981 resultados para Portable.


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Gemstone Team SnowMelt


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© 2015 Human Kinetics, Inc.Background: Young children's physical activity (PA) is influenced by their child care environment. This study assessed PA practices in centers from Massachusetts (MA) and Rhode Island (RI), compared them to best practice recommendations, and assessed differences between states and center profit status. We also assessed weather-related practices. Methods: Sixty percent of MA and 54% of RI directors returned a survey, for a total of 254. Recommendations were 1) daily outdoor play, 2) providing outdoor play area, 3) limiting fixed play structures, 4) variety of portable play equipment, and 5) providing indoor play area. We fit multivariable linear regression models to examine adjusted associations between state, profit status, PA, and weather-related practices. Results: MA did not differ from RI in meeting PA recommendations (β = 0.03; 0.15, 0.21; P = .72), but MA centers scored higher on weather-related practices (β = 0.47; 0.16, 0.79; P = .004). For-profit centers had lower PA scores compared with nonprofits (β = -0.20; 95% CI: -0.38, -0.02; P = .03), but they did not differ for weather (β = 0.12; -0.19, 0.44; P = .44). Conclusions: More MA centers allowed children outside in light rain or snow. For-profit centers had more equipment-both fixed and portable. Results from this study may help inform interventions to increase PA in children.


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Team NAVIGATE aims to create a robust, portable navigational aid for the blind. Our prototype uses depth data from the Microsoft Kinect to perform realtime obstacle avoidance in unfamiliar indoor environments. The device augments the white cane by performing two signi cant functions: detecting overhanging objects and identifying stairs. Based on interviews with blind individuals, we found a combined audio and haptic feedback system best for communicating environmental information. Our prototype uses vibration motors to indicate the presence of an obstacle and an auditory command to alert the user to stairs ahead. Through multiple trials with sighted and blind participants, the device was successful in detecting overhanging objects and approaching stairs. The device increased user competency and adaptability across all trials.


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It is now possible to use powerful general purpose computer architectures to support post-production of both video and multimedia projects. By devising a suitable portable software architecture and using high-speed networking in an appropriate manner, a system has been constructed where editors are no longer tied to a specific location. New types of production, such as multi-threaded interactive video, are supported. Editors may also work remotely where very high speed network connection is not currently provided. An object-oriented database is used for the comprehensive cataloging of material and to support automatic audio/video object migration and replication. Copyright © 1997 by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Inc.


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The parallelization of existing/industrial electromagnetic software using the bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) computation model is presented. The software employs the finite element method with a preconditioned conjugate gradient-type solution for the resulting linear systems of equations. A geometric mesh-partitioning approach is applied within the BSP framework for the assembly and solution phases of the finite element computation. This is combined with a nongeometric, data-driven parallel quadrature procedure for the evaluation of right-hand-side terms in applications involving coil fields. A similar parallel decomposition is applied to the parallel calculation of electron beam trajectories required for the design of tube devices. The BSP parallelization approach adopted is fully portable, conceptually simple, and cost-effective, and it can be applied to a wide range of finite element applications not necessarily related to electromagnetics.


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The Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools) [Ierotheou, C, Johnson SP, Cross M, Leggett PF, Computer aided parallelisation tools (CAPTools)-conceptual overview and performance on the parallelisation of structured mesh codes, Parallel Computing, 1996;22:163±195] is a set of interactive tools aimed to provide automatic parallelisation of serial FORTRAN Computational Mechanics (CM) programs. CAPTools analyses the user's serial code and then through stages of array partitioning, mask and communication calculation, generates parallel SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) messages passing FORTRAN. The parallel code generated by CAPTools contains calls to a collection of routines that form the CAPTools communications Library (CAPLib). The library provides a portable layer and user friendly abstraction over the underlying parallel environment. CAPLib contains optimised message passing routines for data exchange between parallel processes and other utility routines for parallel execution control, initialisation and debugging. By compiling and linking with different implementations of the library, the user is able to run on many different parallel environments. Even with today's parallel systems the concept of a single version of a parallel application code is more of an aspiration than a reality. However for CM codes the data partitioning SPMD paradigm requires a relatively small set of message-passing communication calls. This set can be implemented as an intermediate `thin layer' library of message-passing calls that enables the parallel code (especially that generated automatically by a parallelisation tool such as CAPTools) to be as generic as possible. CAPLib is just such a `thin layer' message passing library that supports parallel CM codes, by mapping generic calls onto machine specific libraries (such as CRAY SHMEM) and portable general purpose libraries (such as PVM an MPI). This paper describe CAPLib together with its three perceived advantages over other routes: - as a high level abstraction, it is both easy to understand (especially when generated automatically by tools) and to implement by hand, for the CM community (who are not generally parallel computing specialists); - the one parallel version of the application code is truly generic and portable; - the parallel application can readily utilise whatever message passing libraries on a given machine yield optimum performance.


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This paper presents a study of the residual strength of Pinus sylvestris, which has been subject to attack by the furniture beetle (Anobium punctatum). It is relatively easy to stop the infestation, but difficult to assess the structural soundness of the remaining timber. Removal and replacement of affected structural elements is usually difficult and expensive, particularly in buildings of historic interest. Current on-site assessment procedures are limited. The main object of the study was to develop an on-site test of timber quality: a test which can be carried out on the surface and also at varying depths into the timber. It is based on a probe pull-out technique using a portable load-measuring device. Pull-out force values have been correlated with both strength and energy absorbed as measured by compression testing on laboratory samples of both sound and infested timber. These two relationships are significant and could be used to assess whether remedial work is needed. In addition, work on the use of artificial borings to simulate the natural worming of timber is presented and the findings discussed.


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Architectures and methods for the rapid design of silicon cores for implementing discrete wavelet transforms over a wide range of specifications are described. These architectures are efficient, modular, scalable, and cover orthonormal and biorthogonal wavelet transform families. They offer efficient hardware utilization by exploiting a number of core wavelet filter properties and allow the creation of silicon designs that are highly parameterized, including in terms of wavelet type and wordlengths. Control circuitry is embedded within these systems allowing them to be cascaded for any desired level of decomposition without any interface glue logic. The time to produce chip designs for a specific wavelet application is typically less than a day and these are comparable in area and performance to handcrafted designs. They are also portable across a wide range of silicon foundries and suitable for field programmable gate array and programmable logic data implementation. The approach described has also been extended to wavelet packet transforms.


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Wireless enabled portable devices must operate with the highest possible energy efficiency while still maintaining a minimum level and quality of service to meet the user's expectations. The authors analyse the performance of a new pointer-based medium access control protocol that was designed to significantly improve the energy efficiency of user terminals in wireless local area networks. The new protocol, pointer controlled slot allocation and resynchronisation protocol (PCSAR), is based on the existing IEEE 802.11 point coordination function (PCF) standard. PCSAR reduces energy consumption by removing the need for power saving stations to remain awake and listen to the channel. Using OPNET, simulations were performed under symmetric channel loading conditions to compare the performance of PCSAR with the infrastructure power saving mode of IEEE 802.11, PCF-PS. The simulation results demonstrate a significant improvement in energy efficiency without significant reduction in performance when using PCSAR. For a wireless network consisting of an access point and 8 stations in power saving mode, the energy saving was up to 31% while using PCSAR instead of PCF-PS, depending upon frame error rate and load. The results also show that PCSAR offers significantly reduced uplink access delay over PCF-PS while modestly improving uplink throughput.


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A methodology for rapid silicon design of biorthogonal wavelet transform systems has been developed. This is based on generic, scalable architectures for the forward and inverse wavelet filters. These architectures offer efficient hardware utilisation by combining the linear phase property of biorthogonal filters with decimation and interpolation. The resulting designs have been parameterised in terms of types of wavelet and wordlengths for data and coefficients. Control circuitry is embedded within these cores that allows them to be cascaded for any desired level of decomposition without any interface logic. The time to produce silicon designs for a biorthogonal wavelet system is only the time required to run synthesis and layout tools with no further design effort required. The resulting silicon cores produced are comparable in area and performance to hand-crafted designs. These designs are also portable across a range of foundries and are suitable for FPGA and PLD implementations.


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A rapid design methodology for biorthogonal wavelet transform cores has been developed based on a generic, scaleable architecture for wavelet filters. The architecture offers efficient hardware utilisation by combining the linear phase property of biorthogonal filters with decimation in a MAC-based implementation. The design has been captured in VHDL and parameterised in terms of wavelet type, data word length and coefficient word length. The control circuit is embedded within the cores and allows them to be cascaded without any interface glue logic for any desired level of decomposition. The design time to produce silicon layout of a biorthogonal wavelet system is typically less than a day. The silicon cores produced are comparable in area and performance to hand-crafted designs, The designs are portable across a range of foundries and are also applicable to FPGA and PLD implementations.


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En este estudio se evalúa el rendimiento de los métodos de Bag-of-Visualterms (BOV) para la clasificación automática de imágenes digitales de la base de datos del artista Miquel Planas. Estas imágenes intervienen en la ideación y diseño de su producción escultórica. Constituye un interesante desafío dada la dificultad de la categorización de escenas cuando éstas difieren más por los contenidos semánticos que por los objetos que contienen. Hemos empleado un método de reconocimiento basado en Kernels introducido por Lazebnik, Schmid y Ponce en 2006. Los resultados son prometedores, en promedio, la puntuación del rendimiento es aproximadamente del 70%. Los experimentos sugieren que la categorización automática de imágenes basada en métodos de visión artificial puede proporcionar principios objetivos en la catalogación de imágenes y que los resultados obtenidos pueden ser aplicados en diferentes campos de la creación artística.


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This research characterizes the weathering of natural building stone using an unsteady-state portable probe permeameter. Variations between the permeability properties of fresh rock and the same rocks after the early stages of a salt weathering simulation are used to examine the effects of salt accumulation on spatial variations in surface rock permeability properties in two limestones from Spain. The Fraga and Tudela limestones are from the Ebro basin and are of Miocene age. Both stone types figure largely in the architectural heritage of Spain and, in common with many other building limestones, they are prone to physical damage from salt crystallization in pore spaces. To examine feedbacks associated with salt accumulation during the early stages of this weathering process, samples of the two stone types were subjected to simulated salt weathering under laboratory conditions using magnesium sulphate and sodium chloride at concentrations of 5% and 15%. Permeability mapping and statistical analysis (aspatial statistics and spatial prediction) before and after salt accumulation are used to assess changes in the spatial variability of permeability and to correlate these changes with salt movement, porosity change, potential rock deterioration and textural characteristics. Statistical analyses of small-scale permeability measurements are used to evaluate the drivers for decay and hence aid the prediction of the weathering behaviour of the two limestones.


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The development of a reflective, gold-coated long-period grating-based sensor for the measurement of chloride ions in solution is discussed. The sensor scheme is based around a long-period fiber grating (LPG)-based Michelson interferometer where the sensor was calibrated and evaluated in the laboratory using sodium chloride solutions, over a wide range of concentrations, from 0.01 to 4.00 M. The grating response creates shifts in the spectral characteristic of the interferometer, formed using the LPG and a reflective surface on the distal end of the fiber, due to the change of refracting index of the solution surrounding it. It was found that the sensitivity of the device could be enhanced over that obtained from a bare fiber by coating the LPG-based interferometer with gold nanoparticles and the results of a cross-comparison of performance were obtained and details discussed. The approach will be explored as a basis to create a portable, low-power device, developed with the potential for installation in concrete structures to determine the ingress of chloride ions, operating through monitoring the refractive index change.