1000 resultados para Phleomycin Resistance


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Resistance to cypermethrin of different Aedes aegypti Brazilian populations, collected at two successive periods (2001 and 2002/2003), was monitored using the insecticide-coated bottles bioassay. Slight modifications were included in the method to discriminate between mortality and the knock down effect. Although this pyrethroid was recently started to be used in the country to control the dengue vector, a decrease in susceptibility was noted between both periods analyzed, particularly in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The results indicate that resistance is due at least in part to a target site alteration.


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A study was made to observe the association between the resistance to reinfection induced by irradiated metacercariae (MC) of Clonorchis sinensis and antigen specific Th1- and Th2-type cytokine productions in rats. Rats were infected with 20 MC of C. sinensis, previously exposed to a single dose of gamma irradiation, which varied from 0 to 100 Gy. All of them, single dose of 12 Gy showed higher IgG antibody titer with lowest worm recovery. Thus, 50 MC were used to challenge infection in rats previously infected with 20 MC irradiated at 12 Gy and the highest resistance to challenge infection was observed. The results of lymphocyte proliferation with specific antigen, ES Ag were shown no difference of proliferative responses as compared with primary and challenge infection at 12 Gy irradiation dose. In the case of cytokines production were observed that interferon (IFN-gamma) and interlukin (IL-2) were significantly enhanced, while IL-4 and IL-10 was almost unchanged to make comparison between primary and secondary infection at 12 Gy irradiation dose. In conclusion, the single dose of 12 Gy could be adopted for induction of the highest resistance to challenge infection. Up-regulation of Th1 type cytokines, IFN-gamma and IL-2 may be affected to develop vaccine by irradiated MC.


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The role of intracellular free polyamine (putrescine and spermidine) pools in multiple resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics was investigated among in vitro selected kanamycin-resistant Escherichia coli J53 mutants expressing diminished oligopeptide-binding protein (OppA) levels and/or defective ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity. The results suggest that diminished OppA content, but not defective ODC activity expression, increased the relative concentration of free spermidine as compared to the wild type strain. Moreover, by adding exogenous polyamines or polyamine synthesis inhibitors to cultures with different mutant strains, a direct relationship between the intracellular OppA levels and resistance to kanamycin was revealed. Collectively these results further suggest a complex relation among OppA expression, aminoglycoside resistance and polyamine metabolism.


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In Brazil, surveillance studies on antiretroviral drug resistance among drug-naïve and treatment-experienced patients have focused primarily on patients living in large urban centers. As the epidemic spreads towards small municipalities and the innermost parts of the country, it will be essential to monitor the prevalence of antiretroviral drug resistance in these areas. We report the first survey on the prevalence of antiretroviral drug resistance in a small Brazilian municipality. Between July 1999 and March 2005, 72 adult human immunodeficiency virus type-1(HIV-1)-infected patients received care at the Municipal HIV/AIDS Program of the small, southeastern municipality of Miracema, state of Rio de Janeiro. A genotyping study of antiretroviral drug resistance was performed in 54 patients. Among 27 samples from treatment-experienced patients, 9 (33.3%) harbored strains with reduced drug susceptibility. Among these, 6 had reduced susceptibility to reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors and 3 to both RT and protease inhibitors. No primary antiretroviral drug resistance was recorded among 27 drug-naïve subjects. The relatively low prevalence of resistance mutations in the Miracema cohort argues against the concern that resource-poor settings should not implement widespread accessibility to standard of care antiretroviral combinations due to the possibility of sub-optimal adherence leading to the emergence and spread of drug-resistant strains.


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A total of 221 strains of Aeromonas species isolated in Mexico from clinical (161), environmental (40), and food (20) samples were identified using the automated system bioMérieux-Vitek®. Antisera for serogroups O1 to 044 were tested using the Shimada and Sakazaki scheme. The K1 antigen was examined using as antiserum the O7:K1C of Escherichia coli. Besides, we studied the antimicrobial patterns according to Vitek AutoMicrobic system. Among the 161 clinical strains 60% were identified as A. hydrophila, 20.4% as A. caviae, and 19.25% as A. veronii biovar sobria. Only A. hydrophila and A. veronii biovar sobria were found in food (55 and 90% respectively) and environmental sources (45 and 10% respectively). Using "O" antisera, only 42.5% (94/221) of the strains were serologically identified, 55% (121/221) were non-typable, and 2.5% (6/221) were rough strains. Twenty-two different serogroups were found, O14, O16, O19, O22, and O34 represented 60% of the serotyped strains. More than 50% of Aeromonas strain examined (112/221) expressed K1 encapsulating antigen; this characteristic was predominant among Aeromonas strains of clinical origin. Resistance to ampicillin/sulbactam and cephazolin was detected in 100 and 67% of Aeromonas strain tested for their susceptibility to antibiotics. In conclusion, antibiotic-resistant Aeromonas species that possess the K1 encapsulating antigen and represent serogroups associated with clinical syndrome in man are not uncommon among Aeromonas strains isolated from clinical, food and environmental sources in Mexico.


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A total of 296 Shigella spp. were received from State Public Health Laboratories, during the period from 1999 to 2004, by National Reference Laboratory for Cholera and Enteric Diseases (NRLCED) - IOC/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The frequency of Shigella spp. was: S. flexneri (52.7%), S. sonnei (44.2%), S. boydii (2.3%), and S. dysenteriae (0.6%). The most frequent S. flexneri serovars were 2a and 1b. The highest incidence rates of Shigella isolation were observed in the Southeast (39%) and Northeast (34%) regions and the lowest rate in the South (3%) of Brazil. Strains were further analyzed for antimicrobial susceptibility by disk diffusion method as part of a surveillance program on antimicrobial resistance. The highest rates of antimicrobial resistance were to trimethoprim-sulfamethozaxole (90%), tetracycline (88%), ampicillin (56%), and chloramphenicol (35%). The patterns of antimicrobial resistance among Shigella isolates pose a major difficulty in the determination of an appropriate drug for shigellosis treatment. Continuous monitoring of antimicrobial susceptibilities of Shigella spp. through a surveillance system is thus essential for effective therapy and control measures against shigellosis.


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are an important cause of nosocomial bacteremia, specially in patients with indwelling devices or those submitted to invasive medical procedures. The identification of species and the accurate and rapid detection of methicillin resistance are directly dependent on the quality of the identification and susceptibility tests used, either manual or automated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of two automated systems MicroScan and Vitek - in the identification of CoNS species and determination of susceptibility to methicillin, considering as gold standard the biochemical tests and the characterization of the mecA gene by polymerase chain reaction, respectively. MicroScan presented better results in the identification of CoNS species (accuracy of 96.8 vs 78.8%, respectively); isolates from the following species had no precise identification: Staphylococcus haemolyticus, S. simulans, and S. capitis. Both systems were similar in the characterization of methicillin resistance. The higher discrepancies for gene mec detection were observed among species other than S. epidermidis (S. hominis, S. saprophyticus, S. sciuri, S. haemolyticus, S. warneri, S. cohnii), and those with borderline MICs.


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La cuticule des plantes, composée de cutine, un polyester lipidique complexe et de cires cuticulaires, couvre l'épiderme de la plupart des parties aériennes des plantes. Elle est constituée d'une barrière hydrophobique primaire qui minimise les pertes en eau et en soluté et protège l'organisme de différents stress environnementaux tels que les rayons UV, la dessiccation et l'infection par des pathogènes. Elle est aussi impliquée dans la délimitation des organes durant le développement. La cutine est un polyester qui, dans la plupart des espèces végétales, est principalement composé d'acides gras ω-hydroxylés composé de 16 à 18 carbones. Cependant, la cutine des feuilles d'Arabidopsis a une composition différente et est principalement constituée d'acides dicarboxyliques à 16-18 carbones. Les cires sont présentes dans le polyester de la cutine ou le recouvrent. Chez Arabidopsis, un nombre de mutants, tel que 1er, bdg, hth, att1, wbc11, et des plantes transgéniques avec différents changement dans la structure de la cuticule dans les feuilles et la tige, ont récemment été décrits et servent d'outils pour étudier la relation entre la structure et la fonction de la cuticule.7 mutants d'Arabidopsis ont été isolés par une méthode de coloration qui permet de détecter une augmentation dans la perméabilité cuticulaire. Ces mutants ont été appelés pec pour permeable cuticle.Pour la première partie de mon projet, j'ai principalement travaillé avec pec9/bre1 (permeable cuticle 9/botrytis resistance 1). PEC9/BRE1 a été identifié comme étant LACS2 (LONG CHAIN ACYL-CoA SYNTHETASE 2). Dans ce mutant, la cuticule n'est pas visible sous microscopie électronique et la quantité en acides gras omega- hydroxylés et en leurs dérivés est fortement réduite. Ces altérations conduisent à une plus grande perméabilité de la cuticule qui est mise en évidence par une plus grande sensibilité à la sécheresse et aux xénobiotiques et une coloration plus rapide par bleu de toluidine. Le mutant Iacs2 démontre aussi une grande capacité de résistance à l'infection du champignon nécrotrophique B. cinerea. Cette résistance est due à l'extrusion sur les feuilles d'un composé antifongique durant l'infection. Ce travail a été publié dans EMBO journal (Bessire et al., 2007, EMBO Journal).Mon second projet était principalement concentré sur pec1, un autre mutant isolé par le premier crible. La caractérisation de pec1 a révélé des phénotypes similaires à ceux de Iacs2, mais à chaque fois dans des proportions moindres : sensibilité accrue à la sécheresse et aux herbicides, plus grande perméabilité au bleu de toluidine et au calcofluor white, altération de la structure cuticulaire et résistance à B. cinerea à travers la même activité antifongique. PEC1 a été identifié comme étant AtPDR4. Ce gène code pour un transporteur ABC de la famille PDR ("Pleiotropic Drugs Resistance") qui sont des transporteurs ayants un large spectre de substrats. Le mutant se différencie de Iacs2, en cela que la composition en acides gras de la cuticule n'est pas autant altérée. C'est principalement le dihydroxypalmitate des fleurs dont la quantité est réduite. L'expression du gène marqué avec une GFP sous le contrôle du promoteur endogène a permis de localiser le transporteur au niveau de la membrane plasmique des cellules de l'épiderme, de manière polaire. En effet, la protéine est principalement dirigée vers l'extérieure de la plante, là où se trouve la cuticule, suggérant une implication d'AtPDR4 dans le transport de composants de la cuticule. Ce travail est actuellement soumis à Plant Cell.Une étude phylogénétique a aussi montré qu'AtPDR4 était très proche d'OsPDR6 du riz. Le mutant du riz a d'ailleurs montré des phénotypes de nanisme et de perméabilité similaire au mutant chez Arabidopsis.AbstractThe cuticle, consisting principally of cutin and cuticular waxes, is a hydrophobic layer of lipidic nature, which covers all aerial parts of plants and protects them from different abiotic and biotic stresses. Recently, the research in this area has given us a better understanding of the structure and the formation of the cuticle. The Arabidopsis mutants permeable cuticle 1 (peel) and botrytis resistance 1 (brel) were identified in two screens to identify permeable cuticles. The screens used the fluorescent dye calcofluor to measure permeability and also resistance to the fungal pathogen Botrytis. These mutants have highly permeable cuticle characteristics such as higher water loss, intake of chemicals through the cuticle, higher resistance to Botrytis cinerea infection, and organ fusion.BRE1 was cloned and found to be LACS2, a gene previously identified which is important in the formation and biosynthetic pathway of the cuticle. In brel, the amount of the major component of cutin in Arabidopsis leaves and stems, dicarboxylic acids, is five times lower than in the wild type. Moreover, the permeability of the cuticle allows the release of antifungal compounds at the leaf surface that inhibits the growth of two necrotrophic fungi: Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.PEC1 was identified as AtPDR4, a gene that codes for a plasma membrane transporter of the Pleiotropic Drug Resistance family, a sub-family of the ABC- transporters. AtPDR4 is strongly expressed in the epidermis of expanding tissues. In the epidermis it is located in a polar manner on the external plasma membrane, facing the cuticle. Analysis of the monomer composition of the cutin reveals that in this mutant the amount of hydroxy-acids and dihydroxy-palmitate is 2-3 times lower in flowers, in which organ these cutin monomers are the major components. Thus AtPDR4 is thought to function as a putative cutin monomer transporter.


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There are wide variations in the threshold used to define in vitro resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to amodiaquine (AQ), probably due to differences in methodology and interpretation. In vitro susceptibility data of Colombian P. falciparum strains to AQ and N-desethylamodiaquine is used to illustrate the need to standardized methodologies and compare inhibitory concentrations, instead of resistant/susceptible phenotypes, when studying the mechanisms of resistance to AQ and monitoring drug susceptibility trends in the field.


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Mutations in the rpoB locus confer conformational changes leading to defective binding of rifampin (RIF) to rpoB and consequently resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) was established as a rapid screening test for the detection of mutations in the rpoB gene, and direct sequencing has been unambiguously applied to characterize mutations. A total of 37 of Iranian isolates of M. tuberculosis, 16 sensitive and 21 resistant to RIF, were used in this study. A 193-bp region of the rpoB gene was amplified and PCR-SSCP patterns were determined by electrophoresis in 10% acrylamide gel and silver staining. Also, 21 samples of 193-bp rpoB amplicons with different PCR-SSCP patterns from RIFr and 10 from RIFs were sequenced. Seven distinguishable PCR-SSCP patterns were recognized in the 21 Iranian RIFr strains, while 15 out of 16 RIFs isolates demonstrated PCR-SSCP banding patterns similar to that of sensitive standard strain H37Rv. However one of the sensitive isolates demonstrated a different pattern. There were seen six different mutations in the amplified region of rpoB gene: codon 516(GAC/GTC), 523(GGG/GGT), 526(CAC/TAC), 531(TCG/TTG), 511(CTG/TTG), and 512(AGC/TCG). This study demonstrated the high specificity (93.8%) and sensitivity (95.2%) of PCR-SSCP method for detection of mutation in rpoB gene; 85.7% of RIFr strains showed a single mutation and 14.3% had no mutations. Three strains showed mutations caused polymorphism. Our data support the common notion that rifampin resistance genotypes are generally present mutations in codons 531 and 526, most frequently found in M. tuberculosis populations regardless of geographic origin.


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Emerging resistance phenotypes and antimicrobial resistance rates among pathogens recovered from community-acquired urinary tract infections (CA-UTI) is an increasing problem in specific regions, limiting therapeutic options. As part of the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program, a total of 611 isolates were collected in 2003 from patients with CA-UTI presenting at Latin American medical centers. Each strain was tested in a central laboratory using Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) broth microdilution methods with appropriate controls. Escherichia coli was the leading pathogen (66%), followed by Klebsiella spp. (7%), Proteus mirabilis (6.4%), Enterococcus spp. (5.6%), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4.6%). Surprisingly high resistance rates were recorded for E. coli against first-line orally administered agents for CA-UTI, such as ampicillin (53.6%), TMP/SMX (40.4%), ciprofloxacin (21.6%), and gatifloxacin (17.1%). Decreased susceptibility rates to TMP/SMX and ciprofloxacin were also documented for Klebsiella spp. (79.1 and 81.4%, respectively), and P. mirabilis (71.8 and 84.6%, respectively). For Enterococcus spp., susceptibility rates to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, and vancomycin were 88.2, 85.3, 55.9, and 97.1%, respectively. High-level resistance to gentamicin was detected in 24% of Enterococcus spp. Bacteria isolated from patients with CA-UTI in Latin America showed limited susceptibility to orally administered antimicrobials, especially for TMP/SMX and fluoroquinolones. Our results highlight the need for developing specific CA-UTI guidelines in geographic regions where elevated resistance to new and old compounds may influence prescribing decisions.


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To assess the prevalence of primary resistance of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to antiretrovirals, 84 patients chronically infected with HIV without prior antiretroviral treatment from Northeast Brazil were studied. Genotyping was performed using the ViroSeqTM Genotyping System. Thimidine analog mutations occurred in 3 (3.6%) patients. Accessory mutations related to NRTI occurred in 6 (7.1%) and related to PI in 67 (79.8%). Subtypes B (72.6%), F (22.6%), B/F 3 (3.6%), and C (1.2%) were detected. A low prevalence of major mutations related to NRTI in patients chronically infected by HIV was observed.


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In schistosomiasis, the host/parasite interaction remains not completely understood. Many questions related to the susceptibility of snails to infection by respective trematode still remain unanswered. The control of schistosomiasis requires a good understanding of the host/parasite association. In this work, the susceptibility/resistance to Schistosoma mansoni infection within Biomphalaria alexandrina snails were studied starting one month post infection and continuing thereafter weekly up to 10 weeks after miracidia exposure. Genetic variations between susceptible and resistant strains to Schistosoma infection within B. alexandrina snails using random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis technique were also carried out. The results showed that 39.8% of the examined field snails were resistant, while 60.2% of these snails showed high infection rates.In the resistant genotype snails, OPA-02 primer produced a major low molecular weight marker 430 bp. Among the two snail strains there were interpopulational variations, while the individual specimens from the same snail strain, either susceptible or resistant, record semi-identical genetic bands. Also, the resistant character was ascendant in contrast to a decline in the susceptibility of snails from one generation to the next.


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The MRSA-Screen test (Denka Seiken Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), consisting of a slide latex agglutination kit that detects PBP 2a with a monoclonal antibody, was blindly compared to the oxacillin disk diffusion test, the oxacillin-salt agar screen, and PCR of the mecA gene for the detection of methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. A total of 120 methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) and 80 methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates, defined by the absence or presence of the mecA gene, respectively, were tested. The MRSA-Screen test, the oxacillin disk diffusion test, and the oxacillin-salt agar screening test showed sensitivities of 100, 61.3, and 82.5% and specificities of 99.2, 96.7, and 98.3%, respectively. We conclude that the MRSA-Screen is a very accurate, reliable, and fast test (15 min) for differentiation of MRSA from MSSA colonies on agar plates.


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Subclinical or asymptomatic infection is documented in individuals living in endemic areas for leishmaniasis suggesting that the development of an appropriate immune response can control parasite replication and maintain tissue integrity. A low morbidity indicates that intrinsic factors could favor resistance to Leishmania infection. Herein, leishmanial T-cell responses induced in subjects with low susceptibility to leishmaniasis as asymptomatic subjects were compared to those observed in cured cutaneous leishmaniasis (CCL) patients, who controlled the disease after antimonial therapy. All of them have shown maintenance of specific long-term immune responses characterized by expansion of higher proportions of CD4+ as compared to CD8+ Leishmania reactive T-lymphocytes. Asymptomatic subjects had lower indexes of in vitro Leishmania induced lymphoproliferative responses and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production in comparison to CCL patients. On the other hand, interleukin (IL-10) production was much higher in asymptomatics than in CCL, while no differences in IL-5 levels were found. In conclusion, long lived T-cell responses achieved by asymptomatic individuals differed from those who had developed symptomatic leishmaniasis in terms of intensity of lymphocyte activation (proliferation or IFN-gamma) and regulatory mechanisms (IL-10). The absence of the disease in asymptomatics could be explained by their intrinsic ability to create a balance between immunoregulatory (IL-10) and effector cytokines (IFN-gamma), leading to parasite destruction without producing skin tissue damage. The establishment of profiles of cell-mediated immune responses associated with resistance against Leishmania infection is likely to make new inroads into understanding the long-lived immune protection against the disease.