458 resultados para Pupillary abnormality


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Esta investigación tiene por propósito analizar la construcción histórica de la infancia en el proceso de escolarización desde las diferentes formas de clasificación y jerarquización tales como niños "anormales", "débiles", "falsos anormales", "retrasados pedagógicos", "excepcionales", "deficientes". En esta dirección se analizan los cambios en la legislación, y normativa educativa en la provincia de Buenos Aires en el período de 1880 a 1952. Se tomó a la legislación y la prensa educativa como analizadoras de las diferentes conceptualizaciones pedagógicas, atravesadas por las nociones de saber, poder, subjetivación y tecnología. Al mismo tiempo, se analizaran las categorías de norma, normalidad, anormalidad y normalización en relación con el lenguaje jurídico, la política educativa y la política sanitaria escolar. Desde el punto de vista teórico la investigación se inscribe en los estudios sobre gubernamentalidad, los cuales permitieron analizar, por una parte, la construcción histórica de saberes especializados cuyo foco fue la población, (en este caso fue la población infantil) y por otro lado, apuntó a reconstruir las formas de clasificación de las infancias en el proceso de escolarización. De esta manera, se pretendió objetivar las funciones sociales de los discursos cuestionando los saberes que originaron su configuración sirviéndole de cobertura y soporte, o sea, someter a crítica los saberes propios de la racionalidad instituida y dominante que constituyen en gran parte el orden social. Este posicionamiento teórico entiende a la crítica esencialmente por su función de des-sujeción de lo que pudiéramos llamar la "política de la verdad", entonces historizar los diferentes modos de subjetivación, encierra también la posibilidad de objetivación que transforman a los seres humanos en sujetos, o sea la crítica como cuestionamiento de las formas de experiencias que nos constituyen


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Ocean acidification (OA) resulting from anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) has already lowered and is predicted to further lower surface ocean pH. There is a particular need to study effects of OA on organisms living in cold-water environments due to the higher solubility of CO2 at lower temperatures. Mussel larvae (Mytilus edulis) and shrimp larvae (Pandalus borealis) were kept under an ocean acidification scenario predicted for the year 2100 (pH 7.6) and compared against identical batches of organisms held under the current oceanic pH of 8.1, which acted as a control. The temperature was held at a constant 10°C in the mussel experiment and at 5°C in the shrimp experiment. There was no marked effect on fertilization success, development time, or abnormality to the D-shell stage, or on feeding of mussel larvae in the low-pH (pH 7.6) treatment. Mytilus edulis larvae were still able to develop a shell in seawater undersaturated with respect to aragonite (a mineral form of CaCO3), but the size of low-pH larvae was significantly smaller than in the control. After 2 mo of exposure the mussels were 28% smaller in the pH 7.6 treatment than in the control. The experiment with Pandalus borealis larvae ran from 1 through 35 days post hatch. Survival of shrimp larvae was not reduced after 5 wk of exposure to pH 7.6, but a significant delay in zoeal progression (development time) was observed.


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PurposeTP53 mutations have been described in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and have been associated with poor prognosis in retrospective studies. We aimed to address the frequency and prognostic value of TP53 abnormalities in patients with CLL in the context of a prospective randomized trial.Patients and MethodsWe analyzed 529 CLL samples from the LRF CLL4 (Leukaemia Research Foundation Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 4) trial (chlorambucil v fludarabine with or without cyclophosphamide) at the time of random assignment for mutations in the TP53 gene. TP53 mutation status was correlated with response and survival data.ResultsMutations of TP53 were found in 40 patients (7.6%), including 25 (76%) of 33 with 17p deletion and 13 (3%) of 487 without that deletion. There was no significant correlation between TP53 mutations and age, stage, IGHV gene mutations, CD38 and ZAP-70 expression, or any other chromosomal abnormality other than 17p deletion, in which concordance was high (96%). TP53 mutations were significantly associated with poorer overall response rates (27% v 83%; P <.001) and shorter progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS; 5-year PFS: 5% v 17%; 5-year OS: 20% v 59%; P <.001 for both). Multivariate analysis that included baseline clinical variables, treatment, and known adverse genetic factors confirmed that TP53 mutations have added prognostic value.ConclusionTP53 mutations are associated with impaired response and shorter survival in patients with CLL. Analysis of TP53 mutations should be performed in patients with CLL who have progressive disease before starting first-line treatment, and those with mutations should be selected for novel experimental therapies. J Clin Oncol 29: 2223-2229. (C) 2011 by American Society of Clinical Oncology


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This papers examines the use of trajectory distance measures and clustering techniques to define normal
and abnormal trajectories in the context of pedestrian tracking in public spaces. In order to detect abnormal
trajectories, what is meant by a normal trajectory in a given scene is firstly defined. Then every trajectory
that deviates from this normality is classified as abnormal. By combining Dynamic Time Warping and a
modified K-Means algorithms for arbitrary-length data series, we have developed an algorithm for trajectory
clustering and abnormality detection. The final system performs with an overall accuracy of 83% and 75%
when tested in two different standard datasets.


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RAMOS, Ana Maria de Oliveira et al. Project Pró-Natal: population-based study of perinatal and infant mortality in Natal, Northeast Brazil. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, v.3, n.1, p.29-35, 2000


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In the body of knowledge surrounding ADHD there is a power struggle regarding which interpretations and perspectives should prevail. Representatives from various scientific disciplines and professions write and publish articles about the diagnosis based on their respective points of view. These articles are the focus of this thesis. Among other things it can be seen in these examined articles that, the prevalence of ADHD is higher amongst established bodies of social care, and that there is a lack of knowledge regarding the diagnosis in social systems such as schools and social services. Our aim with this study is to highlight how professionals within the Swedish contemporary field of knowledge surrounding ADHD create significance and meaning of the phenomenon. Based on Jonathan Potters discourse analysis, we focus on how ADHD is described by professionals in contemporary Swedish articles about ADHD and also on how these descriptions become valid and credible in these texts. The approach used in our case has been article analysis, based on Potter's rhetorical toolbox that includes both theory and method in one. ADHD is widely presented in the articles with descriptions ranging from a cultural disease constructed by prevailing social climate to being a genetic abnormality. Using various rhetorical strategies it is possible to establish totally different groups of interpretative repertoires as all true. In this thesis, we also discuss the possible consequences of these various explanations and constructions within social work and society at large.


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Lymphatic porosity was produced by feeding rats a diet, lacking from the vitamins of the B group. Coumarintroxerutin (Venalot®) treatment has been found to prevent this abnormality. Pathophysiologic and therapeutic implications of these findings are discussed. © 1973 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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A Síndrome de Down, também conhecida como Trissomia 21, representa a anomalia cromossómica mais comum da espécie humana. Caracteriza-se por um conjunto clássico de sinais e sintomas que afetam o desenvolvimento neuromotor e cognitivo. O diagnóstico da Síndrome de Down baseia-se numa série de sinais e sintomas, sendo a sua confirmação estabelecida através do estudo cromossómico. Nem toda a população afetada apresenta as mesmas características, sendo necessário uma identificação do cariótipo para um diagnóstico definitivo. Embora apresentando diferentes graus de severidade assim como inicio de manifestação dos primeiros sintomas em diferentes alturas, toda a população com SD apresenta morfismo característico da face e do sistema esquelético, alterações do SNC e início precoce da doença de Alzheimer. As características dento-maxilo-faciais afetam o normal funcionamento do sistema estomatognático. A maioria possui um padrão braquifacial com um desenvolvimento mandibular no sentido anti-horário e manifesta má-oclusão sob uma vasta etiologia. Consequentemente ocorrem alterações a nível da estética, postura, mastigação, respiração e fonação. Apresentam inclusive um controlo de placa ineficaz e pobre higienização oral, sendo os procedimentos de prevenção importantes. A Ortodontia tem um papel de relevo no tratamento das má-oclusões que contribuem para as limitações do paciente. Ressalte-se a importância da sensibilização dos familiares para a necessidade de higienização bucal destes pacientes, bem como o conhecimento pelo médico dentista acerca das principais manifestações bucais que acometem os pacientes portadores, para que o tratamento adequado seja oferecido e a qualidade de vida desses indivíduos preservada.


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RAMOS, Ana Maria de Oliveira et al. Project Pró-Natal: population-based study of perinatal and infant mortality in Natal, Northeast Brazil. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, v.3, n.1, p.29-35, 2000


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Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum (OAVS, OMIM 164 210) is a developmental disorder primarily involving structures derived from the first and second pharyngeal arches during embryogenesis. The phenotype is clinically heterogeneous and is typically characterised by abnormal development of the ear, mandible anomalies and defects of the vertebral column. OAVS may occur as a multiple congenital abnormality, and associated findings include anomalies of the eye, brain, heart, kidneys and other organs and systems. Both genetic and environmental factors are thought to contribute to this craniofacial condition, however, the mechanisms are still poorly understood. Here, we present a review of the literature on OAVS, discussing what is known about the aetiology, candidate loci, possible mechanisms and the range of clinical features that characterise this condition. We also comment on some important aspects of recurrence risk counselling to aid clinical management.


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El artículo que se presenta a continuación da cuenta de cómo ha funcionado el principio de proporcionalidad en Colombia en el control de constitucionalidad de las declaratorias de los estados de excepción, a través de la evaluación de seis (6) casos de excepcionalidad a partir de 1991, cuatro (4) de ellos referidosa estados de conmoción interior, y dos (2) referidos a emergencias sociales. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa que permitió describir la forma como la Corte Constitucional aplicaba o no el principio de proporcionalidad para hacer el examen de dichas excepcionalidades, dando cuenta de una matriz de análisis que describe los puntos clave de dicho principio, a saber: a) laexistencia de una crisis coyuntural y no de un daño estructural en cualquiera de los estados de excepción declarados; b) la no suspensión de los derechos humanos ni de las libertades fundamentales de las personas a quienes van dirigidas las medidas incluidas en este; c) la no interrupción del normal funcionamiento de las ramas del poder público; d) el ejercicio de las facultades solo para enfrentar eficazmente la anormalidad; la relación estricta entrecausa y anormalidad, y, en este sentido, la dirección de los decretos única y exclusivamente a conjurar las causas que dan origen a la excepcionalidad; e) la duración definida de los estados de excepción (Cifuentes, 2002), para concluir que la Corte Constitucional, en su aplicación del principio de proporcionalidad, no ha realizado un juicio exhaustivo de los requisitos que este incorpora, de tal forma que ha permitido una perpetuación del poder presidencial y un gobierno con poca separación de poderes.


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Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) deficiency is the leading cause of lameness affecting the stifle joints of large breed dogs, especially Labrador Retrievers. Although CCL disease has been studied extensively, its exact pathogenesis and the primary cause leading to CCL rupture remain controversial. However, weakening secondary to repetitive microtrauma is currently believed to cause the majority of CCL instabilities diagnosed in dogs. Techniques of gait analysis have become the most productive tools to investigate normal and pathological gait in human and veterinary subjects. The inverse dynamics analysis approach models the limb as a series of connected linkages and integrates morphometric data to yield information about the net joint moment, patterns of muscle power and joint reaction forces. The results of these studies have greatly advanced our understanding of the pathogenesis of joint diseases in humans. A muscular imbalance between the hamstring and quadriceps muscles has been suggested as a cause for anterior cruciate ligament rupture in female athletes. Based on these findings, neuromuscular training programs leading to a relative risk reduction of up to 80% has been designed. In spite of the cost and morbidity associated with CCL disease and its management, very few studies have focused on the inverse dynamics gait analysis of this condition in dogs. The general goals of this research were (1) to further define gait mechanism in Labrador Retrievers with and without CCL-deficiency, (2) to identify individual dogs that are susceptible to CCL disease, and (3) to characterize their gait. The mass, location of the center of mass (COM), and mass moment of inertia of hind limb segments were calculated using a noninvasive method based on computerized tomography of normal and CCL-deficient Labrador Retrievers. Regression models were developed to determine predictive equations to estimate body segment parameters on the basis of simple morphometric measurements, providing a basis for nonterminal studies of inverse dynamics of the hind limbs in Labrador Retrievers. Kinematic, ground reaction forces (GRF) and morphometric data were combined in an inverse dynamics approach to compute hock, stifle and hip net moments, powers and joint reaction forces (JRF) while trotting in normal, CCL-deficient or sound contralateral limbs. Reductions in joint moment, power, and loads observed in CCL-deficient limbs were interpreted as modifications adopted to reduce or avoid painful mobilization of the injured stifle joint. Lameness resulting from CCL disease affected predominantly reaction forces during the braking phase and the extension during push-off. Kinetics also identified a greater joint moment and power of the contralateral limbs compared with normal, particularly of the stifle extensor muscles group, which may correlate with the lameness observed, but also with the predisposition of contralateral limbs to CCL deficiency in dogs. For the first time, surface EMG patterns of major hind limb muscles during trotting gait of healthy Labrador Retrievers were characterized and compared with kinetic and kinematic data of the stifle joint. The use of surface EMG highlighted the co-contraction patterns of the muscles around the stifle joint, which were documented during transition periods between flexion and extension of the joint, but also during the flexion observed in the weight bearing phase. Identification of possible differences in EMG activation characteristics between healthy patients and dogs with or predisposed to orthopedic and neurological disease may help understanding the neuromuscular abnormality and gait mechanics of such disorders in the future. Conformation parameters, obtained from femoral and tibial radiographs, hind limb CT images, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, of hind limbs predisposed to CCL deficiency were compared with the conformation parameters from hind limbs at low risk. A combination of tibial plateau angle and femoral anteversion angle measured on radiographs was determined optimal for discriminating predisposed and non-predisposed limbs for CCL disease in Labrador Retrievers using a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis method. In the future, the tibial plateau angle (TPA) and femoral anteversion angle (FAA) may be used to screen dogs suspected of being susceptible to CCL disease. Last, kinematics and kinetics across the hock, stifle and hip joints in Labrador Retrievers presumed to be at low risk based on their radiographic TPA and FAA were compared to gait data from dogs presumed to be predisposed to CCL disease for overground and treadmill trotting gait. For overground trials, extensor moment at the hock and energy generated around the hock and stifle joints were increased in predisposed limbs compared to non predisposed limbs. For treadmill trials, dogs qualified as predisposed to CCL disease held their stifle at a greater degree of flexion, extended their hock less, and generated more energy around the stifle joints while trotting on a treadmill compared with dogs at low risk. This characterization of the gait mechanics of Labrador Retrievers at low risk or predisposed to CCL disease may help developing and monitoring preventive exercise programs to decrease gastrocnemius dominance and strengthened the hamstring muscle group.


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Background: The prevalence of Diabetes mellitus (DM) is on a rise in sub-Saharan Africa and will more than double by 2025. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for up to 2/3 of all deaths in the diabetic population. Of all the CVD deaths in DM, 3/4 occur in sub Saharan Africa (SSA). Non invasive identification of cardiac abnormalities, such as Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH), diastolic and systolic dysfunction, is not part of diabetes complications surveillance programs in Uganda and there is limited data on this problem. This study sought to determine the prevalence, types and factors associated with echocardiographic abnormalities among newly diagnosed diabetic patients at Mulago National referral hospital in Uganda. Methods: In this cross sectional study conducted between June 2014 and December 2014, we recruited 202 newly diagnosed adult diabetic patients. Information on patients\' socio-demographics, bio-physical profile, biochemical testing and echocardiographic findings was obtained for all the participants using a pre-tested questionnaire. An abnormal echocardiogram in this study was defined as the presence of LVH, diastolic and/or systolic dysfunction and wall motion abnormality. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to investigate the association of several parameters with echocardiographic abnormalities. Results: Of the 202 patients recruited, males were 102(50.5%) and the mean age was 46±15 years. Majority of patients had type 2 DM, 156(77.2%) and type 1 DM, 41(20.3%) with mean HbA1C of 13.9±5.3%. Mean duration of diabetes was 2 months. The prevalence of an abnormal echocardiogram was 67.8 % (95% CI 60%-74%). Diastolic dysfunction, systolic dysfunction, LVH and wall motion abnormalities were present in 55.0%, 21.8%, 19.3% and 4.0% of all the participants respectively. In bivariate logistic regression analysis, the factors associated with an abnormal echocardiogram were age (OR 1.09 [95% CI 1.06–1.12], P <0.0001), type 2 DM (OR 5.8[95% CI 2.77-12.07], P<0.0001), hypertension (OR 2.64[95% CI 1.44-4.85], P=0.002), obesity (OR 3.51[955 CI 1.25-9.84], P=0.017 and increased waist circumference (OR 1.02[95% CI 1.00-1.04], P=0.024. On Multiple logistic regression analysis, age was the only factor associated with an abnormal echocardiogram (OR 1.09[95%CI 1.05-1.15], P<0.0001). Conclusion: Echocardiographic abnormalities were common among newly diagnosed adults with DM. Traditional CVD risk factors were associated with an abnormal echocardiogram in this patient population. Due to a high prevalence of echocardiographic abnormalities among newly diagnosed diabetics, we recommend screening for cardiac disease especially in patients who present with traditional CVD risk factors. This will facilitate early diagnosis, management and hence better patient outcomes.


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Arsenite is a major environmental toxicant that is well known to cause reproductive injury. The sperm protective potential of Ageratum conyzoides Linn in arsenic-treated rats was carried out in this study taking advantage of the antioxidant constituents and its androgenic activities. Twenty-four male albino rats aged 16 weeks, weighing 225 to 228g were used. They were grouped into 4(A-Da) with each group containing 6 rats. Group A was orally treated with 100mg/kg ethanol leaf extract of Ageratum conyzoides L., daily for 14 days, group B (single oral dose of sodium arsenite 2.5 mg/kg body weight), C (Ageratum conyzoides extract daily for 14 days and sodium arsenite (SA) given on the 14th day) and group D (Propylene glycol as negative control). It was observed that group B had a more lower (p<0.05) percentage motility (26.7±6.67%) when compared across the groups while group A had a significantly higher (p<0.05) mean value (63.3±3.33%). The sperm motility of rats in group D was significantly higher (p<0.05) than groups B and C. This implies that A. conyzoides extract had no adverse effect on the sperm motility of the rats and also ameliorates the adverse effect of arsenite on sperm motility. The mean value obtained for sperm liveability, semen volume and Sperm concentration followed a similar pattern although, the differences were not significant (p>0.05) for semen volume and the Sperm concentration of rats across the groups. The total sperm abnormality obtained across the groups ranges between 10.44 and 14.27% with group B treated with sodium arsenite (SA) having the highest value when compared with groups A and D, although, the differences were not significant (P>0.05). The study concluded that ethanol leaf extract of Ageratum conyzoides has no negative effect on sperm motility, liveability characteristics and morphology and also protected spermatozoa against arsenic reproductive toxicity in wistar strain albino rats..


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Background: Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is a common abnormality of the urinary tract in childhood. Objectives: As urine enters the ureters and renal pelvis during voiding in vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), we hypothesized that change in body water composition before and after voiding may be less different in children with VUR. Patients and Methods: Patients were grouped as those with VUR (Group 1) and without VUR (Group 2). Bioelectric impedance analysis was performed before and after voiding, and third space fluid (TSF) (L), percent of total body fluid (TBF%), extracellular fluid (ECF%), and intracellular fluid (ICF%) were recorded. After change of TSF, TBF, ECF, ICF (ΔTSF, ΔTBF%, ΔECF%, ΔICF%), urine volume (mL), and urine volume/body weight (mL/kg) were calculated. Groups 1 and 2 were compared for these parameters. In addition, pre- and post-voiding body fluid values were compared in each group. Results: TBF%, ECF%, ICF%, and TSF in both pre- and post-voiding states and ΔTBF%, ΔECF%, ΔICF%, and ΔTSF after voiding were not different between groups. However, while post-voiding TBF%, ECF% was significantly decreased in Group 1 (64.5 ± 8.1 vs 63.7 ± 7.2, P = 0.013 for TBF%), there was not post-voiding change in TSF in the same group. On the other hand, there was also a significant TSF decrease in Group 2. Conclusions: Bladder and ureter can be considered as the third space. Thus, we think that BIA has been useful in discriminating children with VUR as there was no decreased in patients with VUR, although there was decreased TSF in patients without VUR. However, further studies are needed to increase the accuracy of this hypothesis.