966 resultados para Quasi-particle Scattering
Starting from the standard one-time dynamics of n nonrelativistic particles, the n-time equations of motion are inferred, and a variational principle is formulated. A suitable generalization of the classical LieKnig theorem is demonstrated, which allows the determination of all the associated presymplectic structures. The conditions under which the action of an invariance group is canonical are studied, and a corresponding Noether theorem is deduced. A formulation of the theory in terms of n first-class constraints is recovered by means of coisotropic imbeddings. The proposed approach also provides for a better understanding of the relativistic particle dynamics, since it shows that the different roles of the physical positions and the canonical variables is not peculiar to special relativity, but rather to any n-time approach: indeed a nonrelativistic no-interaction theorem is deduced.
Elastic scattering of relativistic electrons and positrons by atoms is considered in the framework of the static field approximation. The scattering field is expressed as a sum of Yukawa terms to allow the use of various approximations. Accurate phase shifts have been computed by combining Bühring¿s power-series method with the WKB and Born approximations. This combined procedure allows the evaluation of differential cross sections for kinetic energies up to several tens of MeV. Numerical results are used to analyze the validity of several approximate methods, namely the first- and second-order Born approximations and the screened Mott formula, which are frequently adopted as the basis of multiple scattering theories and Monte Carlo simulations of electron and positron transport.
We calculate the ripplon field contribution to the self-energy of an electron exterior to a liquid for planar and spherical geometries. We compare the full dielectric calculation of the electron-liquid interaction with the simpler alternative method consisting of integrating the electron-atom static-induced-dipolar potential through the whole liquid volume. We obtain good agreement between both methods for a nonpolar liquid such as 4He but differences up to 40% for a polar liquid such as water. We study the conditions under which the ripplon contribution to the self-energy is a perturbation. For an electron moving parallel to a planar liquid surface, we calculate the ripplon contribution to its stopping power. For this dynamical case, we conclude that the alternative method is a good approximation even for polar liquids.
Is it possible to build predictive models (PMs) of soil particle-size distribution (psd) in a region with complex geology and a young and unstable land-surface? The main objective of this study was to answer this question. A set of 339 soil samples from a small slope catchment in Southern Brazil was used to build PMs of psd in the surface soil layer. Multiple linear regression models were constructed using terrain attributes (elevation, slope, catchment area, convergence index, and topographic wetness index). The PMs explained more than half of the data variance. This performance is similar to (or even better than) that of the conventional soil mapping approach. For some size fractions, the PM performance can reach 70 %. Largest uncertainties were observed in geologically more complex areas. Therefore, significant improvements in the predictions can only be achieved if accurate geological data is made available. Meanwhile, PMs built on terrain attributes are efficient in predicting the particle-size distribution (psd) of soils in regions of complex geology.
We have analyzed middle repetitive DNA in the albumin and vitellogenin gene families of Xenopus laevis. Mapping specific repetitive DNA sequences derived from introns of the A1 vitellogenin gene reveals that these sequences are scattered within and around the four vitellogenin genes (A1, A2, B1 and B2) and the two albumin genes (74 kd and 68 kd). Three repetitive DNA elements present in the A1 vitellogenin transcriptional unit are also located in introns of the 74 kd albumin gene. This apparently random distribution of middle repetitive DNA in the two gene families suggests that the analyzed sequences are not involved in gene regulation, but rather that they might represent unstable genetic elements. This hypothesis is further supported by the finding that size polymorphism in the A1 vitellogenin gene and in the 74 kd albumin gene is correlated with the presence or absence of repetitive DNA.
Scattering characteristics of multilayer fluoride coatings for 193 nm deposited by ion beam sputtering and the related interfacial roughnesses are investigated. Quarter- and half-wave stacks of MgF2 and LaF3 with increasing thickness are deposited onto CaF2 and fused silica and are systematically characterized. Roughness measurements carried out by atomic force microscopy reveal the evolution of the power spectral densities of the interfaces with coating thickness. Backward-scattering measurements are presented, and the results are compared with theoretical predictions that use different models for the statistical correlation of interfacial roughnesses.
In this study, we present a detailed structural characterization by means of transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy of polymorphous silicon (pm-Si:H) thin films deposited using radio-frequency dust-forming plasmas of SiH4 diluted in Ar. Square-wave modulation of the plasma and gas temperature was varied to obtain films with different nanostructures. Transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction have shown the presence of Si crystallites of around 2 nm in the pm-Si:H films, which are related to the nanoparticles formed in the plasma gas phase coming from their different growth stages, named particle nucleation and coagulation. Raman scattering has proved the role of the film nanostructure in the crystallization process induced ¿in situ¿ by laser heating.
We obtain new stringent constraints on a light spinless particle f coupled only to photons at low energies, considering its effects on the extragalactic photon background, the black-body spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the cosmological abundance of deuterium.
We obtain a solution describing a gravitational shock wave propagating along a Randall-Sundrum brane. The interest of such a solution is twofold: on the one hand, it is the first exact solution for a localized source on a Randall-Sundrum three-brane. On the other hand, one can use it to study forward scattering at Planckian energies, including the effects of the continuum of Kaluza-Klein modes. We map out the different regimes for the scattering obtained by varying the center-of-mass energy and the impact parameter. We also discuss exact shock waves in ADD scenarios with compact extra dimensions.
The Lorentz-Dirac equation is not an unavoidable consequence of solely linear and angular momenta conservation for a point charge. It also requires an additional assumption concerning the elementary character of the charge. We here use a less restrictive elementarity assumption for a spinless charge and derive a system of conservation equations that are not properly the equation of motion because, as it contains an extra scalar variable, the future evolution of the charge is not determined. We show that a supplementary constitutive relation can be added so that the motion is determined and free from the troubles that are customary in the Lorentz-Dirac equation, i.e., preacceleration and runaways.
The scalar sector of the effective low-energy six-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory is seen to represent an anisotropic fluid composed of two perfect fluids if the extra space metric has a Euclidean signature, or a perfect fluid of geometric strings if it has an indefinite signature. The Einstein field equations with such fluids can be explicitly integrated when the four-dimensional space-time has two commuting Killing vectors.
Particle production in a cosmological spacetime with extra dimensions is discussed. A five-dimensional cosmological model with a three-dimensional space expanding isotropically like in a radiative Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model and an internal space contracting to a constant small size is considered. The parameters of the model are adjusted so that time variations in internal space are compatible with present limits on time variations of the fundamental constants. By requiring that the energy density of the particles produced be less than the critical density at the radiation era we set restrictions on two more parameters: namely, the initial time of application of the semiclassical approach and the relative sizes between the internal space and the horizon of the ordinary Universe at this time. Whereas the production of massless particles allows a large range of variation to these parameters, the production of massive particles sets severe constraints on them, since, if they are overproduced, their energy density might very soon dominate the Universe and make cosmological dimensional reduction by extradimensional contraction unlikely.
We consider the coupling of quantum massless and massive scalar particles with exact gravitational plane waves. The cross section for scattering of the quantum particles by the waves is shown to coincide with the classical cross section for scattering of geodesics. The expectation value of the scalar field stress tensor between scattering states diverges at the points where classical test particles focus after colliding with the wave. This indicates that back-reaction effects cannot be ignored for plane waves propagating in the presence of quantum particles and that classical singularities are likely to develop.
We use wave packet mode quantization to compute the creation of massless scalar quantum particles in a colliding plane wave spacetime. The background spacetime represents the collision of two gravitational shock waves followed by trailing gravitational radiation which focus into a Killing-Cauchy horizon. The use of wave packet modes simplifies the problem of mode propagation through the different spacetime regions which was previously studied with the use of monochromatic modes. It is found that the number of particles created in a given wave packet mode has a thermal spectrum with a temperature which is inversely proportional to the focusing time of the plane waves and which depends on the mode trajectory.