997 resultados para Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Goa.


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Seabather's eruption (SBE) is an intensely itchy, papule-erythematous dermatitis that occurs predominantly in regions of the body covered by bathing costumes, after exposure to marine water. The planulae larvae of Linuche unguiculata scyphomedusae (thimble jellyfish) are the etiologic agent of the dermatitis, which is frequent in waters of Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and Florida. The authors report 38 cases of SBE in the State of Santa Catarina (Southern region of Brazil), with emphasis on their clinical and epidemiological aspects, such as profile of victim, topography of the papules and conditions predisposing to the accident.


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RESUMO: O envelhecimento demográfico é uma realidade dos nossos dias. A preparação da alta de enfermagem é um elemento da prestação de cuidados que pode ser explorado na fase de envelhecimento para dotar os idosos de conhecimentos, capacidades e responsabilidade na gestão da sua condição de saúde. Deste modo delineou-se um estudo de tipo descritivo, transversal e exploratório com o objectivo de analisar e compreender o processo de preparação da alta hospitalar de enfermagem ao idoso internado por agudização de doença, que se apresente autónomo no momento da alta, de modo a capacitá-lo para a gestão da sua condição de saúde. O estudo decorreu num Serviço de Medicina Interna. Definiu-se como fontes de informação e métodos de colheita de dados 25 entrevistas a idosos, 16 questionários abertos a enfermeiros prestadores de cuidados e análise dos registos do processo de internamento dos idosos. Como principais resultados destacamos que os idosos quando internados apresentam preocupações relacionadas com a sua condição de saúde e o motivo de internamento, os quais são pouco valorizadas na preparação da alta; os cuidados com a saúde que os idosos têm antes do internamento são valorizados nos registos de enfermagem; um terço dos idosos não teve conhecimento do seu diagnóstico médico; os diagnósticos de enfermagem activos no momento da alta não são contemplados na preparação da alta; os idosos com a aproximação do regresso a casa manifestam preocupações sobre os cuidados a ter com a sua saúde e manifestam interesse em ser informados sobre os mesmos; os idosos sentem pouca disponibilidade por parte dos enfermeiros para a preparação da alta; as intervenções de preparação da alta centram-se em intervenções do tipo ensinar, instruir e treinar, tendo-se verificado discrepâncias sobre os cuidados prestados e o seu conteúdo sob as várias fontes de informação; o diálogo é a estratégia de preparação da alta que prevalece; mais informação e informação escrita são aspectos que podem melhorar a preparação da alta segundo os idosos. Podemos assim concluir que não existe uma estrutura de preparação da alta a idosos com capacidade para gerir a sua condição de saúde e que muito pode ser melhorado em termos de preparação da alta a idosos no sentido de tomar o máximo partido deste elemento dos cuidados e assim obter ganhos em saúde. ----------- ABSTRACT: The demographic aging is a reality nowadays. The nursing discharge planning is an element of care that should be studied on aging to provide older people with knowledge, abilities and responsibility in order to deal their health condition. Thus, it was outlined a descriptive study, transversal and exploratory in order to analyze and understand how the process nursing discharge occurs, by planning the elderly hospitalized with acute disease, in order to support patients for better management of health conditions. The study was carried in an Internal Medicine Service of a Central Hospital. As information sources and methods of data collection, we defined 25 interviews with elderly, 16 open-ended questionnaires to nurses and analysis of records from the process of the elderly hospitalized. In the main results we observe the elderly hospitalized have concerns about their health condition and the reason for their hospitalization, which are undervalued in the discharge planning process; the health care reported by elderly related to time before hospitalization were registered in nursing records; one-third of the elderly don’t know the medical diagnosis; the active nursing diagnosis at discharge assets are not included in the discharge planning process; in the discharge, the elderly had concerns over the care of their health and expressed interest in being informed of it; the elderly don’t feel availability from the nurses in the discharge planning; the discharge interventions focus on interventions like teaching, instructing and training, and there have been different views about the care provided and its contents under the various sources of information; the high prevailing strategy to discharge planning is the dialogue; more information and written information are aspects that can improve the discharge planning process. We conclude that there is no structure in discharge planning for the elderly with high ability to manage his health condition. There are several things that can be improved to the discharge planning for the elderly in order to take full advantage of this element of care.


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Puffer fish can be poisonous due to the presence of the potent neurotoxins such as Tetrodotoxin (TTX) and Saxitoxin (STX) found in its tissues. The authors report 27 human poisonings from ingestion of puffer fish in patients treated at Toxicology Centers in the states of Santa Catarina and Bahia, Brazil, between 1984 and January 2009. Poisonings were classified as moderate (52%) and severe (33%), two deaths were observed. Early diagnosis is very important to ensure respiratory support.


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Museologia


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História da Arte Moderna


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Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) is an infectious disease caused by hantaviruses of the family Bunyaviridae, and is transmitted by aerosols of excreta of infected rodents. The aim of the present study was to determine antibody levels to hantavirus in the population that lives at frontier of Brazil and Argentina. Participated of the study 405 individuals living in the municipalities of Bandeirante, Santa Helena, Princesa and Tunapolis, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. IgG antibodies to hantavirus were analyzed in sera by an ELISA that uses a recombinant N protein of Araraquara hantavirus as antigen. The results were also confirmed by immunofluorescent test. Eight individuals showed antibodies to hantavirus (1.97% positivity), with serum titers ranging from 100 to 800. Six seropositives were males, older than 30 years and farmers. Our results reinforce previous data on hantavirus circulation and human infections in the southern border of Brazil with Argentina.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História, na área de especialidade de História Medieval


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Tomando a rua Alfageme de Santarém na direcção do rio - após o atravessamento da linha de caminho-de-ferro que cortou, na segunda metade do século XIX, o núcleo urbano da Ribeira de Santarém - na última das cinco edificações da correnteza do lado voltado a Norte, antes da inflexão para a Praça, encontra-se uma notável casa quinhentista que ostenta os números de polícia 13 e 15, em cada uma das suas portas. O interesse deste exemplar, pressentido nos vários elementos decorativos da fachada, é plenamente confirmado quando, percorrendo o interior, se constata ser um exemplar que se mantém íntegro e em bom estado de conservação. Por isso, constitui um importante caso, cuja análise permitirá contribuir para definir as características urbanas e arquitectónicas das edificações correntes desta época.


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Objectives: To retrospectively review the hybrid treatment of the aortic arch with supra-aortic debranching and endo- vascular stent-graft repair in a single institution. Methods: From 2007 to 2010, all patients submitted to aortic debranching procedures were entered into a prospective database analysis. For the present study, only patients with sealing zones 0 and 1, according to the Ishimaru classification, were included. Procedure-related morbimortality was analysed for the open and endovascular procedures. Results: During the study period, we electively performed 6 total aortic debranching and 4 partial aortic debranching procedures in 10 patients. According to the etiology the indications were: 6 aortic arch aneurysms, 2 post-dissection aneu- rysms, 1 false aneurysm and 1 type I endoleak following TEVAR. The proximal sealing zone was Ishimaru zone 0 in six patients and zone 1 in four patients. The TEVAR procedure was delayed in all patients with a completion success of 80% (1 patient died from ruptured aortic aneurysm; 1 patient denied the second procedure and was lost to follow-up). The 30d mortality rate was 10% (patient mentioned above). The main morbidity was: 1 axillar venous thrombosis, 1 case of subclinical myocardial infarction, 1 case of terminal renal insufficiency and 1 case of prolonged ventilation. No permanent cerebral or peripheral neurologic deficit was noted. Conclusions: The hybrid repair of the aortic arch is a feasible and reproducible procedure, and our results are similar to the previously published series. Medium and long-term results are necessary to confirm whether the technique can be regarded as a safe alternative to open surgery in high-risk patients.


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Hepatitis B is a serious public health problem. The state of Santa Catarina presents areas of high endemicity. The aim of this study was to describe temporal trends in detection rates of hepatitis B in the period from 2002 to 2009 in Santa Catarina and in its regions. A time series study was carried out. Crude rates were calculated and standardized by age using the direct method. Annual variation percentages were estimated by Joinpoint regression. There were two distinct and significant trends in Santa Catarina. From 2002 to 2006 a significant increase of 5.9% per year was observed. From 2006, there was a significant decrease of 6.4% per year. In this same period the southern and far-western regions had significant increases of 15.9% and 4.6% and significant decreases of 7.5% and 4.8%, respectively. Greater Florianópolis and Northeast also showed significant increases until 2006, of 15.4% and 17.4%, respectively. In the following period, non-significant decreases of 5.8% and 9.8% respectively were observed. Foz do Rio Itajaí and Planalto Serrano showed non-significant increases up to half of the studied period of 21.1% and 12.0%, respectively and after, significant decreases of 21.5% and 18.0%, respectively. Vale do Itajaí showed a significant decrease of 9.7%; Planalto Norte showed a non-significant decrease of 0.6% and Midwest a non-significant increase of 2.7% per year, in the period from 2002 to 2009.


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Emergent diseases such as Hantavirus Cardio-pulmonary Syndrome (HCPS) are able to create a significant impact on human populations due to their seriousness and high fatality rate. Santa Catarina, located in the South of Brazil, is the leading state for HCPS with 267 reported cases from 1999 to 2011. We present here a serological survey on hantavirus in blood donors from different cities of the state of Santa Catarina, with an IgG-ELISA using a recombinant nucleocapsid protein from Araraquara hantavirus as an antigen. In total, 314 donors from blood banks participated in the study, geographically covering the whole state. Among these, 14 individuals (4.4%) had antibodies to hantavirus: four of 50 (8% positivity) from Blumenau, four of 52 (7.6%) from Joinville, three of 50 (6%) from Florianópolis, two of 50 (4%) from Chapecó and one of 35 (2.8%) from Joaçaba. It is possible that hantaviruses are circulating across almost the whole state, with important epidemiological implications. Considering that the seropositive blood donors are healthy individuals, it is possible that hantaviruses may be causing unrecognized infections, which are either asymptomatic or clinically nonspecific, in addition to HCPS. It is also possible that more than one hantavirus type could be circulating in this region, causing mostly benign infections.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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This study aims to report the incidence of Calodium hepaticum among dogs and cats, pets or stray animals, captured by the Zoonosis Control Center (CCZ) in Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Fecal samples from 108 pet dogs and eight pet cats, and from 357 stray dogs and 97 stray cats, captured by CCZ, were analyzed within the period from July 2010 to November 2012. Coproparasitological exams were performed by techniques of sedimentation, centrifuge-flotation, and simple flotation. Among 465 fecal samples from dogs and 105 from cats, the overall spurious infections for C. hepaticum eggs were 1.05%. For dogs, this positivity was 0.43% and for cats it was 3.81%. The two positive dogs were stray and out of the four cats, three were stray and one was a pet. Although the occurrence of C. hepaticum eggs was low, these data reveal the existence of infected rodents, especially in public places, since, out of the six infected animals, five (83.33%) were stray. These results are discussed and analyzed with an emphasis on the risk to public health.


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Trabalho de Projecto de Mestrado em Património – área de especialização em Património Artístico


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil