors than by dispersal limitation, whereas the small-seeded S. guianensis showed an even stronger effect of post-dispersal factors causing recruitment collapse in some situations. We demonstrated that E. edulis, S. guianensis and V. bicuhyba are especially susceptible to predation during early compared with later establishment stages and this early stage mortality can be more crucial than stand differences as determinants of successful regeneration. Among-species differences in the relative importance of dispersal vs. establishment limitation are mediated by variability in species responses to patch heterogeneity. Thus, bamboo effects on the early recruitment of non-bamboo species are patchy and species-specific, with successional bamboo patches exerting a far-reaching influence on the heterogeneity of plant species composition and abundance. © 2012 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics.


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This study aimed to define the best substrate and temperature for the emergence of Phacelia sp. seedling, annual ornamental flower gardens. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial scheme 37 (three different types of substrates: vermiculite, sand and sphagnum combined with seven temperature conditions: room temperature, constant at 20, 25, 30 and 35C, and alternated at 20-30C and 25-35C) with 4 replications of 100 seeds each. Emergence (%E) and Emergence Rate (ER) were evaluated. The means of the resulting values were then compared by the Tukey test at 5% confidence level. There was a significant interaction amongst substrates and temperatures for all analyzed variables. For seeds sown in vermiculite and sand, the seedlings had higher %E and emerged fastest at 20C, room temperature and 20-30C that did not present statistically significant data. In sphagnum, seedlings showed greater %E in the alternated at 20-30C, room temperature and 20C and emerged quickly at room temperature and 20C that did not present statistically significant data. At room temperature and 20C, the seedlings had higher %E and emerged faster in vermiculite and sand that did not present statistically significant data. At 25, 30 and 25-35C, the seedlings showed better %E and emerged fastest in sand. At 35C, the seedlings showed either in vermiculite and sand were not significantly different in their emergence, but emerged faster in sand. There was not significantly different among substrates in their emergence at 20-30C, but the seedlings emerged faster in vermiculite and sand. It was concluded that the Phacelia sp. seedlings in all substrates showed greater %E at room temperature, 20C and 20-30C. For all temperatures, the seedlings growth parameters were superior when seeds were sown in sand.


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An efficient cryopreservation protocol was developed for mature seeds of Oncidium flexuosum Sims. Seed morphology, protocorm formation, and early seedling development were also assessed. The effects of phloroglucinol and Supercool X-1000® as cryoprotectant additives in the vitrification solution were investigated. Dehydration using the plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2) for 60 and 120 min prior to immersion in liquid nitrogen promoted the highest frequency of in vitro seed germination 6 weeks following culture on half-strength Murashige and Skoog (1/2 MS) medium. Mature seeds submitted to vitrification for 120 min in PVS2 and 1 % phloroglucinol at 0 °C enhanced germination by 68 %, whereas in PVS2 and 1 % Supercool X-1000® germination was just moderately enhanced (26 %). In vitro-germinating seedlings developed healthy shoots and roots without the use of plant growth regulators. After 6 months of growth, there were no differences between in vitro- and ex vitro-grown seedlings for various phenotypic characteristics, including shoot length, number of leaves, number and length of roots, and fresh and dry weight. Seedlings were transferred to greenhouse conditions and successfully acclimatized, further developing into normal plants with over 90 % survival. Comparative analysis of seedlings from control and vitrified seeds using flow cytometry indicated that no change in ploidy levels occurred as a result of cryopreservation, therefore maintaining seedlings genetic stability. In this study, vitrification with PVS2 for 120 min with the addition of 1 % phloroglucinol offers a simple, safe, and feasible protocol for cryopreservation of O. flexuosum mature seeds. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Formigas são um dos mais importantes grupos animais nas florestas tropicais devido a sua abundância e seu número de espécies. Uma característica importante do grupo é a eusocialidade, que permite a ocorrência do comportamento de recrutamento quando um recurso alimentar é encontrado. Entretanto, existem duas questões principais acerca desse comportamento: (i) o recrutamento é um produto de pressões ambientais ou filogenéticas, e (ii) a velocidade de recrutamento é relacionada ao tamanho corpóreo das espécies de formigas. Neste trabalho nós analisamos essas duas questões em 17 espécies de formigas neotropicais, na floresta Amazônica densa de terras baixas. De acordo com os resultados, o recrutamento é fortemente relacionado com o tamanho da formiga, sendo que espécies menores exibem essa característica quando encontram uma fonte protéica. Entretanto, o tamanho das espécies não é importante na velocidade de recrutamento, o que sugere que a velocidade de recrutamento pode ser melhor explicado pelo tipo de recursos alimentares necessários à colônia.


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RESUMO O conhecimento relativo ao diásporo e ao desenvolvimento pós-seminal de Paspalum L. é importante para a conservação da biodiversidade dos campos, devido sua importância na representatividade e no melhoramento genético de pastagens. A morfologia do diásporo e do desenvolvimento pós-seminal de Paspalum dilatatum Poir. (rizomatosa); P. mandiocanum Trin. var. subaequiglume Barreto (estolonífera), P. pumilum Nees. (cespitosa decumbente) e P. urvillei Steud. (cespitosa ereta) foi descrita procurando distinguir as espécies com diferentes formas de crescimento, e levantar características úteis para a taxonomia. P. dilatatum se diferencia por apresentar diásporo oval, de maior tamanho que as demais, com cinco nervuras salientes e tricomas; P. urvillei por apresentar diásporo com uma nervura central mais desenvolvida do que as duas nervuras laterais e tricomas; P. mandiocanum var. subaequiglume por apresentar diásporo com tricomas apenas na margem; e P. pumilum por apresentar diásporo glabro. A cariopse envolve a semente que apresenta embrião diferenciado, disposto lateralmente; apresenta hilo elíptico em todas as espécies estudadas e rostelo em P. dilatatum e P. mandiocanum var. subaequiglume. O desenvolvimento pós-seminal é semelhante nas quatro espécies e se inicia com a germinação, que é marcada pela emergência da coleorriza, seguida pelo coleóptilo. Essas características são comuns às demais Poaceae já estudadas, indicando um padrão para a família e não diferenciam as formas de crescimento.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The increase in market demand for fresh fruits along with the high price of passion fruit juice in domestic and international markets has increased the interest in fruit, especially the purple passion fruit in the center south of the country seeking to export. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of plant growth regulator on the emergence and development of seedlings of passion 'Roxinho of Kenya' when propagated sexually. The treatments consisted of concentrations of commercial product Stimulate (R): control (no biostimulant); 6; 12; 18; 24 and 30 mL. kg(-1) of seed. It were evaluated the percentage of seedling emergence, number of leaves, aerial part dry weight, stem and root (g), root length (mm), diameter and stem length (mm), leaf area and chlorophyll 'a' and 'b'. The application of bio-stimulant in doses of 6 and 12 mL. kg(-1) promotes increased percentage of seedling emergence of Passiflora edulis Sims in a shorter time. The use of it also promotes the development of seedlings, with better results for the dose of 12 and 24 mL. kg(-1) treated seeds.


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This study evaluated the effect of environmental stimuli and selective pressures in different geographical areas along a latitudinal gradient, on the juvenile recruitment, population structure, and sex ratio of the speckled swimming crab Arenaeus cribrarius. Samples were collected monthly during 1 year in three locations along the Brazilian coast: Macaé, state of Rio de Janeiro (MAC, 22°47′ S, 41°45′ W); Ubatuba, São Paulo (UBA, 23°27′ S, 44°58′ W); and São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina (SFS, 26°08′ S, 48°34′ W). The specimens of A. cribrarius were identified, counted, sexed, and measured for maximum carapace width (CW). The largest juvenile found was in UBA (47.7 ± 1.36 mm); and the largest adult females and males in MAC (74.26 ± 0.93 and 77.04 ± 0.79 mm, respectively). Recruitment in MAC was continuous, whereas in UBA and SFS, recruitment showed seasonal characteristics. The sex ratio was skewed toward females only in UBA; in MAC and SFS, males and females were present in equal proportions. These results indicate that geographical variations can cause differences in the recruitment and population structure of A. cribrarius. These regional differences call attention to the necessity for improved management plans and control of shrimp fishing, which can affect population patterns such as juvenile recruitment, population structure and life history of the target species and species that are caught in bycatch from shrimping, such as the swimming crab A. cribrarius.


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Chronic low back pain is a difficult condition to be treated. As some patients respond positively to treatment and others do not present any improvements, one can think there are others conditional factors that need to be elucidated. By means of this study, we sought to investigate the association between the occurrence of the formation of a positive relationship between patient and therapist, assessed by the therapeutic alliance inventory, and the adequate recruitment of the deep abdominal muscles, as well as to verify the effect of a protocol intervention based on motor control exercises on levels of pain and disability. The recruitment of the transverse abdominal and internal oblique muscles was examined by ultrasound imaging in 12 subjects with nonspecific chronic low back pain before and after implementation of a protocol for motor control exercises, with subsequent application of the therapeutic alliance inventory questionnaire. No association was found between the level of therapist/patient alliance and muscle recruitment. The proposed protocol was effective in reducing the levels of pain and disability; however, recruitment of transverse abdominal and internal oblique muscles showed no significant changes in the end of the intervention. Based on these findings, we verified that the therapeutic alliance has no association with muscle recruitment in the short term. However, although there were no changes in muscle recruitment after the intervention program, the level of pain and disability was reduced.