920 resultados para Research Method
Medicines and other Resources Utilized in Order to Cope Infants Diseases in the Family Daily Life: a qualitative study. The study proposes to investigate the use of medications, medicinal plants and other therapeutic resources to cope infants diseases in the domestic realm in an urban area. The ethnographic research method was utilized as referential, guiding the study for 10 months with 20 fortnight meetings in the domicile of 15 families. The study followed up 180 episodes of disease, 74,5% were treated, in a first instance, at home, resulting in the use of 212 therapeutic resources. The main type of therapeutic resource utilized was industrialized medicines, differing considerably from its clinic recommendations. The realm of the health services was more mobilized as a second treatment option. In the community realm, treatment of diseases known from the popular culture was performed via blessings and prayers. The families use medicines as cultural practices and the acceptance of some type of treatment depends on the expectations and experiences of the family.
The cost of a road construction over its service life is a function of the design, quality of construction, maintenance strategies and maintenance operations. Unfortunately, designers often neglect a very important aspect which is the possibility to perform future maintenance activities. The focus is mainly on other aspects such as investment costs, traffic safety, aesthetic appearance, regional development and environmental effects. This licentiate thesis is a part of a Ph.D. project entitled “Road Design for lower maintenance costs” that aims to examine how the life-cycle costs can be optimized by selection of appropriate geometrical designs for the roads and their components. The result is expected to give a basis for a new method used in the road planning and design process using life-cycle cost analysis with particular emphasis on road maintenance. The project started with a review of literature with the intention to study conditions causing increased needs for road maintenance, the efforts made by the road authorities to satisfy those needs and the improvement potential by consideration of maintenance aspects during planning and design. An investigation was carried out to identify the problems which obstruct due consideration of maintenance aspects during the road planning and design process. This investigation focused mainly on the road planning and design process at the Swedish Road Administration. However, the road planning and design process in Denmark, Finland and Norway were also roughly evaluated to gain a broader knowledge about the research subject. The investigation was carried out in two phases: data collection and data analysis. Data was collected by semi-structured interviews with expert actors involved in planning, design and maintenance and by a review of design-related documents. Data analyses were carried out using a method called “Change Analysis”. This investigation revealed a complex combination of problems which result in inadequate consideration of maintenance aspects. Several urgent needs for changes to eliminate these problems were identified. Another study was carried out to develop a model for calculation of the repair costs for damages of different road barrier types and to analyse how factors such as road type, speed limits, barrier types, barrier placement, type of road section, alignment and seasonal effects affect the barrier damages and the associated repair costs. This study was carried out using a method called the “Case Study Research Method”. Data was collected from 1087 barrier repairs in two regional offices of the Swedish Road Administration, the Central Region and the Western Region. A table was established for both regions containing the repair cost per vehicle kilometre for different combinations of barrier types, road types and speed limits. This table can be used by the designers in the calculation of the life-cycle costs for different road barrier types.
The cost of a road construction over its service life is a function of design, quality of construction as well as maintenance strategies and operations. An optimal life-cycle cost for a road requires evaluations of the above mentioned components. Unfortunately, road designers often neglect a very important aspect, namely, the possibility to perform future maintenance activities. Focus is mainly directed towards other aspects such as investment costs, traffic safety, aesthetic appearance, regional development and environmental effects. This doctoral thesis presents the results of a research project aimed to increase consideration of road maintenance aspects in the planning and design process. The following subgoals were established: Identify the obstacles that prevent adequate consideration of future maintenance during the road planning and design process; and Examine optimisation of life-cycle costs as an approach towards increased efficiency during the road planning and design process. The research project started with a literature review aimed at evaluating the extent to which maintenance aspects are considered during road planning and design as an improvement potential for maintenance efficiency. Efforts made by road authorities to increase efficiency, especially maintenance efficiency, were evaluated. The results indicated that all the evaluated efforts had one thing in common, namely ignorance of the interrelationship between geometrical road design and maintenance as an effective tool to increase maintenance efficiency. Focus has mainly been on improving operating practises and maintenance procedures. This fact might also explain why some efforts to increase maintenance efficiency have been less successful. An investigation was conducted to identify the problems and difficulties, which obstruct due consideration of maintainability during the road planning and design process. A method called “Change Analysis” was used to analyse data collected during interviews with experts in road design and maintenance. The study indicated a complex combination of problems which result in inadequate consideration of maintenance aspects when planning and designing roads. The identified problems were classified into six categories: insufficient consulting, insufficient knowledge, regulations and specifications without consideration of maintenance aspects, insufficient planning and design activities, inadequate organisation and demands from other authorities. Several urgent needs for changes to eliminate these problems were identified. One of the problems identified in the above mentioned study as an obstacle for due consideration of maintenance aspects during road design was the absence of a model for calculating life-cycle costs for roads. Because of this lack of knowledge, the research project focused on implementing a new approach for calculating and analysing life-cycle costs for roads with emphasis on the relationship between road design and road maintainability. Road barriers were chosen as an example. The ambition is to develop this approach to cover other road components at a later stage. A study was conducted to quantify repair rates for barriers and associated repair costs as one of the major maintenance costs for road barriers. A method called “Case Study Research Method” was used to analyse the effect of several factors on barrier repairs costs, such as barrier type, road type, posted speed and seasonal effect. The analyses were based on documented data associated with 1625 repairs conducted in four different geographical regions in Sweden during 2006. A model for calculation of average repair costs per vehicle kilometres was created. Significant differences in the barrier repair costs were found between the studied barrier types. In another study, the injuries associated with road barrier collisions and the corresponding influencing factors were analysed. The analyses in this study were based on documented data from actual barrier collisions between 2005 and 2008 in Sweden. The result was used to calculate the cost for injuries associated with barrier collisions as a part of the socio-economic cost for road barriers. The results showed significant differences in the number of injuries associated with collisions with different barrier types. To calculate and analyse life-cycle costs for road barriers a new approach was developed based on a method called “Activity-based Life-cycle Costing”. By modelling uncertainties, the presented approach gives a possibility to identify and analyse factors crucial for optimising life-cycle costs. The study showed a great potential to increase road maintenance efficiency through road design. It also showed that road components with low investment costs might not be the best choice when including maintenance and socio-economic aspects. The difficulties and problems faced during the collection of data for calculating life-cycle costs for road barriers indicated a great need for improving current data collecting and archiving procedures. The research focused on Swedish road planning and design. However, the conclusions can be applied to other Nordic countries, where weather conditions and road design practices are similar. The general methodological approaches used in this research project may be applied also to other studies.
Internationally, research on psychiatric intensive care units (PICUs) commonly reportsresults from demographic studies such as criteria for admission, need for involuntary treatment, andthe occurrence of violent behaviour. A few international studies describe the caring aspect of thePICUs based specifically on caregivers’ experiences. The concept of PICU in Sweden is not clearlydefined. The aim of this study is to describe the core characteristics of a PICU in Sweden and todescribe the care activities provided for patients admitted to the PICUs. Critical incident techniquewas used as the research method. Eighteen caregivers at a PICU participated in the study bycompleting a semistructured questionnaire. In-depth interviews with three nurses and two assistantnurses also constitute the data. An analysis of the content identified four categories that characterizethe core of PICU: the dramatic admission, protests and refusal of treatment, escalating behaviours, andtemporarily coercive measure. Care activities for PICUs were also analysed and identified as controlling– establishing boundaries, protecting – warding off, supporting – giving intensive assistance, andstructuring the environment. Finally, the discussion put focus on determining the intensive aspect ofpsychiatric care which has not been done in a Swedish perspective before. PICUs were interpreted asa level of care as it is composed by limited structures and closeness in care.
Sedan 1990- talet har de offentliga organisationerna genomgått flera stora förändringar som medfört att enhetschefer inom den kommunala verksamheten fått ökat ansvar och befogenheter, vilket gör enhetschefsrollen mer komplext. Rapporter visar på svårigheter att rekrytera och behålla chefer, därför är viktigt att undersöka hur enhetschefens arbete ska kunna utvecklas till ett mer attraktivt arbete. Ett attraktivt arbete skapas genom att ge medarbetarna bra förutsättningar inom arbetsinnehåll, arbetstillfredsställelse, samt arbetsförhållanden. I chefsyrket ingår tre roller varav en är medarbetarrollen som enligt teorin inte är speciellt prioriterad eller synliggjord. Studiens syfte är att identifiera vad som gör enhetschefyrket till ett attraktivt arbete samt hur det kan utvecklas. I studien har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod används för att uppnå en djupare förståelse kring enhetschefernas arbetssituation. Detta har bidragit till att ett hermeneutiska synsätt valts, då vi strävar efter att få en ökad förståelse. Studien genomfördes på Falu kommun, där sex enhetschefer inom omvårdnadsförvaltningen intervjuades. Resultatet visar att enhetscheferna är tillfredsställda med sin arbetssituation och upplever arbetet som attraktivt. Faktorer som varierande, handlingsfrihet, problemlösning, sociala kontakter och delar av erkänsla hör till attraktivitetsfaktorer i yrket. Enhetscheferna beskriver tre utvecklingsområden för att öka attraktiviteten. Det första innefattar ledarskapet i organisationen där brister förekommer inom kommunikation och planering. Andra utvecklingsområdet handlar om arbetstakten genom att individanpassa arbetsgruppernas storlek samt tid för reflektion och återhämtning. Tredje utvecklingsområdet enhetscheferna belyser är bristen på erkänsla från organisationen. Utöver enhetschefernas brister har vi identifierat ytterligare ett utvecklingsområde för att öka attraktiviteten. Under intervjuerna har det framkommit att det råder stor avsaknad av kollegor att "bolla idéer" med vilket i sin tur medför att arbetet upplevs som ensamt. För att motverka ensamheten är chefsgruppshandledning ett alternativ, där reflektion och feedback ingår. Forskningen visar att detta även leder till ökad självkänsla, engagemang.
La importancia de la dimensión afectiva que acompaña el proceso de adquisición de lenguas extranjeras es indiscutible. Sin embargo, a pesar de esta realidad, y de la evolución de los enfoques comunicativos como métodos de enseñanza de idiomas, la literatura continúa asegurando la existencia de aprensión lingüística en el aula y su efecto debilitador en el proceso de aprendizaje de una nueva lengua. Este estudio tiene como objetivo examinar cómo el aprendiz experimenta la variable de la ansiedad al expresarse oralmente y en qué medida el profesorado de lenguas extranjeras puede lograr crear condiciones en la clase que reduzcan los niveles de ansiedad. En este trabajo utilizamos la revisión sistemática de literatura como estrategia de investigación, un método que constituye una buena herramienta, permitiéndonos sintetizar coherentemente, de forma rigurosa, los resultados de los estudios empíricos sobre el fenómeno de la ansiedad. Los análisis revelan, en primer lugar, que los síntomas experimentados por aprendices de una nueva lengua suelen manifestarse en cada uno de los niveles que integran al individuo, en un nivel emocional, psicológico, fisiológico, de comportamiento y psicopedagógico; en segundo lugar, los investigadores plantean diversas estrategias a nivel psicológico, pedagógico y socio ambiental con el objetivo principal de incrementar en el aprendiz una serie de recursos personales para hacer frente a la ansiedad. Comentamos las implicancias pedagógicas de estos resultados para una mejor comprensión de la ansiedad y del aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera.
A produção mais limpa como geradora de inovação e competitividade : o caso da fazenda Cerro do Tigre
Entende-se que no modo de produção atual - tanto primária como industrial - existem pelo menos duas características comuns a ambos. Elas são o desperdício de matérias-primas e de energia. O desejo de minimizar ou eliminar as causas e os efeitos desta situação são os principais objetivos da Produção Mais Limpa (PML). Com a adoção da Produção Mais Limpa ainda podem ocorrer impactos ao meio ambiente. Contudo, estes impactos começam a ser revistos, de forma a serem minimizados ou eliminados. O tema desta pesquisa refere-se à Produção Mais Limpa como geradora de inovação e competitividade, sob a ótica da gestão da tecnologia e tendo em vista as questões ambientais. O problema de pesquisa foi dado pelo seguinte questionamento: Como a adoção da Produção Mais Limpa (PML) pode gerar inovação e competitividade para a empresa que a adota? O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi identificar como a adoção da Produção Mais Limpa (PML) pode gerar inovação e competitividade para a empresa que a adota. Os objetivos específicos buscaram (1) identificar por que a Produção Mais Limpa está sendo adotada; (2) descrever como a Produção Mais Limpa está sendo implementada; (3) identificar os resultados, tangíveis e intangíveis, obtidos com a implementação da Produção Mais Limpa. A parte teórica do estudo permitiu identificar e entender a relação existente entre a adoção da Produção Mais Limpa (PML) e a geração da inovação e da competitividade. Estudou-se, também, a Metodologia Ecoprofit, da UNIDO/UNEP, sendo que parte desta metodologia foi utilizada na pesquisa. Tendo em vista que a empresa pesquisada - Fazenda Cerro do Tigre (FCT) - pertence ao setor do agribusiness, também buscou-se compreender a cadeia produtiva do arroz. Como método de pesquisa, optou-se pelo estudo de caso. O resultado deste estudo indica que a adoção da Produção Mais Limpa (PML) está gerando inovação e competitividade para a empresa. Isto está ocorrendo porque a Fazenda Cerro do Tigre (FCT) consegue realizar a ligação entre as variáveis “Produção Mais Limpa” e “Competitividade” através da variável “Inovação”. A adoção da Produção Mais Limpa (PML) requer, por parte da empresa, a constante realização de melhorias contínuas. Estas melhorias facilitam a geração das inovações. As inovações, por sua vez, facilitam o alcance da competitividade.
O aumento da competitividade negocial gerou o desenvolvimento de novos métodos de gerenciamento de custos. As novas tecnologias de produção e a maior diversidade de produtos e clientes que requerem novos canais de distribuição estão direcionando as empresas a estarem mais envolvidas no aprimoramento dos seus sistema de custeio. O tradicional sistema de contabilidade gerencial está sendo reconhecido como deficiente para tomada de decisões. A alocação convencional dos custos de overhead podem gerar distorções nos custos finais. Por conseqüência, o ABC (Custeio Baseado em Atividades) surgiu como um método de custeio que melhor aloca os custos fixos indiretos, podendo contribuir para a melhoria operacional e a gestão estratégica. O ABC revela a causa dos custos, considerando a integração interfuncional dos processos e a relação causal dos direcionadores de custos com os custos das atividades e recursos. Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta a aplicação do ABC em uma empresa transportadora rodoviária de cargas; propõe o custeio baseado em atividades como uma alternativa para identificação dos clientes mais rentáveis. O método de pesquisa adotado nesta dissertação foi a pesquisa-ação. Dentre os resultados obtidos, destaca-se a obtenção do custo unitário de coleta e de entrega de cargas, além da análise dos processos.
Planejamento estratégico de sistemas de informação é atualmente um desafio gerencial crítico. Novas abordagem para o desenvolvimento de planejamento de sistemas de informação podem auxiliar os gerentes a vencer este desafio. As teorias de aprendizagem organizacional e de processo decisório podem oferecer uma abordagem que contribua neste sentido. O objetivo deste estudo é o de conceber e desenvolver um modelo de planejamento estratégico de sistemas de informação tendo por base a análise das contribuições da aprendizagem organizacional e do processo decisório. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo predominantemente exploratório, sendo que o principal método de pesquisa utilizado é o de estudo de caso. Os principais resultados obtidos envolvem a análise dos princípios da aprendizagem organizacional e do processo decisório aplicados na prática em um processo de planejamento estratégico de sistemas de informação, o desenvolvimento de um modelo explicativo do relacionamento entre as abordagens prescritivas e descritivas, o modelo proposto e a especificação de uma ferramenta CASE (Sistema CASIS) para apoiar a operacionalização do modelo proposto. Ao atingir satisfatoriamente os objetivos propostos, os resultados contribuem com o desenvolvimento teórico da área de sistemas de informação e também com os gerentes e profissionais da área, provendo conhecimento para auxiliá- los a lidar com os principais problemas do processo de planejamento de sistemas de informação, mediante uma visualização diferente do processo de planejamento, em uma linha descritiva.
This work analyzes the symbols, the relations and the social constructions (identity, authority, home-street) inside a carpenter's workshop. A participative research method was used. The author gathered the data concerning the workshop on a daily basis, acting as a co-worker inside the carpentry. This report is part of a bigger project that will try to identify and to analyze an organization's culture starting from the hierarchical basis. This approach collides with mainstream studies on organizational culture, that take into account only the higher management points of view, thus ignoring the worker's universe.
The National Water Management Policy was defined by Law 9.433/97 (Water Act), establishing the hydrographic basin as the management unity, independently of geographic limits and respective federal organisms. Nevertheless, water management entities and instruments are directly associated to different federal entities located within the same basin, and depend on them for being effective. The absence of law mechanisms that conciliate the various requisitions of federal organisms located in the same basin is a challenge still without brazilian law support. This study describes the integration process of information systems in Paraíba do Sul river basin. It also emphasizes integration restrictions of these systems, the cooperation level and the instruments used by the various actors and federal organisms in order to meet National Water Management Policy objectives. The management instrument Water Management Information System is presented as an important component that helps the stakeholders decision making process involved in water management, respecting federalism and the water domains defined in the brazilian constitution, and according to the policy established in the Water Act. In theoretical aspects, this work presents the basic concepts of National Water Management Policy institutional arrangement, considering the network aspects in public policy, the limits imposed by federalism and the way that the water domains is defined in the brazilian constitution and according to the brazilian Water Act. Besides, it identifies the most significant questions related with information systems implementation in public administration and water management. It also illustrates how cooperative federalism and information systems may create conditions that do guarantee the National Water Management Policy management instruments operationality within a hydrographic basin. The action research method was used to develop the research and the selected entity was the Fundação Superintendência Estadual de Rios e Lagoas (Serla). Serla was the water management entity in Rio de Janeiro state, at the research beginning. Others methods as bibliographic and documentary research were also used, aiming to describe the hydrographic basin, as well as the processes and systems concerned with the implementation of the National Water Management Policy in Paraíba do Sul basin.
This study examines the corporate social responsibility (CSR) theme in Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen). The CSR movement is growing worldwide and it is related to values such as sustainability, ethics and transparency to the stakeholders. The study was performed in two parts. The first part consists of a bibliography research on the origins, the concept and the practice relating to CSR in the contemporary organizational environment. In the second part - field research - the Central Bank's Board of Directors and representatives of Ibase and Ethos Institute were interviewed and the content analysis method - a qualitative research method - was used in the interpretation of information obtained. The analysis of the interviews shows that the Board is receptive to the CSR development and that they consider the accomplishment of Central Bank's institutional mission fundamental in this process. The participation of the Bank's personnel and the incorporation of the CSR principles into the day-to-day practice are also considered necessary. Finally, one hundred indicators - based on the Ethos CSR Indicators - are proposed to evaluate the stage of development of social responsibility in Bacen on the following subjects: Values, Transparency and Governance; Internal Public; Natural Environment, Suppliers and Society. In summary, this study aims to contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of corporate social responsibility and the best practices in the public sector, particularly in Central Bank of Brazil.
This study has the objective to evaluate until which extent the adoption of the strategic planning by the Presbyterian Church of Manaus (IPM) expresses its effective fitting within the strategic management paradigm, whose ethos is the predominance of the instrumental-strategic rationality and the market-orientated logic in the managerial actions. It is assumed as a research initial hypothesis that the adoption of this technique by IPM represented an instrumental-strategic managerial action and a deliberated incorporation of market-orientated managerial parameters, strengthening some of the organizational studies¿ ultimate conclusions about the colonization of the third sector¿s organizations by the capitalist system logic. The research method foresees: (a) a bibliographical review about the themes ¿critical social theories¿, ¿strategic management¿, ¿third sector¿ and ¿religious organizations sociology¿; and (b) a case study at IPM, religious organization established at the state of Amazonas, branch of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPB) and socially active according to religious aims and related (social care, cultural, etc.).
The goal of this work is to present a contribution to the critical analysis of the rationality that supports the action of the members of productive organizations, starting from a perspective of the man's emancipation in the ambit of the work. The focus of attention is related to the administrative practices of one of the largest Brazilian's private foundations that they were analyzed based on the distinction among instrumental and substantive rationality and of the theory of the communicative action. The main research method used was the 'participant observation' that allowed to the author to verify in loco the rationality that permeates the administrative practices of the researched Foundation. The importance of this study is in the fact that are scarce the studies about the management of nonprofit organizations. For increasing, every day, the emphasis that the society is giving to the third sector, for the expectation of its growth, so much in quantitative level as of influence degree about the people's life, and for placing in the position of offering answers and solutions for the problems that the State doesn't get to solve, the third sector and its organizations need a theoretical reference for its administration that is coherent with its emancipatory purpose. The results led to conclusions that alert the managers of the private foundations to review the practices adopted in the management of those organizations and stimulate the debate and the continuity of researches on the theme.
O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender como os consumidores de Toy Art utilizam o seu bem para constituir a sua identidade social, além de explorar este relacionamento de consumo, investigando os fatores que desencadeiam o processo de extensão de si no Toy Art. A sustentação teórica deste trabalho se deu pelo aprofundamento dos temas já levantados anteriormente por Campbell & Barbosa (2006) e McCracken (2003), em seus estudos sobre cultura e consumo; Schouten & McAlexander (1995) em sua pesquisa sobre subculturas de consumo; Hall (2005), que expôs suas teorias sobre a formação da identidade no mundo moderno; Douglas & Isherwood (2004), que estudaram os rituais de consumo; Belk (1988), com suas pesquisas sobre a extensão do self. Este estudo é de caráter exploratório, e foi conduzido com entrevistas em profundidade com o intuito de deixar emergir os sentimentos e emoções dos respondentes, para uma melhor orientação na direção das análises dos dados obtidos. Os dados foram coletados junto a 14 consumidores de Toys, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 19 e 38 anos, residentes nos estados de Belo Horizonte, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo e o Distrito Federal, durante os meses de julho e agosto de 2009. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, o método de pesquisa adotado foi qualitativo, com priorização do sujeito e da subjetividade, utilizando-se uma forma interpretativa para a análise dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram que os consumidores de Toy Art utilizam o seu bem para constituir sua identidade social e como uma forma de diferenciação e expressão. A extensão de si se dá exatamente durante essa busca pelo incomum, por um bem que o distinga dos demais. Conclui-se o trabalho, fazendo-se recomendações gerenciais com o intuito de beneficiar e desenvolver a indústria deste segmento.