867 resultados para Portable architecture. Reassemblable structure. Design process
To investigate the practice of inclusive design in an industrial context and to gain an insight into the industrial perspectives, eight UK design consultancies' participation of the DBA design Challenges were reviewed through formal interviews. It is found that progress has been made in raising inclusive design awareness. However, some useful practices such as the user involvement in the design process is found not feasible in real situation, largely because of the often tight schedule and the complexity of the task. Consequently effective ways of capturing user information needs exploration and accessible design support tools need to be provided, through working with designers.
This paper addresses the need for computer support in aerospace design. A review of current design methodologies and computer support tools is presented and the need for further support in aerospace design, particularly in the early formative stages of the design process, is discussed. A parameter-based model of design, founded on the assumption that a design process can be constructed from a predefined set of tasks, is proposed for aerospace design. This is supported by knowledge of possible tasks in which the confidence in key design parameters is used as a basis for identifying, or signposting, the next task. A prototype implementation of the signposting model, for use in the design of helicopter rotor blades, is described and results from trials of the tool are presented. Further areas of research are discussed
A general framework for multi-criteria optimal design is presented which is well-suited for automated design of structural systems. A systematic computer-aided optimal design decision process is developed which allows the designer to rapidly evaluate and improve a proposed design by taking into account the major factors of interest related to different aspects such as design, construction, and operation.
The proposed optimal design process requires the selection of the most promising choice of design parameters taken from a large design space, based on an evaluation using specified criteria. The design parameters specify a particular design, and so they relate to member sizes, structural configuration, etc. The evaluation of the design uses performance parameters which may include structural response parameters, risks due to uncertain loads and modeling errors, construction and operating costs, etc. Preference functions are used to implement the design criteria in a "soft" form. These preference functions give a measure of the degree of satisfaction of each design criterion. The overall evaluation measure for a design is built up from the individual measures for each criterion through a preference combination rule. The goal of the optimal design process is to obtain a design that has the highest overall evaluation measure - an optimization problem.
Genetic algorithms are stochastic optimization methods that are based on evolutionary theory. They provide the exploration power necessary to explore high-dimensional search spaces to seek these optimal solutions. Two special genetic algorithms, hGA and vGA, are presented here for continuous and discrete optimization problems, respectively.
The methodology is demonstrated with several examples involving the design of truss and frame systems. These examples are solved by using the proposed hGA and vGA.
This report is a product of close industry-academia collaboration between British Aerospace and the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre (EDC). British Aerospace designs and integrates some of the most complex systems in the world, and its expertise in this field has enabled the company to become the United Kingdom's largest exporter. However, to stay at the forefront of the highly competitive aerospace industry it is necessary to seek new ways to work more effectively and more efficiently. The Cambridge EDC has played a part in supporting these needs by providing access to the methods and tools that it has developed for improving the process of designing mechanical systems. The EDC has gained an international reputation for the quality of its work in this subject. Thus, the collaboration is between two organisations each of whom are leaders in their respective fields. The central aim of the project has been to demonstrate how a systematic design process can be applied to a real design task identified by industry. The task selected was the design of a flight refuelling probe which would enable a combat aircraft to refuel from a "flying tanker". However, the systematic approach, methods and tools described in this report are applicable to most engineering design tasks. The findings presented in this report provide a sound basis for comparing the recommended systematic design process with industrial practice. The results of this comparison would enable the company to define ways in which its existing design process can be improved. This research project has a high degree of industrial relevance. The value of the work may be judged in terms of the opportunities it opens up for positive changes to the company's engineering operations. Several members of the EDC have contributed to the project. These include Dr Lucienne Blessing, Dr Stuart Burgess, Dr Amaresh Chakrabarti, Major Mark Nowack, Aylmer Johnson and Dr Paul Weaver. At British Aerospace special thanks must go to Alan Dean and David Halliday for their interest and the support they have given. The project has been managed by Dr Nigel Upton of British Aerospace during a 3 year secondment to the EDC.
[EU]Lan honetan hutsetik hasita skate motorizatu baten diseinu bat egin da, Industria Teknologian Ingeniaritzako Graduan eskuratutako jakintzak erabiliz. Skatea gazteengan oso erabilia den garraiobide bat da aisia dela-eta, eta sinpletasuna eta ekonomia kontuan hartuta, aisia eta ingurugiroarekiko konpromisoa nahasten dira diseinu honekin. Lanak bide argi bat dauka: hasieran merkatuaren egoera aztertzen da, gero diseinu posible batzuk proposatu ahal izateko, eta hortik aukera bat jorratu ahal izateko. Hortaz, prozesua hasieratik hasita, egitura hau izango du lanak: Hasteko, skate motorizatuen merkatuko egoera zein den aztertzen da, ondoren eta helburuak zeintzuk diren kontutan izanda, diseinu posible batzuk proposatu ahal izateko, alternatiben analisien atalean ageri direnak. Proposamen horiek aztertu egiten dira, alde on eta txarrak desberdinduz eta horietako soluzio bat aukeratuz. Aukeratutako diseinuaren CAD modelo bat eraikitzen da, ondoren egoera fisikoa matematikoki modelizatzeko eta beharrezko kalkuluak egin ahal izateko, metodologia atalean eta eranskinetan ageri direnak, hala nola, azelerazio jakin bat lortzeko behar den potentzia, transmisioan beharrezkoak diren kalkuluak kokatu beharreko elementuak zeintzuk diren erabaki ahal izateko, etab. Bide honetan, jorraturiko diseinuaz gain beste diseinu optimizatu eta konplexuago bat proposatzen da, ikerketa bidea zabalik duena, enpresa mundura gehiago zuzendua. Azkenik, lana burutzeko bete behar izan diren ataza bakoitzaren deskribapena eta iraupena, aurrekontua eta gastu aitorpena, arriskuen analisia eta proiektu honetatik atera ditugun ondorioak ematen dira.
ES]El Trabajo Fin de Grado que se presenta a continuación tiene como objetivo principal el diseño de una unión flexible que formará parte de las patas de un robot de cinemática paralela. Por la propia arquitectura de estos mecanismos, y para dotar a la plataforma de movimientos precisos, esta unión, ubicada en la parte superior de las patas, debe deformarse al ser sometida a esfuerzos de flexión y torsión. Se realiza un adecuado diseño que maximice las deformaciones de dicha unión a la par que se garantiza una adecuada duración de la misma para la aplicación requerida. A su vez, se comprueba que las tensiones a las que se verá sometida no superan el límite de fluencia del material elegido. Todo ello se realiza de forma computacional mediante el método de los elementos finitos.
Gas turbine compression systems are required to perform adequately over a range of operating conditions. Complexity has encouraged the conventional design process for compressors to focus initially on one operating point, usually the most commonor arduous, to draw up an outline design. Generally, only as this initial design is refined is its offdesign performance assessed in detail. Not only does this necessarily introduce a potentially costly and timeconsuming extra loop in the design process, but it also may result in a design whose offdesign behavior is suboptimal. Aversion of nonintrusive polynomial chaos was previously developed in which a set of orthonormal polynomials was generated to facilitate a rapid analysis of robustness in the presence of generic uncertainties with good accuracy. In this paper, this analysis method is incorporated in real time into the design process for the compression system of a three-shaft gas turbine aeroengine. This approach to robust optimization is shown to lead to designs that exhibit consistently improved system performance with reduced sensitivity to offdesign operation.
A relação causal entre métodos de projeto e a usabilidade de produtos de comunicação e informação foi o tema desse estudo que buscou identificar o estado da arte sobre um processo de projeto que resulte em mais usabilidade na web. A partir dessa identificação, avaliou-se as melhorias que poderiam ser adotadas nos processos de desenvolvimento de interfaces utilizados por uma equipe específica da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (CTIC - Fiocruz). Entendeu-se que um método de projeto deve estar atualizado em relação aos conhecimentos de áreas como a Ergonomia, a Interação Humano-computador e o Design de Interação. Para isso, adotou-se a hipótese de que o processo de projeto deve combinar três aspectos: a) um significativo envolvimento do usuário ao longo do processo; b) o uso de sucessivas iterações para configurar o produto e c) uma combinação mínima de técnicas relacionadas a objetivos específicos de cada fase de uma abordagem de Design Centrado no Usuário. Para contribuir com o desenvolvimento de métodos e técnicas que melhorem a usabilidade, descreveu-se as características dos métodos registrados na literatura e praticados por profissionais externos à Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz). A partir dessas informações, o estudo direcionou-se para o segundo objetivo específico: identificar melhorias nos métodos e técnicas aplicáveis no caso do CTIC Fiocruz. Através da combinação da revisão de literatura e da pesquisa de campo foram produzidas informações sobre tipos de fluxo dos métodos, tipos de envolvimento dos usuários, quantidade e gravidade de problemas de usabilidade observadas pelos profissionais e a validade de base geral de método para diferentes produtos. A primeira rodada de entrevista foi realizada para melhor entender o contexto da hipótese e a relação entre suas variáveis. A segunda rodada identificou as características do processo de projeto utilizado no CTIC. A partir dessas informações, aplicou-se duas técnicas com profissionais externos. Um questionário on-line foi utilizado para levantar informações bem específicas, em sua maioria de características quantitativas. A última técnica aplicada foi um card sorting on-line que apresentou um caso de projeto em que os profissionais indicaram quais técnicas seriam utilizadas diante de dois cenários diferentes: um mais favorável e outro restritivo. A análise demonstrou que a maioria dos profissionais acredita que os problemas de usabilidade são consequência da falta de determinadas abordagens e técnicas. Por isso, esses profissionais combinam fluxos iterativos com um significativo envolvimento do usuário no processo. Foram sugeridas melhorias para o método utilizado no CTIC sintetizadas através de um processo de Design Centrado no Usuário como ponto de partida que aplica o conceito tradicional de usabilidade (performance). Assim que possível, esse processo deve ser aperfeiçoado ao incluir o conceito de experiência do usuário que considera também os aspectos emocionais e hedonômicos na interação.
The development of an expert system, BRIDEX, for the design of prestressed concrete bridges is discussed in this paper. Design of multi-span continuous pre-stressed concrete bridges pose considerable difficulties to designers because of the large number of parameters involved and their complex interactions. The design is often perceived as an iterative process of generation, evaluation and modification of trial designs. It takes years of experience to develop an understanding of the design process. BRIDEX is aimed at providing guidance to the designers by suggesting appropriate range of values for the design parameters. The knowledge within BRIDEX is mainly based on fundamental principles developed by a careful study of the intricacies involved in the design process, while heuristics are used only to supplement this knowledge. The BRIDEX approach ensures that the whole design evolves sequentially as the design proceeds, module after module.
An analytical expression is proposed to estimate the wave drag of an aerofoil equipped with shock control. The analysis extends the conventional approach for a single normal shock wave, based on the knowledge that all types of successful shock control on transonic aerofoils cause bifurcated λ-shock structures. The influence of surface curvature on the λ-shock structure has been taken into account. The extended method has been found to produce fairly good agreement with the results obtained by CFD methods while requiring negligible computational effort. This new formulation is expected to be beneficial in the industrial design process of transonic aerofoils and wings where a large number of computational simulations have to be performed.
For increasing the usability of a medical device the usability engineering standards IEC 60601-1-6 and IEC 62366 suggest incorporating user information in the design and development process. However, practice shows that integrating user information and the related investigation of users, called user research, is difficult in the field of medical devices. In particular, identifying the most appropriate user research methods is a difficult process. This difficulty results from the complexity of the medical device industry, especially with respect to regulations and standards, the characteristics of this market and the broad range of potential user research methods available from various research disciplines. Against this background, this study aimed at guiding designers and engineers in selecting effective user research methods according to their stage in the design process. Two approaches are described which reduce the complexity of method selection by summarizing the high number of methods into homogenous method classes. These approaches are closely connected to the medical device industry characteristic design phases and therefore provide the possibility of selecting design-phase- specific user research methods. In the first approach potential user research methods are classified after their characteristics in the design process. The second approach suggests a method summarization according to their similarity in the data collection techniques and provides an additional linkage to design phase characteristics. Both approaches have been tested in practice and the results show that both approaches facilitate user research method selection. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.
Turbomachinery flows are inherently unsteady. Until now during the design process, unsteadiness has been neglected, with resort merely to steady numerical simulations. Despite the assumption involved, the results obtained with steady simulations have been used with success. One of the questions arising in recent years is can unsteady simulations be used to improve the design of turbomachines? In this work the numerical simulation of a multi-stage axial compressor is carried out. Comparison of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) calculation shows that the unsteadiness affects pressure losses and the prediction of stall limit. The unsteady inflow due to the wake passing mainly modifies the losses and whirl angle near the endwalls. The computational cost of the fully unsteady compared with a steady simulation is about four times in terms of mesh dimension and two orders of magnitude as number of iterations. A mixed RANS-URANS solution has been proposed to give the designer the possibility to simulate an unsteady stage embedded in a steady-state simulation. This method has been applied to the simulation of a four-stage axial compressor rig. The mixed RANS-URANS approach has been developed using sliding and mixing planes as interface conditions. The rotor-stator interaction has been captured physically while reducing the computational time and mesh size.
The product design development has increasingly become a collaborative process. Conflicts often appear in the design process due to multi-actors interactions. Therefore, a critical element of collaborative design would be conflict situations resolution. In this paper, a methodology, based on a process model, is proposed to support conflict management. This methodology deals mainly with the conflict resolution team identification and the solution impact evaluation issues. The proposed process model allows the design process traceability and the data dependencies network identification; which making it be possible to identify the conflict resolution actors as well as to evaluate the selected solution impact. Copyright © 2006 IFAC.
Design work involves uncertainty that arises from, and influences, the progressive development of solutions. This paper analyses the influences of evolving uncertainty levels on the design process. We focus on uncertainties associated with choosing the values of design parameters, and do not consider in detail the issues that arise when parameters must first be identified. Aspects of uncertainty and its evolution are discussed, and a new task-based model is introduced to describe process behaviour in terms of changing uncertainty levels. The model is applied to study two process configuration problems based on aircraft wing design: one using an analytical solution and one using Monte-Carlo simulation. The applications show that modelling uncertainty levels during design can help assess management policies, such as how many concepts should be considered during design and to what level of accuracy. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
Engineering companies face many challenges today such as increased competition, higher expectations from consumers and decreasing product lifecycle times. This means that product development times must be reduced to meet these challenges. Concurrent engineering, reuse of engineering knowledge and the use of advanced methods and tools are among the ways of reducing product development times. Concurrent engineering is crucial in making sure that the products are designed with all issues considered simultaneously. The reuse of engineering knowledge allows existing solutions to be reused. It can also help to avoid the mistakes made in previous designs. Computer-based tools are used to store information, automate tasks, distribute work, perform simulation and so forth. This research concerns the evaluation of tools that can be used to support the design process. These tools are evaluated in terms of the capture of information generated during the design process. This information is vital to allow the reuse of knowledge. Present CAD systems store only information on the final definition of the product such as geometry, materials and manufacturing processes. Product Data Management (PDM) systems can manage all this CAD information along with other product related information. The research includes the evaluation of two PDM systems, Windchill and Metaphase, using the design of a single-handed water tap as a case study. The two PDMs were then compared to PROSUS/DDM. PROSUS is the Process-Based Support System proposed by [Blessing 94] using the same case study. The Design Data Model is the product data model that includes PROSUS. The results look promising. PROSUS/DDM is able to capture most design information and structure and present it logically. The design process and product information is related and stored within the DDM structure. The PDMs can capture most design information, but information from early stages of design is stored only as unstructured documentation. Some problems were found with PROSUS/DDM. A proposal is made that may make it possible to resolve these problems, but this will require further research.