951 resultados para Pulsed MIG
We describe the unusual spread of a penicillin-susceptible methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clone in hospitals in western Switzerland, where the incidence of MRSA is usually low. During a 2-year period, this clone had been responsible for several outbreaks and had been isolated from >156 persons in 21 institutions. Molecular typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) demonstrated that all of these isolates belonged to the same clone. In 1 of the outbreaks, involving 30 cases, the clone was responsible for at least 17 secondary cases. In contrast, during the period of the latter outbreak, 9 other patients harboring different MRSA strains, as assessed by PFGE, were hospitalized in the same wards, but no secondary cases occurred. These observations suggest that this clone, compared with other MRSA strains, had some intrinsic factor(s) that contributed to its ability to disseminate and could thus be considered epidemic.
The present study was undertaken to examine the cross-sectional vascular compliance at the anastomotic site. METHODS AND MATERIAL: We performed end-to-end anastomosis on the carotid artery of six pigs using continuous 6/0 polypropylene. Four carotid arteries were excised and mounted in a perfusion chamber while the remaining two were left in living animals. We used pulsed ultrasound (NIUS 02) to generate detailed longitudinal profiles of diameter and compliance in the proximity and on the anastomosis. RESULTS: On the anastomosis, the vessel diameter decreases (-1 to -2.6% of diastolic diameter) when blood pressure increases with an exponential correlation (R2 = 0.75). The arterial compliance at the anastomosis was negative: the vessel cross-section reduction for a pulse pressure of 1 up to 32 mmHg was 0.9 to 2% of diastolic vessel cross-section. CONCLUSIONS: Vessel movement generated a dynamic stenosis whose magnitude seems to depend on blood pressure level. Increasing blood pressure causes the retraction of vessel ends which causes vessel lumen reduction. These results suggest that continuous suture does not provide the continuity of mechanical properties of the artery.
INTRODUCTION: Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging is an MRI perfusion technique that uses a diffusion-weighted sequence with multiple b values and a bi-compartmental signal model to measure the so-called pseudo-diffusion of blood caused by its passage through the microvascular network. The goal of the current study was to assess the feasibility of IVIM perfusion fraction imaging in patients with acute stroke. METHODS: Images were collected in 17 patients with acute stroke. Exclusion criteria were onset of symptoms to imaging >5 days, hemorrhagic transformation, infratentorial lesions, small lesions <0.5 cm in minimal diameter and hemodynamic instability. IVIM imaging was performed at 3 T, using a standard spin-echo Stejskal-Tanner pulsed gradients diffusion-weighted sequence, using 16 b values from 0 to 900 s/mm(2). Image quality was assessed by two radiologists, and quantitative analysis was performed in regions of interest placed in the stroke area, defined by thresholding the apparent diffusion coefficient maps, as well as in the contralateral region. RESULTS: IVIM perfusion fraction maps showed an area of decreased perfusion fraction f in the region of decreased apparent diffusion coefficient. Quantitative analysis showed a statistically significant decrease in both IVIM perfusion fraction f (0.026 ± 0.019 vs. 0.056 ± 0.025, p = 2.2 · 10(-6)) and diffusion coefficient D compared with the contralateral side (3.9 ± 0.79 · 10(-4) vs. 7.5 ± 0.86 · 10(-4) mm(2)/s, p = 1.3 · 10(-20)). CONCLUSION: IVIM perfusion fraction imaging is feasible in acute stroke. IVIM perfusion fraction is significantly reduced in the visible infarct. Further studies should evaluate the potential for IVIM to predict clinical outcome and treatment response.
L’estudi es dirigeix a avaluar la capacitat predictiva sobre la violència dels instruments de judici clínic estructurat, amb una metodologia que aporti resultats comparables a estudis de l’àmbit internacional. La investigació es va portar a terme en un hospital civil de salut mental i la mostra està composta per 114 pacients de les unitats de crònics i subaguts. A l’avaluació inicial, l’HCR-20, el PCL:SV i el Protocol 7 van ser els instruments utilitzats per a la recollida d’informació de les variables predictors. La variable depenent o resultat va ser registrada prospectivament per part de l’equip d’infermeria amb un instrument observacional de fàcil ús, el MOAS. Mitjançant índexs de correlació, càlcul de riscos relatius, i anàlisis de regressió logística i corbes ROC va ser possible conèixer que l’HCR-20 i el PCL-SV són mesures vàlides per a la predicció de la violència intrahospitalària en el curt i mig termini en una mostra espanyola de persones amb malaltia mental severa. L’HCR-20 i particularment els ítems clínics van ser els millors predictors de la violència física envers a persones i objectes. Tant la puntuació numèrica de l’HCR-20 com el judici clínic estructurat van demostrar una precisió predictiva alta i comparable a l'obtinguda amb la versió original de l'instrument. El PCL:SV va arribar una precisió predictiva moderada que va anar disminuint al llarg del seguiment. Altres factors de risc com les agressions o la ira prèvies a l’avaluació també van augmentar significativament el risc de violència durant l’any de seguiment.
The minimum chromosome number of Glomus intraradices was assessed through cloning and sequencing of the highly divergent telomere-associated sequences (TAS) and by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The telomere of G. intraradices, as in other filamentous fungi, consists of TTAGGG repeats, this was confirmed using Bal31 nuclease time course reactions. Telomere length was estimated to be roughly 0.9 kb by Southern blots on genomic DNA and a telomere probe. We have identified six classes of cloned chromosomal termini based on the TAS. An unusually high genetic variation was observed within two of the six TAS classes. To further assess the total number of chromosome termini, we used telomere fingerprinting. Surprisingly, all hybridization patterns showed smears, which demonstrate that TAS are remarkably variable in the G. intraradices genome. These analyses predict the presence of at least three chromosomes in G. intraradices while PFGE showed a pattern of four bands ranging from 1.2 to 1.5 Mb. Taken together, our results indicate that there are at least four chromosomes in G. intraradices but there are probably more. The information on TAS and telomeres in the G. intradicies will be essential for making a physical map of the G. intraradices genome and could provide molecular markers for future studies of genetic variation among nuclei in these multigenomic fungi.
BACKGROUND: Data on the epidemiology of MRSA infection in lung transplantation is limited. METHODS: We performed a 5-year retrospective study to assess the incidence and microbiologic and clinical characteristics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in a cohort of 163 lung transplant recipients. RESULTS: Seventeen patients with MRSA colonization and/or infection were identified, for a calculated incidence rate of 76.1 cases per 1,000 transplanted-years. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis identified 3 different distinct MRSA profiles, all of them consistent with hospital-associated MRSA infection. CONCLUSION: Despite negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the virulence factor Panton-Valentine leukocidin, MRSA infections resulted in significant disease and morbidity.
Treball fi de carrera sobre els règims econòmics matrimonials a Catalunya. S’estudia i aplica el Codi de Família que és la normativa vigent en dret de família català. El punt de partida és el matrimoni, el qual constitueix l’origen i fonament dels règims econòmics matrimonials. No pot haver matrimoni sense règim econòmic i només els cònjuges poden organitzar la seva economia conjugal mitjançant les normes d’un règim econòmic. Es realitza una breu síntesi dels efectes personals que produeix el matrimoni amb la finalitat de ser un treball més contundent respecte les relacions econòmiques entre els cònjuges. El règim econòmic matrimonial és l’efecte patrimonials més rellevant que produeix el matrimoni, per això, el present treball estudia amb més deteniment els diferents règims econòmics que poden existir a Catalunya. Existeixen tres tipus principals de règims econòmics, i després tres tipus de règims locals. En primer lloc, el règim de separació de béns, el de comunitat de béns i el de participació en els guanys; i en segon lloc, l’associació a compres i millores, l’agermanament o pacte de mig per mig i el pacte de convinença o mitja guadanyeria. Per últim, s’ha tingut en compte la matèria relativa als capítols matrimonials, els quals poden ser atorgats per voluntat dels cònjuges amb la finalitat de regular per sí mateixos com ha d’estructurar-se la seva economia conjugal.
Per a determinar la dinàmica espai-temporal completa d’un sistema quàntic tridimensional de N partícules cal integrar l’equació d’Schrödinger en 3N dimensions. La capacitat dels ordinadors actuals permet fer-ho com a molt en 3 dimensions. Amb l’objectiu de disminuir el temps de càlcul necessari per a integrar l’equació d’Schrödinger multidimensional, es realitzen usualment una sèrie d’aproximacions, com l’aproximació de Born–Oppenheimer o la de camp mig. En general, el preu que es paga en realitzar aquestes aproximacions és la pèrdua de les correlacions quàntiques (o entrellaçament). Per tant, és necessari desenvolupar mètodes numèrics que permetin integrar i estudiar la dinàmica de sistemes mesoscòpics (sistemes d’entre tres i unes deu partícules) i en els que es tinguin en compte, encara que sigui de forma aproximada, les correlacions quàntiques entre partícules. Recentment, en el context de la propagació d’electrons per efecte túnel en materials semiconductors, X. Oriols ha desenvolupat un nou mètode [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 066803 (2007)] per al tractament de les correlacions quàntiques en sistemes mesoscòpics. Aquesta nova proposta es fonamenta en la formulació de la mecànica quàntica de de Broglie– Bohm. Així, volem fer notar que l’enfoc del problema que realitza X. Oriols i que pretenem aquí seguir no es realitza a fi de comptar amb una eina interpretativa, sinó per a obtenir una eina de càlcul numèric amb la que integrar de manera més eficient l’equació d’Schrödinger corresponent a sistemes quàntics de poques partícules. En el marc del present projecte de tesi doctoral es pretén estendre els algorismes desenvolupats per X. Oriols a sistemes quàntics constituïts tant per fermions com per bosons, i aplicar aquests algorismes a diferents sistemes quàntics mesoscòpics on les correlacions quàntiques juguen un paper important. De forma específica, els problemes a estudiar són els següents: (i) Fotoionització de l’àtom d’heli i de l’àtom de liti mitjançant un làser intens. (ii) Estudi de la relació entre la formulació de X. Oriols amb la aproximació de Born–Oppenheimer. (iii) Estudi de les correlacions quàntiques en sistemes bi- i tripartits en l’espai de configuració de les partícules mitjançant la formulació de de Broglie–Bohm.
Patients with stage I-III melanoma were vaccinated with the modified HLA-A2-binding gp100(209-2M)-peptide after complete surgical resection of their primary lesion and sentinel node biopsy. Cytoplasmic interferon-gamma production by freshly thawed peripheral blood mononuclear cells (direct ex vivo analysis) or by peripheral blood mononuclear cells subjected to 1 cycle of in vitro sensitization with peptide, interleukin-2, and interleukin-15 was measured following restimulation with the modified and native gp100 peptides, and also A2gp100 melanoma cell lines. Peptide-reactive and tumor-reactive T cells were detected in 79% and 66% of selected patients, respectively. Patients could be classified into 3 groups according to their vaccine-elicited T-cell responses. One group of patients responded only to the modified peptide used for immunization, whereas another group of patients reacted to both the modified and native gp100 peptides, but not to naturally processed gp100 antigen on melanoma cells. In the third group of patients, circulating CD8 T cells recognized A2gp100 melanoma cell lines and also both the modified and native peptides. T cells with a low functional avidity, which were capable of lysing tumor cells only if tumor cells were first pulsed by the exogenous administration of native gp100(209-217) peptide were identified in most patients. These results indicate that vaccination with a modified gp100 peptide induced a heterogeneous group of gp100-specific T cells with a spectrum of functional avidities; however, high avidity, tumor-reactive T cells were detected in the majority of patients.
To investigate the clonal diversity of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated at João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Brazil, digested genomic DNA were studied by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) in nine methicillin-resistant strains (MRSA) and three methicillin-sensitive strains (MSSA), selected among 67 isolates based on their antimicrobial susceptibility and epidemiology. The isolates were obtained between April and November 1992 from the Hospital of the Federal University of Paraíba, located in João Pessoa. Two MRSA isolates from the Oswaldo Cruz Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, including an epidemic strain previously detected from different hospitals at the country were used as control. Five different patterns, were demonstrated by MRSA isolated in João Pessoa and these patterns were described in several epidemiologically unrelated hospitals in São Paulo. Our results suggest the interstate dissemination of a MRSA clone in João Pessoa which is similar to that described in other cities of Brazil.
Purpose: To evaluate the sensitivity of the perfusion parameters derived from Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MR imaging to hypercapnia-induced vasodilatation and hyperoxygenation-induced vasoconstriction in the human brain. Materials and Methods: This study was approved by the local ethics committee and informed consent was obtained from all participants. Images were acquired with a standard pulsed-gradient spin-echo sequence (Stejskal-Tanner) in a clinical 3-T system by using 16 b values ranging from 0 to 900 sec/mm(2). Seven healthy volunteers were examined while they inhaled four different gas mixtures known to modify brain perfusion (pure oxygen, ambient air, 5% CO(2) in ambient air, and 8% CO(2) in ambient air). Diffusion coefficient (D), pseudodiffusion coefficient (D*), perfusion fraction (f), and blood flow-related parameter (fD*) maps were calculated on the basis of the IVIM biexponential model, and the parametric maps were compared among the four different gas mixtures. Paired, one-tailed Student t tests were performed to assess for statistically significant differences. Results: Signal decay curves were biexponential in the brain parenchyma of all volunteers. When compared with inhaled ambient air, the IVIM perfusion parameters D*, f, and fD* increased as the concentration of inhaled CO(2) was increased (for the entire brain, P = .01 for f, D*, and fD* for CO(2) 5%; P = .02 for f, and P = .01 for D* and fD* for CO(2) 8%), and a trend toward a reduction was observed when participants inhaled pure oxygen (although P > .05). D remained globally stable. Conclusion: The IVIM perfusion parameters were reactive to hyperoxygenation-induced vasoconstriction and hypercapnia-induced vasodilatation. Accordingly, IVIM imaging was found to be a valid and promising method to quantify brain perfusion in humans. © RSNA, 2012.
Many protozoan parasites represent an important group of human pathogens. Pulsed Field Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis has been an important tool for fundamental genetic studies of parasites like Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Giardia or the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. We present PFGE conditions allowing a high resolution separation of chromosomes ranging from 500 to 4000 kb within a two day electrophoresis run. In addition, we present conditions for separating large chromosomes (2000-6000 kb) within 36 hr. We demontrate that the application of two dimentional PFGE (2D-PFGE) technique to parasite karyotypes is a very useful method for the analysis of dispersed gene families and comparative studies of the intrachomosomal genome organization
By using improved pulsed field gel electrophoresis conditions, the molecular karyotype of the reference clone CL Brener selected for Trypanosoma cruzi genome project was established. A total of 20 uniform chromosomal bands ranging in size from 0.45 to 3.5 Megabase pairs (Mbp) were resolved in a single run. The weighted sum of the chromosomal bands was approximately 87 Mbp. Chromoblots were hybridized with 39 different homologous probes, 13 of which identified single chromosomes. Several markers showed linkage and four different linkage groups were identified, each comprising two markers. Densitometric analysis suggests that most of the chromosomal bands contain two or more chromosomes representing either homologous chromosomes and/or heterologous chromosomes with similar sizes
During recent years, several Leishmania infantum genes have been cloned and characterized. Here, we have summarized the available information on the gene organization and expression in this protozoan parasite. From a comparative analysis, the following outstanding features were found to be common to most of the genes characterized: tandemly organized genes with conserved coding regions and divergent untranslated regions, polycistronic transcription and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. The analysis of chromosomes of L. infantum by pulsed-field electrophoresis showed the existence of both size and number polymorphisms such that each strain has a distinctive molecular karyotype. Despite this variability, highly conserved physical linkage groups exists among different strains of L. infantum and even among Old World Leishmania species. Gene mapping on the L. infantum molecular karyotype evidenced a bias in chromosomal distribution of, at least, the evolutionary conserved genes
The epidemiologic typing of bacterial pathogens can be applied to answer a number of different questions: in case of outbreak, what is the extent and mode of transmission of epidemic clone(s )? In case of long-term surveillance, what is the prevalence over time and the geographic spread of epidemic and endemic clones in the population? A number of molecular typing methods can be used to classify bacteria based on genomic diversity into groups of closely-related isolates (presumed to arise from a common ancestor in the same chain of transmission) and divergent, epidemiologically-unrelated isolates (arising from independent sources of infection). Ribotyping, IS-RFLP fingerprinting, macrorestriction analysis of chromosomal DNA and PCR-fingerprinting using arbitrary sequence or repeat element primers are useful methods for outbreak investigations and regional surveillance. Library typing systems based on multilocus sequence-based analysis and strain-specific probe hybridization schemes are in development for the international surveillance of major pathogens like Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Accurate epidemiological interpretation of data obtained with molecular typing systems still requires additional research on the evolution rate of polymorphic loci in bacterial pathogens.